Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 330

[Episode 105: Imperial Palace (4)]

“Yeonsaeng was counting on you.”

I couldn't help but laugh inside at King Gyeong's quick change in attitude.

Just a moment ago, I couldn't hide my nervousness, but now, when I found out that I could perform martial arts, my expression changed.

‘I'm glad.'

I don't know for what reason, but this thing, which created the phenomenon of my inner energy dispersing as if I had been poisoned by acid, did not even seem to be able to dissipate my vitality.

In fact, the prenatal energy of the mid-range battle was close to vitality, so if it were to disperse, it would be no different from death.

‘Even half would be enough.'

Although elemental union is impossible, I am at the level of overcoming the barrier of being a superhuman with just my innate energy.


With just one snap of a finger, the entire Geumwiwi was stunned, and Namjin warrior Donghyeon was at a loss as to what to do about the situation.

King Gyeong tried to approach him, so I held out my hand and stopped him.

“Why are you doing that?”

“He too can use martial arts.”

“Martial arts?”

Among the surrounding Geumwiwi, he was the only one who could use martial arts.

I was the one who sensed it from the beginning.

I don't know how he was able to use internal energy unlike me, who uses the Seoncheon Jingi, but that Namjin warrior was quite good at martial arts.

It has reached the pinnacle of excellence.

“Did you say Namjin Samurai? “How can I use martial arts?”

He responded to my question in a tone of absurdity.

“Guilsa... How can you use martial arts without permission from the royal seal?”

“Permission from the royal seal?”


When I asked him a question back, he kept his mouth shut, probably because he missed it, and then tried to run away.


“Yeonsaeng. “He’s running away!”

King Gyeong urgently shouted to me.

It is the right choice.

Since he couldn't see through my movements, he knew from the start that he couldn't be my opponent.

But is it possible to run away?



Immediately blocking my path, I kicked Namjin warrior Donghyeon's shin.

He tried to stop it by raising his leg, but his shin bone hit the top of my foot and was completely broken.



As if that wasn't enough, he hit me in the face with my elbow.



Namjin Musa's jaw turned to the side and he rolled around on the floor screaming.

Still, I thought I would be able to endure some pain because I was a member of the Geumuiwi, but it seems that wasn't the case.



I approached the guy who was rolling around with a broken leg and grabbed the blood sword.

When I looked at King Gyeong and told him that everything was okay now, he came closer.

Namjin warrior Donghyeon looked at King Gyeong with a resigned look, as if he had already painfully realized that running away was no good.

King Gyeong picked up a sword that had fallen on the floor, aimed the tip at the guy’s neck, and asked.

“What happened to the Northern Jin Musa?”

“......I placed him in a golden prison.”

“Geumok? “But you didn’t kill him?”

“If Your Majesty dies, the Northern Jin warriors will have no choice but to follow the orders of the new emperor.”

It was Namjin Samsa who answered obediently.

King Gyeong, who seemed uncomfortable with the man openly mentioning his death, thrust the tip of his sword into his neck and said,

“It must not have been Jinwang, but it was Yeongwang? Are you the Empress? “I made you do this.”


Hearing his words, Namjin Musa made a strange expression.

What on earth does that expression mean?

King Gyeong urged in a more serious voice.

“If you want to live, tell me.”

In response to his urging, Namjin Musa said something incomprehensible.

“You may have chosen His Highness, but do you think that all of the events taking place within the imperial palace have been accomplished solely through His will?”


King Gyeong’s expression hardened at his words.

I also noticed something strange in what Namjin Musa just said.

It was said that all the officials saw that the emperor appeared in good health in Daejeon.

If the emperor was so sane, there was no way that the Empress and King Yeong could have so openly killed other princes within the inner palace.

‘Normally, you would think that the emperor is not safe, but if you go by what Namjin warrior said...'

At that time, King Gyeong opened his mouth in a trembling voice.

“Could this situation have all happened under Your Majesty’s permission?”

King Gyeong seemed to hope this was a lie.

However, Namjin warrior Donghyeon did not deny his question and nodded.


* * *

Okhyeongung (玉現宮) is located in the middle of the inner palace.

There were no officials in Daejeon where political affairs were being discussed, perhaps because it was the middle of the night.

However, there was a being who filled this wide and empty Daejeon alone.

An old man with gray hair and wrinkles, but his eyes were filled with spirit and dignity, was sitting on a throne.

He was Zhou Geumbok, the emperor of the time.

Next to this chronic priest, a middle-aged man with a tall face was putting acupuncture needles on his head, and he was the divine doctor of all things.

Ju Geum-bok, a chronic doctor receiving acupuncture, opened his mouth.

“As expected, you are the best lawmaker recognized by even the Imperial Palace Chief. “Every time I get acupuncture, my energy seems to come back.”

In response to his words, the God of all things spoke.

“This is a temporary phenomenon.”

“It can be said to be a phenomenon of heliopolar reflection. “It is better than lying in bed, muttering loudly and covering your eyes and ears.”


The God of Mansa did not give any reply to the words of Ju Geum-bok, the chronic emperor.

Looking at his haggard face, it looks like he has been through a lot of hardships.

Ju Geum-bok, a chronic emperor, spoke to such a god of all things.

“It is enough to just hold out until my successor is decided. “I will allow you to leave the palace with your adopted daughter before he closes his eyes.”

“........I understand.”

The God of Everything answered in a voice mixed with sighing.

The reason he was tied up for so long was purely because of his adopted daughter.

Even if his adopted daughter, whom he had been hiding, had not been captured, there would have been no way in which he would have treated the emperor against his will.

As he was engrossed in acupuncture, someone's voice was heard in Ju Geum-bok's ears.

“I received word that King Gyeong has also entered the inner palace.”

At those words, the corner of Emperor Zhou Geumbok's mouth went up.

There was an old man walking in from one side of Daejeon with a cane.

He was a bald old man with no hair at all. In some ways, he looked like he was a hundred years old, and in other ways, he looked like he was a child.

“Then I guess all of my children came into my palace?”

Zhou Geumbok's voice, which had been dignified just a moment ago, was showing a bit of politeness.

What is the identity of this old man, to whom the emperor, a being of all world, gives such a favor?

The old man said as he walked closer to the throne.

“Hwangsang. “Do you really have to do this?”

“Are you feeling weak now? “Didn’t you, Biseon, decide to follow my wishes?”


Hearing the words of Ju Geum-bok, the chronic doctor, the old man let out a sigh and shook his head.

“How can a father create a situation for his children to harm each other?”

“This is what will happen when Jim dies anyway.”

The imperial family has been like that until now.

When the emperor of Tang Jin passed away, an internal war broke out to create a new emperor.

Historically, it was extremely rare for a prince appointed by an emperor to fully become emperor.

“Even so.....”

“They will kill all of my brothers to ascend to the throne anyway. “Jim has been like that too.”

Ju Geum-bok, the emperor of the Joseon Dynasty, also ascended to the throne in this way.

It was the price of a lot of blood.

“It would be better for us to decide on a succession among ourselves before we spill the blood of those below us to make them emperors.”


The emperor’s doctor was extremely stern.

In any case, the old man had no right to refuse or stop it.

This was nothing short of the fate of the imperial family.

It was then.

An eunuch from Naehaengchang came into Daejeon and announced.

“your majesty. “His Majesty King Jin and King Yeong have arrived outside the palace. They both ask to see you. What should we do?”

Hearing these words, Zhou Geum-bok, Emperor of Chungcheong, muttered.

“Is it as expected?”

To some extent, he had predicted this situation.

From the beginning, it was King Jin and King Yeong who almost controlled real power.

He was not given the throne for nothing.

‘I guess the kid is dead.'

In his heart, King Gyeong also thought that he would come to this place.

He knew that King Gyeong was acting like a fool and that he was gathering his strength.

Therefore, I thought that I might be able to cross the mountains called Jinwang and Yeongwang, but my expectations were different.

“your majesty?”

At the eunuch’s call, Emperor Zhou Geumbok opened his mouth.

“Go out and spread the word.”

* * *

Hundreds of people were standing in front of Okhyeon Palace.

On the left, there are about 300 eunuchs holding military flags, including the King of Jin and Admiral Dongchang, the head of the class he leads, as well as his concubine heads.

And on the right side, there were Yeongwang and some unknown people wearing bamboo robe, Gong Gong, the head of Seochang, and Tangdu, Seochang's concubine brother, about 300 eunuchs who knew martial arts and about 100 Geumwiwi.

There was tension in the air, so it would not be surprising if war broke out at any moment.

However, the reason for this confrontation was that Okhyeon Palace was the emperor's domain, so no one could make any moves.

‘You've prepared a lot so far.'

King Jin stuck out his tongue as he looked at King Yeong, who had secured more people than him.

He also gradually secured power within the inner palace, but if we look at the current situation, it could be said that King Yeong had the upper hand.

King Yeong spoke to Geumuiwi next to him.

“Both comrades.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“When can the rest of the Gold Council join?”

“The Geumui Committee led by Bo Won-chan, the commander of the Northern Jin Dynasty, is quite numerous, so it will take at least half an hour.”

“I guess there’s nothing we can do.”

“I apologize. majesty.”

“It’s okay. “The fact that this side has the advantage remains the same.”

Anyway, he had the advantage in numbers by about a hundred men.

If there is a battle, you will be the one who wins in the end.

If that happens, the throne will be...


At that time, the eunuch of Naehaengchang walked out of Okhyeon Palace.

The eunuchs of Naehangchang only stand by the emperor's side and act only under his orders.

The eunuch shouted loudly.

“I will convey His Majesty’s command.”

At the word Eomyeong, everyone, including King Yeong and King Jin, knelt down on one knee and showed respect.

After they had paid their respects, the eunuch delivered the command.

“Only one person can enter Okhyeon Palace. That person will be appointed crown prince.”


The eyes of everyone who was polite became sharper.

What this meant was clear.

The plan was to make the prince who entered Okhyeongung alive alive as his successor.

The corners of King Yeong’s mouth turned up in a frown.

‘The desired sea.'

In any case, he was far superior in terms of power.

In addition, he was confident of victory because there were three people who could perform martial arts, including himself, Comrade Yang, who was in charge of the former South Jin warrior in the Geumuiwi, and Gong Gong of Seochang.

As soon as the eunuch of Naehaengchang said that the commandment was over, both sides stood up and drew their weapons.

-visor! visor!

The front of Okhyeon Palace was on the verge of becoming a battlefield.

It was right then.

-Quit! Shut up!

Everyone's eyes turned to the road leading into Okhyeon Palace.

A carriage was coming there.

Everyone could not hide their surprise at the appearance of the carriage.

The carriage that approached the place where they were confronting each other soon stopped.

- Sweet!

The carriage door opened and someone got out from inside.

King Jin and King Yeong saw him and frowned at the same time and opened their mouths.

“King Gyeong?”

“King Gyeong!”

Unlike King Jin, King Yeong, who had ordered Namjin warrior Donghyeon and Geumwiwi to kill King Gyeong, was extremely embarrassed when he showed up alive.

“How did this happen?”

Comrade Yang of the Geumui Committee also responded to his urging, saying he did not understand the English sentence.

“This can’t be happening. He cut off all of King Gyeong’s hands and feet...”

He imprisoned the commanders of Cheonho, including Bo Won-chan, the northern military commander.

Moreover, isn't he already suppressing all of the members of the Geumwiui that follow him?

Lim Gong-gong, the admiral of Xochang, cautiously opened his mouth to the angry King Yeong.

“majesty. Why are you so worried? “Your Majesty’s orders have been given, so even if you come here, nothing will change.”

“okay. “You’re right.”

What Gong Lim said was right.

Even though King Gyeong arrived here safely, the emperor's order was given.

Only those who enter there alive can become crown princes who will ascend to the throne in the future.

King Yeong shouted at King Gyeong, who got off the carriage.

“Brother, Your Highness. What did you come here for? “If you wanted to save your life, wouldn’t you have run away from the palace instead?”

King Gyeong snorted at the provocative words and said.

“Your younger brother prepared a lot.”

“If you’re going to deal with your two brothers, don’t you think you have to do something like that?”

“okay. “I guess I’ll have to do that.”

“His Majesty says he will give the position of crown prince to just one person who enters Okhyeon Palace. What kind of guts did you have to come here alone? Hahahahaha.”

King Yeong laughed loudly at him.

It was understandable that he felt bad, but King Gyeong instead smiled and said.

“I have Yeonsaeng.”


King Yeong was dumbfounded by those words.

Within the inner palace, no one except those selected can perform martial arts.

But is he acting like that now, trusting only one person?

“Yeonsaeng? Ah, are you talking about that gisaeng-turned-guardian woman who put Jinwang in trouble?

“You bastard!”

King Jin could not help but feel angry at the words that drew him in after being quiet.

King Jin still could not forget the humiliation of that time.

King Yeong laughed at him and said,

“It seems that you are too unskilled to inherit the throne in the future, to have been humiliated by such a woman.”

King Jin, who was very angry at King Yeong’s provocation, shouted.

“Whoever cuts off that bastard’s head will not forget his contribution. Strike!”


As soon as his order was given, Dongchang's eunuchs tried to advance all at once.

“Protect His Highness the Young King!

“Cut off King Jin’s head!”


Likewise, the eunuchs of Xichang and the Baekin of Geumuiwi, who followed King Yeong as if they were waiting, also rushed forward to confront them.

King Yeong pointed to King Gyeong with his hand and said to Gong Lim.

“Brother, bring your highness’ supplies.

“Yes. I understand.

Lim Gong-gong pulled out a soft sword from his belt and fired a new weapon.

It was that moment.

As I was flying the new model, someone suddenly fell from the air.


A loud roar and a sound that occurred at the same time.

The moment the waves spreading through the air are transmitted in all directions

- flutter! dump!

The full force of both sides, who were trying to collide at once, rolled their eyes and fell to the floor.

-thud! thud! thud!

Even Lim Gong-gong, who had thrown a new weapon at King Gyeong-jung, was thrown off and rolled around on the floor several times, showing no sign of getting up.


King Jin and King Yeong's eyes widened at the sudden incident.

Their eyes turned to someone.

A pretty woman wearing a military officer's uniform was standing with her back to her, and the bottom of her feet was almost sunken in.

“Yeo Yeonsaeng...”

King Jin recognized her face at once and took a step back without realizing it.

King Yeong could not understand this situation.

“How can I do this in my palace.....”

It was before I could finish speaking.

When Yeonsaeng stretched out both hands and pretended to pull, the bodies of King Yeong and King Jin were lifted into the air by an unknown force and asked,


“What on earth is this...”

Soon, I was forcibly dragged forward.

They flew against their will and fell down in front of King Gyeong.

King Gyeong looked at the two kings lying down in front of him and spoke with his mouth wide open as if his ears were tearing.

“Didn’t I tell you that Jim has Yeonsaeng?”

? Hanzhongwolya

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