Urban: Super God-Ring System

Chapter 37

C37 – A New Magic

The elfin had finally evolved, much to Wen Huaimu’s delight.

All in all, the journey to Deadwick was a resounding success, and it took him just a single day.

Suddenly, Coldy’s detached mechanical voice intoned, “Master, the molding ring can store energy.”

The timing was perfect. Wen Huaimu swiftly activated the molding ring, voraciously siphoning the pure, natural vitality that had accumulated in Deadwick over countless years.

“Is there anyone else around?” The elfin emerged from the molding ring and quickly spotted signs of a campsite nearby.

Wen Huaimu nodded, “Seems like a team is either surveying or conducting research in Deadwick.”

Interest waning, the elfin resumed her joyful flights around the towering trees.

After all, she was an elf, naturally drawn to the embrace of the wild.

The pristine essence of Deadwick’s nature was something the elfin cherished deeply.

“If you’re fond of this place, we can make trips here more often,” Wen Huaimu proposed with a smile.

“Okay!” The elfin zipped excitedly to Wen Huaimu’s side, her voice bubbling with joy.

But their exchange was abruptly cut off by a ferocious roar echoing from a distance.

The elfin looked on, puzzled.

Wen Huaimu, however, paled; the roar was tiger-like, seething with rage.

“Could that be a wild man?” His pulse raced.

Legends spoke of wild men in these parts, yet none had laid eyes on them. Whether fact or fiction, the stories were unconfirmed.

He was taken aback to hear the cry of such a creature.

He decided to investigate.

Without hesitation, Wen Huaimu spun around and bolted toward the sound.

The elfin, sensing his urgency, kept pace, gliding with ease beside him.

Wen Huaimu couldn’t help but feel envious. “Diaochan, with my magic now stronger, can I cast even more formidable spells?”

“I’d nearly forgotten, with the elementary magic of your stage, you can perform numerous spells, and your magic appears even more potent than that of a typical elementary elf,” the elfin remarked, clearly impressed.

“Then what are we waiting for? Teach me!” Wen Huaimu urged, his excitement palpable.

As they strolled, the two engaged in lively conversation.

The elfin detailed the spells that Wen Huaimu was currently capable of learning.

She informed Wen Huaimu that his elemental affinities were wind, fire, and water, with wind being the strongest, followed by fire, and water being the weakest. Consequently, she had focused on teaching him magic from the wind and fire categories.

Wen Huaimu had a particular knack for wind attribute magic.

The elfin meticulously imprinted the usable spells directly into Wen Huaimu’s memory.

Wen Huaimu felt a surge of vitality.

He delved into the magic that the elfin had shared with him.

Among these, the Gale Blade Technique was a more potent version of the wind blade, tripling its strength. The Fire Ball Spell was an enhanced form of the Fireball Skill.

Wen Huaimu had also mastered several new spells, but they were so power-intensive that he had to be cautious in their use.

The Phoenix Soaring Technique allowed him to lighten his weight using the wind element, enabling short bursts of flight.

This spell delighted Wen Huaimu; he could finally take to the skies.

However, the elfin clarified that the Phoenix Soaring Technique was merely a basic flight spell; it wasn’t suitable for long distances. To achieve true flight, he would need the magic of a high-level elfin.

Nonetheless, Wen Huaimu was content; he had at least managed to restore the system’s mutation.

Additionally, there was the wind-based Wind Shield spell. It created a protective layer of wind element around him. The elfin estimated that the Wind Shield could deflect common blades but not bullets – an unavoidable limitation due to insufficient magic, resulting in a weaker shield.

The fire category included the Fire Ball Spell, an elementary spell with greater power than the Fireball Skill, offering a different attack strength and range. With Wen Huaimu’s magic, he could even blast a charred cavity into the flesh of certain animals. However, its significant magic consumption meant it was not to be used lightly.

There was also an upgraded version of the Water Lubricant Skill, the advanced Water Lubricant Spell. This wasn’t just a small water orb; it contained significantly more water essence than its predecessor. The advanced Water Lubricant Spell could heal minor ailments and even provide temporary relief for more severe conditions, buying precious time for the afflicted.

Water magic remained a form of healing magic. Wen Huaimu, having mastered this spell, couldn’t help but bask in self-satisfaction, entertaining the thought that he might one day pass himself off as a miraculous healer.

The spiritual magic at his disposal, consisting of spiritual shock and pressure, had significantly increased in potency, enabling him to confront average warriors effectively.

Then there was the plant magic, the innate magic of the Elf Clan. It was only after Wen Huaimu and the elfin entered into a blood pact that he became eligible to wield it. Yet, with his arsenal of potent offensive spells, plant magic didn’t captivate his interest as much.

Nevertheless, Wen Huaimu’s abilities had undergone a transformation with the acquisition of the elfin’s magical incantations. He had evolved from a mere apprentice, reliant on borrowed magic, to a bona fide junior enchanter! Though both positions were at the lower echelons, the difference in status was like night and day.

Now, Wen Huaimu felt invigorated, his concerns about Deadwick dissipating.

Suddenly, his body felt extraordinarily light. A minor exertion of force underfoot propelled him forward with the velocity of a cannonball, nearly colliding with a towering tree.

Taken aback despite his preparedness, Wen Huaimu steadied his nerves and began to acclimate to the Phoenix Soaring Technique. Under the elfin’s expert tutelage, he quickly got the hang of it. Gradually increasing his magical output, the flying technique’s speed surged. He darted through the forest, leaping agilely from branch to branch, his movements as fluid as a butterfly in flight.

To the uninitiated observer, he might be mistaken for a reclusive, unparalleled master.

And should Americans catch sight of him, they might well believe Spiderman had taken up a hermit’s life in Vuspoynga.

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