Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 326

[Episode 104: The title of the best in the world (6)]


My father-in-law looked at Cheolsu-ryeon as if he was dumbfounded.

As one of the five great evildoers, she gained notoriety for her numerous evil deeds and inaction.

It was natural that I couldn't easily understand her as she knelt before me and showed a submissive attitude.

My father-in-law tried to send me a message but soon stopped.

This was because he knew that Cheolsu-ryun could eavesdrop on the transmission.

“...What happened?”

“She has no choice but to follow my orders.”

It was difficult for me to tell the truth that I too had succumbed to Heavenly Powers, so I gave a vague answer.

However, it is not possible to show that it absorbs toxins.

Sima Ying, who was surprised, opened her mouth.

“You follow Confucius?”

The subject of that question was Cheolsu-ryeon, not me.

I spoke as Cheolsu-ryun, who was lying down, looked at me with a frown.

“She is going to be my wife.”


At those words, Cheolsu-ryun became bright and looked at his father-in-law and Sima Young alternately.

Then, he answered politely as if he was obeying Sima Ying.

“That's right. “Jumo.”

As if the title wasn't that bad, Sima Ying's expression softened.

I was wary because of her younger, more beautiful appearance, but I think my overbearing attitude and her reaction cleared up the misunderstanding.

“Hmm. Why do you follow Confucius?”

To her question, Cheolsu-ryeon bit her lip and answered.

“I can’t tell you that.”

Out of pride, she too refused to answer this.

Who would want their weaknesses known to others?

I made eye contact with Sima Ying.

It was to show that he would inform us separately at a later date.

As if he understood what I meant, Sima Ying sighed, nodded, and then spoke to me.

“Now you have such a great person as your servant.”

When I heard that, I shook my head hard.

To find the hidden meaning in what she says.

Here I thought of a way to avoid hurting her feelings.

“If you want, you can have me as your servant.”


Sima Ying’s eyes widened as he spoke as if he were being kind.

It was natural to be surprised that he would hand over not just anyone else, but a great villain who was on par with his father, as his servant.

On the other hand, Cheolsuryun was frowning arrogantly.

Even though he gave in to me, it doesn't seem to be easy to give in to other people.

So I sent her a message.

[Treat only those you cherish, including your wife, as you would treat yourself. Other than that, you don’t have to submit to anyone else.]



Cheolsu-ryeon’s expression softened at my words.

Chu Lian bowed down to Sima Ying and spoke politely.

“I will serve you as my master according to your orders.”

“Ah... um....”

As I handed her over to the servant, Sima Ying let out a perplexed look, perhaps because she had not expected this, and looked at her father, my father-in-law.

My father-in-law, who was sticking his tongue out as if this situation was absurd, looked at me.

That gaze seems to be asking this question.

‘It must have been suppressed for sure, right?'

I also feel like I have become much more perceptive.

To this, I nodded.

Then, my father-in-law looked at Cheol-ryeon with sharp eyes and said to Sima-young.

“It is a sincere gift from the man who will become your husband, so please accept it.”

“......It’ll be okay, right?”

“If it’s not okay, your husband-to-be will have to prepare himself.”

I swallowed quietly as my father-in-law said those words.

It was a warning.

It meant that if any problem arises, I will never leave it alone.

He has become stronger than his father-in-law, but strangely, because he is Sima Ying's father, he is noticed enough to break out in a cold sweat.

-Jeonju-in said that a craftsman is a scary person, like a mountain in the heart.

I clicked my tongue inwardly at the voice of Namcheoncheolgeom.

I don't know why he has so much experience when he doesn't even have a lover.

-I'm only familiar with the theory.

- Hmm.

At Sodamgeom’s point, Namcheoncheolgeom cleared his throat.

When my father-in-law said that it was okay, Sima Ying said, “I don’t know,” and held out his hand to the girl who was lying on her stomach.

“great. But even so, you were on par with my father in reputation, but I don’t think you were a servant, so please be my bodyguard and companion. “I’ll call you sister.”


Cheolsu-ryeon must have felt much better after hearing Sima-young's words, and he brightened up a little and held her hand.

Of course, it would be better to treat them as escorts rather than slaves or servants.

Thanks to Sima Ying’s wise treatment, no particularly serious problems arose.

-That woman is also quite simple. It's Sam Jo's mother.

I, too, laughed to myself at Sodamgeom’s words.

It is only a little improvement from the worst situation of being a slave.

The human mind is unique, and there are times when a small amount feels very big.

-Anyway, I avoided getting scolded for bringing a girl for no reason.

It also happens to be a good thing.

It is also difficult for her father-in-law to always be by her side.

Sima Ying himself was a transcendent expert, but considering the level of his enemies, I can feel much more at ease if an expert like Cheol-Lian who has overcome the wall of superhumanity continues to stick around.

At that time, Sima Ying said to me.

“ah! “Confucius, this is not something that should happen here.”


“Even so, the young lady continued to look for Confucius... Ah!”

Without saying anything, Sima Ying turned his head and looked at the door of the dormitory.

It was because of a sign approaching this place.

I guess I can't really be a nobleman.

Judging from his presence and feeling, it was Yeongyeong, his sister's younger brother.

The being that was approaching was clearly snow-white, as it seemed to have completely lost sight of its presence.

I asked him to keep protecting Youngyoung, and it seems he stuck to it.


Unlike last time, Youngyoung knocked on the door.

Since I also have a father-in-law, I guess I can tell.

The door opened and soon Yeongyeong and Seolbaek came into the dorm.


Youngyoung breathed a sigh of relief when she saw me.

I think he was worried because he didn't come home alone during the night.

Youngyoung tried to say something in a calmer tone than usual, probably because someone else noticed.

“I’m so angry right now…”

It was that very moment.

Before she could finish speaking, someone’s new form flew at Seolbaek like lightning.

Seolbaek pushed Yeongyeong to the side and caught it.

-Papa papapak!

The person who struck her with a falcon was none other than Cheolsu-ryeon.

In an instant, the two women's martial arts and martial arts clashed and they viciously aimed at each other's lives.

Youngyoung was dumbfounded by the wind pressure and the sound as if the air was being torn apart every time the two women's hands crossed.


The two people, who had fought for about five seconds in a short period of time, soon stopped fighting.

Of course, strictly speaking, I was forced to stop because I stepped in between the two women and grabbed their wrists as if snatching them.

Two women shouted at me at the same time.

“This girl is that man’s henchman!”

“This woman was once a follower of Jinsangje.”

Oh my, it's deafening.

I feel like my eardrums are going to fall off because I'm shouting left and right at the same time.

I couldn't have predicted this situation.

When I think about it, Seolbaek knew Cheolsu-ryun's true appearance because he served Geumsangje as his confidant for nearly 300 years, and Cheolsu-ryeon had superhuman hearing and was able to identify the other person's identity just by the sound of their heart, regardless of human skin


-It's an incredible situation. All these people gathered in one place.

That's right.

It wasn't my intention, but I don't think it's too outrageous.

Youngyoung was startled and spoke urgently to me.

“Brother. “She is a woman who followed the Geumsangje!”

“Just stop and listen to me.”

They were getting noisy, so I calmed them down.

Then, Seolbaek became even more chilled and glared at Cheol-ryeon as if warning me.

“Do you know who that woman is? One of the five great evildoers....”

“I know. “It’s about breaking the evil spirit and practicing Cheolsu.”

“Papa Aksim!”

On the contrary, Youngyoung could not hide his embarrassment at my words.

It was natural to be surprised.

Cheolsu-ryun, the evil-hearted father, was an old monster from the martial arts world who had been infamous for a long time, but how could he have known that such an old monster would be such a peerless beauty?

Of course, this would be the second time, and I would have been even more surprised because of her identity.

“That woman is evil? “My brother is definitely.....”

“He’s not dead. And this is this woman’s true self.”

“What does it really look like?”

Yeongyeong looked like he had absolutely no idea what was going on.

On the other hand, Seolbaek told me that he couldn't understand why Cheolsu-ryun was here.

“You’re saying you brought me here knowingly?”

Seeing his attitude like this, it seems like they didn't get along very well when he was under Geumsangje.

Cheolsu-ryun also spoke in a displeased voice.

“This woman is a confidant who has served Geumsangje for over three hundred years. “She is more dangerous than you think.”

“Both of you, calm down.”

The power of the two women holding the wrists was increasing.

If I were to step down, there would be a life-and-death battle right away.

My father-in-law was watching this situation with his arms crossed as if he was telling you to take care of it since it was your fault.


Then I warned them by showing my energy so that only they could feel it.

“I told you to stop.”


It was quite effective.

Both of them must have been oppressed by my intimidation, so they lost their strength and took a few steps back.

Before I was a woman, I was worried that I was a warrior, so I let go of my hand first.

With my tongue clenched, I looked at them in turns and spoke soothingly.

“Both of us are no longer with Geumsangje, so we are not enemies.”

“You’re saying you’re not doing it with Geumsangje? This girl is definitely not that kind of person. Deceived the master.....”

“Who deceived whom?”

Seolbaek cut off Cheolsu-ryeon’s words with a sharp voice.

Then he asked as if he couldn't understand.

“Iron training. “Why do you keep calling Unhwi ‘master’?”

Cheolsu-ryeon bit her lip at that question.

He said he would take me as his master, but it seems uncomfortable to announce that he gave up his pride and surrendered to someone who knows his past.

However, he soon noticed me and spoke in a quiet voice.

“I decided to invite this person.”


One of Snow White’s eyebrows rose up.

On the other hand, Yeongyeong asked me, saying he didn't know what the English sentence was.

“what is this sound? “You decided to take care of your brother?”

“She decided to take me and the infant.”

Youngyoung’s eyes widened at those words.

Sima Ying nodded and said to her.

“That’s it. miss.”

“.......one of the five great evildoers decided to take care of your brother and sister?”

Looking at his voice and expression, it seems like he is almost mad.

It seems hard to believe that he has now become one of the five great evildoers.

Even when I think about it, it's truly amazing.

At that time, Seolbaek raised the corners of his mouth, smiled brightly, and suddenly crossed his arms around me and spoke to Cheolsu-ryeon.

“oh. Were you my prince’s servant? “I shouldn’t have told you in advance.”


Cheolsu-ryeon's expression hardened as Seolbaek said he was offering medicine.

I guess it was a completely unexpected situation.

Cheolsu-ryun asked in an exasperated voice.

“My son? “What about you?”

“I didn’t know. “Samayoung here is the first wife and I am the second wife.”


Seolbaek smiled and said to her, who looked ridiculous.

“Now that the relationship between superiors and subordinates is clear, you should take care of it yourself, right?”


- Wow!

Cheolsu-ryeon gritted her teeth with a red face at those words.

Come to think of it, Cheolsu-ryun once had a deep relationship with Geumsangje, so his henchmen may have noticed her.

-The relationship has been reversed.

That might be the case.

Seolbaek was enjoying this moment very much.

Even now, he said while raising the medicine.

“Should I call you the mastermind? Go ahead and do it.”

At her words, Cheolsu-ryeon grits his teeth and calms down his anger.

If it weren't for me, it would have already been four months.

-The fight is fierce.

...I see.

Looking at them, it looks like this will continue for a while.

I think it would be better to separate them.

First, I have to change the topic.



Yeongyeong, who had been losing his mind while watching their nervous battle, came to his senses and answered my call.

So I asked:

“You said there was an uproar earlier. What do you mean?”

Yeongyoung said that was right and said to me, putting her palms together.

“I’m really upset right now because of my brother.”

“what brings you here?”

Is it because of what happened in the castle last night?

If it had gone as intended, awareness of the Geumsangje would have been raised, and rumors would have spread that I and the Blood Demon, as Sogeomseon, had joined hands to drive out the enemy.

If that happens, it would be good to promote friendly relations between governments.

But then something unexpected came out of Yeongyeong’s mouth.

“Now everyone in the Wulin Federation is calling my brother the best sword in the world!”


What does this mean again?

Suddenly, out of the blue, it's the best sword in the world?

It was different from what I intended.

“The best sword in the world?”

“The former Murim lord saw with his own eyes my brother piercing the mountain with his sword, and declared that he would give up his position as the lord of the Murim, saying that he had no confidence in winning against the best expert in the world!”


.......driving me crazy.

Baek Hyang-mook's skills became well known because this author passed it on.

? Hanzhongwolya

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