A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality: Immortal Realm

Chapter 785: Black Weasel City

Chapter 785: Black Weasel City

Right at this moment, a burst of peculiar silver light suddenly appeared beside Han Li, and a silver talisman flew out of Shi Chuankong's glabella before exploding violently.

The silver light instantly swept over both of them, and they vanished from the spot.

A resounding boom rang out as the green jade flying carriage was pulverized by the Golden Rhinoceros King's almighty stomp, but at this point, Han Li and Shi Chuankong were already nowhere to be seen.

The Golden Rhinoceros King let loose a furious roar upon seeing this, and he cast his gaze far into the distance as he prepared to continue in his pursuit.

However, his expression then suddenly changed slightly as he abruptly stopped cold in his tracks.

An incredibly dense dark cloud had suddenly appeared on the horizon in that direction.

After staring at the dark cloud with a hesitant expression for some time, the Golden Rhinoceros King ultimately decided to turn back, returning to his golden carriage before returning the same way he had come from.


Close to a hundred thousand kilometers away.

Han Li and Shi Chuankong suddenly emerged from the soil on a lush hill.

At this moment, both of them were looking a little disheveled. In particular, there was still some blood trailing down from the corner of Shi Chuankong's lips, and he didn't have time to wipe it away yet.

"The Golden Rhinoceros King didn't come after us?" Han Li asked.

"We've already entered the Black Weasel King's territory. That final stomp was most likely a last-ditch attempt to kill us, but he doesn't dare to venture any deeper into the Black Weasel King's territory. Otherwise, if the Black Weasel King comes out to confront him, it won't be so easy for him to get away," Shi Chuankong replied while panting heavily.

"What was that talisman that just flew out of your glabella? It really saved us back there," Han Li asked.

"That was one of the few life-saving talismans that my father gave to me, and it can only be used once," Shi Chuankong replied with a wry smile.

"In the instant before we were teleported away, I sensed an aura that was just as powerful as the Golden Rhinoceros King's, but I didn't get a chance to examine it further before the talisman took effect. We haven't just jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire, have we?" Han Li asked with furrowed brows.

"That was most likely the aura of the Black Weasel King that you detected. The reason why I decided that we should flee into the Black Weasel King's territory isn't just because he's a sworn enemy of the Golden Rhinoceros King. In addition to that, he's also somewhat different from the other Ten Hazards," Shi Chuankong said.

"How so?" Han Li asked.

"The Black Weasel King's true form is also that of a demon beast, but I've heard that his cultivation catalyst was quite unique. Instead of using a cultivation art of our Holy Realm, he's using a daoist cultivation art from your Immortal Realm, so he's not as bloodthirsty as the other Ten Hazards.

“Instead, he's a very refined and tasteful man who likes to read literary classics, and I've heard that he's even traveled to some mortal empires in the past while posing as a scholar," Shi Chuankong explained with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

"A well-learned demon beast? That's certainly a first," Han Li mused as he raised an eyebrow.

"Ultimately, he's still nothing more than an untamed beast under a refined guise. I heard that he previously took part in a mortal nation's imperial examination, but he failed on all three attempts, and in a fit of fury, he ate that nation's emperor and six other important officials," Shi Chuankong scoffed with a derisive sneer.

"It sounds like we can't rely on his good graces then. In that case, we should try and get out of here as soon as possible," Han Li said.

"There's no need for that. Over the years, the Black Weasel King has always been on friendly terms with Night Sun City, and it's clear that he's intentionally trying to distance himself from the title of the Ten Hazards. Hence, as long as we don't start any trouble, we shouldn't be under any risk in his territory. On top of that, I also want to pay a visit to Black Weasel City," Shi Chuankong said.

Han Li faltered slightly upon hearing this.

"Black Weasel City?"

"Even though the Ten Hazards Mountain Range is a primordial land, it produces a special type of spirit material known as Purple Sun Warm Jade. It's an extremely rare spirit material that can improve the harmony between a body and a nascent soul, thereby significantly shortening the amount of time required for a nascent soul to possess a new body.

“This is an item sought after by one of my subordinates, the one by the name of Feng Lin that you met back in the True Mantra Sect ruins. On top of that, this material can also nourish the soul, so perhaps it can cure Fellow Daoist Weeping Soul's current condition," Shi Chuankong explained.

Han Li hesitated momentarily upon hearing this, then asked, "But I'm not a devilish being, won't that be a problem?"

"If I'm not mistaken, you also possess a devilish cultivation art, right? All you need to do is release the aura of your cultivation art, and even if you don't take on a devilish form, that should suffice," Shi Chuankong replied with a smile.

Han Li channeled his Provenance True Devil Arts upon hearing this, and a layer of golden scales appeared over parts of his exposed skin.

"That's more than enough," Shi Chuankong assured with a nod. "Let's go. We're still quite far from Black Weasel City, and your flying carriage was just destroyed, so let's use my one from here, and you can take this time to have a rest."

Shi Chuankong swept a sleeve through the air as he spoke, summoning a black flying carriage that was riddled with black devilish patterns, and it didn't appear to be inferior to the green jade flying carriage at all.

"In that case, I'll be in your care," Han Li said with a smile, then hopped onto the flying carriage.

Shi Chuankong flew onto the carriage as well before making a hand seal, and the carriage set off toward the northwest as a black shadow.

Over a month passed by in a flash, and there were no further pursuers during this time, but Han Li and Shi Chuankong still kept their guards up.

Finally, they arrived at their destination.

The territory of the Black Weasel King was already very close to the edge of the Ten Hazards Mountain Range, and there were far fewer demon beasts here than in the Golden Rhinoceros King's territory. Hence, their journey was far smoother, and they didn't come under many attacks.

"We're finally here," Han Li remarked as he hovered in mid-air, looking out at a vast lake several kilometers up ahead.

The water of the lake was dark purple in color, giving it a very peculiar appearance.

Despite its strange coloration, the water didn't appear to be harmful at all, and the lake was teeming with life.

"This lake is called Purple Fen Lake, and it derives its name from a type of fen jade that's produced here. There's a huge fen jade ore vein on the lakebed, and the energy seeping out from it is what's given the lake its purple color. Fen jade is a concomitant spirit material of Purple Sun Warm Jade, so when collecting fen jade, one would occasionally be able to dig up a chunk of Purple Sun Warm Jade or two.

“Fen jade ore veins are extremely rare, even in the context of the entire Holy Realm, and to my knowledge, this is the only one that can give rise to Purple Sun Warm Jade," Shi Chuankong explained.

"In that case, let's go," Han Li said in an eager manner upon hearing this.

Weeping Soul was still unconscious, and her aura was still gradually diminishing. He had no way to cure her condition for now, so he could only hope that the Purple Sun Warm Jade would have some effect.

"Hold on a second, Brother Li. Right now, our appearances are a little eye-catching, so we should adopt some disguises," Shi Chuankong said, then began to chant an incantation, and a layer of rippling black light washed over his body.

After the black light faded, Shi Chuankong was revealed to have transformed into a muscular man with strands of black fur all over his arms and legs, giving him the appearance of a being from the wolf tribe of the Ten Hazards Mountain Range.

Han Li also adopted a disguise upon seeing this, transforming into a horned young man with purple hair and green eyes.

This disguise of his was extremely intricate, and it incorporated both his Mantra Domain and his Provenance True Devil Arts, so even a Great Encompassment being wasn't necessarily going to be able to see through it.

After adopting this disguise, Han Li immediately flew toward the lake, while Shi Chuankong followed along.

Before long, the two of them had flown hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and right at this moment, a black island that was several hundred kilometers in radius appeared up ahead.

There was a giant city on the island that took up the entire landmass, and its walls were over a thousand feet tall and entirely paved with a type of black crystalline material, presenting a majestic sight to behold.

The city walls were also etched with some purple patterns that seemed to be for fortification purposes, and they were emanating a faint purple glow that enshrouded the city in an air of mystery.

This was Black Weasel City, the home of the Black Weasel King.

From here, Han Li and Shi Chuankong began to slow down as they were no longer the only ones in the area, and more streaks of light had begun to appear nearby.

A series of giant ships had also appeared on the surface of the lake down below, traveling toward the city.

The closer they drew to Black Weasel City, the more ships and streaks of light they encountered, all of which were converging toward the city.

The two of them didn't want to attract any attention, so they suppressed their auras to the True Immortal Stage.

Han Li cast his gaze toward the giant ships, upon which a surprised look appeared on his face.

"What's wrong, Brother Li?" Shi Chuankong asked.

"On the way here, all of the demon beasts that we encountered were still in their beastly forms, and only upon reaching a certain cultivation base could they adopt human forms. However, none of the beastly cultivators on those ships possess particularly lofty cultivation bases, yet they've already attained human forms," Han Li mused.

"Almost all beastly cultivators can attain human forms upon reaching a certain cultivation base, but the timing differs depending on their bloodlines. Generally speaking, the easier it is for a beastly cultivator to attain a human form, the lowlier their bloodline will be. All of the beastly cultivators on those ships are considered to be low-grade beings, and the same principle applies to all of the beings in our Holy Realm," Shi Chuankong explained.

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