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Chapter 198 ~ Arrival at Carne

Chapter 198 ~ Arrival at Carne

Great Forest of Tob. 

A massive, dense forest located at the edge of the Re-Estize Kingdom, immediately bordering the Baharuth Empire to its east, sat to the north of the small, yet developing village, of Carne. 

There was a large clearing in the dense forest about 100 meters away from the village, made by the villagers cutting down trees under the protection of the goblins for lumber to make logs.

Previously, the villagers wouldn’t even dare to think of taking lumber from trees so deep into the forest, due to the presence of monsters as well as it being within the territory of the legendary Wise King of the Forest. 

However, with the protection they’ve gained from the goblins summoned by the “Horn of the Goblin General” Enri received from Momonga, they were able to venture slightly deeper to the inner edge of the forest. 

As a result, new buildings and defensive structures were available to be built by the village. 

But despite their success this time, the villagers hadn’t ventured deeper in fear of provoking the wrath of the more dangerous monsters within or the ire of the Wise King. Even the goblins had advised them not to venture deeper, at least for now, which Enri took. 

On the brighter side, the part of the forest they will be entering now was part of the Wise King of the Forest’s sphere of control. Thus, under normal circumstances, the chances of meeting monsters are very low. 

However, the group of ogres and goblins they encountered yesterday came from a place near the Wise King of the Forest’s territory, which may suggest that something had happened within the woods. 

Thus, Nfirea implored his hired parties of adventurers to stay alert in case of danger. 

Nfirea’s gaze rested briefly on Yuuji, or rather, Alexander, Lilith, Momon, and Lupu after finishing his warning. 

The Swords of Darkness similarly turned to look at the four as well. 

“Well, with Alexander-san and everyone here, we should be fine.”

Words of absolute confidence, to which every single member of the Swords of Darkness shared, flowed out of Peter’s lips easily. 

He did not say it to shirk his and his party’s responsibility towards their client, Nfirea’s safety. Having led his life trying to uphold the virtue of honesty and fairness to the best of his abilities, Peter did not even think of such a thing. 

Pure confidence and admiration he had in these incredible individuals that grew from what he had witnessed the day before was the reason why such words easily flowed out of him. 

And Yuuji realized this fact, for with his Insight Proficiency, he knew as well that these young adventurers – though older than him – were the rare examples of people who held genuine kindness in their hearts within this world. 

“I am glad that you rate my and my parties’ abilities so highly. Then, in order to prevent the worst case scenario from coming to pass, my party and I shall delve first into the forest and make sure no threats are present within the area Nfirea would be in. We shall return promptly to inform you of the situation. But if we do encounter the Wise King of the Forest and engage in battle, we shall send you a signal for retreat.

At that time, please retreat as soon as possible. If the Wise King of the Forest is strong, then we shall face it with our full power, and as we would not want for you to be caught up in it.”

Nfirea nodded, and the Swords of Darkness similarly lowered their heads and nodded in agreement. 

But soon after, Nfirea seemed to be wavering between speech and silence. In the end, he made up his mind. 

“Could you not kill the Wise King of the Forest, but send it away?”

A look of surprise immediately colored the faces of the Swords of Darkness members as Nfirea’s words left his mouth. 

The sheer absurdity of such a thing…

Nfirea, who had never participated in life or death combat, may not be too familiar with the sheer absurdity of what he suggested. He may think that it would only be slightly more difficult, which seemed to be true given his hesitation in bringing it up. 

However, the Swords of Darkness knew full well. To fight a monster, much less the legendary Wise King of a Forest, who’s fully intent to kill while not having the same conviction was akin to fighting with their sword arm tied behind their back. 

It was simply absurd. But to their shock, Yuuji answered simply. 

“I understand.”



Even Nfirea was shocked at his response. They all looked at Yuuji with eyes widened in disbelief. And what’s even more surprising, his party members also didn’t seem surprised at his response. 

“I-Is it truly alright?”

Yuuji nodded.

“From the information I’ve received about the Wise King of the Forest and its location in relation to the village, I can tell that the territory of the Wise King of the Forest acted as a natural barrier against other monsters. If it is slain, then monsters would no longer be prevented from coming to its previous territory, and perhaps even seek to expand it by invading the village.”

“Y-Yes! That’s exactly it!”

Nfirea’s eyes shined in admiration at Yuuji’s sheer intellect and ability to come to such a conclusion from just the tiny bits of information he heard and the one encounter they had the day before in the place he was unfamiliar with. 

“Very well. We will face it with the intention of driving it away instead of subjugating it. Then, we shall be going ahead.”

“A-Ah, yes! Please be careful!”

Yuuji nodded, and headed deep into the forest, followed by Aika, Momonga, and Lupu, as Nfirea and the Swords of Darkness watched their receding backs in shocked admiration. The very sight and his words filled not only with confidence, but the knowledge that they were fully capable of doing what they had said, raised goosebumps on the skin of their fellow adventurers. 

“Even if your opponent is… a legendary monster that’s lived for centuries…”

“Is this the sort of attitude that only the strong have…”

“Judging by Alexander-san’s personality, he probably isn’t exaggerating or bluffing…”

In that moment, they were reminded once more, the difference between regular adventurers, and true heroes. 


After passing the boundary of the forest area where trees had been felled by the villagers, the scenery before their eyes slowly transformed into something like a green labyrinth. 

There were no landmarks in the forest, and it was impossible to tell in which direction one was moving in. The thick canopy of the forest only allowed a sliver of sunlight to pass through, darkening everything under it. 

As though being swallowed up, the massive, thick, sky-scraping trees only served to intensify the sense of unease in anyone who enter the forest

In addition, massive roots, soft grounds, and various small insects, animals, and monsters’ traps also served as a natural obstacle to anyone who’d enter such dense forests. 

However, Yuuji, Aika, Momonga, and Lupu felt no fear. The darkness did not impaired their visuals in the slightest. No sense of unease filled their strong hearts. And no amount of petty obstacles manage to stop them in their tracks. 

They all calmly praised and admired the magnificent natural vista before them, especially Momonga. 

Of course, compared to the Underground Lake on the fourth floor and the immense jungle on the sixth floor within the great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, the sight before him was much inferior. 

However, having lived in a concrete jungle filled with polluted air and water, the grand vista of nature in all its glory, untainted by the result of human “civilization”, was still an immensely magnificent sight for him to behold. 

Momonga looked around, taking in every single aspect of the natural world before him as they moved deeper. 

Yuuji and Aika, who also lived most of their lives within cities, also enjoyed the nature around them. Only Lupu, despite her relaxed exterior, kept her senses to the maximum alertness to make sure no threats were to befall the Supreme Beings. 

But even her sense could not catch the presence of a certain floor guardian. 

“This should be far enough.”

The slight sound of metal from his full suit of armor disappeared as Yuuji stopped in his tracks. Aika and Momonga, who had just snapped out of his daze at Yuuji’s words, followed suit. 

While Lupu looked at the supreme beings in confusion, and immediately became even more alerted, looking around at potential dangers that may have caused the Supreme Beings to halt in their advance. 

Yuuji then looked up and turned slightly to his right. 

“I’m happy to see you again.”

“Yes! I’m so happy to see you too, Yuuji-sama~!”

Lupu immediately rushed in front of Yuuji with one hand grasping the mace behind her back and one hand stretched out, ready to cast a defensive spell. 

But her fierce expression immediately disappeared when she looked up and saw the familiar appearance of the Floor Guardian.

“Aura-sama?! That scared me…! I thought you were someone dangerous!”

“Hehe~ Sorry~”

Aura grinned widely, before somersaulting down from the branch she was standing on with the height of 3 floor buildings, and landing with nothing but a slight thud. 

Momonga approached the elven child and smiled softly as Aika patted her head, eliciting a shy, but delighted grin, from her. 

“Aura, have Albedo briefed you on your mission?”

“Yes, Yuuji-sama!”

“Good. Then, please investigate the Great Forest of Tob and report back on its geography, terrain, and the population of beings living in this forest.”

“I understand, Yuuji-sama! Oh, may I also have the permission to tame some of the unique monsters I came by?”

Yuuji petted her head softly and responded.

“Of course. And don’t kill more monsters than necessary, okay?”

Confusion and surprise colored Aura’s expression as she tilted her head slightly to the right. 

Of course, as it was an order given by Yuuji-sama, she would adhere to it down to the last letter. But she didn’t know why Yuuji-sama would put an emphasis on it.

Seeing her confused expression, Yuuji smiled softly and explained. 

“These monsters served as a natural barrier from foreign invaders. As Nazarick grows, the forest would be a place of abundant resources for us, and it would be easier to defend it if those beings were brought under our control, not killed.”

“Oh, I see!!! I understand, Yuuji-sama! I will do my best and live up to your expectations!!!”

“Mm. Then go ahead. Be careful.”


Bowing to the Supreme Beings, Aura disappeared into the forest without even so much as a sound. 

Yuuji, Aika, Momonga, and Lupu then returned to the place where the Swords of Darkness and Nfirea waited for them, and entered together to do their business for the day before making their way back to E-Rantel. 


The sun had set upon arriving at the fortress city, E-Rantel. The soft, orangish glow barely peeked out of the horizons as the sky now covered in twilight darkness.

Yuuji, Aika, Momonga, Lupu, Nfirea, and the Swords of Darkness stood in a queue to enter the fortress city. 

Before them, travelers, merchants, and villagers carrying a wagon filled with wheat, having just arrived to the city from their far off villages, stood in line, waiting for their turn. And at the distance, they could see the soft orange glow of torch fire lighting up the gates for more proper inspections of the visitors getting into the city. 

Tired from the trip, the Swords of Darkness did not converse, and simply waited in line silently. Even Lukrut, who would strike up conversations, stood silently with his hands behind the back of his head, yawning once in a while. 

Meanwhile, Nfirea similarly felt the toll of the trip in the form of sleepiness. 

Yuuji, Aika, Momonga, and Lupu similarly kept their silence. While fatigue did not affect their bodies, Momonga simply had his social battery run low after having to socialize and converse with the Swords of Darkness and Nfirea all day. 

On the other hand, while not speaking verbally, Yuuji and Aika had been conversing through their telepathic bond. And Lupu, seeing as the supreme beings kept their silence, followed suit. 

In the midst of silence, Yuuji noticed a presence. 

He looked down, and saw, even in the midst of darkness, his shadow undulating ever so slightly. 

And in the next moment, another voice came into his mind.

[My Lord… I have come to report to you…]

A deep, guttural, whispery voice resounded within his mind as a Shadow Demon attempted to converse with him stealthily. 

[Is she here?]

[Yes, my lord. It is as you have foretold. The golden-haired woman… Clementine… had entered the fortress city… 2 hours before your arrival.]

Yuuji’s eyes turned towards the city, its walls tall and broad, yet so weak and vulnerable that even a slight flick from Aika could tear it up like a piece of tissue.

He was not surprised that someone who had the stealth ability akin to, in his eyes, a child using his comforts to hide himself and walk around the room could easily bypass it. 

[Alright. Keep monitoring her. And follow her back to her base.]

[Yes… My lord…]

Yuuji shared glances with Aika, Momonga, and Lupu, conveying the information he had just received from the Shadow Demon, and they all nodded back in response. 

Around half an hour had passed before the group managed to pass the inspections at the gate and enter the fortress city. 

They immediately made their way to the herbal shop owned by Nfirea’s grandmother. 

Nfirea led them through the darkened roads, lit solely but the soft, glowing oil lamps peeking out of the window slits of the houses around them. 

Soon, a sizable, wooden establishment with plants growing out of the ground around it, a filled garden, and many potted plants that could be seen behind windows, came into sight. 

Nfirea alighted from the wagon and headed to the door, knocking it a few times. 

“Grandma! I’m back!”

A distant sound of an old woman responded back from within the building. A few moments later, the clanking sound of a latch being open resounded. Once… Twice… Until finally, the sound of a lock being opened was heard, and the wooden door opened, revealing a short, shriveled yet still lively, old woman with blue eyes similar to Nfirea and white, shoulder length hair under a green head cover while dressed in a leather apron above regular cotton clothing appeared.

“Oooh, you’re back! That was quite a quick trip. I thought you’d only arrive tomorrow!”

“Ahaha, I thought so as well. But, I’ve hired some great adventurers to escort me! Thanks to them, the trip went really smoothly.”

Nfirea’s grandmother looked towards the Swords of Darkness, who stood nearest to Nfirea. Her eyes glanced down and saw the silver plate on their chests. 

Then, her eyes turned towards Yuuji’s group, and widened. Not just in shock of the obviously expensive gear, but also at the out-of-place copper plates on their chest. 

“You guys are…”

Peter smiled courteously and lowered his head. 

“We are the Swords of Darkness, the silver ranked adventurer party hired by Nfirea for his escort. And this is…”

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Bareare. My name is Alexander, and this is my party. We first came to this city around a week ago, yet, your reputation precedes you. It is an honor to meet the most skilled herbalist in the city.”

“Ohoho, how flattering!”

Lizzie Bareare laughed, revealing the few missing teeths in her mouth.

But then, her eyes narrowed sharply at Yuuji and the others as she eyed them with suspicion and wariness.

“You look quite well off for an adventurer. You don’t see those kinds of armor and clothing around here. Where did you come from?”

“We are just a group of friends who came to seek adventurers, and was coincidentally led by the wind here.”

“Heh, eloquent, are we?”

“Thank you very much.”

Lizzie obviously didn’t buy such vague backstory that not even a child would believe. But, considering the equipment they wore, even if it was a case of a child wielding a legendary magic sword, they would be, at the very least, loaded with gold. So, there was no need for her to purposely antagonize them. 


Lizzie glanced at the tall, lithe man in jet-black robes… His appearance seemed to coincide with the description her grandson told her about the man who handed that adventurer girl the blood-red potion. 

If that’s him… Then I should keep them close and dig out more information…

“Well then, it is getting late. And I would hate to disturb you even more than we have. We would also like to go have some dinner before the establishments close for the day.”

“Oh, then you should go to the Honey Dew tavern at the end of the road here! Just tell the old man my name and he’ll give you a discount! But don’t stay too late! I’ve heard some nasty rumors about kidnappers or murderers running around town recently… Well, you seem to be fully capable of taking care of yourselves.”

Yuuji lowered his head in a bow.

“Very well. Thank you very much. Then, we will be off.”

Saying their farewells to the Bareare, the Swords of Darkness and Yuuji’s group left the Bareare and headed off. 

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