A random pokemon journey

Humbling and skill

Humbling and skill

Did I expect to really make a difference? Not at all, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to at least try. I knew this was a poor decision as this definitely counted as meddling in history to a large degree. Or perhaps this was always supposed to happen and I was just following the script? Whatever the case my damn curiosity got me into this mess so I may as well give it my best and bail only if it truly was a lost cause. Following the connection from the priestess to Giratina was a little tricky since I wasn't the one with the bond but I managed.-

I almost immediately regretted it as the moment I arrived a heavy pressure fell over me and I felt five different egos, wills really, focus on me with one being much much greater than the other four combined. 'You should not have come here mortal, but I sense something from you? Something off? Ah! I see! You are not from this time, the work of one of the travelers I take it? No need to answer as I can sense your answer already through this strand of your aura. Unfortunately your effort is wasted here, nothing can forestall what is coming now.'-

'Though now that I think of it your presence gives hope for the future. Goodbye for now mortal.' A powerful androgynous voice spoke from seemingly everywhere before I got forced back just a suddenly as I arrived. I stumbled away from bedside of the priestess with gritted teeth as a burning sensation covers the hand I had held over her. A single black diamond shaped mark appeared on the back of the hand before I turned and left the room without a sound.-

None moved to stop me as I left the palace/temple or even when I called Rune down to grab me and my nonfliers. I hadn't checked but I was pretty sure they all recognized that I had given up. I lost, there was no resistance or grand and glorious struggle. I was simply and immediately defeated and sent away. I wasn't so stubborn as to try again and again to get a different outcome as I knew that that avenue of approach was now blocked off to me. What can a mortal do in front of a god beside what it allowed? Nothing at all.-

It was a humbling experience despite how brief it was. I hadn't even realized it but I had gotten rather full of myself with all my skills, abilities and even my higher race and aura. I think subconsciously I had believed myself unstoppable. Giratina had given me a wake up slap that I hadn't even realized I needed. Beyond that it had given me a gift that left me conflicted because of what it meant. The black mark on the back of my right hand was not mere decoration but rather a visible sign of it's blessing.-

[Lordly circulation(N): An advanced meditation skill that was granted by Giratina. Pulls in aura from the surroundings through the world mark on the body that is circulated and refined seven times over before getting added to the users reserves. Can be further improved. Also serves as a homing signature for Giratina.]

It wasn't an ability but a skill instead, one that made me feel a little cheated. I mean I get that Giratina likely noticed that I was sort of stuck with an aura that I didn't know how to improve very well. For a godly being like that that had been around since the creation of the world it was probably a simple deduction as easy as breathing.-

Creating a skill on the fly to help me improve my aura was also likely just as simple for it to do. But that was where the feeling of getting cheated came from. This gift effectively robbed me of the chance to create this skill myself. Don't get me wrong it was certainly a great and useful thing for me but I was sort of looking forward to the experience of pioneering the way forward in this regard.-

Bellyaching about a gift aside the last two parts of the skills description were of greater concern to me. The first was because this was actually the first time I had gotten a skill that said it could be improved. All the descriptions for the rest of my skills implied that they were perfect already. This added line in this new skill however made me think that that might not actually be true. Further evidence of this was the creation of Omega. The creation of such a weapon wasn't recorded in any of the skills that it should have been which with this new skills description gave me a theory.-

'What if all my skills were only perfect at the exact moment I got them?' I pondered seriously. It certainly worked with the clues and knowledge I had about the matter. When I got a new skill from the system I got all the knowledge pertaining to that skill that was known but only up to that exact moment. This meant that after that if any breakthroughs or new discoveries were made I was just as in the dark about them as anyone else unless I was the one who made the discovery.-

The second thing about the description was that Homing part for Giratina. Probably self explanatory but having the attention of what was basically pokemon Satan is not good for you in most cases. This meant that I was DEFINITELY going to have to deal with that once I got back to the present. Fingers crossed that the legendary had regained it's sanity by then and didn't immediately decide to drag my ass into the distortion world for eternity. Getting the Cyrus treatment when I had tried to help the thing would really suck.-

With these thoughts I returned to base camp and chose to bide my time until the event started. I practiced the new skill while I waited and I have to admit that it was a colossal improvement over the meditation technique I used previously. The way it worked was a lot more complicated than the description said though. Like for one it didn't just suck in the surround life energy in the air and send it to my reserve after getting filtered by the mark seven times. What it actually did was draw in the energy using my own energy before circulating the new and preexisting throughout my body seven full times which refined the new stuff into the same as what I already had.-

It reminded me suspiciously of corruption as I used my own energy to corrupt the stuff I suck in to eventually turn it into more of my own energy. Admittedly I would have probably never thought of such an ingenious approach to improving my aura. It took negative applications of aura and used them for an actually good purpose after all. I avoided the negative applications of aura like the plague they were so whatever I had eventually created would have likely been WAY different than this skill.


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