Yuusha Yori Saikyouna Kuro Kishi

Chapter 37

One day, I was involvedwith my childhood friend, Yuusuke Takasugi, and thanks to the intervention of Amaterasu Oomikami-sama, who could be called the most well-known deity in Japan, I ended up in this world, Eldoa, with various advantages. My name is Tomoe Saito.

By chance, I encountered the legendary black unicorn Hayate, coincidentally helped the imperial family on their journey, became the captain of the knight squad by chance, and happened to solve the incident that was a problem at the time. Six months later, I won the Three Kingdoms Martial Arts Tournament, successfully resolved accidents, and a few days later, I was promoted to the position of Imperial Army Commander-in-Chief, an unusual advancement.

There were various events that followed, but after spending about two years in this world, I turned nineteen years old.

"Captain, how about this case?"

"Oh, this is..."

"Captain! We need to talk about the recent issue with the thieves!"

"I understand, please wait a moment!"

I've been busy and overwhelmed with demanding tasks.

Being the captain of the knight squad as well, the workload significantly increased since I assumed the position of captain.

Naturally, I couldn't observe the training of all soldiers every time, so the other squads were entrusted to their respective captains, and the knight squad was left to Kyle.

However, my opinions are still considered.

Well, there's no problem with training.

The problem is when the army is on the move, I became the one who needs to be informed first.

Previously, in the absence of the captain, the squad leaders would discuss matters and report them to His Majesty for approval. But now, I have to handle the reporting and approval instead of His Majesty.

As a result, my paperwork increased.

That being said, it doesn't mean I don't go to the field. Of course, there are times when I have to go.

Moreover, there are cases that can only be resolved by me.

For some reason, recently there have been a few cases of damage caused by dragons.

Although the damage is minor and not occurring in populated areas, it involves attacks on roads connecting villages and towns, targeting merchants and guild mercenaries.

It's truly a small number of incidents, but there have been casualties.

The annoying part is that, at the moment, I'm the only one capable of dealing with dragons as a human.

Furthermore, they fly, are fast, and breathe fire. Some even spit poison or corrosive substances.

There are various types of dragons that use more specific attacks, but for now, I'm only dealing with the ones that I mentioned earlier.

Well, if I don't face them alone, we'll suffer the consequences.

Fortunately, Hayate is with me, so it never becomes a prolonged battle. However, when it comes to dragons, even I, in my armored state, sometimes get injured.

I've had a few incidents where I suffered fractures from attacks in mid-air and even coughed up blood.

This armor is designed to absorb impacts when I'm on the ground, but in the air, the impact passes through.

The damage that penetrates is only possible if the dragon is of a strength comparable to that, so I'm usually fine.

Hayate immediately treats my injuries, but whenever I get hurt, he refuses to leave my side when we return to the castle.

I'm the one who's worried, and besides, he's adorable, so I can't bring myself to tell him firmly.

At that time, we end up spending the night in the stable.

Well, it's actually a lot of fun.

After all, the stable is managed by the knight squad, so naturally, other knights are there too.

They gather for reasons like "The captain is with Hayate today, so let's bring some snacks!" or "It wouldn't hurt for us to spend some time with the stable hands once in a while," and regardless of gender, it turns into a slumber party.

Nowadays, personal sleeping bags are kept in the stable's warehouse.

Of course, Conrad and Kyle join in too.

The knights have a good camaraderie.

Because of moments like this, slaying dragons isn't really a hardship.

In fact, it's more enjoyable to move my body.

Desk work requires sitting down and looking down most of the time, which makes my shoulders and neck stiff.

I used to enjoy staying in my room, but now it's the opposite.

I wonder if it's because when your living environment changes, you change as a person?

"Phew, finished!"

As I signed the last document, I stretched and said,

Looking outside the window, the sun had completely set, and it was pitch dark.

When I checked the clock, it was already past 20:00.

As soon as I became aware of the time, I was hit by a hunger that I hadn't noticed until now.

The cafeteria must be closed by this time. I'll just make something myself.

I removed my armor and changed into black casual clothes, then headed to the kitchen.

Since becoming the captain, Conrad has been taking care of tasks that I can't handle, so I ended up doing the paperwork alone.

Maybe that's why, when I'm alone and focused, I tend to lose track of time.

Alice finishes work at 19:00, so she's no longer here.

In such cases, I prepare my own meals.

Before leaving, Alice would turn on the lights in my room, so I don't need to look into the room through the magic crystal. It's very helpful.

Ah, I envy my own constitution.

It's not a problem for me to extinguish it...

With that thought, I sighed and made my way to the kitchen.


The first thing that caught my eye when I entered the kitchen was something covered with a cloth on the table and a small pot on the stove.

There was a card on top of the cloth, which I picked up.

"To Chie-sama,

I thought you might have forgotten to eat due to work, so I made something for you.

Please warm it up and enjoy.

From Alice"

After reading it, I removed the cloth and found several bread rolls in a basket.

When I opened the lid of the pot, there was a hearty pot-au-feu with plenty of vegetables and bacon, enough for one person.

It's exactly the amount I usually eat.


I'm grateful to Alice.

As I reheated the cooled pot-au-feu, laughter welled up within me.

She'll make a good wife, my best friend.

I always think at times like these that they should become lovers or get married soon.

We've been acquainted for two years, and the distance between us has narrowed to some extent, but we haven't become lovers yet.

We're just one step away, but it's necessary to have an opportunity or set up a situation for confession.

Unfortunately, opportunities don't come so easily, and the timing for confession is always bad.

How many times have I been interrupted while trying to confess?

Still, without losing heart, Claude's unwavering devotion to this love is remarkable.

Knowing how serious he is, both Conrad and I support him.

I transferred the reheated pot-au-feu to a plate and carried it along with the bread to the table.

After returning to the kitchen once, I placed a glass of water on the table and sat on the chair.


I said the Japanese phrase as I clasped my hands, as usual.

I won't use it anymore except during meals.

While thinking about that, I spooned some pot-au-feu into my mouth.

I was quite hungry, so it tasted delicious.

Once I finish eating, I'll tidy up the documents, take a bath, and go to sleep today.

Actually, it's better to stay awake for two hours after eating, but I'm already exhausted, and I have work tomorrow, so I need to sleep when I can.

After a good night's sleep and waking up refreshed, I'm currently heading to His Highness the Crown Prince's room.

Why am I heading to the Crown Prince's room? It's because of what happened this morning when I went to deliver a report to His Majesty.

It seems something has been off with him lately, but when His Majesty and the Queen asked, he evaded the question, and they have no idea what the reason might be.

Originally, His Highness had a tendency to accumulate things.

He doesn't want to inconvenience others with his own matters, but somehow, those close to him can tell.

Especially His Majesty, Her Majesty, and the princess, it's quite obvious. Truly a family, I must say.

So even if he says it's nothing, the worry doesn't disappear.

That's why I was asked to be someone he could consult with, and I'm heading to His Highness's place.

Perhaps it's something difficult to discuss with the family.

Lately, I've been curious about his unusual behavior, so it's a good opportunity.

Today, school is off, and I heard he's studying in his room right now. It's not right to disturb his studies, but I have no choice because there's no other time.

I prepared this time with the help of Conrad and other captains as well.

I arrive at the front of His Highness's room.

Knock, knockI knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

I hear His Highness's voice from inside.

"Your Highness, it's the Black Knight. Do you have a moment?"

"Huh, the Black Knight!?"

As soon as he realizes it's me, he suddenly panics, and I can hear uncharacteristic commotion as he approaches the door.

ClickThe door opens with a sound.

"What's the matter, Black Knight?"

His Highness, coming out from the door, is as usual.

Why was he making such a panicked noise?

"I have something to ask you, Your Highness. Is now a good time? You seemed to be in a hurry."

"N-No! It's nothing! Haha... (I can't say it. I haven't been able to see you properly lately, so I'm happy you came. It's embarrassing to say that.)"

"Oh, I see."

He laughed it off, but I wonder what's going on.

"Anyway, you have something to tell me, right? It's alright, come inside."

I feel a bit uneasy, but since I've been given permission to enter, I step inside.

Because he was studying just a moment ago, reference books are spread out on the antique desk.

His Highness gestures for me to sit on the sofa, and he asks a maid to prepare tea. After the maid places the tea on the coffee table and leaves, His Highness takes a seat on the opposite sofa from me.

"So, what's the matter?"

After taking a sip of the tea brought to me, he asks about the purpose.

"Yes, there's no point in beating around the bush, so I'll get straight to the point. Your Highness, do you have any worries recently?"

I go straight to the heart of the matter.

"Really direct, aren't you... Worries?"

His Highness tries to brush it off with a wry smile.

But I don't miss the fact that his eyes are wandering when he tries to deceive.

It's his habit to let his eyes wander when he tries to deceive.

We've had two years of interaction, so I know his habits quite well.

"That's a lie."


As soon as I denied it, His Highness's face turned bitter.

"Your behavior has been strange lately, so there must be something. We've had two years of interaction, you know? I can tell. And let me tell you, Conrad, who has known you longer than I have, was also worried. His Majesty, Her Majesty, and the princess are concerned too. Usually, when Your Highness's behavior is odd, it's because something is bothering you. Instead of bottling it up, it's better to let it out for resolution, you know?"

I say it all at once, letting him know that I can see through his worries.

For a few seconds, he looks down in silence, then exhales and lifts his face.

"Why can't I ever argue with you?"

"Let's just say it's because of my line of work."

In my current position, I interact with various people.

As a result, my observational skills are naturally honed, to the point where I can manipulate the conversation and not miss even the slightest gesture from the other person.

Don't think you can escape from someone like me.

"Well then, whether it's a complaint or a worry, I'm here to listen, alright?"

I brighten my tone and encourage him to speak.

Of course, my voice remains that of a man because I never know when and where it will be heard.

Resigned to his fate with me, His Highness starts speaking.

"Well... actually, recently at school..."

Hmm, at school, huh?

Did something happen with his friends? Or is it something concerning his studies?

"Um, I've been... getting involved with... female students more often."


I can't comprehend the words His Highness said while pressing his head with both hands.

"What do you mean by 'getting involved'?"

For now, I want more specific information, so I urge him to continue.

"For example, whenever I take a seat, I'm always surrounded by young ladies from somewhere. And when I go out into the hallway to use the restroom, the young ladies are waiting for me again. When I go to the cafeteria with my friends, I'm approached by the young ladies as if they're flocking to me. Even when I try to find a quiet place in the library, it's peaceful, but I still end up surrounded by young ladies."

"Ah, I see. That's enough. I understand."

Stopping His Highness, who is becoming increasingly pale, from continuing to talk about recent events at school, I hold my head with my right hand as a headache starts to set in.

The key point of this issue is not just the female students but the fact that they are young ladies.

The fact that young noblewomen gather around His Highness can only mean one thing.

"In other words, those young ladies are aiming for the position of Crown Princess, right?"

"I appreciate your quick understanding."

The prince affirmed while feeling downhearted.

I see, so that's the case.

This year, the prince is in his second year of high school.

He entered high school while the students two years ahead of him graduated.

The prince himself will continue his student life to pursue higher education.

However, it's different for the young ladies; their student life ends at this age.

Of course, not all young ladies go on to college. Many of them marry or engage in spouse-hunting.

Those who attend servant schools go to work in the mansions of upper-class nobles, thanks to their connections. However, the school the prince attends is a prestigious high school with a high academic level.

Men attend to secure official positions, while women polish themselves.

In reality, many talented individuals have graduated from that school.

It's like a brand, so to speak.

Attending such a school naturally implies confidence in oneself.

Many female students must pride themselves on having the qualities of the Crown Prince's fiance.

Until now, they may have thought there would always be opportunities, so they didn't make many moves. However, witnessing the final attempt of a senior student who approached the prince and failed, the female students must have panicked.

What if nothing happens even in the last year of their student life?

What if the prince goes to university?

In that case, the chances of interaction will significantly decrease.

They must have feared and worried about it.

That's why they started flocking around the prince in a hurry, hoping to leave an impression.

Really, the young ladies should exercise moderation.

The prince is undoubtedly an exceptional person, both in appearance, academic ability, martial arts, and inner qualities. Even setting aside his position as the Crown Prince, he is an impressive man. But I won't admire it if he causes trouble for others.

I can't imagine him being suitable as the Crown Prince's bride in that case.

If they stay calm and make rational judgments, they should realize it. But it's difficult in the current situation.

"Black Knight, what should I do?"

The prince's face looks pathetic, which is not usually seen.

What should he do?

The best option might be for the prince to "stop going to school for a while."

If the source of the problem, the prince himself, temporarily disappears from the presence of the young ladies, they will have time to think calmly and reflect on their own mistakes.

However, it's not an easy solution.

If the prince doesn't go to school, his reputation may suffer.

There's no need to worry about academics.

The personal tutor is ahead of the school's curriculum, so even if he doesn't attend for a month, he won't fall behind.

However, absenting oneself from school without any reason is undoubtedly problematic.

Is there a way for the prince to take a long-term leave without his reputation being affected... Ah!

"Your Highness, there is one method."

"What is it?"


"I see, if I had thought something was strange recently, was it because of that?"

Currently, I am here with His Highness to report to the Emperor.

Prime Minister-sama, who is waiting nearby, furrows his eyebrows after listening to the conversation and lets out a sigh.

Indeed, it would turn out like this.

"So, it would be best for you to take a temporary leave of absence."


"However, taking a long-term leave might be difficult, right?"

Both of them ponder over what to do.

I propose an idea to them.

"In that case, how about going on a 'pilgrimage journey'?"

"Ah! That's a good idea!"

The Emperor claps his hands in response to my words.

The Prime Minister also places his hand on his chin, lost in thought.

A 'pilgrimage journey' refers to the Crown Prince visiting other countries before ascending to the throne and receiving baptism in their cathedrals. They also visit the castles of other countries and pay respects to the kings.

In other words, it also serves as a round of greetings.

However, it's not just a mere visit; they travel in a small group.

They engage in camping, battles against monsters and bandits, and stay in humble accommodationsno luxury allowed.

In fact, this is the main purpose.

They depart from a life without any hardships and experience difficulties, observing the outside world.

An emperor is someone who governs and protects the country and its people.

It is believed that such a person should not be ignorant of hardship.

Truly impressive, the imperial family of this country.

With that said, there would be no problem with taking a leave of absence for this purpose.

The Crown Prince was already considering it, and all that's left is to decide who will be assigned as escorts.

"If you agree to this plan, I will hold a meeting with the captains as soon as possible. How does that sound?"

I inquire if this plan is acceptable.

The Emperor smiles and says, "There shouldn't be a problem. You've presented a good solution."

Upon hearing that, the Crown Prince seems relieved, as his complexion improves slightly.

"I'm sorry, Black Knight. I'm grateful."

The Crown Prince smiles and expresses his gratitude to me.

"No need to apologize, Your Highness. I'm glad I could be of assistance."

Underneath my helmet, I also smile.

Good, the Crown Prince is as cheerful as always.

Now, should I put in some extra effort for the Crown Prince?

First, I'll gather Conrad and the captains.

"Well then, I'll rely on you as the escort for the journey, Black Knight."

... Huh?


In response to the sudden statement from the Emperor, both the Crown Prince and the Prime Minister and I simultaneously raise our voices.

Wait a minute, what is this person saying?

"Your Majesty, it could be problematic if the Black Knight were to leave."

The Prime Minister asks the Emperor, his face contorted.

Well, that's true. I am currently the Commander of the Imperial Legion.

I'm constantly busy with work, and even now, I had to make time through the cooperation of Conrad and the captains.

There's still a mountain of documents I have to review, and it's certain that I'll finish later than yesterday.

And above all...

"As the Prime Minister said, especially when dealing with dragons, what do you plan to do?"

It's a small number, but it's currently the biggest problem.

We can't leave the castle right now because we don't know when and where they might appear.

The Emperor should understand that as well.

And yet...

"Wait a moment, first listen to me," the Emperor raised his hand, calming us down.

"First, as the next Emperor, I want Chris to have the most capable person as their guardian," he said.

That makes sense. Even though it's a journey to experience hardship, Chris is the next Emperor, so it's only natural to have someone who can protect them with all their might and ensure the journey is completed safely.

"Next, this journey will be a long-term mission. Therefore, the person accompanying Chris must be someone they can feel at ease with," the Emperor continued.

Indeed, it would be stressful if there is no one they can have casual conversations with, someone they are familiar with. We want to avoid any awkward atmosphere during the journey.

"Furthermore, we need someone with a noble title," he added.

Well, when meeting the kings of other countries, it's necessary to have an attendant disguised as a guardian. The Emperor is right about the noble title.

"And, the Black Knight," he said.

"Yes," I replied.

The Emperor's gaze was sharp, capturing me. Why does he seem different from usual? I took a step back inwardly.

"Black Knight, when was the last time you had a break?" he asked.

Upon hearing those words, my heart skipped a beat.

"What do you mean, Father?" the Crown Prince couldn't ignore it and asked.

"Recently, I have been concerned about the Black Knight, so I asked Conrad to monitor and report on you," the Emperor revealed.

I hadn't noticed at all! So, Claude has been cooperating without mentioning my name.

"According to the reports, even on your days off, you would abruptly go on missions and often stay past midnight organizing documents. You're working too hard!" the Crown Prince and the Prime Minister looked at me in surprise.

I instinctively turned my gaze away.

"This journey is also meant to give you a break from work. It's a great opportunity for you, who I heavily rely on, to contribute to the improvement of the Empire. If this situation continues, you may become overworked. This mission is not only for your sake but also for the future of the Empire. While dragons are indeed a threat, we can minimize the damage by reducing contact. Various methods can be considered, such as temporarily restricting access to areas where dragon sightings have been reported. When you return, you will be dispatched for subjugation immediately, but it will still be better than staying in the castle, offering a chance for a good rest," the Emperor explained.

I couldn't argue with the Emperor's words.

"Black Knight, I'm also asking you. After hearing Father's words, I'm worried about you too," the Crown Prince requested with an expression filled with concern.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make him look like that. An immense feeling of guilt washed over me.

"Indeed, you're working too hard. Listen to the Emperor's words, Black Knight," even the Prime Minister, worried about me, urged me to join the journey.

I had no choice but to surrender. The options to refuse had disappeared.

"Understood... I will accompany you," I replied.

Upon my surrender, the three of them showed relieved expressions.

And so, it was decided that I would accompany them on the "Pilgrimage Journey."

Now, what should we do about the other members?

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