A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality: Immortal Realm

Chapter 784: On the Run

Chapter 784: On the Run

Several days later, in the Golden Rhinoceros King's cave abode.

The floor of the palace was littered with smashed chalices and ornaments, while all of the guards and maidservants were kneeling on the ground, trembling with fear.

Yin Yu's head was lowered, making it impossible to see his expression, and it seemed that he was carrying some severe injuries.

After venting his fury, the Golden Rhinoceros King sat down onto his golden chair, and his eyes were slightly narrowed as he asked, "So you're saying that Tong Yu was killed by the early-High Zenith Stage human cultivator accompanying Shi Chuankong?"

"My king, that man has mastered the laws of time, and in conjunction with Shi Chuankong's spatial law powers..."

"Are you trying to make excuses for yourself?" the Golden Rhinoceros King interjected in a cold voice.

"Not at all, my king," Yin Yu hurriedly replied in a fearful voice.

"Forget it, it was Tong Yu's fault for underestimating the targets. If the two of you had worked together to begin with, the outcome could've been different," the Golden Rhinoceros King sighed.

He swept a sleeve through the air as he spoke, releasing a purple plate, which released a burst of radiant purple light to form a purple array.

A purple-robed man appeared within the array, and it was none other than Shi Zhanfeng.

"Judging from your expression, it doesn't seem like things have gone well, Fellow Daoist Golden Rhinoceros," Shi Zhanfeng said as he raised an eyebrow.

"Is this how you do business, Your Highness? Why did you not warn me about that High Zenith Stage human cultivator accompanying Shi Chuankong? Two of my most prized subordinates have fallen to that man!" the Golden Rhinoceros King accused in a cold voice.

Shi Zhanfeng faltered slightly upon hearing this, and a surprised look appeared in his eyes as he replied, "It was never my intention to withhold such information from you, Fellow Daoist Golden Rhinoceros. I did inform you that my brother was being accompanied by an early-High Zenith Stage human cultivator, but I had no idea what he was capable of. Surely a mere High Zenith cultivator isn't too much for you to handle."

"If he was just an ordinary early-High Zenith cultivator, then he would already be dead by now, but he's mastered the laws of time, and that, combined with your brother's spatial law powers, make them far more difficult to deal with," the Golden Rhinoceros King harrumphed coldly.

"Is that so? Are they still within your territory right now?" Shi Zhanfeng asked.

"Why do you ask that? If they're out of my territory, are you going to turn and strike a deal with that black weasel? In that case, is our deal still in effect? Two of my most prized disciples have already perished for this cause. If you're not going to honor our deal, then I'm afraid that I'll have to visit you in Night Sun City for a chat," the Golden Rhinoceros King said in a cold voice.

"Don't be in such a hurry to threaten me, Fellow Daoist Golden Rhinoceros. If they're still on your territory, then feel free to kill them, and I'll double the compensation that I promised you," Shi Zhanfeng said.

"In addition to that, I want you to help me suppress the black weasel's forces for the foreseeable future. If you can promise me that, I'll go after them in person and ensure that they're wiped out of existence," the Golden Rhinoceros King countered.

"Deal," Shi Zhanfeng immediately agreed.

The Golden Rhinoceros King swept a sleeve through the air to dispel the array, then instructed, "Yin Yu, go and prepare the carriage. I'll be hunting for our targets myself."


Half a month later, a green jade flying carriage was flying through the air over a mountain in the Ten Hazards Mountain Range.

Han Li and Shi Chuankong were standing on the carriage, looking around with slightly tense expressions.

"Brother Li, you've already been piloting this carriage for over half a month, how about I take your place for a bit so you can have a rest?" Shi Chuankong proposed.

"There's no need for that, this is not very taxing for me at all. You're still yet to fully recover from your injuries, so it would be best for us to leave this place as soon as possible," Han Li replied.

"There's no need to be too wary, Brother Li. We've already changed directions several times in the past half a month, and we've also suppressed our auras this entire time. Additionally, we haven't even dared to release our spiritual sense, so there's no way they'll be able to find us. Besides, it won't be long until we get out of the Golden Rhinoceros King's territory, and once that happens..."

All of a sudden, Shi Chuankong's voice trailed off here, and a wry smile appeared on Han Li's face as he sighed, "You just had to speak it into existence, didn't you?"

A giant golden carriage had appeared tens of thousands of kilometers behind them. It was an extremely ornate three-story carriage that was riddled with shimmering golden gemstones that were glowing radiantly.

The carriage was drawn by ten golden winged horses clad in suits of golden armor, and it was rapidly gaining on Han Li's flying carriage.

Around the carriage were hundreds of half-human, half beast beings that were also clad in suits of golden armor, and a grim look appeared on Shi Chankong's face as he mused, "The Golden Rhinoceros King really has come after us in person."

Han Li's brows furrowed slightly upon hearing this, and he immediately made a hand seal, upon which his immortal spiritual power surged into the green jade flying carriage in a frenzy, causing it to accelerate dramatically.

The Golden Rhinoceros King was standing behind the railing on the third floor of the carriage, and he gave a cold harrumph upon seeing this.

He then abruptly swept a sleeve through the air, and the nine golden dragons embroidered onto his robe began to glow radiantly.

Immediately thereafter, the nine golden dragons flew out of his robe before making their way into his sleeve, and the sleeve instantly swelled to hundreds of times its original size, aiming to devour the space up ahead like a gargantuan mouth.

The nine golden dragons within the sleeve were forging ahead as quickly as they could, and it took them less than twenty seconds to cover the distance of tens of thousand of kilometers.

All of a sudden, Han Li and Shi Chuankong felt a shadow descend upon them, followed by a burst of tremendous pressure, and the green jade flying carriage immediately began to sway in an unsteady fashion.

Immediately thereafter, a gold vortex appeared within the Golden Rhinoceros King's sleeve, releasing bursts of tremendous suction force that caused the flying carriage to slow down significantly.

Shi Chuankong's expression changed drastically upon seeing this, while Han Li yelled in an urgent voice, "Grab onto my shoulder, Brother Shi!"

In the next instant, a layer of golden light erupted out of his body, forming a golden spirit domain that encompassed the entire surrounding area in a radius of several hundred kilometers.

Enshrouded within the time spirit domain, the giant sleeve instantly slowed down, but in the next instant, the Golden Rhinoceros King let loose a loud roar, upon which a burst of formidable erupted out of the golden vortex within the sleeve.

The time spirit domain rippled violently in the face of this burst of power, while the golden sleeve continued to descend upon Han Li and Shi Chuankong at its original speed.

In this dire situation, Han Li grabbed tightly onto the flying carriage while channeling his Reversal True Axis ability, and in the blink of an eye, the carriage had traveled to thousands of kilometers away.

All the Golden Rhinoceros King saw was a blur flash before his eyes, following which he discovered that his sleeve had fallen upon nothing but empty air.

A bewildered look appeared on Shi Chuankong's face seeing this, and he immediately combined his immortal spiritual power with Han Li's, helping Han Li to accelerate the flying carriage even further.

"After them!" the Golden Rhinoceros King roared, and he conjured up a giant whip of golden light before lashing out at the rear ends of the ten winged horses up ahead.

The rear ends of the ten horses were struck in unison, and the golden armor plates were instantly shattered, while deep gashes were inflicted onto their bodies.

However, the ten horses didn't even dare to utter a single sound as they flapped their wings with all their might, pursuing the green jade flying carriage as quickly as they could.

Up ahead, Han Li didn't dare to let his guard down in the slightest, and he continued to channel his Reversal True Axis ability.

So incredible was his speed that the gap between the two flying carriages was gradually beginning to widen.

Shi Chuankong was ecstatic to see this, but he then caught a glimpse of Han Li's pale complexion, and he realized that maintaining such an incredible speed while carrying a flying carriage along had to have been extremely taxing on him.

Sure enough, Han Li was only able to keep this up for a short while longer before the surrounding time spirit domain dissipated, but thankfully, at this point, the terrain up ahead was already beginning to change.

The vegetation in the forest was gradually becoming sparser, while the terrain was also becoming flatter, transitioning from tall mountains to short hills.

"We're about to reach the Black Weasel King's territory, Brother Li. He and the Golden Rhinoceros King are sworn enemies, so there's no way he'll let the Golden Rhinoceros King into his territory, which means we'll be safe as soon as we get there," Shi Chuankong yelled in an elated voice.

"Don't let your guard down. We're dealing with a Great Encompassment cultivator here," Han Li said as he continued to fly onward as quickly as he could.

As soon as his voice trailed off, a burst of peculiar energy fluctuations suddenly emerged behind them, following which a spirit domain abruptly stretched over a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers to encompass them within it.

Immediately thereafter, the giant golden carriage in the distance suddenly plummeted out of the sky along with the ten winged horses as the Golden Rhinoceros King launched himself forward at an incredible speed.

Inside his own spirit domain, the Golden Rhinoceros King was able to cover a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers with just a single step, and before Han Li and Shi Chuankong had a chance to do anything, a giant golden foot was already stomping down upon them.

A sense of powerlessness welled up in Han Li's heart in the face of the mountainous spiritual pressure crashing down from above, and he discovered that he wasn't even able to channel his Reversal True Axis ability anymore.

The Golden Rhinoceros King's fearsome spiritual pressure instantly filled the entire surrounding space, and it was too late to do anything.

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