Untamed: The Alpha

Chapter 92


Gael didn’t have any patience for it. “Tell me, what do you think happened to her?”

The doctor was about to refuse again, but when he saw the way Mr. McKeltar looked at him, he knew that it would be to no avail.

“I think she has been put into a coma using drugs,” he said unsure. “But, this is only my assumption, I need to bring a sample of her blood to the lab first.”

On the other hand, hearing what the doctor said, Gael couldn’t help but clench his jaw tightly. He was really tempted to kill someone right now.

He thought Sol would keep her safe until he found her again, but that bastard pushed her into a more dangerous condition? It was really hard to believe!

“How long has she been like this?” His voice was very deep and filled with anger, but he couldn’t lose it now. Not in front of this doctor. He would make sure that he would destroy that organization for doing such a thing to Lise.

The doctor contemplated for a while, before he answered him. “Two to four weeks.”

Gael gritted his teeth, it was not what he had expected to happen when he let Sol take her away from him. He thought that was the best way to keep her alive. It was that or being on the receiving end of Chaos’ wrath. No one would be able to stand that. “What about the baby?” his voice sounded very cold, even to his own ears.

The doctor’s eyes lit up when he talked about this. “Miraculously, the baby is fine. It’s very strong...” he replied, stunned by what he just learned about the fetus.


Gael nodded. At least, this wouldn’t add to his anger.

“Thank you,” he said grimly. “Take that sample and inform me as soon as possible.”

“Yes, Mr. McKeltar,” the doctor answered solemnly, but before he could walk out of the room, Gael had spoken again.

“This is top secret.” He tilted his head and gave the doctor a dangerous side- ways look. “You will know the consequences if someone learns about it.”

The doctor felt cold when he received such a stare, he nodded anxiously. “Of course, I will never do that.”

After he saw Gael nod, he walked out of the room immediately, not wanting to spend another second there.

He could be very scary when all of his easy going nature disappeared...

Meanwhile, when the room became quiet again and it was only him and Lise, Gael knelt down beside her bed and held her hand tightly.

Gael rested his head against their intertwined hands, as he breathed deeply. His shoulders drooped and he looked very helpless now, as if the whole world had turned its back at him, as if he had lost all reason to be blissful.

He just wanted his woman back. He didn’t want anything else, he just wanted her to be his and watch every step their child took, protect them when the baby finally came into this cruel world.

However, his relationship with Chaos would turn ugly if he knew what Lise had done to Blue, though the little girl didn’t say anything about it, but somehow, Chaos always had a way to figure things out.

Gael stayed like that for a long time, people who saw him would think that he was sleeping, but a moment later, he talked in a soft tone that sounded very bitter.

“I am scared...” he said softly to the quiet room. “I am scared that I am going to lose you one way or another. I am scared that I am not strong enough to protect you both.”

This was the first time Gael brought it up. He was not used to showing his real emotions, especially when he was afraid.

No. The world that he lived in was too cruel for you to show your vulnerability, because once they sense your fear, you would be done for.

But now, Gael was being vulnerable in front of Lise, telling her what he was feeling genuinely. He felt so bare and this emotion was so raw.

He didn’t know how to handle this, but one thing was for certain; Gael had lost and his love for Lise was something that scared, even himself, but to lose her, he would rather live in fear...

He would face a thousand fears and endless troubles just to be with her.


The news went crazy about the fact that many people witnessed the appearance of a non- human being among them.

Some people swore that they saw a human who could turn into a wolf, or even a very huge bird. Some who encountered those supernatural creatures, managed to take a picture or even a video of it.

At first, they didn’t believe it and most of the people thought that the video was fabricated, it was not original at all and many theories could be heard about it.

Yet, when the number of the videos increased and the number of witnesses escalated, it was hard to say that those videos and pictures were fake.

Not only that, accidents on the sea also increased significantly. During this week alone, there were around four ships that went missing and no one could find out where they went. Not even a small piece of the ship could be found.

People started to make assumptions and connected the dots between the appearance of the non-human beings and many accidents that ensued.

It sounded absurd to say there was a supernatural creature living beneath the sea that had attacked those ships. It was ridiculous. Yet for now, that was the most believable theory among the people. They believed the appearance of the non-human being under the sea just how those creatures appeared on the land.

This was a crazy theory.

However, when the government established one organization that would be handling this particular case, it was almost like those creatures were no longer only rumors, they were real and their government had solidified it.

The organization was called; The Hound.



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