Witch of the Web

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Chapter 7


What the actual shit?

“I’m sorry, could you repeat that? Sounded to me like you were saying ‘kill ourselves in a pointless endeavor!’” I shout at Felicia. She’s still tied up and I’m not sure I want to release her anymore. “Taking on LOG is a stupid, suicidal and absolutely batshit insane thing to do!” I say as I continue my tirade. “Sure, messing with them can be fun, but how do you think the two of us -”

“Three,” interrupts Summer. I look at Summer then nod and look back at Felicia.

“Right three! Even with Willow, I don’t think you, me and her ca-”

“Oh, right, Willow. In that case four,” Summer once again interrupts me. I look at her and nod without thinking before continuing. 

“Four then.” Wait, something about that’s not right. “No, not four. Summer, you’re going home and forgetting I ever showed up,” I tell her. I leave no room for argument, and yet argue she does. 

“Yeah, no. Sorry, Rose, you need me or you’re not going to make another day. I can already tell you’re about to pass out,” Summer retorts. “You need someone to look after you since you clearly won’t do it yourself!” I glare at her and shake my head.

“That’s not true, I ate a burger earlier,” I state a little too proudly. I can already tell by her expression that she’s not impressed. 

“Uh huh, and when’s the last time you ate before that? When’s the last time you got a good night’s rest?” she demands with her hands on her hips. I have to think about that one before I can answer. I take a little too long as she’s already gearing up to continue. “That’s what I thought. You can’t even remember!” 

“Actually, Vi - er - Rose, has been sleeping in Lanadel. I saw her set up in her workshop,” Felicia not so helpfully informs. She has this look like she knows she’s throwing gas on the fire. 

“You what?!” Summer yells. “Of all the irresponsible, dumbass things you can do! I -” She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “I know what dysphoria is like Rose. I’m sure it was rough, especially when you didn’t even know you were feeling it.” I open my mouth to argue, but she shakes her head. “Just listen please,” she asks. I reluctantly nod, so she continues. “I may not be a fancy webweaver, or witch of the web like you said you are now; but I know how dangerous sleeping in Lanadel is. Please don’t do it anymore. I know it’s an easy escape. But please, you need to be more careful. For me?” 

I slump against a wall and let out a heavy sigh. “Fiiiiiiiiiiiine,” I drawl. “But you’re still not coming with us. This is a suicide mission I’m getting roped into here. You should just go home.”

“About that,” Felicia butts in. “I used a LOG access device to enter your building, Summer. LOG agents will be all over your residential block by now. It’s part of why I grabbed you so you didn’t get brought in for interrogation.” I give her this incredulous look and she winces. “I never intended to actually hurt her. I was just cleaning up after YOUR mess,” she snaps at me. “In any case, Summer’s actually safer with us until this whole thing blows over.”

This isn’t happening. 

This just isn’t fucking happening.

Willow’s wiped my mind and I’m living a fucking nightmare while she baps around my body. 

Said feline, quickly assures me that isn’t the case, but I’m still filing it under a definite maybe. 

I steeple my fingers together and let out another sigh, a weary one this time. “Right. Ok. So a Witch, her familiar, a Jack and a Chef are going to take down one of the world’s largest and most powerful organizations.” I look between my three companions. “With nothing but a broken gun, our clothes, and a cat.” I give them all a tired look. “Is that what’s happening?”

“My gun’s not broken,” Felicia tries to say but I give her a guilty look. She glares at me then shakes her head. “Whatever, just let me down. I’m losing feeling in my feet and we should probably find somewhere more secure to discuss our plans.”

She has a point.


With a snap of my fingers, Felicia is released from her bondage and drops to the ground. She lets out a quiet groan as she gets back to her feet. “Next time you want to tie me up,” she says with some renewed confidence. “Buy me dinner first.” 

My cheeks flush with embarrassment and I look away. “Whatever.” My witty repartee is only matched by my - Ah fuck it. It was weak and I know it. Felicia knows it. Summer knows. Hell, Willow probably knows it. A soft meow confirms I’m right. “Let’s just go,” I groan and make my way out of the building.  


A couple hours later, we find ourselves in what had seemed like an abandoned Burger Tavern on the outside, but on the inside -


Just Damn.

I may hate that bitch’s guts, but Felicia has good taste at least. 

Ignoring the gaze of my new companions, I move around, checking the systems set up in strategic places around the back rooms of the building. I stop when I lay eyes on her primary delving system.

Oh baby, I think I’m in love.

“Get your own,” Felicia quips, making me realize I’d spoken aloud. 

I let out a cough and turn slowly towards the logger. Former logger I guess. I don’t really get her. She’s a logger with a conscience. How does someone become a jack if they have anything resembling higher morals? Like, I’m no saint, and I do have some biases, but even before I got shot, I would never have joined those pricks. I should probably figure that out if I’m going to be working with her.

“So,” I say, my voice dry and quiet. “How’d you end up with those jackasses in LOG anyways? You seem to have a - what’s it called?” I don’t give her long to reply. “Right, a conscious. So why join those jackbooted thugs in the first place?”

“Hey!” Summer shouts. “That’s uncalled for,” she says as she looks at Felicia. The redheaded woman shakes her head and lets out a heavy sigh.

“No, she’s right. LOG’s not the organization I thought it was. But the story of how I got there isn’t pretty. Are you sure you both want to hear?” Both Summer and I nod. Felicia is quiet for several long moments as she stares at us. She has a terrible poker face and I can read her like a book. She seems torn about how to answer. After a lengthy number of minutes, she finally speaks. “I joined LOG for similar reasons to why you oppose them. When I was a kid, my entire apartment block was taken offline by digital terrorists. We were locked in, with no way to get food, water, anything.” She hesitates for a moment before continuing. “It lasted twenty days. My parents prioritized feeding me over themselves to ensure I survived. And they -”

“You don’t have to continue,” Summer says softly. 

“No, I want to hear the rest,” I state simply. I’m not going to let Felicia get off the hook so easily. Summer gives me an annoyed look but just steps back to give some more space.

“My parents didn’t make it,” she finally says. “The blockade only ended because LOG was able to find a way into the building and remove the physical webworld bypass that someone had snuck into the block’s central management system.” She clenches her fists tightly. “I was so enamored with them. They’d saved me and I knew I wanted to grow up to be like them. I stayed with my uncle until I got accepted to the LOG academy and then I guess I made a decision to just - look the other way when I saw something unconscionable. I rationalized that our enemies were the worst of the worst and we had to cross some lines to protect society as a whole.” She slumps into a nearby chair and pinches the bridge of her nose. 

“So you were naive and bought into the propaganda enough that you just ignored all the harm your organization did?” I summarize. “I guess that’s not as bad as I thought it’d be. Though…” I glance down at Willow who’s sitting on a table. I lay my hand on her and without any instruction, she scours the web for the information I know I’ll find. Sure enough, it’s there if you know where to look. “It gets worse Felicia,” I state, for once not taking any joy in her suffering. Well, maybe a little joy. 

“What do you mean?” she asks, looking up from her wallowing. 

“LOG could’ve taken that building at any time. They only took so long because they were negotiating how much the city would pay them to stop the terrorists.” The look of horror on her face gives me pause. I even consider not telling her the worst part. 

Eh, fuck it. I’m still pissed at her.

“There’s a decent chance there were never any terrorists to begin with. There’s been a bunch of investigations into LOG creating fake attacks to validate their continued existence.” I’m filled with instant regret as Summer glares at me while Felicia looks like she’s in shock. “I can’t say for sure though. It could’ve been a real attack?” I offer, but she can tell I’m just paying lip service. Willow gives me a frustrated look and I can feel her disappointment in me as she hops off the table before jumping into Felicia’s system. 

While Felicia grapples with the reality that her organization is even worse than she realized, Summer pulls me off to the side and slaps me across the face. 

“What the hell was that for?” I demand while holding my stinging cheek. 

“For being a huge bitch, Rose!” Summer snaps. “You didn’t have to do that, you know? She’s already ready to turn on LOG. Now she’s likely to be even more demoralized. When did you become so callous?” Her question is a valid one. I wasn’t like this when she knew me. I was shy, sure, and was a bit prickly, but I never went out of my way to hurt people like I just did. When did I stop caring about other people in general? 

“I - I’m not sure,” I admit. My face hardens as I feel my lips turn into a scowl. “Actually, it was probably when my parents were murdered and I lost the use of my legs then nearly died on the streets!” I snapped back. I instantly regret it though as I see Summer recoil and look away. “I’m sorry. I - “ I shake my head. “I’ll try and be better alright? I’m just - I don’t know.”

I feel warm arms wrap around me and pull me close. I lean my head on Summer’s shoulder. Has she always been taller than me? Eh, who cares. I never wanted to be tall anyways. I feel my breath catch in my throat and realize I’m crying. 

“Let it all out. It’s ok. I’m here.” Summer’s reassurances feel almost tangible. Like a literal summer day, warming me up. I realize her name is a good one for her if all her hugs are like this. I could maybe get used to them. 

When the tears dry up, she holds me at arm’s length and gives me a smile before going to check on Felicia. I don’t really pay them any attention while Summer gives the former logger a hug. Or I wasn’t until Willow hops into Summer. 

Just what is that cat doing?

After a few seconds, she jumps out of Summer and into Felicia. Neither seems to notice what she’s doing before she hops down to the floor and lets out a meow. Both women startle and look around before their eyes settle on my familiar. 

What the shit?

“You can see her now?” I demand as I cross the distance between us. 

“Yeah…” Summer whispers while Felicia just nods. “How’d that happen?” she asks.

Willow feeds me the information and I pass it along. Apparently she was able to create just enough of a connection with each of them that they can see and interact with her. They still don’t understand her like I do, but she - 


That’s why she did it?

Willow had decided she wanted more snuggles. That’s why she did it. Both Summer and Felicia giggle at the thought and are happy to oblige the fluffy digital cat. Felicia looks a little guilty as Willow happily snuggles against the woman who was trying to kill her not even a full day ago. 

After a fresh round of snuggles with my cat. The whole group of us decide that it’s been a busy day and we all need our rest. But Summer isn’t willing to just let us go to bed on an empty stomach and gets to work with what Felicia has stocked up. She manages to take a bunch of canned and frozen food and turn it into probably some of the best food I’ve ever had. What was once a handful of frozen chicken dinners and a bag of rice became stuffed chicken breast with rice and peppers. 

Fuck me. Ok I’m sold. Summer’s on the team because I don’t think I could ever eat a nutrient bar again after this. 

Why wasn’t I eating before? I mean, I never really cared to eat since I hated how I felt in my meatbody anyways. The pain of an empty stomach was a welcome distraction most days. And I could have the sensation of a good meal in Lanadel if I wanted to treat myself. 

I - I was starving myself. Why? I mean it’s obvious I guess. I didn’t care if I lived. 

So why do I care now? Why don’t I feel so uneasy anymore? 

I look down at Willow and get my answer. It’s because, for the first time in my whole life, I feel like it’s worth thinking about tomorrow. My body doesn’t feel like the enemy anymore. Maybe, just maybe, Willow has a point. Maybe I will be happier as a girl. Even just wearing these clothes has felt really good. And Willow does need raw materials to work with to sort my fleshy form out. So maybe I will have another chicken breast. Thank you very much Summer. 

After our meal, we need to figure out sleeping arrangements. Felicia only has one bed as this place was never meant for anyone but herself. It’s a big bed though. Like, it’s at least ten times bigger than what I’m used to sleeping on.

Do I suggest sharing?

Would I even want to share a bed with them?

Summer? Definitely. It wouldn’t even be the first time. We used to share a bed when we’d have sleepovers as a kid. You know, for someone I used to claim to hate, I did spend an awful lot of time with her when we were younger. I wonder how things would’ve turned out if I had a normal childhood. Maybe I would’ve figured things out with her. Maybe we’d both work at her restaurant. I’d handle a digital side for AI while she handles the meatspace side. We could still do that someday. Would I want that? I shake my head to clear the thoughts and look over at Felicia.

Would I be able to share a bed with her? She’s beyond gorgeous. Tall, athletic, yet undeniably feminine. Yet there’s the matter of her being a former logger. Former I guess is the operative word. Now that she knows that Willow is sentient, she’s become much less bitchy and annoying. So maybe I could. Still think she’s a bitch though.

I’m about to suggest the idea when I notice Summer and Felicia are already lying in the bed and looking at me expectantly. I raise a brow and Felicia gestures for me to join them. It’s a bit of a close fit, but I’m able to snuggle up to my blonde friend. 

I could get used to this.

The three of us don’t really do anything, for which I’m glad. So many shitty VR pornos start off like this. Three girls sharing a bed out of necessity then wind up having kinky lesbian sex. 

When did I start to really think of myself as a girl? I knew I’d just accept it since Willow was going to do the whole thing anyway. And I was just thinking Willow might be right, but when did I make the leap to just thinking of myself as one of the girls?

It’s too much for my tired brain to really consider so I just close my eyes and lean into Summer a little more. I’m rewarded for my efforts when she wraps an arm around me and pulls me tight. I feel safer than I’ve ever felt since my parent’s death. For the first time in years, I manage to fall soundly asleep without help from Willow or Lanadel. I just drift off into the sweet embrace of my dreams. 


I’m back in my tower’s bedroom, lying on my bed. Willow’s back to work on I guess copying my proxy body over to my meatbody. Now that I know what she’s up to, it’s not so worrying. I reach up and give her some pets and scritches which she appreciates. Though soon I doze off in my dreams as well and enter a very deep slumber. 


The next morning, I’m woken up by the smell of eggs and bacon. I take a quick stock of my body and am admittedly pleasantly surprised by what I find. I’m a little softer, a little curvier, and that stupid fleshy growth between my legs is almost gone. That sparks a sense of relief that I’m not quite ready to process so I get up for breakfast. I know real meat is next to impossible to get these days, but I kinda like that. I’ve never been big on the idea of killing animals for food. So all the synthmeat kinda appeals to me. I know I’ve heard about some older people complaining about it, but I think that’s just how old people are. Pining for the days of their youth. I bet when I’m older I’ll do the same thing. 

While we’re eating the amazing breakfast that Summer prepared, once again making me regret ever trying to deny her the chance to help, Felicia looks at both of us. She’d probably be eyeing Willow too if the little cat wasn’t off somewhere. 

“Right, so here’s what we need to do first…” 

End Chapter 7

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