
Chapter 94: He's back.

Chapter 94: He's back.

"Feel's like I've been gone forever," Night said as patted Noctis's head who was cuddling up to him ever since he got the news that Night was in danger, but Night was still extremely curious about Noctis, a creature from the Chaos, the same 'abode' from which the Primordials originated.

"Hopefully, I get to see her again, I have a lot of questions," Night muttered as he clicked on his quests tab, naturally, it was to check the progress of his class-change quest.

[Hidden class change quest unlocked:

Quest Grade:???

Class Grade: Legendary(Growth)

You have been chosen by the Goddess of The Night, however, before you inherit the powers of The Night, you are required to prove yourself.

1)Go to the 'Academy and learn how to use magic.

2)Go to the 'Assassins Den' and pass the Phantom trials.

3)Kill 10,000 people(Players and NPC's count)

4)Go to the 'Archery Range' and pass the Legacy trials

5) Learn 'How to Smith'

6)Learn 'How to be an Artisan'


1)Legendary(Growth)Class: Successor of The Night.

Time limit: No time Limit.


"Oh looks like the system cut out the blacksmithing requirement on its own...as expected of a supercomputer I guess...wait," Night muttered.

So far he never considered any of the characters in Genesis as 'NPCs' of course, he knew they were NPCs but that's as far as it went, in fact, Night almost forgot about it, he's been playing and treating everyone how he normally does. Genesis was a complicated game to understand, nobody other than Kenny Smith and a few other programmers actually understood how the game worked, skills, loot, reward, quests, while players were aware of the basics they didn't know too much about this.

Though some were aware of certain things through experience, for example, Night was someone who knew more than the general public, like the crouching while using the bow or the repetitive execution of a certain action or actions has a chance of creating a skill, of course, the chance of perfectly executing an action that can be recognized by the system isn't high and even if a skill is created, there's no guarantee that it would be a good skill.

Keeping in mind the system, Night wanted to test out his skills and possibly try and create new ones, he had 0 skills that could be considered damage dealing skills. Umbrakinesis, Circadian Manipulation, Eyes of the Primordial, while all of these were considered top tier skills, they weren't exactly useful to directly deal damage, they acted as support.

Unfortunately, he was interrupted by the Norse and Frode but Night was thankful, if not for that interruption, he wouldn't have gotten the Niflheim skill tree, or he wouldn't have learned about the existence of dungeons underneath the Einherjar's residence. After thinking about the past few days and his experiences, anyone would be curious if the Falcon's had such dungeons as well.

"Niflheim skill tree....sounds scary...."

"Nothing My Lord can't handle," Shade reassured.

Night was thankful for Shade's presence even though sometimes he wished Shade would stop with the compliments and the praises but by now he was almost used to it.

"Well anyway, here goes nothing," Night said as he proceeded to read about his newly gained power.

Niflheim- Skill tree: To unlock more skills, level up currently available skills.

Winter's Malice: A beautiful yet deadly sphere consisting of the ice and dark elements, targets hit by the skill are slowed down by 10% for 10 seconds, damage dealt is 200% of MagDmg where 100% is dark element damage and the other 100% is ice element damage. MP required: 10,000. Cool Down: 2 minutes.

"Only one skill for now huh? wait what's this?!!" Night had a frown when he noticed something written at the bottom of the Niflheim-skill tree tab.

"xxxxxx": New title is unlocked once proficiency in handling Ice and Dark element is increased.

"Another title...?" Night muttered in a daze, what if the new title had other effects? something like Emperor of the Frost, he was excited, curious, he wanted to level up his proficiency in the two elements quickly but he knew he couldn't rush something so important. It was now time to move onto the next step, it was time to practice his skills and get better at coordinating them.

// // //

"Ah finally, he's back, it's been an entire day since Night came online, I almost didn't know what to do...." Reed said as he proceeded to sit next to Kenny who was already watching Night read about his new skill tree.

"Maybe, it has something to do with Emperor of Frost and Nyx's curse? ah but that's kinda obvious considering he couldn't mix the elements without them...." Kenny muttered in a daze.

"Maybe we can meet him in Montreal sir,"

"Maybe...let's see, it's in a week's time so we just have to wait," Kenny said before sighing.



(A/N): I've noticed that the formatting changes automatically on the web novel app on phone, even though I format the paras properly, it seems that on mobile it still looks weird. Will fix that (^_^)

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