
Chapter 88: Winner Luke Stone

Chapter 88: Winner Luke Stone

"Luke! Luke!" Nate called out as he ran to catch up with him.

"Oh heyo! thought you were asleep, so ..." Luke said as he greeted his friend.

"Mhmm, anyway, I had something to tell you, I'll fill ya in after the event,"

"Alright, sure"

"Hehehe," Nate giggled like a child.


"You're fighting again, I cant wait to see everyone's reactions, huhu,"

"Bah, shuttup, stop giggling like a child, let's go now, people should start rushing pretty soon then we won't have the chance to get in easily,"

They walked towards their college while passing by the pleasant scenery, fortunately, there wasn't any car splashing water over them or anyone spilling their coffee over Luke, it even surprised the two of them, usually when such things would happen, Luke would dodge and save himself as well as Nate, considering the fact that Nate is also affected by his luck, he couldn't just watch as his friend gets drenched.

"Yeah, yeah, I noticed, now shush, maybe I'm not unlucky anymore hah," Luke said as he puffed his chest.

*???????* *???????* *???????*

"What was that Luke? I couldn't hear you over the lightning your shitty luck summoned," Nate said as he punched Luke on the shoulder.

"Tch, whatever,"

Was it too much to blame someone's luck on the weather? definitely yes but if it's Luke that we're talking about then, no. They ran to their university hoping they could at least outrun his luck for a little.

UoT, University of Toronto, one of the top colleges, not only for their excellence in academics but in sports and overall development as well. A huge banner was put up at the main entrance of the university. The entire campus was roughly 200acres, considering its low acceptance rate, the university was fairly spacious for the number of students it held.

"Ah, Good afternoon Miss Lan," Luke wished.

"Afternoon, Miss Lan," Nate said with a wide grin.

"A very good afternoon to you boys, now then Luke, I hope you're going to keep your end of the promise, oh and which event are you taking part in??" Miss Lan asked with her hand to her chin.

"The Martial arts one or something, bye Miss Lan," Luke said as he dragged Nate by the hand and disappeared.

"Wait!! What?? Lukeee!!"




Hours passed and it was finally time for the last event of the day, the programme was grand, especially with the arrival of K Johnson who brought a man with a mask over his face, but the man was huge, as big as K, he had similar grey hair which probably meant he was around K's age, people were curious about his identity but nobody dared to ask why he wore a mask or who he was. The day was filled with speeches, dramas, dances and many such activities, stalls were put up to purchase things made by students.

"Hmm, the old man is here, I wonder who his friend is??" Luke muttered, he was in the participant's section, where students who are participating, in any event, are seated there, of course, Nate was right next to him, he somehow managed to sneak in and sat next to Luke.

"Oh, I still can't believe you know the great K Johnson personally, I mean you did tell me this a long time back but still it truly is shocking..." Nate replied as he looked at the masked man next to K.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! It is now time for the last event of the day! the most awaited event, the martial arts contest! now now, don't worry, I understand injuries or accidents are possible but we have medics on stand by. Then, if we can have the participants down here. The opponents are selected through lottery so that there's no scope of cheating." A student on the stage announced.

"Well, see ya," Luke said before getting up and walking towards the stage,

"Good luck Luke," Nate laughed.

Rolling his eyes, Luke just walked towards the stadium and stood in the corner, if Shade actually existed in reality then surely he would've gone on a rampage, the number of people who had a condescending look when they looked at Luke was more than enough to fuel Shade's wrath for a whole week.

Luke could feel the gaze of two people, piercing through his skin, looking back he saw two familiar faces, it was Bryce and his buddy,

"Oh hey Filth and Filth2, good luck!" Luke said as he went to draw his ticket from the lottery.


Shivers, Luke felt a cold feeling when he saw the number on his ticket but his disgust was cut short when he heard a loud laugh,

"Damn, guess you are lucky, you barely escaped Bryce's wrath but still you're facing me the first round ahaha," FIlth2 said as he held up a ticket that had the number 13 on it.

"Cool," Luke said before walking to the stands and sitting down.



Meanwhile, in the VIP section, K Johnson and the masked man looked towards the stage with sharp eyes, their focus didn't waver for a single second, naturally considering the fact that they could find a few excellent fighters with great potential here,

"Not bad, not bad, isn't that one of your students?" The masked man asked when he looked at Bryce.

"Hmm? Oh Bryce, yes, but he hasn't really been coming for a while, turns out it's because he was secretly preparing for this event huh? while it may be interesting, the result of this event is clear." K said as he crossed his hands and leaned back.

"You really trust that Luke kid so much? alright, let's see" The masked man said.

The Dean of the university who sat right next to K and his friend was quite shocked, he was aware that Bryce was a student of K's but for some reason K himself claimed the winner to be someone else.

There were a total of 32 participants, meaning the first round had 16 matches, and Luke's match was the 13th. The rules for the event were the usual, any individual who steps out of the ring once the match beings are deemed the loser, inflicting injuries that can be fatal or life-threatening are banned and lead to immediate disqualification, however, accidents do happen.

Soon the matches began, the fights weren't anything too great except for a few which even managed to raise K's eyebrows, most of them ended with a submission, so far none of the matches ended with a KO.

"Finally, It's that kids chance," The masked man said as he saw Luke stepping onto the stage.

"Don't get too excited, this match is going to be boring as well," K said surprising his friend and the Dean.

"He's probably just going to make his opponent fall out of bounds or something like knocking them out quietly," K said as he leaned back onto his chair and sighed.

The audience was quite surprised when they saw Luke, with his dark blue hair and purple eyes reflecting the sunlight, drew more attention to him, they frowned once they realized Luke was considerably smaller than the other participants, at least in terms of muscle mass. Normally, Luke wasn't someone who people would call small or puny but the other participants were almost as big as the Norse from Genesis.

"I'm going to enjoy this fight," Filth2 said while smacking his lips.

"Sure," Luke said as he awkwardly stood there with his hands to his side.

"BEGIN!" The host said.

Filth2 didn't waste a single second and immediately rushed Luke with his fist up, Luke just stood there watching as filth2 ran without protecting any parts of his body.

'What a dumbass, even if you're underestimating me so much, you're leaving yourself too open,' Luke said as he imagined seeing 7 points appear all over filths body, all of them were left unprotected by filth2.

"AHHHHHHHHHH," Filth2 screamed as he rushed Luke, 'Its done for you, you stupid trash, you dare look down on Bryce?? he thought while he attacked Luke.

'Hah, not even dodging it, even if you try to do so now, its too la-'


"W-winner...Luke Stone..."

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