Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 572 Wang Jian Returns to Hidden Flying Ship

Chapter 572 Wang Jian Returns to Hidden Flying Ship

As the first rays of dawn crept through the window, casting a faint light on the tangled mess of limbs on the bed, Wang Jian finally broke the silence. "Well, my dear Queen," he chuckled, his voice husky from the night's exertions. "Seems your coronation night was quite eventful."

Queen Xiulan, her body still tingling from the afterglow of their passionate encounter, opened her eyes. A complicated mix of emotions played across her face: exhaustion, a flicker of fear, and a strange sense of empowerment.

"You're leaving," she said, her voice a mere whisper. It wasn't a question, but a statement that hung heavy in the air.

Wang Jian smirked. "Indeed. You've claimed your throne, the Green Jade threat serves as your perfect distraction, and frankly, I don't require the pomp and circumstance of a royal court."

A sigh escaped Queen Xiulan's lips. This wasn't a surprise. She had known, deep down, that his motives weren't solely fueled by a desire for power within the Blue Moon Eclipse Tribe. He was a manipulator, an enigma, and now, she could add "mastermind" to the list.

"Of course," she continued, her voice regaining some of its strength. "You wouldn't have approached me unless you saw an opportunity. You orchestrated everything, didn't you?"

Wang Jian remained silent, his gaze fixed on the rising sun. His silence spoke volumes, confirming her suspicions.

A strange calm settled over Queen Xiulan. She reached out, gently placing her hand on his face. "But I thank you," she whispered, her voice surprisingly sincere. "Without your… persuasion, I might have remained a powerless Queen living in my husband's shadow. Now, I have the Blue Moon Eclipse Tribe at my command."

A spark of amusement flickered in Wang Jian's eyes. "Ambition is a powerful aphrodisiac, my dear," he said, his voice teasing. "And your pleasure was undeniably… gratifying."

Queen Xiulan couldn't help but blush. He was right. Despite the deceit, the power struggle, the thrill of their forbidden affair was undeniable.

"However," Wang Jian continued, his tone turning serious, "don't think this is the end. Consider this a… temporary farewell."

He knelt beside the bed, a mischievous glint in his eyes. With a flick of his wrist, a faint, shimmering portal materialized in the air. "I've established a spatial tunnel. A convenient backdoor, if you will."

He tapped the tunnel playfully. "Should the need arise, I can return with a mere thought. And if you ever crave a taste of this… unconventional companionship," he said, his voice dropping to a seductive purr, "all you have to do is step through."

Before she could respond, he leaned forward, leaving a playful smack on her curvy rear. The audacity of the gesture sent a shiver down her spine, a mixture of annoyance and secret excitement.

With a final smirk, Wang Jian stepped through the shimmering portal, the portal dissolving behind him. Queen Xiulan lay there, alone again, the weight of her newfound power and the echo of their passionate night settling upon her.

Later that day, under the cover of shadows, Wang Jian emerged from within the Royal Palace, leaving the chaos he had orchestrated behind him. His destination – a secluded mansion on the outskirts of the city, far from the watchful eyes of the court.

Upon entering, he was greeted by the sight of three breathtaking beauties.

Feng Xiangyi, with her fiery red hair that danced around her shoulders like flames, greeted him with a seductive smile. A former Trade Overseer with a shrewd mind and a network of informants that spanned continents, she had left behind the thrill of political maneuvering for a life of servitude – a servitude fueled by an insatiable desire and a dark pact with Wang Jian.

Mu Xuanyin, her raven black hair cascading down her back like a midnight waterfall, offered a playful wink. Once the ruthless leader of the Moon Shadow Clan, a group of guards feared throughout the land, she had traded the thrill of the hunt for the whispered promises of power and a twisted form of affection from Wang Jian. Now, her loyalty lay solely with him.

And finally, Yin Lian, her sapphire hair like a cascading river, bowed low, her movements as graceful as a dancer. A former High Priestess of the Flame Lunar Devil Temple, a religious order that worshipped a fire deity, she had abandoned her vows of piety for a life of carnal devotion to Wang Jian. Her unwavering loyalty bordered on fanaticism, a bond forged in the fires of a shared, dark secret and an insatiable hunger for something more than just spiritual fulfillment.

"Welcome back, Master!" The chorus of voices echoed through the opulent chamber, a symphony of feminine adoration. Feng Xiaoyu, Mu Xuanyin, and Yin Lian, each a vision of breathtaking beauty, practically threw themselves at Wang Jian as he entered.

Their eagerness was a familiar comfort after the tense dance he'd just finished with Queen Xiulan. A smirk played on his lips as he surveyed them. "Ah, my loyal beauties," he drawled, his voice dripping with a hint of amusement. "I trust you haven't gotten bored in my absence?"

Feng Xiaoyu, the fiery redhead, giggled. "Bored, Master? Never! We've been plotting ways to make your return even more… delightful." Her scarlet eyes held a playful glint.

Mu Xuanyin, the raven-haired leader turned seductress, chimed in with a suggestive wink. "Indeed, Master. Anticipation has been building within these walls."

Yin Lian, the sapphire-haired former High Priestess, bowed deeply, her voice a soft murmur. "Your presence brings warmth to our hearts, Master."

Wang Jian chuckled, a low rumble that resonated through the chamber. "Well, my darlings," he announced, his voice tinged with a touch of theatricality, "I come bearing both good news and bad."

He paused, savoring the anticipation in their eyes. "The good news? I've successfully secured my objective." His eyes twinkled with a hint of mischief. "The Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Queen, Queen Xiulan, is now firmly under my… persuasive influence."

Exclamations of surprise and delight erupted from the three women. They had been privy to his plans, though not all the details.

"Brilliant, Master!" Feng Xiaoyu exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with admiration. "You've manipulated the entire tribe from within!"

"Indeed, Master," added Mu Xuanyin, a predatory grin forming on her lips. "This will surely shake the very foundation of the Devil Tribe."

Yin Lian simply offered a silent nod, her loyalty unwavering, her eyes reflecting a fanatical devotion.

Wang Jian raised a hand, silencing them. "Now, the bad news," he continued, his smile turning a shade more serious. "Our time on this X-98 Star is… over."

A stunned silence descended upon the room. Leaving this familiar world, the only home they'd ever known, had never crossed their minds.

"What do you mean, Master?" Mu Xuanyin's voice held a hint of panic. "Are we to… abandon everything?"

A flicker of amusement danced in Wang Jian's eyes. "Abandon everything? Not quite, my dear Xuanyin. Consider this a new adventure."

He led them out of the luxurious mansion and into the cool night air. A short distance away, shrouded in darkness, a magnificent flying ship hovered silently. Its sleek, obsidian hull gleamed faintly under the moonlight. Intricate symbols adorned its surface, emitting an ethereal blue glow.

"Behold," Wang Jian announced, a hint of pride in his voice, "the Hidden Flying Ship of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion."

Gasps escaped the women's lips. This ship, they knew, belonged to one of the most powerful human sects in the entire cosmos. And here it was, at Wang Jian's command.

The ship's hatch hissed open, revealing a welcoming sight – a throng of women, all breathtaking beauties. They were disciples, elders, and even the Pavilion Mistress herself, Cui Lan, a vision of mature elegance, her silver hair shimmering like moonlight on water.

Despite the animosity that usually existed between humans and devils, there was no animosity here. The women of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, like their devil counterparts, had all succumbed to Wang Jian's charm, becoming his devoted followers.

Cui Lan stepped forward, her crimson robes swirling around her like a blossom in the wind. "Master Wang Jian," she greeted with a respectful bow, her voice a silken purr. "I see you've brought new… companions."

Her eyes, sharp and clear, flickered over Feng Xiaoyu, Mu Xuanyin, and Yin Lian. But instead of disdain, they held a flicker of understanding, of shared knowledge. After all, in Wang Jian's eyes, beauty was beauty, regardless of species.

"Indeed, Mistress Cui," Wang Jian replied with a courteous nod. "Allow me to introduce Feng Xiaoyu, Mu Xuanyin, and Yin Lian. They will be joining us on our journey."

Cui Lan smiled warmly. "Welcome, ladies," she said, her voice genuine. "Consider yourselves part of the family now."

The tension that had initially gripped the three devil women melted away. Here, in this flying ship filled with beautiful women, they were not outcasts. They were part of something bigger, something thrilling.

The night was filled with laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses. Wang Jian, the center of attention, reveled in the company of his diverse harem. He regaled them with tales of his exploits on the X-98 Star, embellishing them just enough to keep them enthralled.

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