You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 27: fishing worm

Chapter 27: fishing worm

Chapter 27 Fishing Worms

Because Lu Xuan was still busy preparing dinner, he and Xu Wan just chatted for a while before entering the kitchen.

The edge of Lingquan.

Zhang Xiuyuan stuck his head out, looking at the red-bearded carp swimming leisurely in the spring without moving.

Occasionally, he stretched out his small hand, hesitantly trying to grab the two slender red whiskers, but in the end he didn't have enough courage, so he quickly retracted.

"This is a red bearded carp. It is not aggressive. Does its red beard look good?"

Guan He did not know when he came to him and introduced the origin of the red bearded carp to him.

"It's beautiful, I didn't expect Little Uncle Lu to raise three such beautiful spirit fish, it's amazing!"

The child sincerely praised.

Xu Wan behind him nodded secretly.

Different from her son Zhang Xiuyuan who only cared about whether the red bearded carp looks good, she thought of more when she saw it.

With such a large spiritual field, there is also a spiritual spring, and the spiritual stones needed behind it are a bit hard for her to imagine.

She doesn't have much contact with Lu Xuan, and her impression of Lu Xuan comes from her husband Zhang Hong's occasional mentions.

From Zhang Hongs mouth, I learned that Lu Xuans qualifications are ordinary, his personality is silent, and he is not good at dealing with people, but he has a good heart, practice hard, and work hard to cultivate Lingzhi.

An ordinary spiritual planter who is a good person.

But now, first helping her family to clean up the pests, and then leading Zhang Xiuyuan to earn spirit stones, and the fight that night without knowing the situation, plus the financial resources to rent such a courtyard, all these things made her a little unclear for a while. .

"Boy Lu has changed a lot during this time. I didn't expect that the silent, stubborn, and stingy boy who was as stubborn as an iron rooster in the past has grown to this point without knowing it."

The thin old man beside him was also full of emotions, with a gratified smile on his face.

"Dinner is ready!"

Not far away, Lu Xuan's voice sounded.

"Braised pork meat!"

"Small fried bull!"

"Tear the emerald leaves by hand!"

A series of delicious dishes are served on the table.

"Wow! It smells so good!"

Zhang Xiuyuan said in an exaggerated tone, making Lu Xuan inevitably lost in admiration.

Boss He and Xu Wan were much more reserved, but their glances from time to time showed that they were both attracted by the dishes in front of them.

Lu Xuan served each of the three people a bowl of steaming spirit rice, and a bowl of orange-yellow spirit brew.

"Thanks to Manager He, Mrs. Zhang, and Xiao Yuan for coming to celebrate my new home move. Come, cheers!"

Manager He and Xu Wan sent their blessings, and they drank in one gulp.

When the spirit brewed into the throat, it felt acrid at first, and then, a mellow warmth came from where it passed, warming the limbs and bones.


Put down the wine bowl, there was a sound from Zhang Xiuyuan's abdomen, which made Lu Xuan and the others laugh.

"Let's eat, let's eat, you are welcome."

Whether it is spirit beast meat or spirit rice, both are worthy of their price. They are delicious and contain a trace of aura.

The four of them had huge flowers, and the wind and clouds were crippled, and they wiped out all the food on the table.

After resting for a while, Xu Wan, mother and son, and Guanshi He bid farewell one after another.

Guan He lived not far from here, and his strength was much stronger than Xu Wan's, so he went home alone.

As for Xu Wan and Zhang Xiuyuan, they lived on the edge of the North District, where good and bad people were mixed together, and their strength was low, so Lu Xuan escorted them back.

It was late at night when I returned home.

The night is low and the moon and stars are thin.

Lu Xuan took off the talisman and the split silver blade in his cuff, looked at the night sky, and had more expectations for his future.

The next day, just after dawn, Lu Xuan had already gotten up.

After practicing on the bed for a week, he washed up and came to the spiritual field in a light mist.

In Lingquan, three red-whiskered carps swim in the pond in a zigzag shape.

Lu Xuan's mind was concentrated on it.

A thought appeared in my mind.

Drinking water yesterday, drinking water today, and drinking water every day, how can you grow up?

"It is not enough to drink water from the spiritual spring."

Lu Xuan said something, and ran back to the back room, holding a handful of Lingmi.

As if feeling the weak spiritual power from Lingmi, the swimming speed of the three red bearded carp was obviously accelerated a bit, moving with Lu Xuan's movement.

Lu Xuan sprinkled a small amount of water, and suddenly, the water surface was surging, and six thin red long whiskers appeared and disappeared like thin lines.

After a few breaths, the water surface returned to calm, and the three red-bearded carps swam slowly, but their heads kept leaning towards Lu Xuan's direction.

Lu Xuan's mind was focused on the body of the red bearded carp.

"Please, please have some Mimi!"

A thought flashed in his mind, and then sprinkled a small half of Lingmi.

The water surface of Lingquan was turbulent again.

Lu Xuan sprinkled all the lingmi into the lingquan, and the red-bearded carp ate every grain.

After eating and drinking enough, the red-bearded carp stopped moving around Lu Xuan, with an aloof appearance that no one loved.

Lu Xuan then went to inspect the many spiritual plants in the spiritual field.

Adjust the blood jade ginseng spiritual seeds that have shifted positions, and supply spiritual rain in a targeted and quantitative manner according to the needs of each spirit firefly grass, so that they can get the maximum moisture.

Afterwards, Lu Xuan put his spiritual consciousness to the maximum, carefully searching every piece of spiritual soil.

"Got you."

The Earth Attraction Technique was running, and the spiritual soil changed slightly, and a gray-white worm was squeezed out.

He continued to search, and found several small worms of different shapes, and even dug out a colorful small worm from the spiritual soil.

These small insects lurk in the spiritual soil. When they come out, the larvae will feed on the branches and leaves of the spiritual plants, affecting the normal growth of the spiritual plants.

These worms come from many sources, some are worm eggs lurking in the spiritual soil, some are accidentally brought into the spiritual field, and some worms are surreptitious, with strong concealment ability, and can pass through the protective formation on their own and invade the spiritual field.

As a spiritual planter, you must always check the spiritual soil in your spiritual field. Before the insects harm the spiritual plants in the spiritual field, you must act first to clean up the culprit.

Because the new Lingtian was relatively busy when he just moved in, he didn't start large-scale insect hunting until today.

Spiritual consciousness plowed through the entire spiritual field, and Lu Xuan finally dug out seven larvae.

He brought the larva to the edge of the Lingquan, picked up a fat white worm, and threw it towards the center of the Lingquan.

A long, thin red beard shot out like lightning, wrapped the white worm tightly, and sent it into the fish's mouth.

"Yo, so fast!"

Looking at the red-whiskered carp that was still savoring the larvae, Lu Xuan felt a little interesting.

The other two red-bearded carps that were farther away also swam over, moving with Lu Xuan's hand movements.

Another larva fell.

Six thin red long whiskers popped out together, competing for the ownership of the larvae.

Then, almost at the same time, it retracted to the head of the red-bearded carp. One of them was lucky, and the long whiskers wrapped around the larva and sent it into its mouth.

Lu Xuan became very playful, either throwing a larva high up, or making a fake move to lure the long thin red whiskers of the red-bearded carp.

Waiting for the last zerg to be eaten, he still has something to say.

"Haha, the long beard next to the head of the red-bearded carp looks like a fishing line. It seems that when people are fishing, the fish are not fishing for insects. It's interesting."

(end of this chapter)

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