
Chapter 161: Poetry.

Chapter 161: Poetry.

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has killed a follower of Artemis]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has killed a follower of Artemis]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has killed a follower of Artemis]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has killed a follower of Artemis]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has killed a follower of Artemis]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has killed a follower of Artemis]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has killed a follower of Artemis]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has killed a follower of Artemis]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has killed a follower of Artemis]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has killed a follower of Artemis]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has killed a follower of Artemis]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has killed a follower of Artemis]




[Your Pet 'Noctis' has leveled up!]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has leveled up!]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has leveled up!]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has leveled up!]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has leveled up!]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has leveled up!]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has leveled up!]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has leveled up!]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has leveled up!]

[Your Pet 'Noctis' has leveled up!]





[You have completed the quest "Chain Quest: The Pious(forced)"

-Condition 1 met and satisfied

-(Extra)Condition 2 met and satisfied ]

[Analyzing and calculating overall performance...]





[Calculation complete!]

[Variable detected!]





[Calculation complete!]



[Affinity with the churches of Artemis placed all over the continent -25]

[Due to your actions against the Church of Artemis situated in Denren, followers of Artemis from all over the continent shall now have a bad first impression on you.

Additional effect: Increased chance of affinity dropping due to personality mismatch or any other reason]

[Variable detected!]





[Calculation complete!]

[System error!]

[System error!]

[Fixing error and any other issues. Please wait..]

[The Night, oh so feared due to its mysterious aura. In such a short span of time, you have accumulated numerous achievements and titles, many of which would take a lifetime of searching and research!]

[Analyzing martial arts used...]





[Kalaripayattu 3%, Pankration 7%]

[A martial art that resembles or holds similarities to two of the most ancient martial arts! Your journey has only just begun. Strength, Versatility, Flexibility. Your form is superior to every other form that has ever existed.]




[Umbrakinesis level up!]

[Reward for completing the quest:

-Affinity with civilians of Vraun increased to max

-New skill 'Blasphemy' acquired! ]

[A Divine Being has noticed you!]


[Another Divine Being has interfered]

[The Divine Being has ceased any further attempts]


Night was speechless, the number of notifications he received was definitely more complex as well more in number as well. However, the final notification he received regarding a Divine Being noticing him, was something dangerous. Not because it would affect him but this would put those around him in danger, especially Noctis.

'Another Divine Being has interfered? And the original one just stopped?'

Gods and beings as such are usually respected and never crossed their own boundaries. However, what Night just witnessed was more than enough to trigger a war amongst themselves. Why and who would risk such a thing?

'Hermes? It can't be, right? Why would he bother doing something like this?'

While it seemed plausible, Night couldn't see any reason why Hermes would literally stop another God just for Night's sake. It would make sense if it was a being like Pythia, of course, this was assuming this individual somehow managed to slip past Night's resistance. However, it was far too risky to make such a bold and outrageous move like this.

'Just who? I don't have any relationship with any other Divine Beings right? Hades? No can't be....'

"Ah fck it. Let's just name my Martial Arts...." Night sighed as he clicked on the notification that held information relevant to his fighting style.

[Kalaripayattu 3%, Pankration 7%]

[A martial art that resembles or holds similarities to two of the most ancient martial arts! Your journey has only just begun. Strength, Versatility, Flexibility. Your form is superior to every other form that has ever existed.]

[Please enter a name for Martial arts...]

"Hmmmm.....I don't really have a name for it... can't the system choose this?"

[Would you like the system to choose a name for the martial arts?]

"Huh? Cool.....I guess this works.."

"Yes. Please choose a name."

[Name shall be calculated and assigned. Browsing through all the achievements, skills, titles, subjects, associations.....]


[Name assigned: Poetry that Personifies The Night]

[New skill tree- Poetry that Personifies The Night created

Your Martial Arts currently holds no equal. You are able to determine to flow of energy itself.

-Passive skill Disseminate acquired!

-Passive skill Flow of Reality acquired! ]

"Uhhh" Night's hands were trembling as he clicked on his new passive skills. He was more than satisfied with the name, if he was being honest, he was genuinely 'hyped' to see the new skills, however, the fact that they were passive wasn't the best.


Disseminate(passive)- When using the form, Poetry that Personifies The Night, every hit landed shall disperse a small percentage of opponents total mana.

Flow of Reality(passive)- Currently, you are only able to determine to flow of the opponent's mana.


[Congratulations Player Night for creating a skill tree that never existed. Would you like to hide your name during the world announcement?]

The new notification brought a smile to his face. Until now, he lived in the dark, not because he was afraid but because he was ashamed of his Curse. Even though the disadvantages were so immense, Night managed to overcome the difficulties and set up a guild with his friend. There isn't a player who hasn't heard of Night's name. 

"No. Display name."

[World Announcement: Congratulations Player Night for creating a skill tree that never existed]

'This feels amazing....'

Night thought as he heard the world announcement. This would in turn only benefit the guild, which was a priority for Night. He would focus on helping the guild from the shadows, while Nate would take charge and guide them as their light.

[You are being summoned to "xaldb29741#@"]

[Cannot resist!]


[Teleporting to "xaldb29741#@"]


[World Announcement: Congratulations Player Night for creating a skill tree that never existed]


Even in the midst of battle, the group stopped and looked at each other. They were used to world announcements at this point, after all, the majority of them were due to Night and his escapades. However, this was new, unique, and probably something that could never be achieved. It was like the creation of a completely new color, it was practically impossible.

"So let me get this straight. He visits the Church of Artemis for reasons nobody knows. Fights the Pope and the followers. Somehow wins before proceeding to create an entirely new skill tree that never existed. Did I get it right?" Eve asked in a monotonous tone. 

"...Yes" Nate replied. He knew Night better than anyone else but the creation of a skill tree was something he never even considered. After all, it's not every day somebody just creates new skills in a game, in a way it was literally game-breaking.

"How on earth does one even create a skill. Forget a skill tree. How do we create a skill that has never existed? Is that a thing? What's with Night, is he alright?"

"I don't know....I have no answer for that..." Nate muttered as he looked into the monster wave that was now closing in on them. They were to fight three guardians and with the mindset they had right now, it was probably impossible. Not because they were demotivated but because all of them felt blank. 

Especially Nate who worked to catch up to Night. However, he had better things to worry about right now. He was in no way jealous, in fact, he was happy for Night but the fact that the gap only widened further, was painful.



"It's done....." Kenny muttered as his hands covered his face. He looked at the notifications that Night received and couldn't help but feel slightly disturbed. It wasn't as bad as he expected it to be. Considering the original raw skill could disperse the user's entire mana, this was a good deal. However, the fact that it happened was something that made Kenny feel uneasy.

"Sir....it could've been worse. However, I hate to bring this up now but we have another issue. Well, it's not an issue for us but for Night. It seems that he has somehow caught the attention of Multiple Divine Beings. It doesn't exactly tell us who the beings are but it won't be too hard to find out...."

"No. Don't bother. That would ruin the surprise for us. I have my guesses as to who one of them is but the other is a little complicated to guess." Kenny replied as he massaged his forehead. Day by day, the tension Night caused was increasing. However, at the same time, he couldn't stop watching Night. After all, at the core of it all, it was entertainment. Pure uninterrupted entertainment. Night was quite literally an anomaly that could never be predicted and novelty was an important factor in any form of entertainment.

(A/N: I just wanted to say that I used the word "church" instead of "temple" because it seemed more apt, even though it may be different from history. With the whole organization and whatnot, it seemed apt to use the word Church. Hopefully, this didn't affect anyone.

Thank you for reading so far! And this was an eventful chapter haha ^_^ )

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