Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 327

[Episode 105 Imperial Palace (1)]

Chaoyang, north of Hubei Province.

A hidden house surrounded by cliffs.

A middle-aged man with long eyebrows and a dull look appeared in the blacksmith shop, which was still very hot.

When he appeared, the masked people who had been hiding like shadows around the blacksmith shop appeared.

They had taken out military flags, but when they recognized the middle-aged man, they took them away.

One of the masked men saluted him.

“Are you here?”

A middle-aged man asked this masked man.

“Who is he?”

“You said you would be away for a few days.”

“Are you leaving?”

The middle-aged man frowned.

The sword would be completed in just five days, so it was strange that he would be away.

I thought you would be waiting impatiently for a long time.

The masked man asked him.

“Did you retrieve the sword?”

“we are here.”

In response to this question, the middle-aged man handed over the sword wrapped in a leather sheath on his back.

There was no need to recover or sleep in the first place.

This was because he had kept this sword from the beginning.

“He will be very pleased.”

The masked man who politely accepted the sword spoke in an excited voice.

The middle-aged man asked.

“I have something to report to you. Do you know where he went?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you.”


It was as expected.

No matter how much of a confidant he was, he was completely untrustworthy.

But even so, there was nothing that couldn't be found out.

The middle-aged man looked at someone among the masked people.

Then the man sent a message as if nothing had happened.

[A message has arrived that the whereabouts of God's Will have been found.]

[God's Will in All Things?]

[Yes. It looks like he went directly to the imperial palace.]

The middle-aged man's eyes narrowed.

Mongju, who was currently in charge of tracking down God's will in all things in the imperial palace, was his own person.

If he found the whereabouts of Mansa Sin-ui even though he had not reported any news to him, it meant that Geum Sang-je had another source of information that he did not know about.

‘You don't trust me until the end.'

Even so, it didn't matter.

It won't be long now.

When that time comes, breaking up with him will happen naturally.

* * *

Lingshan, Guangxi Province.

The headquarters of the blood religion’s base.

The three masters were competing in the underground training hall exclusively for the religious leader in the headquarters.

It was a fierce confrontation that was so intense that the training ground made of sapphire, which is known to be harder than atavistic stones and can withstand attacks with a tolerable amount of strength, was thrown into disarray.

-Papa papapak! bang!

The three world-class experts fought while keeping each other in check, and no one was pushed back.

However, there was someone who was at a disadvantage here at first glance, and that was Iljon Unity Gang.

Although he was an expert who had overcome the wall, he was at a significant disadvantage compared to the other two experts because he was in a position where he had to deal with only his left arm, which he was not used to.


Nevertheless, his sword was sharp and mysterious.

Since Baek Hye-hyang was not being pushed back at all, she had no choice but to hold out her tongue as she opened her sword towards him.

“It seems like you are stronger than before you lost your arm. “Ilzon.”

“Hehehe, would you like to be the assistant pontiff?”

Iljon Danyangang could not hide his satisfaction with Baek Hye-hyang's inaction, which has now stabilized beyond the wall.

He too had been watching Baek Hye-hyang since childhood.

‘The former religious leader will also be proud.'

It wasn't easy to do this in a woman's body.

Moreover, I couldn't help but feel proud that I had overcome the barrier when I was only in my twenties.

“Hongbok of our school. Isn't that right? “Three Zones.”

To those words from the Ilzon Unit Lecture, the gigantic Three-Zon Gigi Monster Haeakcheon responded with a hearty smile.

“Giggles. “We have an excellent leader and an excellent assistant leader, so our church will be able to conquer the political faction in the near future.”

It was no exaggeration to say that the current power of the blood religion surpassed that of twenty years ago.

At that time, it was said to be in its prime because there were two superhumans, but now it is difficult to compare it to then.

There are already three superhumans sitting here alone.

What's even more surprising is that even if these three join forces, they cannot surpass a single cult leader.

“Let’s keep the small talk in moderation and both of you go at it.”

Baek Hye-hyang provoked the two nobles.

It was just as they were about to launch the new model again with a smile on their face.

A knocking sound was heard from outside on the entrance to the training ground.

-Thump thump!

Soon, someone pushed open the wall of the sapphire entrance and came inside.

He was none other than Izon Seogalma.

When Seogalma appeared, Haeakcheon shouted in an excited voice.

“Would you like Seo to join us?”

Seogalma frowned at his words.

I wish I could, but the confrontation here has already gone far beyond my limits.

I had no idea that I might get injured if I rashly participated in their training.

“That’s enough. Rather, the vice principal. “A telegram came in urgently.”


Seogalma approached Baek Hye-hyang, who looked puzzled, taking out a letter from her bosom.

She asked, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

“Has there already been a reply from Unhwi?”

“no. The news will probably reach the religious leader within today or tomorrow.”

“What kind of telegram is that?”

In response to her question, Seogalma turned the pages of the scroll and said.

“How should I tell you this…”

Haeak-cheon asked him, who seemed to be in a bit of trouble.

“Have the martial arts league guys done something?”

“That’s not it.”

“But why are you hesitating?”

“Well... they say the leader has been inaugurated as the leader of the Murim Alliance.”


The three people were puzzled by those words.

For a moment, they couldn't believe their ears.

Surely, the leader of the cult, So Unhwi, went to the Murim Federation to catch Geumsangje?

But what kind of absurd news is this?

“What do you mean?”

Baek Hye-hyang frowned and asked.

In response, Seogalma informed him of what he had received.

This is how their leader came to be inaugurated as the leader of the Murim Alliance.

Hearing this, Haeakcheon couldn't help but laugh out loud.

“Hahahaha! “I was wondering why they had to go all the way to the Murim Federation to catch that guy who was doing something like Geumsangje or something, and it turned out that this guy was the leader and he had a plan.”

It was truly shocking news.

Even when he was his student, he was unpredictable.

Who would have imagined that someone with the status of Sogeomseon would do something like this?

What’s even more interesting is,

“The leader of this school is the leader of the martial arts league. Clue.”

This news made Haeakcheon so happy that he wondered if something like this would ever happen throughout the history of martial arts.

Even Ilzon Lee Yun-gang, who is taciturn and unemotional, stuck out his tongue.

“You are truly bold, the leader.”

He was so bold that he couldn't even imagine what would happen if he was caught.

But since I knew his true inaction, I wasn't particularly worried.

“If this happens, it’s no different from our school having taken over the martial arts league. The cult leader is the leader. Isn't that right? “Vice-priest.”

Baek Hye-hyang raised the corner of her mouth and muttered at Haeak-cheon’s words.

“He is the man I chose.”

It was a very her-like compliment.

Although he spoke arrogantly, he seemed satisfied with this news.

Seogalma spoke carefully to Baek Hye-hyang.


“What else?”

Baek Hye-hyang listened intently, wondering if he was going to deliver some interesting news.


“It is said that the current religious leader is called the best sword in the world in the political sect.”

“Orthodox faction?”

The corner of Baek Hye-hyang's mouth, which was smiling, twitched in an instant.

* * *

Two days later

- The way things are going is really interesting.


A sigh naturally flowed from Sodamgeom’s giggling voice.

I can't believe the former leader of the Murim Federation stabs me in the back like this.

It turned out to be different from my intention.

-Your reputation soared to the sky.

My bones hurt.

It was passed on properly.

No matter how much I think about it, they deliberately elevated me as a small swordsman to the best expert in the world.

He is a person who never does anything that will harm his political faction.

-Oh, that's right. Sogeomseon of the political faction made his status the best in the world.

I guess so.

Only then will the position of the political faction, Moorim, become stronger.

I deliberately passed it on and tried to get my head around it.

-The religious community will really hate it.

I think so.

Perhaps Baek Hye-hyang might ask what on earth he is doing.

He did not receive the title of the best in the world as a blood demon, but he received this title as a swordsman.

I might have to act again later to turn this relationship around.

-Well, the goal was achieved. From being a spy to being a leader.

As he said, I was unanimously appointed as the leader after Baek Hyang-muk, the former leader of the Murim, gave up the fight.

There was no such thing as an inauguration ceremony.

In front of a large number of political faction members who had already gathered for the election and martial arts convention, the elders officially declared that I had become the new leader of the martial arts league.

There was complete chaos at that time.

The youngest martial arts league leader in history was born.

I still can't forget the sight of tens of thousands of martial arts people in the stands cheering and shouting my name.

However, it would have been better if he had been called Jin Woon-hwi instead of So Woon-hwi.

-Are you going to reveal everything someday?

Not right now, but won't that time come?

Anyway, now there is something to resolve first.

Originally, the plan was to capture all of Geum Sang-je's ganjas in the Murim Federation and leak information that could lead to him being involved through them.

But something more urgent has come up.

It was finally revealed the whereabouts of the God who had disappeared.

It was Song Jwa-baek who announced this.

[A message came from our school.

[They said they found the whereabouts of God of All Things.] According to what he said, apart from relaying this news to me, the school has already dispatched someone to the imperial palace.

But there was a variable here.

I tried to trust Baek Hye-hyang and the church, but the whereabouts of God of Mansa were not discovered by officials in the palace, but were revealed when he appeared at an official event.

[He or Noejang will move directly.]

Seolbaek predicted that either Geumsangje or Noejang would move directly.

That seems to be what I expected.

Already, all the plans of the Unmatched Blood Cult Martial Alliance and others had failed, and even his existence was revealed when I exposed his identity.

He will definitely try to secure the will of God in all things somehow.

-The key is to steal it first.

That's how it should be.

Otherwise, Baekryeonha and Seobok cannot be restored to their original state.

I tried to resurrect the frozen Seobok and find out what he had done, but I had no success at all.

I even tried to recover by breaking the head just in case.

In conclusion, I needed the help of God of all things.

-I'm glad I have Seolbaek.


Seolbaek continues to freeze Seobok's head with coldness to prevent it from melting.

However, it would be difficult to do so all the time.

Before that, the key is to secure good faith in everything.

I looked at the majestic imperial palace walls in front of me.

It was lit up with torches everywhere, and it was so spectacular that it could not be compared to the Mussang Castle of the Wulin League.

‘long time no see.'

Before returning, I had entered this palace only once as part of the Wulin League's inspection team to meet His Majesty the Emperor.

I was unable to actually meet the emperor and had to stay in the outer palace for a while before returning, but fortunately, I had memories of that time, so I was able to reach the imperial capital by Chukjibeop.

It is said that the God of All Things has become the emperor's personal physician and is treating him, so it is probably located in the palace where the emperor resides.

‘Once inside the outer palace, dress up as a royal guard or someone…’ He will

infiltrate the palace, secure trust in everything, and immediately escape using Chukjibeop.

I think it will be easy to succeed thanks to the Chukji method.

-Still, be careful. You said that even among the members of the blood religion, no one has succeeded in breaking into the inner palace from the outer palace.

That's surprising.

Maybe it has something to do with the hidden power of the imperial palace that I heard about through rumors.

Anyway, now I have to go inside.


First, to the reception room of the outer palace...



At that moment, the body that had been sucked into space was thrown out.

I couldn't figure out what this meant.

I obviously folded the space based on what I remembered at the time, but instead, I was thrown away by an unknown force.

-what's the matter?

I do not know.

I'll have to try it again.

Maybe it was a time when there was no reception room in the outer palace, so go somewhere else.

-Ugh! Paang!


When the space collapsed again, the body bounced backwards.

An unknown force rejected me and prevented the folding of space itself.

I tried two more times, but the result was the same.

‘There's nothing we can do.'

I don't know why, but it seemed like there was no other way than to disguise myself several times and break in directly.

First, I have to jump over the castle wall and enter the outer palace.

It was just as I was about to climb.


A procession of torches was seen through the main gate of the city.

There was a luxurious carriage in the middle, and in front of it, people who appeared to be golden soldiers were holding another flag along with the imperial flag.

It was none other than a flag with the word Gyeong (景) engraved on it.


* * *

In the carriage.

There was a pretty woman wearing the military uniform worn by King Gyeong and his 4th rank guards, wearing the official uniform worn by princes.

She was a gisaeng called Yeonsaeng.

Originally, she was just a gisaeng trained to protect King Gyeong from the dark, but she became a comforter while he was sleeping and waking up.

King Gyeong said to Yeonsaeng, who was biting her lip and looking anxious.

“Don’t be anxious.”

“Oh my God.....”

“It’s okay. In any case, King Yeong and the other princes are afraid of your rumors, not your actual inaction.”

He was a student who had never entered the imperial palace.

He was worried that something might happen if he took on the role of a guard protecting King Gyeong for no reason.

“majesty. If it gets revealed for no reason, your highness will say that God has despised the imperial family...”

“Huh. Even if they say it’s okay. Anyway, no one in the imperial palace...”

It was that very moment.


The space inside the carriage shuddered and someone appeared.



Yeonsaeng was mesmerized by the sight of a woman wearing green attire, without even pulling out her secret sword.


That was because this woman who suddenly appeared had a face exactly like hers.

“It’s all you…”


Before she could say anything, she lost blood and fainted.

Even after seeing this scene, King Gyeong was not surprised. On the contrary, his color became brighter and he spoke.


“How have you been? Your Highness.”

? Hanzhongwolya

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