Villain Is Bodyguard of Heroine’s Poisonous Stepmother

Chapter 154: Snatching the Protagonists Fiancée

Chapter 154: Snatching the Protagonists Fiancée

“Will you ever dare to question me again? Tell me, am I the kind of man who gets stopped in his tracks by any woman he sees?”

“No… you’re not.”

Xiao Qingxue’s cheeks were tinged with red, and she felt weak, unable to withstand even with her enhanced physical condition. She truly felt Chen Luo’s increase in strength.

Although she had a strong personality, she had to give in this time unless she really wanted to end up bedridden for a few days.

Chen Luo felt a bit smug and decided to spare Xiao Qingxue this time.

“I know you’re jealous, but having so many women is also for your sake.”

Listening to Chen Luo’s shameless words, Xiao Qingxue couldn’t help but roll her eyes. She knew him well. He was good-looking but incredibly shameless.

“Think about it, what would it be like if I only had you?”

Chen Luo’s words caught Xiao Qingxue off guard, then a sudden fear sprang up in her heart. It would be the death of her. Surely. If it were only her, she wouldn’t need to do anything else all day.

“I can overlook the other women. How about you marry me?” Xiao Qingxue looked directly at Chen Luo.

“Cough cough, let’s talk about this another day. You look exhausted, better go to sleep,” Chen Luo quickly changed the subject.


Xiao Qingxue couldn’t help but bite Chen Luo lightly, then sighed softly, feeling like she had completely fallen for him in this lifetime.

Indeed, Chen Luo was a jerk, but he had firmly captured Xiao Qingxue’s heart.

After Xiao Qingxue fell asleep, Chen Luo got up and went to Zhao Yingxuan’s room. If he didn’t go to comfort her, she would definitely be upset and jealous.

The next day, Chen Luo walked into the Li family villa openly.

“Dad, you’re here.”

Li Qiwen bowed and scraped before Chen Luo, probably more affectionately than he had ever addressed Li Zhong.

“When will Dad remove the Gu worm from my body?”

“Relax, no one will die by staying in your body,” Chen Luo said lightly.

Li Qiwen bowed his head. He wouldn’t die with the antidote, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t worried. He was tired of feeling like his life was in someone else’s hands, but he was too afraid of death to rebel.

“Don’t get in the way here.”

Gu Wanyu came out and was delighted to see Chen Luo, but her expression changed when she saw Li Qiwen.

“Let’s not bother with him, come to my room,” Gu Wanyu said, her eyes sultry as she looked at Chen Luo.

Chen Luo promptly took action, picking up Gu Wanyu and heading to her room.

Meanwhile, Li Qiwen, head bowed, his eyes burning with endless fury, clenched his fists tight but didn’t dare to look up, afraid of being noticed. Li Qiwen harbored both hatred and fear toward Chen Luo and Gu Wanyu, with fear presently outweighing the hatred.

Until the Gu worm inside him was dealt with, he dared not show any hint of animosity toward Chen Luo. When he saw Chen Luo, he had to suppress his feelings and humbly call him “Dad.”

Acknowledging a thief as a father was not what he wanted, but Li Qiwen had no other choice. He was afraid of death, and only by submitting could he continue to live.

Li Qiwen’s current plan was to take the money he had and flee as soon as the Gu worm was removed from his body, never to return to Magic City. He had enough money on him for the rest of his life.

He had a good plan, but in Chen Luo’s eyes, Li Qiwen still had value, and he certainly wouldn’t let a useful pawn escape.

After satisfying Gu Wanyu’s needs, Chen Luo began to discuss serious matters.

“How is your control over the Li family now?”

“Most people in the Li family group have been replaced with those I trust, but there are still some who secretly defy my orders.”

If Gu Wanyu wasn’t worried that cleaning up too quickly would cause instability within the group, she would have already cleaned them out.

“Take it slow, there’s no rush.”

After all, the Li family would eventually be in his pocket, so Chen Luo was no longer in a hurry.

“By the way, what’s this about the Lin family?”

Chen Luo had come today also because Gu Wanyu had something to discuss regarding the Lin family.

“The Lin family wants to form a marital alliance with our Li family.”

Gu Wanyu told Chen Luo that Lin Yue had come to her yesterday, wanting to form an alliance through marriage, willing to marry his daughter to Li Qiwen. Although Li Qiwen was still too young, there was no rush, the agreement could be set up first.

The purpose of the Lin family’s alliance was also to gain the support of the Li family.

Despite the Lin family being considered the most potential candidate to become one of the new top four families, they actually faced significant pressures. Many families had even banded together against the Lin family, and with the sudden illness of their patriarch, the Lin family was in desperate need of allies.

If Luo Zixuan were still alive, Lin Yue might have sought out the Luo family, but with Luo Zixuan’s death, he considered approaching the Li family to discuss a marriage alliance.

“Doesn’t Lin Xiaoya have a marriage arrangement?” Chen Luo asked, his expression somewhat peculiar.

Lin Yue only had one child, his daughter Lin Xiaoya.

“Lin Xiaoya has a marriage arrangement? I’ve never heard of that,” Gu Wanyu expressed surprise.

She had never heard of Lin Xiaoya being betrothed. Although she didn’t pay much attention, surely such news would have spread across Magic City if it were true.

“Could I possibly lie to you?”

“So you’re saying Lin Yue is trying to deceive me?” Anger flashed in Gu Wanyu’s eyes.

“Not necessarily. It’s possible that Lin Yue doesn’t want to acknowledge the engagement, or maybe he doesn’t even know about it.”

Chen Luo smiled at Gu Wanyu, dismissing the idea that Lin Yue would dare to deceive her. It was unthinkable, given that the Li family, despite its issues, had a deeper foundation than the Lin family and was not to be offended lightly.

Chen Luo felt that perhaps Lin Yue looked down on a wild boy from the mountains and didn’t want to honor the engagement.

“So that’s it. Darling, do you like Lin Xiaoya? If you’re interested, I’ll agree to the marriage alliance.”

This marriage alliance wasn’t really meant for Li Qiwen. Even if it seemed so nominally, Gu Wanyu planned to offer Lin Xiaoya to Chen Luo.

Li Qiwen’s life was controlled by Chen Luo, and so was his fiancée.

Chen Luo wore a peculiar expression, understanding Gu Wanyu’s implication. The marriage alliance was meant for Li Qiwen, but ultimately it was Chen Luo who entered the bridal chamber. Was he supposed to usurp the protagonist’s fiancée?

Even if it was to counter the protagonist, he had to agree. It was a sure-win deal, so why refuse? As for whether Li Qiwen’s face would turn green upon learning the truth, neither Chen Luo nor Gu Wanyu cared. If you asked either of them, neither considered Li Qiwen as a real person.

“You arrange it, make the engagement soon, let’s do it tomorrow.”

Taking advantage of the fact that the protagonist Su Han hadn’t yet arrived in Magic, they would secure the engagement first, leaving Su Han dumbfounded when he arrived. Gu Wanyu, eager to please, agreed joyfully. She felt she owed Chen Luo, considering herself a married woman with children, and feeling unworthy of him, thus the idea struck her when Lin Yue proposed the marriage alliance.

So, she eagerly awaited Chen Luo’s approval.

After Chen Luo agreed, Gu Wanyu immediately contacted Lin Yue.

“Mr. Lin, I’ve agreed to the marriage alliance, but we need to hurry with the engagement, can we settle it tomorrow?”

“That’s great, but isn’t tomorrow too rushed for an engagement?”

“If Mr. Lin feels it’s too rushed, then perhaps we should call off the alliance,” Gu Wanyu said calmly.

“No, no, tomorrow is fine, I agree,” Lin Yue quickly conceded, thinking of the dire straits his family was in. He couldn’t afford to let the alliance fail, as the Lin family indeed needed external support.

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