Absolute Sword Sense

Chapter 258

[Episode 85 Agent (2)]

“Priest…..as long as it’s not us, it’s okay.”

As the swordsman looked at me, the middle-aged monk followed suit and turned his gaze to me.

What on earth are you talking about?

While I was wondering, a middle-aged Daoist raised an eyebrow and said.

“Now that I think about it, I was going to ask, who is this person? “It’s like I’m seeing you for the first time without even wearing a uniform.”

I could sense caution in the middle-aged Daoist’s tone of voice.

The majority of Taoists here seem to react this way, unless they are people who are practicing Tao like them.

Geomseon said to the middle-aged monk.

“This person is a man of the world.”

“yes? “A worldly person?”

The middle-aged monk was startled by Geomseon's words and pulled something out of his waist belt.

I also reached for the scabbard of the Namcheon Iron Sword, wondering if it was a weapon, but it turned out to be none other than Tungso.

It was shiny with a jade green light and looked unusual.

Geomseon put his hand in the middle of the two of us and spoke soothingly.

“Priest Han, calm down.”

“What on earth is going on? You're putting a worldly person in the fuse. “If Jinyang Jeongyang finds out, there will be an uproar.”

“It’s not something the old lady paid for.”

“You’re saying it’s not the death penalty? So does this mean that this world came into the world on its own? “How could someone without permission...”

At that time, Geomseon’s uvula trembled slightly.

It seemed like I was telling him the situation through a method of sneaking in secret information.

The middle-aged monk who was nodding his head looked at me in surprise.

“Is that true?”

“I see.”

“Huh. “How could something like that happen…”

Judging by the reaction, it seems like he was saying that I am not the type of person to be at this time.

There was no way I would have reacted like this otherwise.

The middle-aged Taoist said, putting the drum back on his belt.

“If you say so, it’s the same as inheriting the progress of the female executioner, so it’s not completely unrelated to us.”

“That’s the way it is.”

Hearing those words from the swordsman, the middle-aged Daoist took hold of me and spoke in a soft voice.

“I’m sorry. “I was unintentionally rude.”

I felt a little uncomfortable, but I didn't want to make him blush, so I responded by slapping him in the face.

“no. “I’m glad the misunderstanding has been resolved.”

“If you have inherited the way of death, you are no different from an alumnus. Even if you call me Sabaek...”

“Priest Han.”

Geomseon called out to him and shook his head.

At this, the middle-aged Taoist said, “Ah!” And he nodded.

It was difficult to guess what they meant as they spoke words that only each other could understand.

I asked Geomseon.

“What is the meaning of what you said just now? “Why are you looking at me when you say it doesn’t have to be us?”

I just asked outright.

If they discuss the incident among themselves, if they mention me, it is no longer a private matter.

The swordsman said to me as if he was sorry.

“I’m sorry for saying that without asking your opinion.”

“That's okay. “If only you could tell me what you mean.”

Geomseon sighed at that question.

He then pointed to the damaged scriptures with his hand and said.

“As you know, all of this happened because of Nobu’s immorality. “It’s my karma for raising my disciple incorrectly.”

“......How could that be the old man’s fault?”

It's entirely that crazy guy's fault.

I felt while talking with Geomseon that people of such character were rare.

There was something wrong with him to the extent of doing something like this under someone so disciplined.

Or maybe it was just that kind of vessel from the beginning.

“How can we avoid responsibility for not being able to correct that child’s character?”

“Wouldn’t it be right for you to bring him in and teach him yourself?”

Before he was a Taoist, he was a swordsman who was called the best martial artist.

Didn't they even subdue me and him with just yelling?

“If the old man steps forward, I don’t think it will be that difficult to catch him.”

Geomseon sighed and said at my words.

“Wouldn’t you want to do that as an old lady?”

“What is the problem? “Is there any reason why I shouldn’t leave this fuse?”

It was not Geomseon that answered that question.

A middle-aged Daoist whom he called Priest Han answered.

“We are not allowed to get involved in the affairs of the world or go out.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“A long time ago, we swore an oath over the Three Cheongs to never appear again or get involved in the secular world. “If you break this, you will not be able to go to the 36 Heaven and even lose Wonyoungsin.”

‘Samcheong? 36 thousand?'

I have no idea what they are saying.

It seems like something that comes from Doggyeong or something like that, but the conclusion seems to be that they are incapable of escaping this fuse.

But if it's that serious, shouldn't you go through with it?

The swordsman must have noticed that I was puzzled and said.

“Losing Wonyoungsin means leaving the pilgrimage of cause and effect and losing both the soul and the hundred. Ultimately, it means that its existence itself disappears.”


Were there such enormous restrictions?

I don't know anything else, but I couldn't help but be surprised to hear that I was losing my soul and white.

If your soul disappears when you die, isn't it really the disappearance of existence?

“Then how on earth did he get out?”

A man named Ja Gyeong-jeong was also a member of the Dohwaseon group here.

However, going out of this place means that he also accepted those restrictions.

At this, Geomseon shook his head.

“We, the eight Daoists, are the only ones who have taken that oath.”

Eight Daoists?

Are you talking about the highest-ranking Daoists here in Dohwaseon, including Geomseon?

Then, there might be a way for the disciples who didn't take the oath to join forces to catch that person.

Is it difficult?

Geomseon answered those questions.

“All of Dohwaseon’s disciples also swore not to get involved in the secular world. Even if he did not swear by Wonyoungsin, how could a monk break his oath?”

“...He broke that oath.”

“You’ve abandoned the path to 36,000.”

The middle-aged Daoist clicked his tongue.

In the end, it was said that among the disciples of Dohwaseon, there was no one who could go out and catch him.

When he said he would leave earlier, he was showing his will to take responsibility and even risk extinction.

-Looking at the atmosphere, it seems like he's asking you for help.

I guess I don't know that.

Of course I noticed that much.

It's just that I don't think I'm in a position to help with the inspection either.


Think about it.

I have to wait while the scriptures here are restored and then return to where I am.

But what if I went out to catch that person and something happened or I couldn't come back?

If that happens, everything goes wrong.

I don't even know when and what time it is outside the fuse line.

-Then just refuse.

That too is actually difficult.

In a way, I am living a second life because of the treasure left behind by Geomseon.

It was as if I had received his favor, but it bothered me that I thoughtlessly refused for the sake of my own comfort.

-That's true too. You must be very embarrassed too.

While I was in such trouble, Geomseon said.

“I’m going to be honest with you, because you must have vaguely noticed it. “Nobu would like to ask you to do this.”

It's not that he vaguely noticed it, but he must have noticed it by listening to the conversation between Sodamgeom and I.

However, it is really difficult to grant this request.

I couldn't readily answer Geomseon's words.

Then Geomseon raised the sword he was holding into the sky.

I was wondering what he was going to do, but a bright light shimmered from the sword and it quickly soared into the sky.

It was that moment.

-Quarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Bang bang!

Suddenly a thunderous sound rang through the cavity.

Dark clouds were seen gathering through a hole in the ceiling of the cave.

At that time, a flash of light flashed from the hole, and something like a ray of blue light passed cleverly through it and fell into the cavity.


It was none other than lightning.

Blue sparks flew out, and the floor where the lightning struck became pitch black.

I stared at the sword the sword was holding.

I have no idea what kind of harmony this is.

The swordsman said to me, who was surprised.

“This is Cheondun (天遁), one of the eight teaching tools of Dohwaseon.”


“It’s a precious item that can defeat demons and cause thunderstorms. “I received it from a nobleman in Yeosan during the time when Nobu was practicing.”

“Do you mean... this is a Buddhist instrument?”

It was a truly terrifying sword.

Isn’t thunder and lightning the realm of harmony between heaven and earth?

However, creating this with the power of a sword was literally no different from a piece of equipment.

It was not called a Buddhist instrument for nothing.

“That ugly guy stole half of these Buddhist instruments and ran away.”

“.......It’s a very serious matter.”

I think I know why this middle-aged Daoist caused such a fuss.

It was hard to even guess what they would do outside if they ran away with something like this.

The middle-aged Daoist clicked his tongue and said.

“It is fortunate that it is not the treason of the female executioner or the Yeongbopilbeop of Jeongyang Jinin. If that were the case, I really...”

He shook his head as if it was terrible to even think about it.

The prosecutor also nodded his head in agreement.

A middle-aged Daoist spoke to me in a persuasive tone.

“Look. Just think of him disrupting the world with these dangerous tools. “Isn’t it really terrible?”

“A priest. Even though you have cultivated the Tao, would you carelessly abuse the teachings of the law? The old man was just worried that it might fall into the hands of a criminal...” “

I killed three monks to steal the Buddhist scriptures, so what is there that can’t be misused?”


Geomseon closed his mouth at those words.

And I took a deep breath as if I was frustrated.

I even wondered how many people in the world would be able to stop him if he were to disturb the world with his Buddhist tools as the Taoist said.


“...excluding everything else, if he has several such tools in his hands, how can I catch him?”

The biggest problem was this.

Even when we actually competed, his inaction did not disappoint me at all.

I don't even know if I can win even if I turn into a blood demon and do my best, so how can I catch him?

“Did you mean to lend me that old man’s teaching tool?”

I pointed to the Cheondun sword that Geomseon was holding.

I thought it was somehow unusual.

Sodamgeom and other swords have a will, but even that black voice called Cheondun could not be heard.

Geomseon shook his head and said to me.

“That’s not possible.”


“I don’t know what kind of chaos will occur with just the four balls that have already blown out the fuse. “If you lose, even Cheondun will be taken away.”

“...Then how can we catch him?”

Are you asking me to risk my life and recapture the Buddhist scriptures with my bare hands?

If that's the case, then of course I have no choice but to refuse.

Because repaying a favor and sacrificing one's life are two different things.

“Look. Don't think too hastily. I wonder if he was going to ask you for such a favor without any countermeasures, even if it meant the death penalty. “Isn’t that right?”

Geomseon kept his mouth shut in response to the middle-aged Daoist's question.

At this, the middle-aged Daoist frowned and asked, ‘Surely you didn't think of that?' I looked at him with this expression.

At this, Geomseon shook his head.

“That’s not it. This is because it is a matter that cannot be decided by just one person. “This is...”

At that time, Geomseon trembled and looked somewhere.

It wasn't just that.

The middle-aged Daoist also looked in the same direction.

The two people got down on one knee at the same time and made a sweeping move toward that place.

I don't know what the English sentence is.

Then, the two people stood up from their seats.

The middle-aged Daoist said to the swordsman.

“As expected, Jeongyang Jinin was also watching.”

“This has gotten so big, how could you not know?”

What are you watching?

As I looked at him in confusion, Geomseon said to me:

“Let’s go to Jeongyangjeon first.”


* * *

I followed Geomseon and the middle-aged monk out of the cave and went to the largest temple near the lakeside.

It was the only place with eight floors.

When I entered the first floor, there were so many Buddhist monks memorizing sutras that it was incomparable to Sunyangjeon.

Even here in Daejeon, the world of Wonsi Cheonjon, Yeongbocheonjon, and Taesangnogun, who are called the highest gods of Taoism, were located.

-I guess old man Geom-seon is the representative here.


Geomseon, who was ahead of Sodamgeom’s words, burst into laughter.

I didn't reply to what he said, but I too was thinking the same thing.

Looking at the attitude taken by Geomseon and the middle-aged Daoist, it seemed as if the highest-ranking person in the Dohwaseon was here.

When I went up to the highest floor, there was a small office, although it was smaller than Daejeon.


There were eight seats, and in the remaining six seats, excluding the two seats, were monks with unusual appearances.

Each and every one of them was someone who could not help but stand out.

-What on earth are those women?

As Sodamgeom said, I looked there and saw a woman wearing a white cotton thread holding a lotus flower and a woman wearing only one shoe with a flower basket next to her sitting side by side.

And on either side of them were a Taoist man wearing a tattered uniform holding a gourd, and a Taoist man with a white mule sitting quietly behind him.

‘It's bizarre. ‘It's bizarre.'

A middle-aged monk greeted the empty monks and then sat down in the empty seat.

Opposite the empty seat was the only person wearing what appeared to be a bureaucratic uniform rather than a uniform.

“My mother came after receiving a call from Jinin Jeongyang.”

Geomseon bowed his head to the person at the head of the table.

It was an old man whose stomach was as swollen as that of a pregnant woman, but was not hiding it with his clothes. He was holding a large fan in his hand.

-Look at the boat. A lot of hair...


If you do that, your eyes will keep going there.

I turned my gaze elsewhere to avoid looking at the belly of the old man sitting on the chair.

But the old man’s eyes were looking directly at mine.

It was as if he had the mysterious ability to see through everything.

At that time, an old man called Jeongyang Jinin opened his mouth.

“I have already told you the brief story to the Soseon here.”

You didn't see or hear anything, so you know what happened?

Geomseon spoke as if he felt guilty at the old man’s words.

“I apologize to Jinin and everyone for what happened due to lack of frequency.”

The old man shook his head at Geomseon’s words.

“Didn’t I tell you this when I was teaching you earlier? “Everything goes as it should.”

“That's right.”

“The old man also failed to raise his disciples, so I have no intention of blaming him for this.”


“However, this is something that cannot be ignored, so I would like to hear what plan you have, Sun Yang.”

With those words, the old man looked at me.

The eyes of all the monks in the palace were also focused on me.

Geomseon took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

“Ordinary criminals may not be able to do anything because the unfortunate disciple ran away with the Buddhist teachings.”

At that time, the Taoist sitting in front of the white mule spoke.

“Surely you won’t ask to send the other monks out?”

“Is that possible? Jang’s execution.”

Geomseon shook his head and denied it.

Then the woman holding the lotus flower opened her mouth.

“If you do, you will be put to death. How can we retrieve the Buddhist instrument and catch that child?”

As soon as she finished speaking, the woman next to her, wearing only one shoe, spoke.

“Priests. I'm sure you don't mean to ask that young man for a favor. That person isn't supposed to be here. “Just because he’s here, the order of things is already being disrupted.”

...No, I really want to be here.

If the guy we're discussing now hadn't taken the Sodam sword, none of this would have happened.

I was about to become displeased when a middle-aged monk wearing a flute spoke.

“private residence. That person did not come here of his own will. Even if we want to send it out, it is impossible until the damaged scriptures are restored.”

Still, he defends me by saying that I know him.

I looked at him with gratitude.

At that time, a monk wearing a tattered robe and holding a gourd spoke.

“First, let’s listen to the female executioner’s story. And it’s never too late to decide something.”

“Thank you. This priest.”

If you listen to their conversation, it seems like they are all talking about the death penalty.

Even those who have practiced the Tao have different thoughts.

I don't know what I'm doing, stuck in this gap.

Geomseon opened his mouth again.

“As everyone knows, we believers in Dohwaseon are not allowed to get involved in the secular world. However, even so, we cannot allow Dharma to cause trouble in the world. “I propose this.”

With those words, Geomseon pointed to me and said.

“Please let this young man act as our agent and catch my impudent disciple.”


I couldn't just listen to those words.

“Elder. I’m sorry, but I still…”

“Please wait a moment. “Listen to everything Nobu says and make your own decision.”


I let out a long breath and closed my mouth.

okay. First, I have to listen to what the prosecutor is saying.

It's not too late to say no when you really think it's not right.

“This young man came here thanks to the treasure left by me in the future. Do you think it was just a coincidence?”

The monks murmured at Geomseon’s words.

Among them, the Taoist holding the gourd asked directly.

“So are you saying that all of this is natural?”

“I see.”

“How can you be so certain?”

“Do you think it is just a coincidence that this young man, among many others, gained treasure and ended up coming in at a time when an unsophisticated disciple was doing this?”


“Does it seem like it just happened by chance that this young man appeared in a situation where no one in the fuse could step forward?”


At those words, the monk holding the gourd frowned and closed his mouth.

Other Taoists also had similar reactions.

‘...It's not a coincidence?'

I too became somewhat confused by Geomseon’s words.

When I think about it, it felt like things were strangely aligned.

At that time, Jeongyang Jinin, who was sitting at the head table, came forward.

“Are you saying this is all going to happen?”

“Didn’t Jinin also tell you? “Everything happens according to reason.”


At those words, Jeongyang Jinin let out a groan as if he was in trouble.

Then he opened his mouth again.

“Even so, how can that young man cultivate the Tao without any teaching tools, and how can he deal with Vigilant Jeong, who even has the teaching tools?”

The woman wearing only one shoe also nodded and said, as if she agreed with this.

“I also have the same thoughts as Jinin. “That young man’s inaction may be quite outstanding, but it is no different from jumping into a fire with your bare body.”

“So, with apologies, I would like to ask a favor of the president and the minors here.”


“I hope that this young man here will pass on one of your talents to him during his four years at Dohwaseon.”


Everyone in the hall looked surprised at those words.

The Taoist in front of the mule said as if it was absurd.

“Look. female priest. Are you really asking me to accept this person as a disciple? If that happens, this person will also fall under the fuse....” “

As I said, I am requesting that you be given the status of an agent. Jang’s execution.”


The Taoist in front of the mule snorted as if he was shocked.

The reaction of other Taoists was no different.

He looked at me as if I didn't deserve it.

‘What on earth are we going to do?'

I, too, was dumbfounded by his sudden suggestion.

Who would have known that these extraordinary Daoists would demand that they offer up their talents?

Everyone was reacting like this, but their leader, Jeongyang Jinin, suddenly laughed.


The monks looked at him with puzzlement as they saw him smiling brightly.

Jeongyang Jinin, who had been laughing for a while, soon shook his head and said to Geomseon.

“You’re still hoping for a lucky break, just like before.”

“...I’m sorry.”

“If this is natural as you said, then this must also be the answer.”

The woman holding the lotus flower was startled by his words and raised her voice.

“Jinin! “Are you really going to grant my request for the death penalty?”

“Is there a better solution than this?”

“I would rather tell my disciples.....”

“Did you tell me to give up the 36 Heavenly Way and leave this place?”

At those words, the female monk holding the lotus flower closed her mouth.

Jeongyang Jinin smiled brightly, then turned his head to Geomseon and said.

“You have already taught that young man a skill, so you just need to teach others.”

Geomseon shook his head and said.

“The cause of all of this came from me, so how can the responsibility be passed on to a single person?”

“So you’re saying you’ll teach me too?”

“That's right. “If you allow me, I plan to teach this young man the Daedo Cheondun Sword Technique.”

“Daedocheondungeonbeop? Ha!”

“That's right.”

Jeongyang Jinin clicked his tongue and then looked at the other Daoists and said.

“It would be a shame for you guys to come up with something equivalent to this level of skill if the Emperor is passing on this level of skill.”

The expressions on the faces of the monks were all unsatisfactory.

? Hanzhongwolya

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