Warrior Grandpa and Supreme Granddaughter

Chapter 24

Episode 24: What is coming (2)


With a loud noise, Fenghu and Yueaseong fell at the same time.



A look of surprise was evident on the faces of the two as they stumbled into their stance.

An overwhelming difference in power. It felt like I was facing a huge wall.

Jeong Hyeon of the shaman faction, who was watching them, lowered his sword with a puzzled expression.

“How could you kill my priests and subordinates with such skills? “What kind of trick have you pulled?”

There were ten Shaman sect masters who went missing here. Moreover, weren’t there three original disciples included?

Although there was no expert among them that could compare to him, he was by no means a force to be defeated by bandits.

Chaeju Pungho of Heuksando Island spat out blood-stained spit and grinned.

“What kind of trick is this? “I cut off his head.”

“Can’t we hurry up and say it the right way!”

They were bandits in name and identity. I couldn’t lose the argument.

Wol Ah-seong, the owner of Bihochae, provoked him again.

“You’re being damned. I will send you to my side soon, so please meet me and ask in person. “How did it happen?”

A suffocating, murderous energy burned throughout Jeong Hyeon’s body.

It seemed like his pride was hurt that even bandits were fighting against him.

“Let’s see if you can keep your mouth moving like a bug after a while. “Don’t think about dying easily.”

It was a threat that meant painful death.

If the momentum was suppressed, it was the end. Wolaseong furrowed his eyebrows as if he would not be defeated and made a great noise.

“Even if you step on a mountain bug, you won’t die, you bastard!”

Although I didn’t feel like it, going first was the only way to increase the odds of winning even a little. If we were on the defensive, there was no answer.

As Feng Hao and Wol Ah-seong rushed at the same time, a sneer appeared on Jeong Hyeon’s face.

At that moment, a milky white energy appeared on the blade of the sword he was holding, creating a haze.

Sword energy. It was also amazing in its intact form.

A faint air current appeared on the blades of Feng Hao and Yue A-seong, but they seemed too unstable to be called sword energy.


Every time their swords clashed with each other, moans came out from the mouths of Feng Hao and Yue Ah Sheng.

It felt like my wrist would break due to the difference in heavy internal strength, and the internal injuries overlapped.



It was very clear that if things continued like this, we wouldn’t be able to last much longer.

They knew it too. If the shaman sect’s master had had his way, they would have already been rolling on the floor.

He was slowly putting pressure on her without inflicting fatal injuries, almost as if he was playing a game.

The situation was so precarious that it would not be surprising if it collapsed at any time.

And the moment of desperation. Suddenly, a strand of life stirred behind Jeonghyeon’s back.


With the sound of something being cut, Jeonghyun’s new model stumbled for a moment.

At the same time, his eyebrows suddenly twisted. This is because the person who attacked him from behind was his personal enemy.

“How dare you!”

Hyunhee quickly widened the distance with a dark expression.

He made a curious sneak attack, but the only thing he cut off was the uniform he was wearing.

The attack was by no means short. It was something he avoided in a split second.

She stood shoulder to shoulder with the two chaeju and grabbed the dagger.

“That’s too bad. “I thought it would be successful.”

Jeonghyun, who heard her muttering, made a dumbfounded expression.

“What did you say now?”

“You heard, right?”

At that time, one of the bandits surrounding the area called out to her.

“Commander, get your sword!”


Hyunhee snatched the sword out of the air and aimed it at Jeonghyeon without hesitation.

“…What what? Commander-in-Chief?”

There was no end to the absurdity. A great disciple of a shaman has become an executive of a bandit gang. It was an unprecedented disgrace in the history of the Shaman faction.

“It’s better than being in a shaman, right? “There is no need to worry about Sasuk’s feelings like now.”

Jeong Hyeon’s hand holding the sword trembled. The anger must have reached its peak.

“Let’s assume there was no mention of taking him to Mt. Wudang.”

This meant that he would kill Hyeonhee, who was a shaman’s disciple, with his own hands.

The three of them, including her, adjusted their posture and stood facing Jeonghyeon.

The situation was not hopeful at all. Above all, aren’t we in a relationship where we haven’t even matched hands and feet? It was doubtful whether the joint attack would be effective.

This time, Jeonghyeon’s attack began first. It was because I couldn’t bear it anymore.

The tip of his sword made a Taegeuk sign and swept across the three bodies at the same time.

In an onslaught that was different from before, the three of them did their best to attack the enemy with all their might.




In a single move, three new types were thrown out at the same time.

At that moment, Jeong Hyeon’s feet stepped on foot and quickly approached the nearest Wolaseong. The continuous onslaught was not something he could stop alone.


In just one collision, his sword flew up.

And Jeong Hyeon’s sword blade stuck in his clearly exposed abdomen.



Jeong Hyeon, who retrieved the sword before he fell, took the step once again. The next target was Chaeju of Heuksando Island.

It was a different movement than before. His new form created dozens of afterimages and approached Fenghu like a flash sword.

Next, a cool sword energy filled with anticipation rushed towards his chest without hesitation.

Pung-ho, who could not even correct his posture, sensed the end and gritted his teeth.

And just a split second. From somewhere, a gust of wind penetrated between the two like a beam of light.


The blade of the spear, which appeared in the blink of an eye, was tinged with red.

Soon, the sword energy and spear energy collided, emitting a strong roar.


Jeonghyeon takes a step back. And in front of him, an old man was holding a spear diagonally.

“I’m not your opponent, so everyone step back.”

The bandits surrounding the area were very moved by the appearance of Mt. Yujin.

His presence was like a light that came into the darkness without a single light.

“Uh, old man?”

“Are you here to help us?”

“Thank you! Thank you!”

Jinsan Yu sighed as he looked at the bandits with tears in their eyes.

“This guy’s affection is always the problem… This is the last time, so don’t like him too much.”

Either way, the bandits cheered for Yujinsan wholeheartedly.

And in front of him, Jeong Hyeon was frowning. At the critical moment, an old man with a child on his back appeared and interfered, so he couldn’t have been pleased.

“You were responsible for the deaths of priests and emissaries.”

Jinsan Yu nodded and stood facing him.

“Nobu’s name is Yujinsan. “I don’t know what the powerhouses are like these days, but back in the days when I was active, they used to say things like this before fighting.”

Jeonghyeon was silently searching for him.

He looked a bit old for active duty, but he did not have the kind of appearance you would expect from a bandit.

His neat white hair and stylishly grown beard made him feel extraordinary, like a immortal.

And behind him, a child who looked to be about two or three years old was smiling, his face poking out over his shoulder.

“Hyeopseonggeom Jeonghyeon. “Remember this name because I will take your head off now.”

It was a somewhat different attitude from when dealing with bandits. It may have been judged that the other party was qualified.

“Hyeopseonggeom… That’s a cool nickname.”

After saying aloud, the two took a stance while facing each other.

At Pungho’s instructions, the surrounding bandits widened their distance. This was because going out to help could only end up being a hindrance.

“Cheer up, old man!”

“You will definitely win!”

The bandits’ cheering did not even reach my ears.

All of Yu Jin-san’s nerves were focused on the one spear and the opponent.

He looked calm as he slowly pulled out the spear and lowered his posture, but inside he was in a state of surprise. This is because Jeong Hyeon’s perceived inaction exceeded his expectations.

It was on a different level from the Shaman sect masters I had dealt with so far.

‘You must win within the three sums.’

Three combinations (三合). It was a time when he could maintain peak movements with his current stamina. If the fight lasted longer than that, there was no chance of winning.

At that time, a ray of wind blew between the two, creating a suffocating tension.


The moment Yu Jin-san’s white hair fluttered, his toes kicked the ground.

He ran towards his opponent as if he would not lose and made Taegeuk with the tip of his sword.

In a split second, the tip of the spear turned into an awl and struck the center of Taegeuk.


Because it was a head-on collision, the impact on both sides was significant.

We pushed each other one step at a time, but there was no time to catch our breath.

Eugene San gritted his teeth and stepped forward with his left foot. At the same time, the spear blade rotating in the opposite direction rushed fiercely towards the opponent.


The blade of the spear, covered in red air, was ready to split Jeong Hyeon’s waist in two, but he was not as easy a person as he thought.

The approaching sword, accompanied by dozens of afterimages, had the speed of a thunderbolt.




Moans flowed from each other’s mouths at the same time.

In a duel, it is common to catch your breath and prepare for the next move after each attack.

But now, Eugene San didn’t even have time to take a breath.

‘It’s the last time!’

I had to risk everything for this strike.

The red energy that formed on the heirloom Fire Dragon Spear was burning brightly.

Jeong Hyeon, who sensed the other person’s intentions, also pulled the sword over his shoulder.

Hyunhee flinched as she witnessed Jeonghyeon’s blade tremble. This is because I realized that it was a deadly sword technique that was only taught to the first generation of disciples.

Part of me wanted to warn my grandfather, but where would there be time for that?


Putting her concerns aside, the two new types clicked together like lightning.


The two were attached like magnets and then fell apart and stumbled at the same time.

One of Jeonghyeon’s shoulders turned red. He suffered a penetrating wound from the genitals.

And Yujinsan was not safe either. Blood was continuously flowing down his long left arm. It was because the sword energy had crushed his left arm and caused a wound.

Even though the number was reached, Yu Jin-san’s face was never bright. This was because, since his left arm was injured, he could not swing a long polearm with one hand.

To make matters worse, Jeonghyeon quickly approached me as if he wasn’t going to miss this opportunity.


The sword energy that was coming through the wind would kill you instantly the moment it hit you.

Jinsan Yu urgently twisted his upper body to the right.

My heart sank as the sword energy passed in front of my chest by an inch.


The attacks continued and dodging was all he could do.

As it was, there was no answer. I had to come up with some way.

‘Does that mean that’s the only way?’

As soon as there was a small gap to the left, a killing sword burrowed in as if it had been waiting.

Yukchambone (肉斬骨斷). The method he chose was to cut the bones of the opponent instead of giving them the flesh.

The rising sword blade came fiercely towards his shoulder.

Although his left shoulder would be amputated, he planned to take advantage of this as a last chance.

However, the results that followed were completely beyond their expectations.


Jeong Hyeon’s sword, which was moving like a thunderbolt, suddenly stopped in midair.

Then his eyes opened wide as if they were torn apart. This is because an unbelievable sight was unfolding before my eyes.

The child’s left hand was on Eugene San’s shoulder, and his fern-like fingers were grasping the blade of his sword.

What was even more absurd was that his sword did not budge.

Jeonghyeon’s pupils shook violently.

‘…What, why isn’t this moving?’

A look of embarrassment was evident on his face.

I tried to retrieve the sword, but the blade was immovable, as if it had gotten stuck in a crevice in the rock of Mangeun.

At that time, the child who was riding on the old man’s back licked his cute lips.

“What’s wrong with our junior?”

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