Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chapter 9: Yueyue's Gym Time

With nothing much to do sitting in the living room, Xiaoyun decided to go to the gym.

As he opened the door, the first thing he saw was Yueyue lying down on a training bench with a dumbbell in her hands as she lifted it.

Besides the exercise she was doing, Xiaoyun couldn't help but notice Yueyue's sports bra showing her small petite figure in the front, and her grey yoga shorts barely could fit her voluptuous thighs.

After finishing a set and putting the dumbbell away, Yueyue finally noticed Xiaoyun standing at the door.

"Are you here to exercise?" Yueyue asked as she wiped her sweat with a towel.

"Yeah, I just want to test how strong I am right now. And maybe get a little exercise."

Yueyue's eyes suddenly widened a little as if it was the best message she had ever heard from someone.

"There are dumbbells from ten to one hundred kilograms."

Yueyue excitedly drags Xiaoyun over to the dumbbell section and points at the 20kg one.

"Here, you should try this one."

As Yueyue handed the dumbbell to Xiaoyun, he was able to lift it one-handed with barely any effort.

"It's too light," Xiaoyun commented.

Yueyue grabs the 20kg dumbbell and gives the 30kg to him.

"Well, that was still pretty light."

Seeing Xiaoyun treat it as if it were too easy, Yueyue increased the dumbbell weight to 50kg.

To her surprise, Xiaoyun was still able to lift it.

"Ah, this is a little bit too heavy," Xiaoyun commented as he handed it over to Yueyue.

"Is this your first time going to the gym?" Yueyue asked, surprised by Xiaoyun's strength.

"Yeah, I've never been to a gym before... Only some manual labor in the countryside and the kitchen."

Xiaoyun thought back to his old memory of Uncle Li's training, which he had to go through every morning, and his part-time job in a restaurant.

"Hm... Do you want me to help you make a fitness plan? I think that is exactly what you need!"

Yueyue suddenly patted Xiaoyun's back in pure excitement, as if they had known each other for a long time.

"Sure, I don't mind losing some belly fat. Thanks."

Seeing Yueyue so enthusiastic, Xiaoyun simply couldn't refuse. But he was still a little surprised by Yueyue's openness rather than her usual shyness toward others.

"Well, let me think about it for a second... If you follow Brother Ming's fitness plan, it's clearly still too heavy for you.

But Sister Ningjing's fitness plan is even harder. What other plan do I know that fits a beginner?"

Yueyue thought for a second, then got an idea.

"Maybe... You can just do what I do every day! Do you want to learn how I work out every day?"

Xiaoyun quickly glanced at her arm and her abs, then instantly nodded in agreement.

"Well, first, you need to warm up. Hmm, let's just do a set of jumping jacks to warm up."

Yueyue suddenly drags Xiaoyun by the hand and drags him all the way to the empty middle area of the gym.

"Just copy what I do, okay? A lot of people think it's easy, but their form is completely wrong."

As Yueyue began her jumping jacks, Xiaoyun followed in her footsteps and quickly learned how to do it.

But as she continued jumping up and down, Xiaoyun couldn't help but notice her chest kept bouncing up and down with her body.

Even with a petite size in the front, Xiaoyun could still feel Yueyue was at least half of Yuqi's size.

He tried to look away and pay attention to his form, but he noticed Yueyue's sports bra was becoming transparent.

It was already soaking in sweat from the exercise she had done earlier. Soon, Xiaoyun could feel a tent building up below.

"I need to look away. I already promised Yuqi I love her... I can't hurt her like this."

After what felt like a century for Xiaoyun, Yueyue finally stopped. But Xiaoyun was still jumping, and Yueyue noticed Xiaoyun's weird form.

"Wait, your posture is a little bit off." Yueyue walked behind Xiaoyun, then held Xiaoyun's hand and adjusted them up more.

"When you jump, your hands have to hit each other. Then, you need to straighten your legs.

Don't bend them, okay?" Yueyue warned as she squatted down to straighten Xiaoyun's legs.

After a few sets of jumping jacks, the warmup was finally over, and the two moved onto the training bench.

"Okay. Let's train your back muscle first... We are going to be very light first to make sure you can handle it."

As Xiaoyun lay down, Yueyue's face blushed as she noticed a massive bulge at Xiaoyun's crotch.

But Xiaoyun didn't notice it at all, as his full attention was on the barbell on top of him.

"Did Xiaoyun get a bulge because he was looked at me?" Yueyun wondered as she moved the barbell into her hands.

"No, no... My twin brother isn't that perverted, right? It's just a natural phenomenon for men to have blood rush down their legs after warming up... Right?"

Yueyue was able to slowly convince herself that Xiaoyun was just having a natural reaction.

"Yueyue?" Xiaoyun asked, noticed Yueyue was holding the bar and was still frozen.

"Oh, sorry... Okay, this is around eighty kilos. You should be able to lift it easily on both hands...

Get Ready. I am going to let go now."

As soon as Yueyue let go of it, Xiaoyun instantly felt the weight on his hand.

"Your shoulders are way too wide. You're going to pull your backstring by accident if you keep doing that. Just move your hand in a little more."

Yueyue adjusted Xiaoyun's form a little, then checked his form again.

"Okay, that's good. Now relax for a little bit. Don't lift your chin... My hands are behind the barbell. Don't be scared. It won't hit drop on your body."

After a few seconds, Yueyue was finally happy with Xiaoyun's form and let him start moving his arms.

"Okay, now lift it all the way up."

Xiaoyun lifted it all the way as fast as he could, but Yueyue wasn't happy with it.

"Slow down. It doesn't need to be so fast. It will have the effect of exercising if you do it slowly... Alright, now slowly let it down and do it again."

Xiaoyun repeated this several times until he got a little tired and started slowing down, so Yueyue immediately called for a stop.

"That's enough. Now lift the barbell and place it on the rack behind."

After Xiaoyun put the barbell back on the rack, Yueyue handed a towel.

"How do you feel right now?" Yueyue asked curiously.

"My arms are a little sore already, and my back hurts a little," Xiaoyun replied as he wiped his sweat.

"Well, muscle and abs require a lot of hard work, and what you just did almost surpassed years of effort for me," Yueyue explained.

"Really?" Xiaoyun stopped in shock.

"Actually, it's to be expected since you are a guy. Your body is just naturally more suitable for this kind of stuff."

Xiaoyun quickly noticed Yueyue was looking at his arms, and her tone sounded a little jealous.

"Oh really? But I had to use all my strength to lift the barbell... Sister, you must be even better than most men since you lift over one hundred kilos." Xiaoyun pointed out.

"Don't flatter me. I've never won against Sister Ningjing or Brother Ming. Ahem, now go on the treadmill and run for at least five kilometers."

Despite Yueyue saying not to flatter her, Xiaoyun could tell she liked the praise.

"Make sure you warm up with some walk, okay? I need to go take a shower first, and we will be back doing the next exercise."

As Yueyue left the gym humming and with a smile on her face, Xiaoyun walked over to the treadmill.

After turning it on, the speed was started at three kilometers per hour as a warmup. Then, he felt his legs warm up, so he slowly increased his speed until he ran at fifteen kilometers per hour.

"When could I run so fast? I'm barely getting tired at all... What up with my stamina?"

Xiaoyun just kept running at the pace, with his arm getting a little tired before his legs somehow.


As Yueyue stood in front of the mirror inside the bathroom, she noticed her gym clothes were almost completely transparent.

"Wait, when did my bra become transparent? Was it during the exercise earlier?

No wonder why my brother was acting so weird... I mean, it's only natural for a guy to get hard after seeing this, right?"

Yueyue took off her wet clothes and walked inside the bathtub.

"But I am his twin sister. He should at least point it out and tell me... Maybe it's too awkward for him to point it out.

I mean, I didn't point it out when he was hard down there. Why should I be the one criticizing him for not telling me?"

As Yueyue turned on the shower head, she noticed the water couldn't drain down at all as the drain filter was completely clogged.

"Huh, did someone take a bath already?" Yueyue murmured.

"It can't be Yuqi and Nami since they only shower at night... Was it Mom? But she was just outside the garden earlier."

Yueyue started thinking about the culprit as she wanted to demand them to pick it up rather than herself.

"It's definitely not brother's short hair, and mom's suspicion is already removed... It's too short to be Nami's since she never cuts her hair, so it has to be Yuqi's hair."

Yueyue finally realized the culprit, but in the end, she decided just to pick up the hair herself.

As Yueyue pulled some of the hair out of the drain, a large pile of white liquid was sticking to the hair, and a slight tint of red was on the hair as well.

"Yuck, it's so sticky, what is this thing?"

The white liquid started sticking to her hands as she pulled the rest of her hair out of the drain filter.

"This definitely is not shampoo... what is this thing?"

Yueyue tried to get it off her hand, but it kept sticking to her hand.

"It smells a bit weird... also, what is this red stain? Yuqi just had her period a few weeks ago, didn't she? Can't be that either."

Yueyue immediately washed her hands with soap after throwing the hair into the trashcan.

After walking back into the bathtub, Yueyue realized that some white liquid had also remained on the floor.

"What the hell is this?"

Yueyue took the hand-held shower head and changed the shower head mode to high-pressure mode.

Within seconds, the white liquid was brushed off the bathtub surface and flowed down to the drain filter.

"Damn it, it is not flowing down..."

The thick white liquid was now stuck onto the drain filter, as it was too thick to pass through it. So, Yueyue decided to aim the water head directly at the drain filter.

Fortunately, the white liquid was able to be shoved through the small holes of the filter drain as the high water pressure broke clumps of liquid down into pieces.

"I should go ask Yuqi later..." Yueyue thought to herself as she switched back to normal mode and finally started showering.

Ten minutes later...

After finishing taking a shower, Yueyue came out with a casual T-shirt and shorts.

"It's so cool! The breeze feels so nice."

Yueyue was standing in front of the air conditioner as she threw the sweaty clothes into the laundry basket.

After getting a little cold, Yueyue left the air conditioner and walked over to Yuqi's room.

"Yuqi, are you there?" Yueyue asked as she knocked on the door.

"Yeah, I am in my room. What's wrong?"

Hearing Yuqi's voice sound much weaker than usual, Yueyue gets a little worried.

"Yuqi, are you okay? What's wrong with your voice?"

"It's nothing. I went to bed late at night and forgot to take a shower. I'm just taking a short nap."

Yuqi's voice seems to have returned to normal, as if she had just woken up fully.

"Then open the door and let me see." Yueyue insisted on seeing her as she didn't trust Yuqi's words.

"Where is my cute little sister? All I see is somebody being a mom." Yuqi jokingly pointed out as she opened the door.

Yuqi was in her pajamas, looking normal, albeit slightly leaning against the wall.

"I just wanted to make sure you are okay," Yueyue replied.

"Well, you have seen it all now. I am going back to my nap now."

Yuqi tried to close the door, but Yueyue just held the door open.

"Why do you want me out of the room so fast? Qiqi, are you hiding something? Come on, we are sisters!

When did we hide secrets from each other? Just let me ask a question." Yueyue forced herself inside the room and started looking around.

"I got nothing to hide. I just want to sleep since I don't have work anymore. Not everyone has the spirit of getting up early like you and mom, okay?"

Yuqi walked inside the room and closed the door behind her as Yueyue started walking around the room.

"Ask your question before I kick you out. Or I'm going to go tell Xiaoyun the time you wet the bed when you were in middle school." Yuqi threatened as she sat down on the bed with a smile on her face.

"Hey! Don't tell him that! I just want to ask what the white liquid on the bathtub was. It was sticking to everything it touched."

Yuqi frozed for a second, then replied.

"That's just the new skincare lotion and cream I just bought a few days ago... Oh my god, I completely forgot to pick up my hair.

I am so sorry about that. I was just too sleepy." Yuqi apologized, thinking of an excuse on the spot.

"Uh-huh, sound like a load of bullshit. Come on, we have known each other since I was born. I know when you lie, you always put up a straight face." Yueyue argued.

"Oh well, it looks like I am going to Xiaoyun to talk about that time in middle school——"

"Okay, okay... I guess you can keep your secret then." Yueyue immediately backed down as she was too embarrassed to have Xiaoyun know about it.

"Hey Qiqi, you know it's not good for your health to sit in the office all day. Your belly looks like it is sticking out a little.

Are you sure you are not getting a little too big to your liking?" Yueyue asked as she noticed a little bulge on Yuqi's belly.

"My little sister is making fun of my weight, huh? You're going to regret this!" Yuqi lunged her body on top of Yueyue and started tickling her.

"Okay, okay, I am just joking. Please get down before I fall over." Yueyue surrenders as she raises both of her hands into the air.

Yuqi finally let her go before covering herself with a blanket, not letting Yueyue see her belly any longer.

"Do you want to go out for a run with me and Xiaoyun later? It's good for your health." Yueyue suddenly suggested.

"Um, sure."

Yuqi hesitated for a second, wanting to refuse, but after hearing Yueyue talk about her weight, she agreed to it.

"Okay! My sister is finally going to exercise! Well, see you later!"

Yueyue walked out of the room, whistling happily as if she had gotten a birthday present.

"Geez, not even closing the door on the way out."

Yuqi moved to the edge of the bed and closed the door, but her brain was full of regret as she thought more about it.

"Shit... why did I say yes to that? There is no way I can run in this condition." Yuqi thought to herself as she looked down at her legs, which still couldn't close properly.

"Whatever, maybe it will get better in the afternoon... But am I really getting fat? I barely eat anything, but I don't exercise either...

Would Xiaoyun think I am fat? Maybe I should exercise more often." Yuqi muttered as she rolled up her shirt, only to see a bulge not at her belly but slightly below it.

"This bulge just doesn't go away... am I going to get pregnant? It wasn't a safe day, and we didn't even use any protection.

If I give birth in this environment, it will cause so much trouble, not to mention the scandal... I am not ready to be a mother, either. I am still so young, I just can't."

Yuqi sighed as she started to regret letting Xiaoyun creampied her over and over again. But she knew there was no point in crying over spilled milk.

"There is no way it can be that easy, right? I just have to resist him next time. But it felt so good.

Would using protection feel just as good?" Yuqi thought for a second but quickly shook her head.

"It's just one time... But is it really only going to be one time?" Yuqi rubbed her abdomen a little as she tried to push it down, but it made no difference.

"As his wife, I should help him relieve his sexual desire... But why do I want to share him with someone else?"

Yuqi thought about it more and more, but she could only come up with a single conclusion.

"It's his fault for being so big and strong... It's not my fault that I need someone to help."

As Yuqi rolled to the side of the bed, she thought back to the moment Xiaoyun hit her cervix.

"Why did I climax so hard when I was in pain? Am I really a masochist? But masochists only exist in novels, right?"

Yuqi didn't want to admit it, but she knew deep down she wanted to try it again and ask him to hit it even harder.

"Why do I want to be treated roughly by Xiaoyun more and more? No, I am his older sister. I can't let him get away with that..."

Yuqi eventually fell asleep as her mind drifted further down the rabbit hole.

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