While Others Are Practicing Leveling, I Am Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 75: Gain trust and form an alliance with the Shadow Guardian!

Chapter 75: Gain trust and form an alliance with the Shadow Guardian!

Chapter 75 Gaining trust and forming an alliance with the Shadow Guardian!

In the real world, the awakening heart hangs.

He said these words in the simulator, which already made his identity clear. If the Shadow Guardian is not a spy or a traitor, then he will definitely die.

This is equivalent to letting Su Xing waste a valuable simulation opportunity.

But if the Shadow Guardian is really a traitor, then Awakening will save a lot of effort in subsequent simulations.

Everything is just a thought.

Su Xing swallowed and continued to simulate.

The Shadow Guardian's face changed slightly after hearing what you said. She said she didn't know what you were talking about. She has been a member of the Advent Cult for decades and has been pursuing the footsteps of the Lord.

Hearing the Shadow Protector's answer, you feel relieved, because if the Shadow Protector is really loyal to the Advent Cult, he should kill you at this moment.

You simply close your eyes and let the Shadow Guardian kill you directly. The Shadow Guardian fell silent after hearing this.

[After a long time, the Shadow Protector laughed miserably and said: Sadly, compared with those truly behemoths, our world is destined to be destroyed! In their eyes, our world is just insignificant dust...]

[At this moment, the Shadow Protector finally reveals his true feelings to you. You strike while the iron is hot, saying that as long as there is a glimmer of hope, you must try your best ten thousand times. Just like the Shadow Protector asks you to refine the elixir, isn't it because you know you are powerless to resist, but you still have to fight? ?

[The Shadow Protector seems to have been persuaded by you. She asked you about your plan to resist the alien invasion. You took out an elixir and said that you can make elixirs. As long as you use elixirs to create enough strong men, sooner or later you can defeat them. Go alien.

After hearing this, the Shadow Protector said bitterly that it was a drop in the bucket. Even if the overall strength of the human race was improved to a higher level, it would still be insignificant in front of the alien beasts.

The Shadow Protector asked how many pills you alone can provide?

You are full of hope. After thinking for a moment, you say that you can provide one thousand Yuan Yang Pills every month and ask her if this number is enough?

[The Shadow Protector was obviously stunned when he heard your words. If you provide one thousand Yuan Yang Pills a month, it is equivalent to creating two hundred powerful men who are comparable to the master level. It is almost three thousand a year. If you can do it every year The birth of so many strong men may really delay the pace of alien invasion!

Su Xing chuckled lightly when he saw this.

At Xing Xing's alchemy refining speed, if he concentrates on refining pills, he can even refine more than two thousand Yuan Yang Pills in a month.

But Su Xing still needs to practice. He needs to practice to the Nascent Soul stage in this simulation. Therefore, without affecting his practice speed, he can only spare four hours a day to refine elixirs.

In this simulation, it seems that we will form an alliance with the Shadow Guardian, but I dont know how long the end of the world can be delayed?

Su Xing raised his eyebrows and continued to simulate.

Finally, the Shadow Protector agreed to form an alliance with you. She said that she would try her best to cover for you and conceal your identity, and you need to provide her with more than 500 Yuan Yang Pills every month!

You took the opportunity to ask that you still need Huangxian Jing, which is the main medicine for refining the Fu Refining Pill, and the Shadow Protector agreed to your request.

In the fourth year, you maintain four hours of alchemy time every day, and spend more time to ensure your own cultivation. You feel that you are getting closer and closer to the Nascent Soul stage.

[You refined more than 10,000 elixirs in a year, and distributed nearly half of them to the Shadow Protector. You used the remaining elixirs to maintain your own practice, and you saved thousands of internal organs refining elixirs. Only Take it out when needed.

In the fifth year, you still take the Yangyuan Pill and the Yangshen Pill every day to strengthen your cultivation. You feel that the Golden Pill in your body seems to have undergone subtle changes.

This makes you have to spend more time to stabilize your cultivation. It is more difficult to break through the Nascent Soul stage from the Golden Elixir stage than you think.

This year, the number of Fu Refining Pills you have accumulated has reached 10,000, which is far from enough.

In the sixth year, you are still refining the elixir in an orderly manner. In addition to practicing, you also go back to the Lingtian Blessed Land to take care of the spiritual plants in your free time. ] [You find that many of the elixirs you planted have reached maturity, and their quality is even much higher than what came to the treasury in the sect.

You had the intention to try to refine new elixirs, but you knew that the purpose of this simulation was to break through to the Nascent Soul stage, so you gave up on this plan.

In the seventh year, you continue to practice hard, and you can feel that there is only a thin layer of sandpaper between you and the Nascent Soul stage. You know that you are stuck in a bottleneck.

You know that breakthroughs cannot be forced. Sometimes if you blindly seek breakthroughs, you will suffer the consequences. It is better to let nature take its course. You may not be able to break through to the Nascent Soul cultivator.

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly.

According to his true spiritual root qualifications, there will be no big bottlenecks in breaking through to become a Yuanying monk.

It is normal for people who cultivate immortality to spend decades or hundreds of years in a large realm. That is because they are not qualified enough.

As for Su Xing, it was because of a lack of mental state. He was only one chance away from reaching the Nascent Soul stage, and he might be able to break through painlessly.

Thinking of this, Su Xing continued to look at the simulation panel.

You no longer practice hard every day, but only practice lightly for half an hour every morning to ensure inspiration. You have more time to refine elixirs.

This year you have been refining elixirs for ten hours every day. Because you have left enough elixirs before, there is no shortage of medicinal materials.

In one year, you have refined more than 30,000 Yuan Yang Pills. You know that these Yuan Yang Pills will be of great use next.

[You clearly remember that in a previous simulation, the Shadow Protector no longer needed elixirs in the eighth year. Perhaps there was some kind of shocking change in her original world this year, which made her no longer need elixirs. .

So you found the Shadow Protector and planned to give the Yangyuan Pill to the Shadow Protector one year in advance.

The Shadow Protector was shocked after receiving the more than 30,000 Yuan Yang Pills you gave her, but she still accepted them. You told her that she needed to distribute the pills as soon as possible.

The Shadow Protector nodded after hearing this. You will not see her again in the next few days.

After a few days of rest, you returned to the rhythm of alchemy. In addition to maintaining the necessary practice, you once again accumulated tens of thousands of elixirs within a year.

In the ninth year, this is an ordinary day for you. You still make alchemy and practice every day.

But this day, the Shadow Protector found you. She looked quite haggard. You hadn't seen her for several months, so you quickly asked her how she was doing.

[The Shadow Guardian was silent for a long time and then uttered a few words: Give up, give up these useless resistances.

Your heart skips a beat, knowing that the world where the Shadow Protector lives may have been destroyed after all. You quickly ask how she was defeated and how the world was destroyed.

The Shadow Protector seemed unwilling to say anything, and simply said the words "The beast is coming, the end of the world..."

You remain silent, because the Shadow Guardian has actually bought her own world for one year. According to the original timeline, maybe her world will be destroyed in the eighth year, but now it lasts for one year.

But what shocks you is the arrival of the giant beast. This is almost exactly the same as the reason for the destruction of your world. You dare not think about the reason in detail.

You look at the sad Shadow Guardian, and you seem to be affected by her emotions, and you dont know how to comfort her for a while.

Click, under the strong emotional fluctuations, your long-standing stagnation finally broke through, and you successfully became a Nascent Soul monk!

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