A random pokemon journey



With that said there was nothing technically stopping me from just trying to make my own meditation technique like I had originally planned but I no longer had the motivation to do so. While it was true that I had looked forward to the challenge of creating my own meditation technique it was also because I had a need for such a thing, now I didn't. Besides at some point I was going to need to improve this skill anyways. It was likely to be a far in the future thing but I would definitely reach even higher with my aura.-

I had felt it though only for the briefest moment, the aura of Giratina. The breadth and width it held eclipsed my own aura by many magnitudes and that was despite it holding out against the encroaching dark. That was where I one day hoped my own aura would arrive, a plane of pinnacle power. For now though I was content with finally being able to improve my aura reserves at a decent pace once again. While my body had adapted to this density and quality of aura it still remembered when I had a lot more of it as well so the increase over the next two days of waiting was not inconsequential.-

Perhaps it may not sound impressive but I'd recon I had at least a five percent increase in energy volume over these two days. On the third day I knew that the time had come as the sky darkened and the air felt heavy. "GUUUURRRR!" A deep rumbling roar filled the entire region and the shockwave followed it shortly afterwards. Despite being at the far edge of the region the shockwave from the center bowled over trees and ripped up dirt and rocks that hit my team and I about the same time it slammed into us.-

We barely had time to recover when we felt three more powers appear in the region and clash with the first. The result was devastating to say the least as one moment I could see the grass and trees far away and the next nothing but a dark hole. So much land and lives lost in an instant just from a clash between the gods of this world. I felt small, insignificant when I witnessed this.-

I never SAW any of the clash but I felt it well enough from the place Agate village would one day spring from. Mt. Battle took a good deal of the brunt of the damage which explained the massive cracks and gaping openings of the volcano in the present. Despite this the aftermath of these clashes had my team and I bunkering down in the cave leading to the relic for safety. Eventually though Giratina was overwhelmed and sealed into the distortion world. There was no sticking around for me though as I watched the land missing start appearing again and just knew that I no longer had a reason to stick around.-

The land was just plain rock and dirt but I knew it would lose all vitality eventually though I was unsure still why. As far as I could tell there was nothing wrong with it and the attack that destroyed it originally didn't FEEL corruptive or evil so in theory it should have recovered by the present time and not turn into a desert yet it had. I was still missing some pieces of this puzzle and very much intended to figure out what they were.-

 I balled my team and set back off into the relic forest to the shrine at it's center. I was not surprised to see the Celebi waiting for me when I arrived. 'Got what you were after I take it? Oh? And a little something extra as well it seems! A blessing from that one of all things from before it lost it's mind too! Must have done something quite risky to get that didn't you? Ah you mortals are such fun to to send through the branches of time! Well time to send you back, the big boss doesn't like if we mess with time too much after all.' The Celebi spoke without stop before once again vanishing before I could get a word in edgewise.-

I grumbled a bit but headed back to the relic since it was clear that the Celebi wasn't going to talk with me. Once I arrived at the relic from the forest I was surprised to find Wes and Rui there using it to "purify" a shadow pokemon. "Alex? When did you get here and what on earth are you wearing?" Rui asked confused. "Did a bit of time travel nothing to worry about." I said with a shrug. "Time travel!? How!?" she exclaimed in shock.-

"I used the forest or rather the "guardian" of the forest to travel in time to learn something important. Besides I thought everyone knew that Celebi forests are temporally distorted areas so you can time travel by entering them carelessly? I get the region is isolated but even so you people should still have that information." I said a little confused how she wasn't aware of this. "How in Mews name was I supposed to know to look up something like that?" she asked defensively. "You are literally using a Celebi related relic and not once did it dawn on you to maybe look the thing up?"-

"That's plain reckless, anything related to a legendary is dangerous or potentially so and best only approached after knowing what they are about. And don't try to argue with me on this one because this is common sense and not some niche rule." I chastised. She looked away embarrassed and even Wes looked a little ashamed because he had no doubt also failed to do any research on the subject. "Enough about that though how long have I been gone?" I asked changing the subject.-

"Three weeks give a day or two." Wes answered calmly. 'So I was gone from here about as long as I was in the past then. This is probably that Celebi's doing, a small favor perhaps.' I think while nodding in acknowledgement. "If you don't mind me asking what was the past like?" Wes asked curiously. I didn't mind sharing my experience and we stopped by Eaguns house and I spoke of all that I saw and experienced while I was in the past over lunch that I prepared. "An audacious thing to do to dare try and interfere in history in such a regard!" Eagun said firmly.-

I shrugged "It didn't matter anyways as nothing I did was going to change the outcome. Interacting with the people or pokemon made no difference as they all died anyways. The only thing that changed was that I got this blessing that shouldn't exist at the present." I said honestly. "While that may be true you endangered not only yourself but the entire world with your actions, I had expected better of you." Eagun said before telling me to leave.


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