Unlimited Skill Points System

Chapter 18

C18 – Impact Resistance and Pain Resistance

“Son! Who else could I be the father of? Of course, it’s the one who obediently stands there—I’m his father!”

Qi Yuan had never expected Jiaang Lin to be so compliant. With just a little provocation, Jiaang Lin stopped trying to dodge, much to Qi Yuan’s internal amusement.

Jiaang Lin’s movements were incredibly elusive, like a slippery eel. Qi Yuan thought he had Jiaang Lin within his grasp several times, but each time, Jiaang Lin managed to wriggle free.

Qi Yuan had no choice but to chip away at Jiaang Lin’s speed with indirect flame attacks, hoping that his next strike would land.

Thankfully, Jiaang Lin paused after being goaded. Otherwise, the frustration of punching at nothing was so intense that Qi Yuan felt like cursing.

Qi Yuan sneered with a menacing laugh, “You can’t escape this time!”


Qi Yuan’s hands burst into fierce, leaping flames. The violent and savage fire would have engulfed an ordinary person with a single punch, turning them into a human fireball before reducing them to ashes that scattered in the wind.

Qi Yuan’s fiery punch landed heavily on Jiaang Lin, sending him flying backward as intense pain engulfed him.

Midair, Jiaang Lin coughed up blood, which disturbingly contained fragments of his internal organs.

That single punch had brought Jiaang Lin to death’s door.

[Detected multiple fractures in the host’s internal organs. Activating skill — Rapid Healing!]

[Recovery complete!]

As the system’s voice faded, an invisible energy enveloped Jiaang Lin’s chest.

This warm surge of energy instantly eased the pain in Jiaang Lin’s body, erasing all negative sensations from his injuries. Within moments, Jiaang Lin was fully restored.

“Rapid Healing is indeed a divine technique!”

In that moment, Jiaang Lin marveled inwardly. He had been curious about the effects of Rapid Healing, but now that he had experienced its power, he was determined to avoid injury at all costs.

“It’s unbearably painful! It feels like it’s killing me!”

Hearing Jiaang Lin’s complaint, the system’s voice chimed in.

[Congratulations, host, on mastering the skill: Pain Resistance!]

[Pain Resistance: At maximum level, you can endure any level of physical pain!]

[Pain Resistance: Current level 1/10. Would you like to upgrade to maximum level?]



[Congratulations, host, on mastering the skill: Impact Resistance!]

[Impact Resistance: At maximum level, you can withstand any attack below the Grand Martial Master Stage!]

[Impact Resistance: Current level 1/10. Would you like to upgrade to maximum level?]



“Absolutely incredible! You’re like a guardian angel!”

Jiaang Lin’s gaze softened as he looked at Qi Yuan. His initial rage had vanished, replaced by gratitude for Qi Yuan, who had inadvertently helped him unlock these skills.

Host, you are mistaken. I am your true guardian angel!

Please select yes or no!

“A system that gets jealous?” Jiaang Lin was taken aback, his lips twitching in disbelief.


Pain Resistance has been upgraded to maximum level. Current skill level: 10/10.

Impact Resistance has been upgraded to maximum level. Current skill level: 10/10.

Qi Yuan laughed heartily upon seeing Faang Meng still grounded, “You’re such a waste, and yet you’ve wasted my precious time. What a jinx!”

After his taunt, Qi Yuan affected an air of superiority, basking in the admiring looks from his junior brothers and sisters and the reverent stares from the villagers, boasting, “I could take you out at any moment!”

“Senior Brother is so cool!”

“Absolutely! Senior Brother is bound to become the top disciple under our Master!”

“That guy overestimated himself, challenging Senior Brother Qi Yuan! Death was his only possible outcome!”

The villagers, regardless of age or gender, looked on with eyes filled with pity. They even felt responsible for Jiaang Lin’s “death.”

“We’ve brought this upon the boy!”

“If we hadn’t saved him, he wouldn’t have felt compelled to defend us, and he wouldn’t have met such a tragic end!”

“He was still so young!”

Some villagers had already begun to cry, longing to check on Jiaang Lin but held back by their fear of Qi Yuan, not daring to make a move.

Qiu Xiya alone sprang into action, dashing toward Jiaang Lin with a look of sheer panic in her eyes.

Yet, upon reaching him, she was taken aback to find Jiaang Lin with eyes wide open, his expression one of intense excitement, not at all like someone who had been injured and sent flying, spewing blood.

Qiu Xiya was baffled. She had clearly seen Jiaang Lin coughing up blood, and among it, fragments of his internal organs—a wound so grave that without immediate medical attention, he would surely die.

But the scene before her defied explanation.

There was Jiaang Lin, lying on the ground as if the person who had been thrown through the air wasn’t him at all.

Was it all an act?

Qiu Xiya wrestled with doubt, but then she dismissed the thought as impossible. No one could feign injury with such convincing detail, not to the extent of vomiting pieces of their own organs.

Could it be…

“Could it be that he possesses some kind of healing medicine?” she pondered, her suspicion turning into conviction.

​She replayed the moment she discovered Faang Meng. Hadn’t Jiaang Lin collapsed at the entrance of North Mountain Village after emerging from the Flame Beast Plain?

What had Jiaang Lin been doing on the Flame Beast Plain?

He must have found something, perhaps even received an inheritance. The healing medicine might have been acquired after that discovery!

Otherwise, Jiaang Lin wouldn’t have dared to confront a martial artist four levels his senior!

With this thought, Qiu Xiya’s belief in her theory solidified.

Approaching Jiaang Lin, she crouched beside him and asked, “Are you alright?”

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