Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 259

[Episode 85 Agent (3)]


Now that I think about it, there is a legendary anecdote about swordsmanship.

The theory was that Geomseon killed Gyo-ryong (蛟龍) using the Cheondun sword technique he learned in Yeosan when he was traveling around the world.

Because it was such an absurd story, I thought people were deifying swordsmanship, but it turned out to be actual swordsmanship.

-Didn’t you learn it?


The older swordsman I met in the image was said to have lost the form of swordsmanship, so he actually developed my name swordsmanship even further.


It's a sword technique that has the shape of a sword.

As a sword sharpener, it was a temptation that I could not help but shake.

“How dare you use the Daedo Cheondun Sword Technique on an agent who is not even a disciple. It's a truly tangible number. execution.”

A woman wearing only one shoe shook her head and said.

To this, the swordsman answered casually.

“How can I deal with a well-disciplined Daoist who has four dharma tools without the power of the dharma tools, unless I teach him that level of skill?”

“Even so, it is excessive.”

“It’s better than nothing. At least this young man should not die due to the old man’s karma.”

The prosecutor's attitude was resolute.

Seeing him like that, the woman sighed.

At that time, a middle-aged monk with a flute on his belt opened his mouth.

“The fact that my sister-in-law is even teaching me the Daedochundun Sword Technique means I don’t think I’m in a position to save on my talents either. As the person responsible for managing the Buddhist temple, I will pass down the Mokwon Hwa Songgok to this young man.”

“no! Priest Han, you really...”

The woman holding the lotus flower was dumbfounded.

It seems she tried to remain silent, perhaps because she had no intention of passing on her talent in the first place.

The middle-aged Daoist smiled and said to her.

“If you don’t have the talent to pass on, you don’t have to force yourself.”

At his words, a wrinkle in the shape of my river appeared between the woman's eyebrows.

It seems like his pride was stimulated.

She spoke in an uncomfortable voice.

“What if you don’t have the talent to pass it on?”

“Sir, you have the talent to see good fortune, but isn’t that something that can be learned after three or four years of practice? That’s why I’m telling you not to overdo it.”

This served as the final blow.

Her hand holding the lotus flower trembled, and then she spoke in a strong voice.

“You dismiss taking the Taoist path and walking the path as a lack of talent. good night. “If you do so, I will pass on Jeong Yo-hwan’s plan to this young man.”

‘Jeong Yohwan's plan?'

I was momentarily surprised by her words.

Although the first two letters were added, is this really the Hwanuian I know?

While I was wondering, a monk in rags holding a gourd smiled brightly and said,

“ha ha ha. “A priest provokes his sister-in-law with his tongue and finally gets the trick.”

“I’m just telling you not to overdo it.”

“Anyway, you taught me a great trick. Let’s see. Then, what kind of talent should Bindo impart to that young man?”

The Daoist holding the lotus flower spoke in a blunt tone to the Daoist holding the gourd, who was resting his chin as if he was thinking.

“I’m sure you don’t plan on sparing your skills since they teach you the Daedo Cheondun Sword Technique and Jeong Yo-hwan’s Eye. “Why don’t you teach us the grilled manga master that even the priests are so proud of?”


“Why? “Did you try to give me even a trivial trick?”


At her words, the gourd master struck his forehead with his palm.

“I guess I said something for no reason and got hit. “Good.”

Geomseon took the gun and expressed his gratitude to him.

The Taoist in the gourd spoke to the Taoists in the audience who were still silent.

“What are you going to do with the other execution priests? “Now that it’s like this, let’s try our tricks.”

“Huh. “There’s nothing I can do.”

The Taoist sitting in front of the white mule shook his head.

Then he suddenly looked at me and said.

“I won’t forgive you in the future if you teach someone else the skills that Nobu taught you.”

.........Look here.

I haven't even said anything about helping.

They are playing drums and drums among themselves. What should we do with this?

“joy. “You don’t know how to be thankful.”

The monk snorted, clicked his tongue, and spoke to me.

“I will teach you the Geumchang Jin-gyeong, which contains the essence of my spear skills. “I will teach you harshly, so be prepared.”

At his words, the Taoist holding the flute laughed heartily.

“Hahahahaha. “You talk about it as if you are not very pleased, but then you pass up the feat that made you famous in the world as the king of spears.”

“This is to let you know that the sword is not everything.”

The Doin's gaze turned to Geomseon as he answered bluntly.

It seemed like he was asking, “Is it okay now?”

Geomseon bowed his head in gratitude to him.

Then he looked at the two remaining disciples in turn.

The Taoist holding the yin-yang board chuckled and said.

“I will pass on Seol-eum Hwayang Seon-mu. “It will be of great help to that young man in understanding the principles of yin and yang.”

“Thank you. “Priest Joe.”

Naturally, Geomseon's gaze turned to someone.

Excluding Jeongyang Jinin, who was at the head of the table, he was the only one left among the disciples.


The woman wearing only one shoe sighed.

The woman looked at me with complicated eyes and then opened her mouth.

“Everyone is teaching for the greater good, but if I were the only one who didn’t pass on any skills, it would look funny.”

With those words, an amazing change occurred in her.

The muscles on his face twitched, and soon wrinkles appeared, making his face look exactly like the swordsman.

She, whose face resembled Geomseon’s, opened her mouth.

“I will teach you the art of physical transformation.”

Even his voice was the same as Geomseon’s.

When I looked closely, my body shape had swelled and became almost similar.

I heard that among martial artists, there were those who imitated others by changing their facial muscles to wear bast masks, but it seemed like a more profound technique than that.

Even the gender itself appears to have changed.


The woman said, returning to her original appearance.

“It will be useful when approaching that vigilante. But I also warn you. This must not be passed on to anyone. “If you swear that oath, I will teach you a trick.”

She too gave the same warning as the Taoist sitting in front of the white mule.

Someone added to her words.

“Not only that, but the skills learned at Dohwaseon should not be taught to anyone. “That is a prerequisite for passing on talent.”

It was Jinin Jeongyang sitting at the head table.

Geomseon responded to Jeongyang Jinin’s words on his behalf.

“Is it possible?”

“Nobu, if that young man learns all the talents of the small spirits here and still lacks anything, I will make up for it.”

Hearing his words, the monks gave me strangely envious looks.

I didn't know it was because he was the head of the Taoists here.

Should I say I'm lucky?

-Isn’t it really good? Where else in the world can you find an opportunity like this? You're learning from Taoists who don't even look like humans.

Among the Daoists here, none of them are ordinary.

Therefore, the talents I just mentioned were all unusual.

This also means that you can only deal with him if you learn these great talents.

But what if this fails?

If that happens, I might not be able to go back to where I was.

At that time, Geomseon bowed to all the monks sitting in order, bowed to them, and then spoke.

“Thank you for listening to Nobu’s difficult request.”

“It is to set everything straight, so how can you refuse? “Now it’s up to that young man’s choice.”

Jeongyang Jinin’s eyes turned to me.

The same was true for other Taoists.

The sword came closer to me and opened its mouth.

“You can learn their tricks while the damaged scriptures are being restored.”

“...I know because I heard it too. But if I fail, will I be able to go back to where I came from?”

“That is...”

Before Geomseon could speak, a female Daoist holding a lotus leaf cut him off.

“If the priest follows his plan, he can’t come back, right?”


For a moment, I looked at the sword in confusion.

Geomseon took a long breath and said.

“I will definitely let you go back.”

“How do you mean?”

A definite plan, not just a definite answer, was needed.

At that time, the Taoist sitting in front of the white mule intervened.

“If you think about the time it takes to track down Dharma Gu and catch him, it will be difficult to return to Fuse, so why make such a promise?”

To those words, the Taoist holding the gourd also added.

“I also wondered about that. “If you don’t catch that foolish disciple when he runs away, it will be even more difficult to deal with later, so you’re not asking us to go back to where he came from and catch him, right?”

For a moment I was shocked.

If that's the case, what's the difference between asking me to give up the life I've lived so far in order to catch that person?

“Are these people correct?”

In response to my question, Geomseon silently pointed out the window.

The place he pointed to was a hill with a cavity that could be said to be the very center of the fuse line.

“With the gate damaged, the fuse is stuck in the middle of the flow. “The moment the sutra is restored, it will move again.”


“If that’s the case, it won’t be far from the time when Nobu’s unscrupulous disciple escaped the fuse. At that time, you can subdue the vigilante and retrieve the Buddhist instrument.”

“By what means? “If the entrance to the fuse is closed while you are trying to catch him, how can you return here?”

It was the sword ship that I was told by the group that since the fuse is constantly moving with the flow, it is impossible to know from the outside when and where it will reappear.

So if the entrance is closed, I will be trapped in this unknown period.

If it happens later than when I was originally there, the worst situation would be.

Geomseon spoke to me in a voice full of determination.

“I will definitely send you back to where you came from.”

“What do you mean?”

“Even if the old man sacrifices all his energy, he will be able to hold on to the flow of the thirty-six heavenly directions.”

At those words, the Taoist man with the flute shouted in surprise.

“execution! “How dare you do such a reckless thing!”

The reactions of other Taoists were not much different.

They were also saying something that seemed to dissuade me.

I couldn't figure out why that was happening.

But eventually, I was able to understand the reason from what Jeongyang Jinin said.

“You know that if you use up all your energy, your body will also decline, but are you really willing to risk that?”

“This young man may have to sacrifice himself because of me and his insensitive disciple, so what can I do if he doesn’t even take that risk?”

I was momentarily speechless at Geom Seon's words.

This was because he, too, was prepared to make sacrifices.

Geomseon told me.

“Nobu doesn’t think all of this is a coincidence. Everything is natural and destiny. “If you don’t catch my unscrupulous disciple, your time may be in danger.”


I closed my eyes and sighed.

Is all of this really fate?

Those in the fuse here are unable to catch the vigilante who ran away with the Buddhist instrument.

If that happens, it will be impossible to know what Jagyeongjeong, who has lived for a long time by cultivating the Tao with such enormous power, will do.

-But nothing happened during the time you were there.

Geomseon smiled at Sodamgeom’s words and said.

“That might be the answer.”


“Maybe nothing happened because you caught Nobu’s unscrupulous disciple.”

Geomseon’s voice was full of confidence.

When I heard his voice like that, I felt strangely at peace.

Maybe that was really the case.

Maybe I can become their representative and do my duty to prevent something like that from happening in the future...


At that moment, something passed through my mind.

That was what Aksimpa and Cheolsu-ryeon said.

[The man was defeated by the descendants of Geomseon.]

Wait a minute.

There are two true descendants of Geomseon.

Jagyeongjeong and Yeoyangseon.

Since Yeo Yang-seon was the one who was kidnapped, if we exclude this, could it be that the escaped Vigilante was the one who took down the person named Jonju?

If that is the case, the current period when Ja Kyung-jeong ran away could be the period when Jonju directly appears and is active.

-uh? It's true!

If we catch Vigilante, we may be able to find out Jonju's identity.

This could be a golden opportunity.

Wouldn't it be better to use vigilantism and strike out with Jonju?

-It’s a good method!

Sodamgeom agreed, but then Namcheoncheolgeom’s voice rang in his head.

-But Unhwi. If this is the past, wouldn't it be a big problem if they catch Jonju?


-You said you had a regression. But didn’t you say that the more you do something, the more different the future becomes from what you originally knew?


I could understand what Namcheoncheolgeom was talking about.

What he said is right.

If you kill Jonju here, your future will be completely changed.

For example, the Namcheon Swordsman is in a desperate state due to the Lord and leaves the Namcheon Iron Sword in the cliff cave, but if he dies, this will also not happen.

If that happens, I will never have to meet Namcheoncheolgeom and the opportunity to learn martial arts again will disappear.

‘......Even if I eventually find out about him, I can't kill him.'

I can't save it for what will happen in the future.

In the end, there is nothing I can do other than find out what kind of person this person is.

-Wouldn’t just knowing that help us go back to the original time and find that guy?

I agree with that.

To do that, you have to catch the vigilante.

At least, you shouldn't catch him right away, but wait for the vigilante to target the person named Jonju.

That will take quite some time, so is that okay?

I looked at the sword.

The longer he holds on to the fuse, the more his energy drains.

As I looked at him with concern, the Taoist man with the flute spoke.

“How can we leave the death penalty to take responsibility alone? “If you do that, I will do the same.”

Geomseon urged this.

“It is not for a priest to step forward.”

“It’s not my business to step forward. How long can the death penalty hold the fuse by itself? No matter how deep your energy is, it will only last for a day or two at most.”


“If I help you, I’ll be able to last at least three to four days.”


The Daoist with the sword and the flute looked at each other with affection.

At that time, the monk in rags holding a gourd raised his hand and spoke.

“I will help too. If you do that, you will be able to last at least five to six days.”

Was that the starting point?

The female monk holding a lotus flower also raised her hand and spoke calmly.

“Is it possible to lose the executioners by being reckless? “Then I will also lend a hand.”

“My sister-in-law is stepping forward, so can I stay still?”

A female Buddhist monk wearing only one shoe spoke with determination in her voice.

Jeongyang Jinin looked at them with satisfaction.

At that time, the Taoist holding the yin-yang board spoke.

“I… I’m sorry to start a fire here, but is there a way to get back to the fuse?”

At those words, Geomseon frowned and looked at him.

“What is that?”

To this, Doin said:

“It may be expedient, but if this young man becomes a member of Fuse for a while, wouldn’t he be able to know when and where Fuse will appear even as time passes? Then we can catch the vigilante with ease.”


Everyone could not hide their embarrassment at those words.

We were determined to make sacrifices together, but this expedient method existed.

Jeongyang and Jinin also burst out laughing, as if they hadn't thought of this.

Geomseon breathed a sigh of relief and asked me.

“There was a way. Now that we have figured out a way to send you back, what should we do?”

So, is there any reason to refuse?

I spoke with my arms raised towards Geomseon and other disciples.

“Jin Woon-hwi sends greetings to various teachers.”




Three years and eight months passed like that.

? Hanzhongwolya

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