Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chapter 30: Sneak Attack and Atrocity

It was finally twelve forty-five when Yueyue woke up Xiaoyun.

When the two headed outside, Yezi was already waiting for them in his car.

"Here, your rifle. I know you have a pistol, but you are going to need this to intimidate them. I know those gang members are just bully who runs away when their own life is at risk."

Xiaoyun accepted the rifle Yezi handed as he and Yueyue got to the back of the car.

"I thought we were sneaking in. Wouldn't this be a little too big to walk around in?" Xiaoyun asked as they got inside the car.

"Just put it on your back. You know how to do that, right?"

Xiaoyun nodded in agreement and strapped it behind his back as the car started back up.

A few minutes later...

As the three arrived near the mansion at 308, Xiaoyun and Yueyue got out of the car.

"Here's my phone number. Call me when you guys are finished or if you need me to drive there to get you guys out."

Xiaoyun copied the phone number onto this phone as Yezi drove off towards where they had just come from.

After finishing writing it, the two began heading towards the mansion at 309.


The two were able to see Mansion 309 in front of them.

Nobody was standing outside patrolling as they had planned. The lights were only running inside the house, indicating there were people inside it.

"Let's go to that side."

Yueyue nodded as the two walked off the road toward the forest and into the backyard.

"Hm, this fence, the barbwire on the top..."

After standing there for a whole minute, Xiaoyun finally came up with an idea.

He created an entire wooden box right before the fence out of thin air, then climbed the boxes to jump over the fences.

"That was easy..." Yueyue murmured as she did the same thing, jumping over the fence with the boxes.

The two quietly walked all the way to the back entrance of the mansion.

Now, only a door stood in their way.

"It's locked," Xiaoyun commented as he tried to turn the doorknob.

"How about we climb up to the second-floor balcony? That's where we need to go anyway, and the balcony door is opened——"

Before Xiaoyun could make more boxes to repeat the same process from earlier, Yueyue moved below the balcony and signaled Xiaoyun to move over.

"Let's just try to stand on top of each other. You bow down here, and I'll try to jump to the balcony."

Xiaoyun bowed down a little with his hand below, readying his knee as Yueyue took a few steps back.

With a running start, Yueyue ran towards Xiaoyun's hand and jumped on top of it as Xiaoyun lifted his hand.

"Whew... That was close."

Yueyue was barely able to catch the bar on the balcony as she hung from the air, slowly lifting herself over the bar and onto the balcony.

"Xiaoyun, give me a rope," Yueyue whispered.


After receiving the rope that Xiaoyun threw, Yueyue quickly tied it to the security bar and signaled him to climb up.

"Okay, let's go inside this house."

Xiaoyun entered first as he drew a rifle out, and Yueyue was behind her as she drew her pistol.

Nobody was inside the room. However, there were clothes on the floor and a weird smell in the air.

The two blushed as they noticed the smell was coming from a white stain on the bed. Combined with the wet mark surrounding it, the two immediately realized what had happened on the bed.

"Let's go to the next room," Yueyue murmured as they headed to the room's door.

As Xiaoyun opened the door, he slowly peeked through the gap to check the outside, only to see a long, empty hallway.

The two carefully walked into the hallway as they made as little noise as possible.

"The boss isn't in the second room that we just entered. He is in the fifth room." Yueyue whispered as she remembered the map point from Mingpeng and Yezi.

"Should we knock?" Xiaoyun softly asked.

"Let knock, but stay silent. He won't expect it and open the door." Yueyue suggested.

Xiaoyun decided to go along with the plan and gently knocked on the door.

"Who the hell is waking me up so late——"

Just as the person inside opened the door, the two pointed the gun right at their head.

"Don't move! My gun will fire if you don't listen. Do as I say." Xiaoyun warned, putting his hand on the trigger.

"Who the hell are you? How did you get into my base?" The middle age man questioned, wearing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt as he stood before the two.

"Shut up the fuck up! Answer my question if you don't want a bullet in the head. Are you the boss of this base?" Xiaoyun deepened his voice as he moved his finger even closer to the trigger.

"Y-Yes, I am. What do you two want?" The boss stutters a little as he finally realizes the two are not joking around.

"Get on the ground and put your hand on the back."

Xiaoyun kicked him on the knee, forcing the boss to kneel as the boss was hesitating for a second.

Yueyue quickly pulled out a piece of rope from Xiaoyun's backpack and tied the boss's hand and legs together, blocking his mouth with a piece of cloth.

The two drag the boss back inside the room and then close the door behind them.

"Okay, the boss is down. What is this room?"

The two wondered as they began walking inside the room, only to see a little bit of blood trailing on the ground.


Yueyue immediately leaned onto the wall and began vomiting. With Xiaoyun holding the urge to throw up, the atrocity in front of them was beyond their understanding.

It was four women tied to a pole naked, with a piece of cloth covering their eyes.

Their legs were spread wide open, with markings on their legs showing how many times they had been defiled, combined with white liquid still flowing out of their private part that had been almost torn into pieces.

Hundreds of whip marks were all over their body, and they were so skinny that their bones could be seen.

On top of that, there were hundreds of tools next to the four women that had blood all over them.

"What the fuck... Why would anyone do this?"

Xiaoyun moved a little closer to the women tied to the pole, only to find all of them barely alive.

"Please don't kill me. I-I still can use my body." One of the women yelled out.

"Just kill me already. I want to die!" The woman on the right yelled out.

The other two seem to be broken, as not a single word came out.

"I-I am here to save you... sorry I didn't come sooner."

Xiaoyun began taking off their blindfolds one by one, only to see all their eyes were full of bruises.

When Xiaoyun got to the second person, Yueyue finally recovered and helped the other two to be untied.

"Thank you so much... I-I never expected someone would save me from this."

As the middle-aged woman bows down in gratitude, the two quickly rush to support her back up.

"Can you put a bullet in my head? Please, I have nothing to live for."

One of the younger women who asked to die earlier repeated the same line as her eyes looked completely dead toward the two.

"I-I can't do that..."

Seeing Xiaoyun refusing to do so, the younger woman turned her attention to Yueyue.

However, instead of saying no, Yueyue had a different idea in her head.

"Don't you all want to get revenge? Don't you want to shoot these scumbags yourself?"

The young woman hesitated for a second, but slowly, her eyes began to look more lively, as if she had found a new goal in life.

"You're right. I-I want revenge. I can't die here."

Seeing the change in the young woman, Yueyue quickly pointed toward the boss, who had been trying to hide himself with his his head facing the wall.

"Here, you all can beat that trash as much as you want."

The two women who talked immediately ran over to the boss and started punching him with their bare hands.

Suddenly, one of the women, who had been silent the whole time sitting on the floor, grabbed a rebar from the floor and ran toward the boss.

Before the two could react, the boss's skull was smashed on repeat til his brain parts were shattered all over the floor.

Eventually, the woman with the rebar stopped as the other two women who were pushed to the side were a little stunned by what had happened.

The boss was more than dead as the rebar was poked straight through the back of its head.

"Thank you."

As the woman with the rebar finally let her weapon go, the other two women quickly rushed over to get the rebar and smashed the skull several times as well before saying thank you as well.

"No problem... But our job isn't done yet. There are still more gang members outside to clean up. Can you guys stay inside here?"

With the three women quickly nodded in agreement, Xiaoyun was getting ready to leave. But Yueyue suddenly noticed something.

"Um, is she okay?" Yueyue asked, concerned as the person she pointed at hadn't moved at all.

"Let me talk to her. She's my little sister... She's a little traumatized since she's only..."

As the third woman approached her younger sister, Xiaoyun and Yueyue immediately realized it wasn't a woman.

Rather, it was a young girl who barely looked old enough even to be in high school.

"Fuck. All of them are guilty. I don't even need to make sure they are all innocent... Fucking trash bastard."

Xiaoyun readies his rifle as he angrily barges out of the room. His face is full of rage as he couldn't believe someone would do such a thing to someone so young.

"Wait! Xiaoyun, there are still civilians who aren't a part of this. We need to be careful. What if they hold them hostage?"

Yueyue quickly ran to Xiaoyun in the hallway, pulling him back into the room.

"You're right... I need to make sure no more innocents are hurt."

As Xiaoyun calmed down, Yueyue blushed when she heard a request from one of the women.

"Ahem, Xiaoyun, can you give them some clothes?"

"Oh, right... I can do that."

Xiaoyun put his hand inside his backpack, appearing to take some cloth out and hand it over to Yueyue.

"Yueyue, can you stay with these four? I'll go clean up the rest." Xiaoyun warmly asked, but the word was the polar opposite.

"Fine... But stay safe out there, okay?"


As Xiaoyun headed out into the hallway, he kicked one of the doors down before anyone inside could react.

Two people were inside the room lying on different beds, and both of them were woken up by the sudden noise.

"Who the hell are you!" One of them angrily asked, with the other one silently reaching for a knife on the table.

But Xiaoyun didn't give them a chance to explain themselves and opened fire.

"Next one... Not a single one of them is innocent... I can do this."

Xiaoyun murmured to himself as he headed back towards the doorway. But before he could reach for the door, it suddenly opened by itself.

Right before him were all six gang members, standing by the hallway right before Xiaoyun.

"Put your hand up before we shoot you. Who the hell are you?" The group asked as they all pointed their gun at him.

"Shoot me if you can." Xiaoyun coldly replied, aiming his rifle right back at the four of them.

"You motherfucker, you think your fake gun can scare us?"

All six of them rushed toward Xiaoyun with a metal pipe strapped on their back rather than shooting their guns.

With a loud firing sound, all six of them dropped dead on the floor. The carpet quickly began to turn red as their blood began to leak out of their bodies.

"Okay, that eight of them... where the other two trash?"

Xiaoyun thought to himself as he kicked the last room door open, only to find two of them holding a knife to the two civilians as hostage.

"Drop your gun, or we're going to kill them." One of the gang members threatened.


"Drop your gun now! Do you want innocent people to die?" The other gang member threatens.

"Do I look stupid or what? I'm not going to drop my gun." Xiaoyun argued back.

"Aren't you the police? You have to serve and protect." The other gang member pointed out.

Xiaoyun hesitated for a second as the gang member pushed the knife slightly into the hostage's neck.

"Do I look like the police? When did our country's police have M16?" Xiaoyun reminded the two.

Both gang members looked a little surprised by Xiaoyun's answer, but they quickly recovered.

"I don't care. Drop your gun now before I kill these two in front of you!"

The gang member on the left demanded as he pushed his knife even closer to the hostage, leaving a slight blood mark through the skin this time.

"Okay, okay, just don't kill them."

Xiaoyun slowly lowered his gun to the floor as the gang members moved their knives away from the hostages.

"Kick the gun to us." The left gang member demanded.

"That's never going to happen. How about I kick it to the left? Now, neither of us can get it."

Just as one of the gang members tries to reach for the rifle on the left, the one on the right quickly holds the other gang member back.

"We can see your pistol in your pocket! Drop that shit as well!" The right gang member yelled.

"Fine, fine, I will drop it."

As Xiaoyun throws the pistol under the bed, the left gang member rushes for the rifle, and the one on the right rushes towards Xiaoyun with the knife.

But to their surprise, they were met with a bullet to the head, and they both dropped dead to the floor.

"Whew, that was a little harder than I expected..." Xiaoyun murmured as he put away the brand-new pistol that he had made on the spot.

After kicking the two bodies to the side, Xiaoyun quickly strapped his rifle back on and picked up the other pistol.

Next, he began walking closer to the hostages and then began untieing them one by one.

"I'm sure you guys heard the gunshot. I'm here to save you. Don't worry." Xiaoyun reassured the two hostages as he removed their blindfolds.

"Thank you so much!" They both looked at him with gratitude and quickly followed him out of the room.


When Xiaoyun walked back to the boss's room, all four women were fully dressed and standing in the corner.

"Is everything taken care of?" Yueyue curiously asked.

"Yeah... All of them are dead now." Xiaoyun replied.

The three women, along with the girl, immediately bowed down and thanked Xiaoyun. But as they got back up, the woman and the men behind Xiaoyun finally made eye contact with each other.

"Baiqun, is that you?" one of the men asked as he walked closer to the four women.

"Lingang! I thought you had died!"

The middle-aged woman and the man warmly embraced each other as tears of joy came out of their eyes.

"Oh right, is anyone here Mingpeng's mother?" Yueyue asked as he suddenly remembered.

"I am. Is my son okay?" The women who wanted to die earlier spoke out.

"Yeah, he's at his uncle's Yezi's house right now. We found him at 304 with one of the gang members trying to... eat him. But luckily, we saved him just in time."

As soon as Yueyue finished replying, the women kneeled down on the floor and kowtowed in gratitude.

"Thank you so much. I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me."

"No problem, just helping people in need." Xiaoyun and Yueyue quickly rushed to support her back up.

As the tone in the room began to lighten, Xiaoyun noticed the two sisters in the corner who hadn't spoken much.

"Is she better now?" Xiaoyun curiously asked.

"Yeah, she's feeling better now. Come on, say thank you to our savior."

The older woman pushed the little girl up, who still looked a little afraid as her body kept shaking.

"T-Thank you, sir." The little girl finally spoke out.

"No problem."

As Xiaoyun walked back to the front, seeing the two men and four women standing there gave him a little headache, as he didn't know what to do next.

"Now all of them are dead. You guys are free to go now."

As Xiaoyun and Yueyue were about to leave, one of them spoke up.

"Can we stay at your place? We don't have any food, but we can do any work," Lingang asked, and all of them nodded.


Before Yueyue could accept their request, Xiaoyun stopped her.

"I can't fit you at my house. But how about this: Let me call Yezi for a second."

Xiaoyun pulled out his phone and then dialed Yezi on the contact.

"Hey, Yezi there?"

"Yes, you guys are all cleared?"

"Yeah, it's all cleared now. We got, um, six people here, and I don't know what to do with them. Can you drive up here for a second?"

"Okay, I'm going."

With Yezi hanging up the call, Xiaoyun turned his attention back to the six.

"Okay, now let's just wait a few minutes. You guys must be hungry. Here, have some snacks."

Xiaoyun goes inside his backpack and creates some chocolate bars to let Yueyue hand out.

All six thanked the two as they ate the chocolate bar in one bite as if they had not eaten for days.

Except for the girl who ate it a small bite at a time, with a big smile on her face that made Yueyue and Xiaoyun feel even worse after seeing what happened to her earlier.

After a few minutes, a door sound finally came downstairs.

All of them walked downstairs and followed Xiaoyun and Yueyue to the door.

"Hey, Yezi, here's your rifle back."

Yezi didn't refuse it as he saw Xiaoyun's eyes and looked determined to give it back.

"Thanks for saving my sister... What's the problem?" Yezi curiously asked as he warmly hugged one of the women.

"I had no clue what to do with them. I can't just leave them starve here, but I can't fit that many people back home." Xiaoyun explained.

"Why not just let them stay here and clean up the house? It is still very secure on the outside... Just some bodies that need to be cleaned up, right?" Yezi suggested.

"Oh right, I completely didn't think of that... Can you take care of them then?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Sure, I can do that. I need more hands to carry food from the grocery stores anyway."

Just as Xiaoyun and Yueyue were about to leave, Xiaoyun turned around again.

"Just one more thing... can you promise that you will treat them kindly? I don't want to have a gang base next to my home. If you need food, just ask me, okay?"

"What? I am a reformed man, okay? What you are thinking of won't happen again."

Hearing Yezi's reassurance, Xiaoyun turned to the six people one last time.

"Well then. Yezi here is going to help you all take care of your needs. But he is going to need your cooperation. I'll probably be visiting here in a few days. Goodbye, everyone!"

"Thank you!"

The six of them waved goodbye as Xiaoyun and Yueyue walked away from the mansion.

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