Urban: Super God-Ring System

Chapter 35

C35 – Training Treasure Land

The moon had reached its zenith, and Wen Huaimu was utterly spent.

He found a relatively clean rock and eased himself down onto it. His entire skeleton seemed to be on the verge of collapse. He had trekked an indeterminate distance, all of it over mountainous terrain.

Wen Huaimu simply couldn’t go on. He had no choice but to rest there, gradually drawing in the Spirit Energy of Heaven and Earth to replenish his drained physical and psychic forces.

Surveying the shadowy forest around him and listening to the chirping of unknown insects, Wen Huaimu took a deep breath and found the air to be refreshingly pleasant.

Feeling a slight revival of spirit and after ensuring there were no threats within a hundred-meter radius, he crossed his legs atop the large rock and eased into a meditative state.

It’s worth noting that Wen Huaimu’s aptitude for cultivation was nothing to scoff at, even when compared to that of an elfin. His cultivated psychic force could manifest a Devil Spirit. While not as extraordinary as the molding ring, the magic he honed was uniquely his own.

With concentrated psychic force, Wen Huaimu quickly formed a Devil Spirit in his tranquil mind. The entire phantom of the Devil Spirit bathed in the swirling Spirit Energy of Heaven and Earth.

Wen Huaimu gazed around in astonishment.

In his Devil Spirit state, he didn’t see mere physical objects but rather swathes of energetic vitality.

The Devil Spirit’s contact with this vitality was akin to a baby’s comfort in the womb—utterly soothing.

Wen Huaimu’s soul was deeply moved, his extraneous thoughts cleansed bit by bit, leaving his mind as pristine as a blank sheet, revealing the most fundamental human spirit. His whole being merged with the natural world.

In this state, the Devil Spirit voraciously absorbed the Spirit Energy of Heaven and Earth, its speed nearly rivaling that of the molding ring.

Wen Huaimu’s anomaly sparked a flicker of human-like confusion in Coldy’s large, impassive red eyes. Yet, the primary purpose of the molding ring was the elfin’s advancement.

Time slipped by stealthily, the night deepened, and then gradually the darkness gave way to the first pale light of dawn in the east.

Wen Huaimu’s impromptu decision had serendipitously led to a fortuitous breakthrough.

The nocturnal Spirit Energy of Heaven and Earth, mingled with the glow of the moon, offered comprehensive healing and evolutionary benefits to the human body. According to ancient lore, mystical beings evolved their forms by basking in moonlight, seeking to transform into humans and pursue the path to immortality.

Wen Huaimu’s epiphany, merging with the Spirit Energy of Heaven and Earth, purified his soul. Simultaneously, the boundless Spirit Energy and moonlight transformed his body.

Past injuries from beatings, the minor ones hidden away, were healed. His body expelled the surplus toxins, cleansed by the surging Spirit Energy.

Yet, his brain reaped the most significant benefits. Wen Huaimu’s psychic force evolved into magic, continuously absorbing both the Spirit Energy and moonlight. His psychic force soared visibly; within a single night, he had exceeded the elementary level of the elfin. His Mental Detection Magic now spanned an astounding 350 meters!

At dawn, as a hint of red tinged the eastern sky, the Spirit Energy within a kilometer radius of Wen Huaimu had dwindled to levels comparable to a typical city.

Depleted of sufficient energy, the molding ring ceased its work, and Wen Huaimu emerged from his Devil Spirit state.

Upon opening his eyes, a brilliant gleam flashed within them.

Feeling the change, a look of thrilled surprise spread across Wen Huaimu’s face.

Previously, he had entered a blood pact with the elfin, sharing a staggering eighty percent of his magic. Yet, only a meager thirty percent resided within him, available for use but not for growth.

Now, after a night’s cultivation, he had not only developed his own magic but had nearly surpassed the power level of an elementary elfin!

The surprise was immense.

Wen Huaimu refrained from exultation; this was merely the start. With two days remaining, he anticipated even more substantial advancements. His goal was to reach the intermediate level of the elfin and share in their magic.

Turning his thoughts to the elfin, Wen Huaimu utilized his Mental Detection Magic and discovered her comfortably nestled inside the Crystal Cabinet. The moding machine tirelessly converted the Spirit Energy into magic, infusing her with its power. She was now entirely shrouded in a soft red magical aura.

Being a fire attribute elfin explained her fiery temperament!

At that moment, Wen Huaimu took the chance to grumble about the elfin under his breath.

He noticed the molding ring’s absorption of the Spirit Energy of Heaven and Earth was losing its efficiency, and the transformation of the elfin’s magic had slowed. Without hesitation, Wen Huaimu made his way to an area where the Spirit Energy was more concentrated.

In the area where the vitality had been depleted, as long as Deadwick remained intact, vitality from other regions would soon flow back, ensuring the local creatures’ survival wouldn’t be compromised.

Deadwick by day outshone the night, with its lush primeval forests, the forest’s crisp air, and the sweet calls of unidentified birds all highlighting the area’s natural allure.

After a night of cultivation, Wen Huaimu’s spirit soared. Even the challenging forest paths felt effortless to traverse. Though the transformation by the Spirit Energy of Heaven and Earth hadn’t made him a master, it had significantly enhanced his stamina.

As he strolled through the forest, soaking up nature’s untainted vitality, Wen Huaimu reveled in the sensation of being an unfettered celestial being.

“Master, the energy ahead has a purity of 95% and a density of 98%,” announced a mechanical voice abruptly.

Wen Huaimu was momentarily taken aback, then elated.

He had never before encountered such concentrated vitality.

He hastened forward and found himself facing a deep chasm.

The canyon’s waters roared, flanked by sheer cliffs, with the occasional bird darting across, their songs filled with joy.

The sight of this natural marvel left Wen Huaimu in awe. Gazing at the grandeur of the canyon, he felt his very essence uplifted.

Nature’s artistry was truly awe-inspiring.

“97% purity, 99% density!”

The Spirit Energy of Heaven and Earth was remarkably pure and dense!

Snapping out of his reverie, Wen Huaimu remembered he wasn’t there for leisure. This was a prime spot for cultivation, one he couldn’t afford to overlook.

As he activated the molding ring’s energy absorption feature, he could sense the Spirit Energy converging swiftly within a three hundred and fifty-meter radius. Enveloped by the cool yet warming vitality, he felt so at ease he almost groaned with pleasure.

The Devil Spirit materialized almost instantaneously, voraciously seizing the Spirit Energy of Heaven and Earth that converged around it.

This place appeared to be seldom visited by anyone, leaving it untouched and pristine. The abundance of spirit energy was more than sufficient for the molding ring to absorb for an extended period. Even with Wen Huaimu’s Devil Spirit drawing from it, the impact on the spirit energy within the deep ravine was negligible, akin to a mere drop in the vast ocean.

Having discovered such a prime spot for cultivation, Wen Huaimu ceased his aimless wandering. He settled on a cool, clean slab of stone, sitting cross-legged, and devoted himself entirely to the absorption of the Spirit Energy of Heaven and Earth.

Slowly, the rich Spirit Energy of Heaven and Earth coalesced into a thick mist, enveloping Wen Huaimu in its embrace.

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