Why I Quit Being the Demon King

Chapter 28

7. Deciding to duel (2)

“First, we must erase any traces of Daroche. “We’ll have to investigate a little more about what’s going on, but at least we shouldn’t leave any evidence that we’re involved.”

“Don’t worry. “I will risk my life to ensure that my lord’s will is done.”

Deus frowned at Alex. I was curious

what kind of hand that guy had

If you look at the angle and answer, it doesn’t seem like it’s usually a serious matter. . .

Could it be that Daroche was communicating with humans?

Deus tilted his head and scratched his head as he watched Alex disappear into the other side of the dimension.

I used my brain too much on useless things and suddenly became tired.


As I left the inner room and headed towards the store, I called out his name loudly.

“Yes Deus!”

“Get ready to go.”

“Where are you talking about?”

“To the Hero Management Office.”




Zeke tilted his head as he took off his apron.

“Get your equipment.”

Zeke’s weapons were placed in the hallway between the inner room and the store.

At Deus’ command, Zeke hurriedly put on his shield, sword, and gauntlets. As soon as

Zeke put the three weapons on his body,

he felt dizzy.

The Dooms Lagoon shield and the Dooms Gauntlet were made by processing dragon scales using demonic technology.

On the other hand, the sword Doomsrhino was created by short charcoal workers from Hearing Rhino, a monster from the demon world.

Because they all had a deep relationship with the demon world, they seemed to have a negative influence on Zeke, a human.

But Zeke was a warrior, not an ordinary human.

Instead, a feeling of resistance arose against the power of the demon world, and courage welled up within my body.

Just by wearing it, I felt like I was becoming a different person.

“It’s a magic weapon, after all.”

Zeke clenched his fist. The sharp protrusions of the gauntlet emitted a terrifying blue light.

“Because it’s not cheap. Even just that much is worth watching. “Let’s go and register as a warrior.”

Affairs related to warriors were basically under the jurisdiction of Seonghwangcheong.

The very existence of a warrior is a miracle given by God.

In the secular world, I had no right to get involved in it. It was natural for Seonghwang, the representative of God, to take charge of all affairs.

“But why are you suddenly trying to go to the Hero Management Office?”

The sight of Zeke carrying a shield like a bag and a sword on his waist seemed completely unfamiliar even to the villagers.

Acquaintances who often pretended to know could not hide their laughter.

“I have to register.”

“You mean me?”

“Then shall I do it?”

“But I don’t have a grade yet. . .

“What kind of test can I get?”

“It costs a lot to get it privately.”

“How much is it?”

“Five gold coins.”

“What’s so big about that?”

“My salary is two silver coins a month. “Five gold coins is two years’ worth of salary.”

“That’s all you give me? Alex, you salty bastard.”

“no! You are given enough

. At the hotel, I worked for less than half that amount. “I received tips to make up for what I was missing, but now I have enough money from the money I earn from street vendors at night.”

“You say I have to send my younger siblings to school?”

“Sometimes they give you bonuses when you go on an adventure. “I have enough money now.”

“Isn’t there enough money? More is better. “Anyway, I’ll pay for the inspection fee, so don’t worry.”

“thank you.”

“There is nothing to be thankful for. “I do it because it’s fun.”

The warrior management office was attached to the east side of the central temple of Joryx Castle.

I stopped at the entrance and looked up. I saw the words written on the plaque.

-Humanity has survived on the sacrifices of warriors.

That short statement well expressed the status of warriors among mankind.

“It’s a sacrifice.”

Zeke’s expression hardened at Deus’s brief words.

“That’s why Pure Bloods exist.”

“Are you going to join the war against the demon world when it starts?”


“It’s grade F.”

Zeke scratched his head.

“It won’t be of much help, though.” Deus picked a date. If he hadn’t quit being the Demon King, there would have been a war 20 years later.

In the war between the demon world and the human world that occurred once every 100 years, the survival rate of heroes was less than 1 percent.

The warriors in the vanguard died out of a hundred.

At that time, Zeke was in his mid-30s.

“Aren’t you a little young to die?”

“I think the appreciation of death is the same no matter how old you are. “Even if you are an 80-year-

old grandfather, it will be a shame when you die.”

“Is that so?”

Deus left a meaningless comment and walked into Zoryx’s hero management office.

There may be people in Zoryx Castle who don’t know Zeke’s face, but at least not in the Hero

Management Office.

When he appeared, the employees’ attention gathered.

But I felt little of the respect that was due.

To summarize, a bit of disregard and businesslike attitude.

This was roughly the way the world viewed a family of warriors who had been ranked Tao for several


-Humanity has existed on the sacrifice of warriors.

Even though it was a phrase they had put up, there was no respect whatsoever.

Deus crossed the office and approached an employee.

“I’m trying to register as a hero.”

“Please take a number and wait.”

She stretched out her finger and pointed toward the entrance.

There was a note board with numbers written in order.

Zeke pulled out a wooden plaque with the number 46 written on it from the license plate.

Deus looked around again. In addition to themselves, quite a number of people visited the office.

Half of them were clients.

Even wealthy merchants and nobles were being treated lavishly inside their office cubicles.

There were often poor clients, so wooden chairs were provided for them.

asked Zeke who came to his side.

“Are you also discriminating against clients?”

“The inside is for nobles. “You can’t work in the same place as commoners.”

Across from the office for clients

was a place for warriors and their companions.

This side was also quite crowded with groups of warriors looking for work.

Although purebloods were rare, there were quite a few halfbloods who inherited the blood of warriors.


Deus muttered, leaning on the chair waiting for his turn.


Zeke had his back straight and his hands on his knees.

I looked back at Deus with the correct posture of a warrior.

“Having a high level of pureblood doesn’t mean you have good skills,


Zeke’s gaze was caught by a man without even thinking about answering.

Deus also turned his head in that direction. He was two meters tall and was carrying a large hammer

on his back.

Unlike here, where he was treated like a cold meal, the expressions on the faces of the employees at the warrior management office who treated him were friendly.

“Markant. He is the strongest man in the area. Since he is not a pureblood, he is not ranked as a

warrior, but there are rumors that he will be close to G-rank.”

“Didn’t I say that Holyoke was Class A


“To be exact, Senior Lexia’s father is a Class A hero. Senior Lexia hasn’t received her grade yet.”

“That means it could fall even further.”

“If you are a senior, you will get at least an A grade. “He stood out in all areas, including swordsmanship, magic, horseback riding, knowledge of monsters, theology, art, nature, literature, and


“Natural studies? literature? form? theology? “What is that again?”

“These are the subjects learned at the warrior school.” “What does that have to do with the war against the Demon King?”

“I know that too. . . I learned it because they said I had to learn it.”

“Who needs to learn? God?” Deus twitched the corner of his mouth.


“Adventurer No. 46!”

A voice calling was heard from the window.

The conversation stopped for a moment and Deus got up from the sofa.

“It looks like we’re not the only ones who are twisted.”


“Go see. “You need to register, warrior.”

Zeke sat at the counter with an awkward look on his face.

The employee at the office counter was a man in his 40s.

“Sieg van Holwitsch.”


“At the age of 14, my educational background is. . . I graduated from elementary school.”

“Yes. . .

the voice quieted down.

What Zeke thought of at this moment

was Deus.

At the thought of him being by my side, courage suddenly surged within me.

The clerk at the counter was blatantly ignoring Zeke.

The Holly Bitch family has been famous among the warrior administration for producing only

provincial levels for hundreds of years.

It was quite possible to give up the castle of Holly Bitch, but it was usually handed over to a wealthy

person from the collateral world at a high price – and they stubbornly continued to live in poverty. “I’ve never taken a compatibility test, and

I don’t even know my pureblood status yet. I don’t think I can get anything other than a provincial

grade. Is that okay?”

Zeke looked at Deus.

At that time, Deus opened his mouth.

“I just need to get a fitness test or something, right?”

“The test will cost money, is that okay?”

“How much is it?”

“It will be 5 gold.”

Deus lifted five gold coins from his pocket and threw them away.

Gold coins were scattered across the counter, making a clanging sound


“Wait a moment. I’ll check.”

The teller sighed.

The story of Zeke meeting a wealthy sponsor was already famous.

Sorum had already created an epic story by adding flesh and bones.

It was a story about a rich but low-class merchant sponsoring a poor warrior with the goal of rising in

social status.

Throughout the ages and ages, low-income men

were despised, so they were no different.

“It was confirmed to be a real gold coin. Then please follow our staff. “I will guide you to the back


Zeke and Deus sat in an empty room, staring at each other blankly.

“It’s taking so long.”

“It must be because we are preparing a diagnostic kit.”

“If you bring 5 gold coins to a restaurant, the owner will run out and bow to you and

offer to cook for you.”

“That’s it. . .

“There is no service spirit. You’re a hero. If it’s Pure Blood, isn’t that VIP? No matter what your level, you

risked your life for humanity. “You should at least have a grateful heart.”

“My father said. Be proud as a warrior, but do not seek respect. “You were born to be a warrior, but you

haven’t done anything yet.” “That seems plausible.”

At that time, the door opened and

an old man with white hair and the man who guided Zeke came in together.

The old man’s title was Director of the Zoricks Warrior Management Office.


“Principal Jevil.”

He was also the principal of this city’s Hero Elementary School, so he and Zeke knew each other well.

“This is so. . . I’ve heard a lot of rumors about this and that, but when I actually encounter it like this,

many thoughts come to mind. It was eight years ago when Zeke first entered school. The winter was unusually cold that year, so

I had to wear several layers of clothes for the entrance ceremony. . .”

“Why don’t you start with just enough?”

“ah! “I guess this is the merchant of whom there are so many rumors.”

“Deus. “You can call me that.”

“It’s the name of an ancient god. “Be careful, that name is very similar to the name of the devil.”

“Whatever that is.”

Jevil took out several devices from the bag he had brought with him.

Two crystal balls, a small box, and a needle for blood collection

were placed on the table.

“The method is simple. All you have to do is draw blood, put it in this reader, and place both hands on

the crystal ball.”

“Yes, principal.”


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