Unrivaled Martial Emperor

Chapter 313 – Enter

Chapter 313 – Enter

Several miles away from the golden pillar of light, a few figures with terrifyingly powerful auras stood above the clouds, looking at the golden pillar. Among them, Reverend Zuoqiu spoke up.

“Everyone, the Nebulous Mysterious Realm is a significant matter. This ancient trial ground is filled with countless treasures. We are the major sects in the area. I suggest we monopolize the realm by getting rid of all these people!”

The others pondered. Long Yunyu shook her head and said, “I’m afraid we can’t. The news of the realm has already spread across over half of the Wuning Empire. Disciples from neighboring empires' sects, as well as from other Wuning Empire sects, have already gathered. Stopping them is beyond us.”

The others nodded one after another.

They came from six different sects; although their sects were powerful and influential, they weren’t the only sects in the Wuning Empire.

If they tried to force these individuals out, they would report back to their sects. The collective might of these sects would demand answers from the six major sects then—a situation they were ill-equipped to handle.

One way to overcome that situation was to kill everyone not from the six major sects. However, this was obviously impossible.

Such an action, if discovered, could lead to the downfall of their six sects, a loss far outweighing any potential gain.

“Rest assured. Our six major sects, being nearest to the Stormy Plains, were the first to arrive after hearing the news. We have also brought our most skilled disciples. The other sects don't have this edge.”

“Many people here were out training and rushed here after receiving the news. They are weak, and once inside the mysterious realm, they won't stand a chance against our members," said Luo Xinglie with a confident smile.

Fairy Ice Snow said, “He’s right. This time, the appearance of the Nebulous Mysterious Realm is a huge opportunity for our sects. If we join hands, we can pocket most of the opportunities in the mysterious realm.”

“Alright, then. Since you put it that way, our sects will join hands this time. What do you think?” Xue Wuren said.

Reverend Zuoqiu, Long Yunyu, and the others nodded one after another.

Too many people have come, but the six major sects held the geographical advantage. If they joined hands, they would reap the greatest harvest.

Then, the awaited day arrived.

At midday, with many eyes watching, the golden pillar of light began to transform.

A green light, over a hundred meters wide, emerged. It slowly solidified into a massive portal of green light.

“The entrance has appeared! Charge!”

“Quick, to the entrance! I'll seize this chance to gather treasures and break through to the Core Formation stage, haha!"

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Unable to contain their excitement, some people immediately rushed toward the entrance. They stirred fierce winds, and some even attacked others on the way.

But then, cries of agony filled the air.


Of the twenty or so who charged at the entrance right away, fewer than half made it through the light door. The majority exploded and died at first contact with the door of light, turning into blood mist.

This sight quickly cooled the fervor of the crowd, which had been rushing forward like a swarm. They halted abruptly, a wave of cold fear washing over them, freezing them in place. Faces painted with horror and eyes wide with shock, they just stared.

“What is happening?”

“People died! People died!”


The crowd was gripped by confusion and fear.

Swish, swish, swish.

Several experts with terrifying auras flew over from the distant clouds.

Reverend Zuoqiu went up to check. Then, he said, “The Nebulous Divine Palace set up this training ground for their disciples. It’s not a place ordinary people can enter.

“The entrance is guarded by ancient safeguards. Despite the passage of time, these protections are still active.

“The restrictions can accurately determine the skeletal age of martial artists. Anyone over the age of twenty-five is met with lethal force, ensuring their immediate death."

Understanding dawned on the crowd.

The crowd remembered the individuals who had perished were all over twenty-five. No wonder they met such a violent end upon touching the light door.

Reverend Zuoqiu added, “Also, based on my observation, this trial is likely intended for disciples below the Core Formation stage. So, anyone in the Core Formation realm might want to sit this one out. But, of course, you're welcome to test the waters if you doubt my words.”

The crowd stirred restlessly as his voice fell, as there were quite a few Core Formation realm experts in the crowd.

A young man with a yellowish face at the first level of the Core Formation realm decided to challenge Reverend Zuoqiu's advice. His attempt ended in agony as soon as he touched the light door.

Before the shocked eyes of onlookers, he swelled and exploded violently, leaving nothing behind.

Immediately, countless people sucked in a breath of cold air.


That yellow-faced youth was talented enough to become a Core Formation realm expert by twenty-five. He had a bright future ahead of him, but it was a pity that greed got the better of him. In the end, he wasn’t even qualified to regret it.

“Hoho, ignore the words of your elders at your own peril.” Reverend Zuoqiu laughed lightly.

“Haaa... seems like this chance wasn't meant for me."

“How frustrating. I’m twenty-six this year. I could have entered if this realm had appeared a year earlier. Just my luck."


Immediately, more than half of the over ten thousand people gathered looked helpless.

They were either over twenty-five or had already advanced to the Core Formation realm, disqualifying them from entering.

Reverend Zuoqiu didn’t comment any further and turned towards the disciples of the Blood Echeveria Sect. “Alright, eligible disciples of Blood Echeveria Sect, go on in.”

“Clear Water Palace disciples, you head on in as well.”

“Earth Fiend Sect disciples, quickly enter.”

“Northern Snow Mountain Manor...”

“Raging Inferno Palace...”

“Blade Saint Mountain...”

Long Yunyu and the others also had their respective sects’ eligible disciples enter the mysterious realm.

Eligible people flew up at once, rushing toward the entrance of the Nebulous Mysterious realm like a swarm of locusts, each fearing they would be last.

Swish, swish, swish...

Human silhouettes covered the sky and the ground.

Even though more than half of the people were not qualified to enter, three to four thousand remained. Densely packed in a swarm, they squeezed their way over, forming an endless stream of people, moving forward with great momentum.

Some couldn't contain their competitiveness, fighting along the way. A few didn't even make it inside before meeting their end in these conflicts.

Chen Fan was mixed in the crowd and did not draw anyone’s attention. With a pop, he made his way into the door of light.

As soon as he entered the door of light, Chen Fan felt a distortion in space pulling at him wantonly. He felt dizzy and couldn’t sense anything.

As quickly as it began, the chaos subsided, and he found himself on an elevated terrain.

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