Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 331

[Episode 106: The Hidden Power of the Imperial Family (1)]

King Gyeong was so excited by the sight of the two princes lying face down in an unsightly manner that he did not hide his emotions.

It seems that King Jin and King Yeong were very satisfied with the fact that they had completely neutralized everything they had prepared so far to the point where everything was in vain.

King Jin did the same, but King Yeong shouted as if he could not understand the situation.

“Are you sure that Abama gave you this girl?”

What does this mean?

I was wondering, but King Gyeong snorted and said.

“Does Your Majesty seem like that kind of person?”

“But how could that woman have such ridiculous martial arts skills...”


Before he could finish speaking, King Gyeong slapped King Yeong’s cheek with his palm.

King Gyeong said to him who looked dumbfounded.

“He is my favorite comforter. “I’m not the type of person to call you a girl or anything like that.”

“It’s just one girl…”

“Have you forgotten the fact that that girl destroyed everything for you and Brother Jinwang?”

- Wow!

King Yeong was so angry at King Gyeong’s words that he bit his lip so hard that it bled.

King Jin could only sigh repeatedly, perhaps because he had already given up.

Accepting that there is nothing you can do about the situation is the right choice.

“Do you think this is the end?”

King Gyeong laughed at King Yeong’s words and answered him.

“The imprisoned Bukjin warrior was taken out by Yeonsaeng. “By now, they should be suppressing the Jinui Committee under the Northern Jin Warriors.”

Before coming here, I had visited the Imperial Palace Geumok.

It was said that the Geumui Committee spread out in the outer and inner palaces would be organized by Bo Won-chan, the military commander of the northern region, and that the army of the Five Tigers would be advancing toward the imperial capital, so it could be said that it was King Gyeong who had actually secured the victory.

King Yeong, who was rolling his eyes here and there, spoke urgently to me.

“I apologize for calling you a bitch. Yeon Comforter.”

“I don’t mind.”

“Help me with my luggage. “If you help me, I will grant you anything you want.”

I guess I was in a hurry.

I saw him trying to appease me in front of King Gyeong.

Well, I understand that if I were the only one to placate him here, I would be robbing King Gyeong of his power.

He told me that King Yeong was right.

“How about this? I will make you my empress. If that happens, it will be the same as holding the power of this Great Yan Empire after Jim.”


At King Yeong’s suggestion, King Jin, who was next to him, snorted without realizing it.

I too was shocked.

Somehow, none of the three princes were any different.

Considering that I was a woman, I guess they thought the best appeasement would be to make me empress.

“Hahaha. “Stupid guy.”

King Gyeong sarcastically mocked King Yeong.


“Yeonsaeng...is not a woman that someone like you can covet.”

I was clearly trying to say that it was a man in front of me, but I changed my words.

Then, as if he was intentionally giving me medicine, he gently put his arm around my shoulder, pretending to be intimate with me.


King Yeong gritted his teeth, probably annoyed by that sight.

I guess I really wanted to make fun of him.

‘This isn't important.'

Anyway, I approached the place where King Yeong's subordinates fainted.

I was the one who looked into them before subduing them with the Jeongyo Hwanui-gyeong.

‘Is it among these?'

Those who were not officials of the inner palace were under the control of King Yeong.

These were the people wearing bamboo hats.

If Geumsangje or Noejang himself came forward, there was a high probability that they would be with King Yeong.


When I lightly waved my hand, their bamboo grains came off.


It was not Geumsangje or Noejang.

These are all five faces I am seeing for the first time.

I put my hand under my ear to see if he was wearing a bast mask, but there was no one there.


Looking at their clothes, it is clear that they are not government officials.

So who exactly is this?

I approached King Yeong and asked.

“Who are they?”


“Didn’t Your Highness bring it yourself?”

“Who are they? Why are they with luggage.....Ugh!”

King Yeong, who was looking at the people whose bamboo ribs I pointed to with his finger in confusion, furrowed his brows.

Then, he suddenly grabbed his head as if he had a headache.


“Why are you doing this?”

King Yeong's condition seemed to be more than just an ordinary headache.

Suddenly, I was breaking into a cold sweat and the veins on my forehead were turning black.


When I saw this, I said quietly to King Gyeong.

“It’s a phantom poison.”

This symptom was no different from Baekryeonhana or Seobok.

Symptoms of abnormal memory, poison spreading to the brain, and strong headaches were all the same.

King Gyeong asked back.

“Hwanma poison?”

“Anyone who has been poisoned by this poison will receive a hint and act according to the will of the poisoned person.”

“I heard there is such poison?”

“yes. “It is a poison that he himself manufactured.”


King Gyeong clicked his tongue in astonishment at my words.

Still, the people of the royal family thought he would not use this method because they were like descendants to him, but he boldly used illusion poison.

I told King Gyeong.

“The only hope that can detoxify the phantom poison is God’s will.”

“under! So, is he targeting God’s will in all things?”

“It’s not just that. “What would be the reason for using phantom poison on a prince who could be the next Crown Prince?”

There was no doubt that his intention was to control even the imperial family.

If King Yeong takes the crown prince's place, it would be half a success.


King Gyeong could not suppress his anger.

But now it seemed like there wasn't even room for that.

“I can’t see him. “I think they are gimmicky.”

“If you do that, you’ll have to hurry.”


“i get it. “It is said that the divine will of all things is guarding your Majesty’s side, so let’s hurry and enter Okhyeon Palace.”

There was a high probability that he had turned his gaze and entered the imperial palace, so he had to hurry.

“What are you trying to do?”

“I think you can sleep.”



I knocked out King Jin and King Yeong using point-pointing techniques.

“Get out of the way.”

-Okay! Wow!

However, King Gyeong cut off their heads without a moment of hesitation.

The two princes passed out and died without even knowing that they were dying.

“why? Do you think Jim is cruel?”

At King Gyeong’s question, I shook my head.

In any case, they too were aiming for King Gyeong's life, and if they spared the lives of those who held the next imperial power, they would end up leaving behind regrets.

“It’s better than seeing blood later.”

“Hehehe. As expected, Jim likes you. “I am willing to continue helping with luggage.....”

“Just do it in moderation and go.”

“Hmm. i get it.”

I headed to Okhyeon Palace with King Gyeong.

As we entered Okhyeon Palace, there was a large hallway that looked like a main street.

King Gyeong said, pointing to the end of the hallway.

“That place is Daejeon. After passing Daejeon, there is His Majesty’s office and room.”

“I don’t think you need to look far.”

“What did you mean by that?”

There is a lot of popularity in Daejeon.

Among them, there were those of ordinary people who had not learned martial arts, and it seemed highly likely that they were emperors or divine beings.

So we entered Daejeon.

The Daejeon, supported by large pillars, was large enough to accommodate thousands of people.

At the end of the main hall, there was a throne on a high platform, and there sat an old man with white hair and wearing a dragon robe.

‘Are you the author?'

The old man on that throne seems to be the emperor.

He is the bold man who permitted the bloody war between the princes.

Even though he had not learned martial arts, his dignity and force were unusual.

It seems that he is not called the emperor otherwise.

‘God of all things!'

Next to him was a familiar face.

It's been a while since I last saw him, and he looked quite haggard.

Looking at that, it looks like he was forcibly held captive.

God of all things was also looking at me, but of course I didn't recognize him because he looked like Yeonsaeng.

“Thank goodness it’s not too late. “Then, let’s start preparing for His Majesty.”

King Gyeong whispered softly to me and then bowed down towards the throne.

“Soja Gyeongwang Joo Yun-gyeong greets His Majesty the Emperor.”

Following him, I also bowed.

There was no need for me to open my mouth because there was a king of higher status than me.


Rather, we focused on the signs hidden in Daejeon.

There were people hiding their bodies and presence behind the pillars of the main hall, and they seem to be the eunuchs of Naehaengchang, who were responsible for the emperor's well-being.

The person hiding closest to the emperor's throne even climbed over the wall.

Perhaps that person is the best expert in the imperial palace.

At that time, the emperor's voice rang throughout the halls.

“Exceeding my expectations, Joo Yun-gyeong, you have entered Okhyeon Palace.”

“I am devastated.”

Now that I think about it, he said he would make the person who enters Okhyeon Palace the crown prince.

As a result, it was no different from taking the place of the crown prince.

Seeing King Gyeong's body trembling slightly, he seemed to be very excited.

But something completely unexpected came out of the emperor's mouth.

“But you did something that deviated from the rules set by Jim.”


King Gyeong seemed puzzled and asked a small question.

I, too, had no idea what the emperor was talking about.

“It’s funny how you act like a fool. “Both of you, lift your heads up.”

King Gyeong and I slowly raised our heads at the emperor's words.

But before I knew it, a bald old man holding a cane was standing next to the emperor.


It was the only one that didn't detect any presence.

If you see that the master who crossed the wall is still hiding next to the emperor, it is not him, so what is the identity of that old man?

I looked at the old man's face and felt strange.

This feeling was the same as when I was in front of Dohwaseon’s teachers.

Then the emperor spoke again.

“How did you do that?”

“your majesty. “I don’t know what you’re talking about now.”

The emperor, who was looking at King Gyeong with narrowed eyes, turned his head and spoke to the bald old man.

“That’s true, but what do you think, Biseon Noong?”

“Biseon Noong!”

An exclamation flowed from King Gyeong’s mouth at the word Biseon Noong.

Looking at his face, he seemed quite surprised to know the identity of the old man.

King Gyeong spoke to me in a whispering voice.

“He is the hidden power of the imperial palace that protects your Majesty.”

‘Is he the hidden power of the imperial palace?'

Does this mean that the old man called Biseon Noong is the one we have only heard about?

On the outside, he looks like an ordinary old man, but the fact that he doesn't feel any energy means that he has completely stored up his energy.

At that time, an old man called Biseon Noong looked at me and opened his mouth.

“Which of the nine is this?”


What does this mean?

I couldn't figure out what it meant among the nine.

-widely! widely!

Biseon Noong walked towards where King Gyeong and I were, holding his cane, and opened his mouth again.

“Didn’t you come from a place where peach trees were in full bloom?”


At that moment, I couldn't help but be surprised.

The slang term for a place where peach trees are in full bloom only means a fuse.

Who would have thought that a fuse would come out of the mouth of someone who is said to be the hidden power of the imperial palace.

I asked him in a serious voice.

“Who the hell are you?”

“Nobu asked first. Now that I have learned the Sailor Luck Technique, I am sure which one of the nine.....ahhh. Right. “It can’t be nine.”

Biseon Noong shook his head and spoke again.

“Which of the eight is this?”

.......Which of the eight is this?

Now I understand what he is saying.

I am asking which of the eight disciples who lead Dohwaseon are his disciples.

I could have answered simply, but a question arose.

Since I didn't know the identity of this old man, mentioning the fuse was too risky.

“We cannot carelessly answer questions from labor and management. First, so that I can find out if he is someone I can talk to.....”


At that time, Biseon Noong lashed out.

At the same time, a tremendous amount of wind pressure arose and rushed towards where King Gyeong and I were.


In response, I hurriedly launched the new model forward and stretched out the inspection paper.

-Paaaaaaa! Quack!

Intense wind pressure split the geomgyeolji and destroyed the pillars on both sides.

The area behind me was in a fan shape and was fine, but the area around it was a mess.

King Gyeong shouted in surprise at this sight.

“How come?”

“Shut your mouth!”

Biseon Noong urged without exerting any force this time.

Then he pointed his left hand at me and raised his voice.

“Dohwaseon made a pact with the imperial family a long time ago. Therefore, the Taoists cannot be involved in the affairs of the imperial family and government, so why did they help King Gyeong?”


This old man even knew about the dohwaseon and the imperial covenant.

I also heard that in the past, eight Daoists left this world because they made such an oath with the imperial family.

But wasn't that just a matter of leaving?

What exactly is this old man?

It doesn't seem to have anything to do with Geumsangje, and considering it is said to be the hidden power of the imperial family, it seems to have nothing to do with Jagyeongjeong. Who is it?

“Biseon Noong. “What on earth are you talking about?....”

“King Gyeong, I told you not to interfere.”

He even reprimands the prince.

When an old man named Biseon Noong showed off his energy, the whole place was filled with charm.

He said, aiming the head of his staff at me.

“If you have been taught by Dohwaseon, there is no way you would not know this covenant, and there would be no way you would break it carelessly. From now on, I will subdue you according to the oath.”


Biseon Noong's new type narrowed in front of me in an instant.

As he waved his left hand, King Gyeong's body behind me floated up and flew further back.


It seems like they are trying to subdue me while keeping him out of danger.

It's really embarrassing.

I urgently sent him a message.

[It is difficult to give an answer because we do not know whether labor and management are enemies of Fuse. If you reveal your identity first....]

“Are you saying that without knowing how a Taoist who breaks an oath is punished?”

Biseon Noong urged me and waved his cane.

I stretched out my steps backwards and sent an electric wave to the enormous congenital tremor mounted on my cane.

[I received teachings from Dohwaseon, but I have not registered as a Taoist monk, so I have nothing to do with the oath that you are talking about.] Even if I don't

know his identity, wouldn't it be okay to say this much?

However, Biseon Noong could not hide his anger at this sound and shouted.

“This guy is not a fuse master!”

“What on earth are you talking about?”

“What kind of true man teaches the Way to someone who has not entered the path? under! “I fell for your trick!”

-Papa papapak!

As soon as the shout ended, Biseon Noong's staff bent into dozens of branches as if it were alive, and tried to subdue me at once.

I knew it wasn't normal, but I didn't know it would be this bad.

If you don't do it right, you'll be in real trouble.

‘There's nothing I can do.'

Accordingly, I unfolded Hwayang Seon-kwon, filled with the hot energy of Yanggang, towards Biseon Noong.

Flames fluttered from the beginning of the wand, splitting into dozens of branches and colliding with the burrowing staff.

-Rarrrrrrrrrr! Papa pa pa paak!

As the two jeolcho collided, Biseon Noong frowned.

“Hwayang Seon-gwon?”

Surprisingly, he recognized Hwayang Seon-kwon.

So, I did not stop there, but this time I created a decoration that was embroidered like fog.

Then Biseon Noong’s eyes widened.

“Baked Manhwajang?”

This time, I looked into herbivory again.

So, would you be able to recognize this thing that doesn't have a window but is unfolded by hand?

I used a walking technique to avoid the bending motion with the cane, and immediately performed a snake-like alternating technique.


Then Biseon Noong widened the distance by five paces without stopping Chosik.

He was so surprised that he sent a message to me in a trembling voice.

[no? Even Geumchang Jin-gyeong? Who are you that you learned the talents of not one but three Jin-in?] As expected, it is

quicker to show than to say.

I sent a message to him who was shocked and embarrassed.

[Not just the three of you.]


[I received instruction from all eight of you.]


At those words, Biseon Noong made a truly absurd expression.

? Hanzhongwolya

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