Volcanic Age

Chapter 120: No-Mind, All-Mind (2)


About a li to the northwest, over forty shadows appeared on a boulder that was shaped like the waves of the sea.

Luo Xiaoyue gulped nervously at their considerable number.

‘More madmen?’

Adding them to the total madmen Zhou Xuchuan had seen so far, they seemed to be the remaining madmen Little Ghost was referring to.

Yet, something about them felt off.

Just as a stifling sensation began to rise in his chest, one of the shadows standing on the boulder looked down on the battlefield and shouted.

"No one can kill our hearts, Valley of Phantoms!"


Zhou Xuchuan was startled.

“What's going on?" Luo Xiaoyue muttered in surprise.

The strangeness he felt was coming from their hearts.

The shadows before him were neither heartless like the Phantoms nor insane like the madmen.

With their voices unwavering, the shadows displayed human emotions, anger and resentment.

“Little Ghost! Who are they?”

Zhou Xuchuan wondered if it was the intervention of a third party. He questioned Little Ghost, flustered by their unexpected arrival.

"They're madmen."


Little Ghost’s answer made him even more confused.

What exactly made them madmen?

Zhou Xuchuan looked at them again, just in case he was wrong, but their eyes were too clear to be madmen. Their pupils weren't out of focus, and it didn't seem like they had lost their minds.

They just appeared to be burning with a desire for revenge. But that, on the contrary, made them seem even more human.

"They weren't able to succeed in the Mind-Killing and failed to overcome the process. So they're madmen."

"... I get the gist of it."

Meanwhile, Luo Xiaoyue, who had dealt with two madmen, approached.

"It seems like Phantoms-in-training can be split into three groups during the Mind-Killing phase. Those who successfully kill their minds and individuality lose their emotions, those who fail and go completely mad…"

"And the last group is…"

"Those who ran away before their minds could die or before they went mad. From the Phantoms' perspective, that is also a form of failing, so they're considered madmen, too."

Luo Xiaoyue frowned, not a fan of the result.

"So, if that's the case…"

Zhou Xuchuan thought to himself; it seemed like his side were the bad guys.

"Who are you?"

Meanwhile, more than forty people surrounded them.

While the Phantoms tried to rush forward and attack without a word, Zhou Xuchuan stopped them and gathered his forces in the center.

"You have too many emotions to be a Phantom… but you're not one of us either." a man with a sharp, well-honed aura said, looking at the real Phantoms while gritting his teeth.

"Are you supposed to be the elders of the Valley of Phantoms?" one of the failed Phantoms asked.

‘It seems they don't know anything about the Valley of Phantoms' organization.’

All Phantoms were equal except for the Phantom Sovereign. There was no such thing as an elder.

If these failed Phantoms actually knew the Valley of Phantoms' structure, they would have asked if he was the Sovereign, not an elder. In other words, they didn't even know the basics.

“Little Ghost. How much do they know about the Valley of Phantoms?”

"The fact that this place is the Valley of Phantoms, the techniques and the process required to become a Phantom."

"I see."

It was as expected.


"Are they having a conversation?"

"And not all of them at once, but…"

Meanwhile, those who heard the conversation were shocked.

Seeing their reaction, Zhou Xuchuan asked Little Ghost another question.

"Just what the hell did you do with them?"

"We only taught them the process."

Zhou Xuchuan could roughly guess what it had been like. The Phantoms probably didn't say anything other than whatever was relevant to teaching the recruits.

They probably didn't even announce when it was time to eat, merely throwing them grain pills without a word.

"Listen, it's not like I don't understand what you're feeling, so let's just put down our swords and talk."

"You understand?"

The man’s eyes burned with hatred.


The other failed Phantoms also reacted with deep hatred.

"You kidnapped innocent children, threw them into this hell, made them suffer all kinds of pain, and even went so far as to force them into Mind-Killing, and you still dare say you understand?!"

The hatred the failed Phantoms felt was no ordinary one.

Seeing the depths of bloodlust and resentment that seemed to penetrate deep into his bones, Zhou Xuchuan was worried.

‘While I don't want to make enemies if possible…’

If these failed Phantoms left this place, it was obvious that they would spread the word about the Valley of Phantoms in order to exact revenge.

Since he wasn't even the one who made them like this, he felt aggrieved and wanted to clear up the misunderstanding.

"Let's take a breath. It seems there's been a misunderstanding. It wasn't me nor my junior sister who did this to you. We're just outsiders."

Zhou Xuchuan displayed the plum blossoms engraved into his sleeve.

“Mount Hua?”

"Fortunately, it seems you've been taught basics about the outside world. We'll start by introducing ourselves. My name is Zhou Xuchuan of Mount Hua."

"Do you really think I'll believe that?"

There were only a few who dared to impersonate Mount Hua in the outside world. For those in the Evil Faction or of the Demonic Path, impersonating a member of the Mount Hua Sect would invite more trouble than it was worth.

However, this was the Valley of Phantoms.

Even if they claimed to be the Martial Alliance Leader or the Heavenly Demon, it would be impossible for the Phantoms to verify.

Besides, the failed Phantoms had seen how Zhou Xuchuan had fought the madmen. The way he moved—it was unlike anything a disciple of Mount Hua would do.

"I don't know what kind of idiots you think we are. Do you really think we can't recognize those cursed techniques you forced on us?"

"Right? I guess it makes sense that it's hard for you to believe." Zhou Xuchuan replied, scratching the back of his head with an awkward laugh.

“Senior brother…!”

Luo Xiaoyue glared at him with a confused look, as if she was asking what he was thinking.

"This conversation is over."

The bloodlust that had calmed moments ago surged again like a raging storm.

“Wait a minute!”

“What now?!"

The man’s face was filled with annoyance. The bloodlust that had threatened to explode just seconds before subsided once more.

“Tell me your name.”

“Jia Wuliang."

Despite his annoyance, Jia Wuliang answered sincerely.


A woman standing beside him tilted her head in confusion. The others also seemed puzzled, their faces asking, 'What are you doing?’


A laugh escaped Zhou Xuchuan.

“I see.”

“Senior brother, maybe…”

"Yes. While it didn't work on the madmen, it seems to work on these Pseudo-Phantoms."

The absolute authority ability of the Divine Phantom Art was limited to controlling Phantoms.

In other words, it only allowed the user to control those who had mastered the Phantom Art, the basis and foundation for the Phantoms.

According to this theory, it should have worked on the madmen who failed to withstand the Mind-Killing process. That was why Zhou Xuchuan had given them orders with a hopeful heart. Unfortunately, it failed.

Even if they could hear the orders, they needed the mental competence to understand and follow them.

That was why the madmen, who had lost their sanity and fallen into qi deviation, couldn't understand what he said.

“What bullshit are you talking about?”

“Everyone, gather in front of me.”

"Just who the fu… w-what the hell?!"

The Pseudo-Phantoms, including Jia Wuliang, couldn't hide their shock.

Their bodies were moving on their own.

"I'm telling you in advance, but harming me or junior sister is off limits."

Zhou Xuchuan first put up a safeguard in case something unexpected happened.

However, the Pseudo-Phantoms weren't in a situation where they had the luxury to care about something like that.

Jia Wuliang's pupils shook violently as if there had been an earthquake in his mind.

Although he tried to understand what had just happened, he couldn't come up with an answer.

"This… what just…" Jia Wuliang muttered in disbelief. The other Pseudo-Phantoms had similar reactions.

They all stood still, unable to move. However, their expressions had all distorted into vicious grimaces.

"Please understand that I had to do this forcefully because you were all too excited. After all, what I have to tell you is quite lengthy."

“What kind of witchcraft did you use on us!”

"This isn't witchcraft, so listen carefully.[/ref]Witchcraft is the heretical arts, anything that doesn't involve using qi and, thus, goes against heaven.[/ref] I'll be explaining everything in detail from this point on. But, before that, let me reintroduce myself. My name is Zhou Xuchuan, and I am a disciple of the Mount Hua Sect and also the Phantom Sovereign."

There was one more crucial aspect of the absolute control ability.

The Phantoms followed all orders without complaint, as their individuality had already been killed. However, the Pseudo-Phantoms were different. They still had all of their emotions, all of their sentience, which meant that even if they had to follow the orders, they could raise complaints against it.

While their minds refused the orders, their bodies followed them instinctively.

As proof, despite Jia Wuliang's irritation just moments ago, he had still obeyed Zhou Xuchuan's command.

"It hasn't even been half a day since I became the latter, though."

Zhou Xuchuan explained to the Pseudo-Phantoms what was going on in the world in relatively more detail. Most of it was similar to what he had told Luo Xiaoyue. The only additional parts were what had happened after they had entered the valley.

"You really know how to embellish things!"

Jia Wuliang's hostility didn't disappear but grew instead.

"I could kill you all with a single command if I really wanted to, so why would I make up such an incredulous lie? The reason I'm going through all this trouble is precisely because I don't want to kill you."

All he had to do was give them a direct order to commit suicide. It was an easy way to kill everyone other than the true Phantoms.

While he hadn't tried such an order yet, considering Little Ghost had said he could do anything, it should be possible.

"Hey, listen here, Jia Wuliang. I feel bad about what happened to you. It's only natural for you to hate the Valley of Phantoms."

However, Zhou Xuchuan didn't want to kill them.

If they were evil, then things would have been different, but that wasn't the case. In fact, if he really had to pick the 'evil' side, it would actually be the Valley of Phantoms.

According to what Little Ghost had said, the Valley of Phantoms took in orphans without parents or children who were sold as slaves and raised them to be Phantoms.

While the Valley of Phantoms had fed them and sheltered them before their deaths, it wasn't enough to atone for the sins they had inflicted upon the children.

They had treated people as tools and subjected them to inhumane training.

"The only way to ease your hatred, even a little, would be to let you take your revenge, revenge that would most likely end with the annihilation of the Valley of Phantoms. However, I can't just leave you to do that. I still need their power to save the world of the murim."

The existence of the Valley of Phantoms alone could minimize the damage that was to come.

Their skills and intelligence were that extraordinary.

Zhou Xuchuan had been convinced when he heard the story of the Valley from Little Ghost.

"If I wanted, I could kill you all or lock you away in a prison and let you rot for the rest of your lives. However, I don't want to do that. So, I have a proposal for you."

"A proposal?"

"Yes. Be my subordinates."

"So, you're going to use us like tools anyway!"

When Jia Wuliang immediately objected, Zhou Xuchuan raised his hand to stop him.

“Listen carefully. In return, I’ll give you your freedom.”


The Pseudo-Phantoms flinched at those words.

They had spent their entire lives in the Valley of Phantoms. The only time they had ever been outside was when they were six or seven years old.

"You won't have to finish the Mind-Killing like a true Phantom, and as long as you keep a few secrets, you can go anywhere, whether it's the Central Plains or the Western Highlands. While I might give you missions when necessary, you can refuse them. Of course, if you accept, I'll reward you properly. What do you think?"

Thanks to the Merchant King, Zhou Xuchuan would never run out of money. Now that he had become the Phantom Sovereign, even more wealth would naturally follow.


This time, Jia Wuliang couldn't bring himself to retort. Instead, he looked straight at his new master.

‘Is he being serious?’

It was only natural for Jia Wuliang not to trust Zhou Xuchuan.

He had been raised in the Valley of Phantoms since he was young, and everything had been taken away from him, forcing him to descend into hell and suffer all kinds of hardships.

Even after he barely managed to escape, things didn't change.

The Phantoms, who actually seemed like ghosts, chased him like the hounds of hell and forced him to fight for his life.

Then, suddenly, a disciple of Mount Hua and the self-proclaimed Phantom Sovereign appeared and offered him freedom in exchange for a small price.

To think that this man had appeared and changed the entire outlook of their futures in less than half a day.

‘At the end of the day, the only thing we can be sure about is that he has the ability to control us.’

Jia Wuliang wasn't the only one to falter. All his companions did the same.

The proposal itself wasn't bad, but they still found it suspicious.

However, Jia Wuliang had no other choice but to consider it.

His body still couldn't move, and even though he tried to circulate his qi, suspecting that Zhou Xuchuan was using some sort of witchcraft, nothing seemed to work.

"If you need time to think or discuss it among yourselves, don't worry about us and just consider it. If you want, we'll even leave and give you space."

"... what happens if we reject the proposal?"

"While I won't kill you, I'll have to leave you here under strict orders because things will get difficult for me if you interfere. You can't harm the Phantoms, either, because I need their power."

Although Zhou Xuchuan called it a proposal, it was essentially a threat. Still, it wasn't all that bad.

If he really wanted, proposal or no proposal, he could easily turn them into tools that only obeyed orders. After all, he only needed to force them to stay quiet and could easily stop any suspicious activities in advance.

While he had never done it before, he could most likely change their entire way of thinking by brainwashing them or forcing them into Mind-Killing.

However, since he didn't lack helpers and even had the Phantoms by his side, he really didn't want to go that far.

"Think about it carefully."

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