Unrivaled Martial Emperor

Chapter 347 - Xue Tianhe Breaks Through

Chapter 347 - Xue Tianhe Breaks Through


Suddenly, everyone felt a terrifying qi fluctuation. The bottom of the lake shook as if there was an earthquake. The lake water churned, generating ferocious undercurrents.

“What is going on?”

“What happened?”

“This qi fluctuation... so powerful! So terrifying!”

“This qi fluctuation belongs to a Core Formation realm expert. Has someone reached that level?"


At the white marble plaza, the crowd’s expressions changed.

The cultivation levels of everyone present weren’t weak. They could be said to be at the top of the Yuanfu realm. Only a genuine Core Formation realm expert could make them feel such an intense sense of oppression.

The expressions of Xin Wuming, Zi Ling, and the other geniuses on the Influential Figures Leaderboard also changed.

A steely glint flashed in Xin Wuming's eyes.

“This pressure belongs to a Core Formation realm expert, no doubt about it!”

Zi Ling nodded in agreement and said, “That’s right. I wonder who that is?”

Hong Qianjun glared fiercely like a tiger and said in a low voice, “Cut the crap. We’ll know once we go up and take a look. Judging from the qi fluctuations, the person should be near the lake.”

Chen Fan thought of a person, and his expression sank. To be precise, it wasn’t a person but rather a demonic being.

Xue Tianhe!

Xue Tianhe had been on the verge of reaching the Core Formation realm. What if he had guarded the lake, waiting for his prey to show up? Feasting on those thrown out of the lake? That would allow Xue Tianhe to devour many people’s fresh blood and advance to the Core Formation realm.

Blood demons practiced a unique cultivation technique. As long as there was a sufficient supply of fresh blood, they could increase their cultivation rapidly, perhaps even faster than Chen Fan refining demon or corpse cores using the Heaven Seizing Art.

“Xue Tianhe...” said Chen Fan as his expression became ugly. He was almost certain this Core Formation realm qi fluctuation came from him.

Xue Tianhe's advancement to the Core Formation realm spelled disaster for them.

“Let’s go up and see who broke through to the Core Formation realm.”

Xin Wuming took the lead and moved ahead. Sword qi flowed around him, parting the water as he shot toward the surface.

“How truly unexpected. Someone broke through to the Core Formation realm. I wonder who’s the lucky one?”

“Some lucky guy probably obtained some heavenly treasure outside. After all, the Nebulous Mysterious Realm is huge. The Nebulous Battle Palace is not the only place with opportunities.”

“Go, go, go. We’ll know after we go take a look.”


The crowd revolved their cultivation one after another and flew up.

At the lakeside:

The bloody light around Xue Tianhe was extremely dazzling. It transformed into a blood-colored pillar of light and rose to the sky, linking the sky and the ground.

His extraordinary aura was like a flood, rolling and surging. Each wave was stronger than the last. With him at the center, a terrifying storm swirled. Sand and gravel flew everywhere, crushed into powder.

“He broke through! Xue Tianhe broke through!”

“This guy’s accumulation is so deep. He just broke through, but his aura shows no sign of unsteadiness. His foundation is incredibly stable, unlike those whose strength wavers after a breakthrough."

“Such powerful qi fluctuations. I suppose those people at the bottom of the lake felt it, too. I wonder what their faces look like right now?”

“Who cares what they look like? Do you need to care about dead people?”


The dozen or so blood demons’ eyes flickered.

One of the Illusory Core realm blood demons said, “Pay attention. Those people below should be coming up now. Don’t let them disturb Xue Tianhe. He’s at the last step.”

The other blood demons nodded one after another. Blood-colored primeval force swirled around them; it looked like blood was flowing on their skin. An evil aura spread out.

A lot of bubbling happened on the surface of the lake.

Blup! Blup!

The blood demons narrowed their eyes. “On guard, they are coming out.”


An extremely fierce streak of sword qi broke through the water's surface and rushed out. The sword qi swept out in all directions, and the air was filled with a sense of emptiness.



Xin Wuming broke out of the water, and the blood demons immediately channeled their cultivation. The towering blood waves attacked ferociously, crashing over like a storm.

“Blood demons!” Xin Wuming recognized them from their auras. He immediately reacted, and the sword qi around him stirred. He swung his sword, and a streak of sword light swept out horizontally.



The sword qi landed on the blood demons’ attack and immediately blew up. A splashing noise came from the towering blood wave, falling onto the lake's surface like torrential rain, dyeing the waters bloody red.


Xin Wuming and the blood demons were all pushed back from the impact.

Simultaneously, Zi Ling, Jiu Wuxue, Chen Fan, and others emerged.


“Blood demons! It’s actually blood demons!”

Zi Ling, Jiu Wuxue, and the others’ faces immediately darkened. They hadn’t expected the owner of that Core Formation realm aura to be a blood demon.

Chen Fan’s pupils shrunk when he saw Xue Tianhe sitting cross-legged by the lake. His aura kept surging like the tide.

“Like I thought, it’s Xue Tianhe!”

“What do we do? It’s actually blood demons!”

The expressions of the others underwent a drastic shift, some even recoiling in horror as they saw the two to three hundred desiccated corpses littering the lakeside.

Xin Wuming shouted, calming the panicking crowd, “Don’t panic! That demonic being hasn’t completed his breakthrough. With our numbers, we can seize this opportunity to strike together and kill that demon!"

“Right, we’ll strike together like when we killed the piranha king and kill these demonic beings.”

“Let’s strike immediately. It’ll be the end of us once that demonic being stabilizes his cultivation!”


The crowd instantly responded one after another.

“Attack, don’t hold back!” Xin Wuming commanded, his primeval energy surging. His sword qi gushed out, slashing down at Xue Tianhe.

Xin Wuming raised his sword with his right hand, infusing primeval force into his sword. The sheer momentum caused nearby qi currents to swirl like a relentless river of blades.

“Infinite Thunderclap!”

Xin Wuming slashed out. An incomparably thick sword qi ripped the air open, slashing toward Xue Tianhe.


Meanwhile, Zi Ling's violet aura churned violently. Streaks of purple light shot forth like the light of destruction, piercing the space. The air melted under this violet qi.

“Violet Qi Brilliant Sky!”

“Bloody Three Thousand Slash!”

Red light waves surged from Jiu Wuxue. His blade flashed with a bloody light, and the light seemed to be dripping as if the blade was bleeding. He chopped down with a wider stance, as if to cleave a mountain in half.

Everyone unleashed their cultivation and attacked quickly.

Numerous streaks of qi shot toward Xue Tianhe like ten thousand horses galloping, trampling the space, wanting to blast him to bits.

The dozen or so blood demons’ expressions changed several times at the sight, sensing a grim reaper approaching them.

The strongest among them was in the Illusory Core realm. When faced with over a hundred genius’ combined attacks, it felt like they were a twig before a flood. They couldn’t block it. Anything in its path would be thoroughly smashed into smithereens.

Just as the blood demons thought of hardening themselves and blocking the attacks, a cold voice rang out from behind them.

“Get out of the way!” Xue Tianhe roared. His voice spread like a wave, instantly colliding with Xin Wuming, Chen Fan, and the others’ attacks.


Terrifying explosions rang out endlessly like firecrackers. The lake's surface was blown apart by countless forces, as if a meteor shower had fallen into the lake, exploding intensely.

Tons of lake water erupted skyward, cascading down like a deluge of rain.

“Blood Sea Flips the Heaven!”

Xue Tianhe stepped forward, leaping over the blood demons and channeling his cultivation. A blood wave surged from him, crushing and wiping out all the attacks.

Boom, boom!

Xin Wuming and the others flew back from the impact. Some weaker ones turned pale from the shock, with blood flowing out of the corners of their lips.

Seeing Xue Tianhe had fully advanced into the Core Formation realm, despair surfaced on many people’s faces.

“We’re done for!”

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