Warrior Grandpa and Supreme Granddaughter

Chapter 454

Episode 454: The realm of immortals (4)

Time was passing by as quickly as running water.

You don’t even know that Christmas Day is just around the corner.

Meanwhile, Yujinsan was still practicing day and night. Even at this moment.

‘This is the end.’

His fist, engulfed in black power, hit the ground hard.


The ground split apart, and whirlwinds of black river energy spewed out in all directions.

It instantly blew away Soso’s family and Darongi who were running around.




It was the culmination of the improved Heavenly Demon Explosive Fist. Moreover, unlike in the past, it was a complete herbal diet.

The power was too dangerous to be unleashed directly, so it hit the ground.

The fallen family collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily.

“I think we can stop now, Elder.”

“Are you planning to kill us?”

“I think that’s enough.”

Darong was also exhausted, lying limp on the floor with only his teeth exposed.


On the other hand, there was not even a scratch on Mt. Yujin.

He defeated three legendary masters and the strongest divine beast with just one person.

It was a remarkable event compared to the first time, when even Il Da-kyung could not endure it.

Another thing that changed was his calmer mind.

The more he raised his potential, the calmer his mind became like a lake.

“Is this enough to fight an Arhat?”

Somu massaged her sore shoulders and answered softly.

“Actually, I’m not sure. But at least I don’t think you’ll be dealt one-sidedly like last time.”

“That’s enough.”

At that time, Soso asked with a tired expression.

“Are you sure you want to leave alone? Man’s Nativity is the day when all the heavenly spirits gather at the Bodhi Palace.”

Yu Jin-san nodded and said as he had predicted to them.

“They have already caused too many victims. “I don’t want to break my granddaughter’s heart any more.”


At that time, Yeonseonghwa, who was sitting cross-legged, sent a glance at Soso.

“I’ll send it to you. “Now you deserve it.”

“Are you sure it’s okay, Mom?”

“I heard that the shady monster you were so proud of is also coming. “If we go, there won’t be any room for us.”

A confrontation between those who have surpassed human limitations will take place.

It was something that could have hindered me if I wasn’t careful.

Soso reluctantly handed out the directions to Bodhi Palace to Yu Jin-san and said.

“Then I will tell you about the Arhat’s direct subordinates that you need to pay attention to.”

“If you’re directly under my command, do you mean Master Soreoeum?”

“yes. Unlike other places, the monks of Xiaoleiyin Temple are all servants of Arhats. “They are people whose souls have been brainwashed.”

Come to think of it, the Sonoeumsa masters did not appear in the battle of Nassau Plain.

At that time, Thunder Shrine was the main force, and other than that, there were only minor players.

There was nothing to be afraid of no matter who was there anymore, but it wouldn’t hurt to know.

“What kind of guys are there?”

“First of all, there is a man called the Butcher. “It is said that he is very cruel and uses strange magic to deceive the eyes and ears of his opponents.”

“Hexes and such will not work on me. “Who else is there?”

“There are eighteen great monks. They are madmen created by Arhat for fun using strange techniques. These are people whose mind and body have been strengthened to the limit, and the battle they perform together is invincible. Be careful not to get surrounded.”

You’ll have to see it in person to see it, but it looks like he probably used martial arts techniques or something like that.

“I will remember it.”

It wasn’t the end just with them. Soso continued his explanation.

“And there are two apostles who have been assisting Arahat within the Bodhi Palace for over a hundred years. Baeknyeongjwasa (white left messenger) and Blackryeongusa (black right messenger). “Not much is known about them, but you’d better be careful.”

She rambled on about many other masters.

We don’t know how many of them will actually pose a threat.

However, Yu Jin-san did not flinch at all.

“I just want to quickly go there and smash their heads, no matter who they are.”

“It will definitely happen that way. “Please say hello to Seol when you see her.”

Now was the time to leave.

Yujinsan stood directly facing Soso and her parents.

Then he put his hands together and bowed his head politely.

“I am grateful in many ways. “This is someone who will never forget the grace of Mount Eugene.”

Without the help of these families, it would have been impossible to get another opportunity like this.

They were like the biggest benefactors in Eugene San’s life.

Soon, Geomhu and her parents also hugged each other and responded with bright smiles.

“Be sure to win and come back.”

“Don’t let our efforts be in vain.”

“If you want to repay me, come back alive and buy me a drink.”

Even Darong came from one side and cheered.

A faint smile appeared on Eugene San’s face. This is because he could feel everyone’s genuine concern for him.

“I owe you a lot. Then…”

Yu Jin-san said his final goodbye and immediately turned his head.

Now his heart was more urgent than ever.

It was because I wanted to quickly go to Bodhi Palace and see my granddaughter.

And I couldn’t hesitate any longer due to the fear that I might be late.


The moment a ray of wind blew, his appearance completely disappeared from the eyes of his family.

* * *

Yu Jin-san advanced with all his might towards the Bodhi Palace of the Heavenly Empire.

We never rested until we left the central plains, crossed the desert, and crossed the rugged mountains.

Despite this, he didn’t even have trouble breathing.

This is because no matter how much martial arts he used, his infinite inner strength gave him the strength to never tire.

It took half a day to travel according to the map given by Geomhu.

I was finally able to see the Bodhi Palace in front of me.

It wasn’t that difficult to find. Because it was so huge that it could be seen at a glance from a very far away.

‘Oh my God….’

The palace standing tall on the grassland made Yujinsan doubt his eyes.

Even Qin Shi Huang’s Ah-Fang Palace would not be this grand.

I couldn’t even imagine how much blood and sweat went into building that huge structure.

One peculiarity is that there is no castle wall, only a low fence surrounds it.

It probably came from the confidence that no one would dare attack the palace.

‘Luckily it’s not too late.’

The sound of music combining flutes and drums was coming from beyond the fence.

If the granddaughter had come first, it wouldn’t have been this peaceful.

First, we need to check the internal situation.

The target was a towering Buddhist pagoda nearby beyond the fence.

After killing his presence, he became a ray of wind and was shot out.


There were guard warriors all over the place, but no one noticed anything strange until Yujinsan reached the tower.

He reached his destination in an instant and looked around.

A festival was currently in full swing in the hundreds-wide open space created in front of the palace.

Tables lined up in rows were filled with alcohol and meat, and the places seemed to be filled with Arhat’s followers.

There were thousands of people, and among them there were some who looked familiar.

‘Those people who will kill me…’

The three Buddhas I saw in the Nassau Plain. I also saw a red lion crouching in one corner of the yard and eating a horse.

Everyone had gathered to celebrate the birth of Arhat, but the person concerned was nowhere to be found.

I didn’t know the exact reason why he wasn’t interested in the festival, but it seemed like he was probably inside the Bori Palace.

Yu Jin-san was watching the situation with bated breath.

It was about an hour or so later.

Suddenly, a cool strong wind blew on a windless day.


There was a commotion everywhere, with food spilling from the table and maids falling.

At the same time, the music suddenly stopped and a calm came, like the calm before the storm.


What kind of strange phenomenon is this happening all of a sudden?

Amidst the silence, the Red Lion, which had excellent senses, was the first to begin to express its hostility.


However, there was someone who noticed the English text even faster than the red lion.

‘come! Our Seol is here!’

Yu Jin-san, who was peeking from the top of the pagoda, waved both hands in approval.

And then one more breath passed.

One side of the fence was shattered, sending rubble flying high into the sky.


A girl appeared through a collapsed wall, clutching a long club.

Snow-white skin that doesn’t suit this place. And clear facial features and blonde hair.

Someone who realized the identity of the rumor shouted in confusion.

“Um, it’s a mess! A conspiratorial monster appeared…”

He couldn’t finish his sentence.

Because someone grabbed his neck and twisted it.


He was the Buddha newly appointed as the head of Cheonrei Shrine.

“There is only one person. “The Arhat is resting, so don’t make a fuss.”

As he said, this was a place where all the powerful people of the heavenly axis gathered.

Is there any reason to panic?

As Yin Kai approached, numerous masters, including Cheonju, drew their weapons.

Car window-! Chachachachang-!!

The fight will begin soon.

Yu Jin-san, who was contemplating whether to run out, decided to watch a little longer.

It was because I was curious about how much my granddaughter had grown during that time.

First of all, his eyes were different from before.

Isn’t there a poison that has never existed before?

Jin-san Yu, who knew that the reason was because of him, was heartbroken.


Yoo Seol’s stride as he walked with the safety pole down was full of anger.

“You guys did something you shouldn’t have done.”

At that time, Cheonju snorted as he saw the rumor gnashing his teeth.

“You’re crazy. Do you think you can take on all of us alone? “I will tear your limbs into pieces and offer them as a gift to Arhat.”

“okay? Then give it a try. From now on, I will judge you in the name of Buddha.”

It was about when the distance got closer to about a dozen.

“What are you doing! “How long will we wait for that bitch to defile this sacred palace?”

Heavenly Father stopped speaking and opened his eyes wide.

This is because the figure of the shadow disappeared completely before my eyes.


In the blink of an eye, Yu Seol was pawing at his side.

It was literally like a lightning speed battle that you couldn’t even follow with your eyes.



Cheonju, whose body was folded like a shrimp, bounced off as many as a dozen sheets and flew away.

At that moment, one of the Buddhist monks reflexively attempted a surprise attack towards Yinkai’s back.

However, Yu Seol had already noticed his movements.

That he was pointing a sword at the back of his neck.

Yu Seol, who lowered his upper body and let go of his sword, spun his body at lightning speed and struck his leg with the gold bar.


Soon after, Yu Seol’s small feet trampled on his chest as he fell awkwardly.



As he was shaking, Yoo Seol narrowed his eyes and let out a roar of anger.

“Save my grandpa!!!”

The formidable momentum was enough to make everyone hesitate.

But there is only one enemy.

All of the world’s greatest experts were gathered here.

From somewhere, Cheonju, clutching his side, approached with shaky steps and shouted.

“What are they doing? Attack them all at once!!”

Soon, Arhat’s followers came to their senses and started rushing towards Yuseol like a swarm of bees.

“Kill me!!!”


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