Why Are You So Obsessed With Rejecting Affection?

Chapter 14

She shrugged and bowed her head as the eyes of the Grand Duke turned to Lucy.

Im a goowd walkew! (Im a good walker!)

You still cant do that even if its close.

The Grand Duke rose from his chair with meaningless words. Then he hugged me and approached the window.

Whats going on?

Well, when awr you coming today?

The Grand Duke slightly frowned at my question.

Are you mad at me for asking useless questions?

I took the forget-it-all quiz and quickly shouted out the answer.

Awr you tawking about thwe cwothes? (Are you talking about the clothes?)

Well, it suits you.

The Grand Duke answered bluntly. However, he didnt seem angry because his lips were slightly loosened.

Hehe, thwis one, I heawd thwat thwe Gwand Duke gave it for me to use.

Thats right.

Thank you very much. I weally like thwis Gwand Duke!

A faint smile crossed the face of the Grand Duke who heard me. It was a change that he didnt even realize.


I winked at the door quickly.


The sound of taking a picture rang loudly.

Then the smile of the Grand Duke disappeared in a blink of an eye.

What was that?

That, that, that was

The reporter was terrified when he saw Wyndert. There was no way to properly receive the momentum of the Grand Duke.

Cant you speak straight?

The Grand Dukes words were full of dignity.

Thats what I was hoping for

As I looked up at the Grand Duke with twinkling eyes, I was surprised to find out late that the surrounding temperature had become colder.

Lucy and the reporter shook their heads as if they were lying on the floor, trembling.

So Lucy is also afraid of an angry Grand Duke.

Lucys efforts to suppress her bodys honest reaction were evident from her tight fist.

I cwalled him. You said you should twake a photo and appeaw in the newspawpew, wight?

(I called him. You said you should take a photo and appear in the newspaper, right?)

I pulled his neck a little bit while I was in the arms of the Great Duke and found a comfortable position.

Then I turned the eyes of the Great Duke towards me to reassure the poor reporter and Lucy.

Are you not scared?

As he opened his eyes and tilted his head, the Grand Duke asked in a small voice.

The Grand Dukes casual eyes somehow felt a little lonely.

Feaw? Should I be scwawed? (Fear? Should I be scared?)

The eyes of the Grand Duke were slightly enlarged by my question.

I buried my head in the neck of the Grand Duke and rubbed it with the answer that I was not afraid at all.

Then the hand of the Grand Duke slowly came up to my back, and he hugged me tightly.

On the window, he rolled his back like a giant hugging a small acorn.

The Grand Duke hugged me and sat on the sofa on one side of the office.

Did you twake a gwood pictuwe? (Did you take a good picture?)

I asked, reaching for the reporter, who was still nodding his head.

The reporter approached me carefully with an awkward look and showed me the picture developed.

The Grand Duke was a mina of white tea.

(T/N: I think that the author here is using mina of white tea as a metaphor to describe the aura of the Grand Duke in the picture which can mean that he is pure and that the dark aura he always had with him is not depicted in the picture.)

Its not sharp, so the cool face and hideous energy are undermined.

Anyway, it was very plausible to see a handsome man holding a blonde girl with a slightly broken face.

A soft smile that was not usually seen, a beautifully dressed child in his arms, and a flashlight pouring from the window looked like a success.


When I saw the picture, I clapped my hands.

This is it! This is the picture I want!

Its like a daughter fools dad and an innocent daughter.

If this scene appeared in the newspaper, it was obvious that anyone would be anxious about my life.

Already, the sales of newspapers have been on the rise.

Its really pwetty and twaken beautifuwy!

I complimented the reporter in a state of great excitement.

Then the Grand Duke, who looked down at the photo, quietly took the picture away.


Yes, Master.

Skillful Lucy cleared her embarrassment and approached the Grand Duke.

The Grand Duke reached out to give Lucy the photo, but when Lucy tried to take the photo reflexively, the hand of the Grand Duke swung away.


Frustrated, Lucy blinked and looked at the Grand Duke.

Take the picture and get a frame for it.


I want to frame it.

In accordance to the Grand Duke, Lucy nodded and took immediate action.

Wow, pwut thwis in a fwame? (Wow, put this in a frame?)

This is mine from now on.

I bweg youw pawdon?

To my question, the Grand Duke simply declared he was surprised that I visited him.

Thwis, thwis is gwood, so it shwould be put out in the newspawpew! (This, this is good, so it should be put out in the newspaper!)

The Grand Dukes chuckled lightly at my words of embarrassment.

Whose house is this?

Its yours.

And whos paying the reporter?

Uh you

Then the Grand Duke laughed.

Whats in the background of the photo?

The Grand Dukes house.

Well, this one?

Your house

I realized that I couldnt stop the will of the Grand Duke.

My God, I thought I got the perfect picture

Then, wets twake anothew pictuwe again!

Theres not much I could do. I couldnt use that picture because the Grand Duke didnt want to cooperate.

Im trying so hard for them, and they dont even know how I feel. I pressed my mind to get a little sulky and suggested a re-shoot.

Hug me now. Excwuse me, pwease twake a pictuwe again.

At my words, the Grand Duke raised one eye and shook his head.

We dont carry pictures that have the same composition and feel as this one.


I have it because I dont want anyone to see this.

I looked up at the face of the Grand Duke, with my face bulging back in dismay.

I felt the hard air on my back.

Then then how? Umm. Then, Im going to hold you hewe and twake a pictuwe!

At my words, the Grand Duke stirred his hand and asked the reporter to take the picture again.

Pang, Im not used to the sound of taking pictures, but I didnt tremble for the third time.


The Grand Duke reached out to the reporter. The reporter hurriedly ran up and showed out a picture protruding from the magic camera.


The Grand Duke shook the picture.

Thinking about something, he dropped me off my knees.

Go over there and take a picture.

He sent me to the window. Then I told the reporter to take my self-portrait.

Well, ah, Young Lady, the picture will come out better if you take several poses.

Various poses? I had to ponder over what the reporter said.

Then, the reporter put the camera down to the floor and moved around to show a few poses.

I watched it and thought again about how to show the luck of a child who got a bounty.

Its okay to do that. Its okay to take any picture.

Well, I dont know! said the great man tossing his head back.


You can just take whatever you want, but just take it for now.

The reporter immediately lifted the camera to the front of his eyes.

I was also flustered and had to pose for something.

I spread out my arms and looked as happy as I could. Like, This is all mine!

And I checked the picture that came out right away..

Whats this?

The sun coming in from behind covers my body and makes me look like Im very far away

Its like a tree struck by lightning.

Oh, this is.

The reporter also checked the photos and could not connect. He filmed me and I acted irresponsibly like that.

When I was frowning a little, the Grand Duke raised his hand to bring the picture and see for himself.

The Grand Duke who checked the picture burst into laughter.

Its good enough to put it out in the newspaper right now!

The reporter cried out, trembling and struggling. Then the Grand Duke looked up and said Next picture.

I had to take some cute and lovely-looking pictures while the Grand Duke is watching.

I was fortunate to be able to use small items while changing the location to the table to avoid the sunlight.

He is holding a cute teacup.

Smiling eyes and hugging at the sofa.

His mouth is covered with his hand and his eyes are open.

Whenever a photo was taken in a variety of postures, the Grand Duke only held out his hand.

When I was exhausted and couldnt do more, the reporter asked very carefully.

Well, sir, Your Highness. How do I What kind of picture should I pick?

At his words, he snorted and arranged the picture on the table.

Its all mine.

His face, saying so, looked like a wild beast. He seemed to like the pictures he had obtained from me.

Then, what do you wite in the newspawpew? (Then what do you write in the newspaper?)

I lightly held out my lips and asked the Grand Duke.

All of this is to spread your good deeds, but youre being so uncooperative!

I expressed The Grand Duke is good! with my whole body, but does it make sense to not write a single copy?

While you are still a patient, I couldnt use it even if I took it. Eat a lot and gain some weight, and you should be completely healed and your skin is shiny.

At the words of the Grand Duke, I opened my mouth.

Like that! It is said that if you want to become a child who is full of happiness because of good luck, you have to get better first!

Nobody will be envious if its small and dry like a sapling hit by lightning!

But why the hell did you ask me to take a picture?

I tilted my head as I saw the Grand Duke looking at the pictures with great satisfaction.

Then, then what am I going to do now?

I looked at the Grand Duke with my blinking eyes.

I came here to take pictures and say thank you, but I guess I ended up walking in vain.

You go back to bed.

The Grand Duke answered with an expressionless face and jumped up from his seat.

Then he went further to the desk, and behind him somewhere in the drawer came with a small glass bottle.

Now, youve come this far, so Ill have to give you something.

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