Tribulation of Myriad Races

Chapter 722: Secrets of Immortality (3)

Chapter 722: Secrets of Immortality (3)

Su Yu laughed and said, "Sure. To speak the truth, if you really manage to inherit that character technique, you will be a big deal. Not even pillmakers, formation masters, beast tamers, and talisman masters will be as popular as you. You can even create a brand new profession, calling yourself a growth master."

"Growth master?"

"Yeah. You will be someone capable of inducing the growth of cultural researchers, allowing them to mature faster. Combined with my cultural art, they will be able to rapidly open seventy-two apertures and enter the Skysoar or even the Cloudbreach Realm. That would be incredible! A process that would usually take years would be reduced to several months. Wouldn't that be amazing?"

Yes, completing that process in only several months was possible. How many apertures did Su Yu manage to open in the Willpower Grotto? How about the others?

For example, Xia Huyou had also opened a lot of apertures in the grotto. Apertures were easier to open at the Mental Tempering Stage, after all. Even Zhang Hao, who had received several aperture locations from Su Yu, had managed to open those apertures.

With enough money, opening apertures wouldn't be hard. It would only be expensive.

"Growth master?"

The name sounded odd to Wu Lan, but Su Yu was right. Unlike the Willpower Grotto with a dead master, she was alive. If she could really form that character technique, wouldn't she become the number one growth master of humanity?"

"I still wish to give it a try."

Su Yu smiled, "Sure. I'll try to think of something. But don't place too much hope on this. The first principal died long ago. If he managed to live until today, he would be a living saint. Countless families would be begging him to produce endless Cloudbreach cultural researchers for them. What a pity that he's dead. Meanwhile, the Willpower Grotto he left behind has transformed into a precious treasure of Great Xia. I reckon they will try their best to get even more riversand during the next opening of the Luminous Domain Mansion."

The Willpower Grotto was basically an accelerator of growth. Great Xia would probably deploy a large number of geniuses to the Luminous Domain Mansion next year. People like Huang Teng, Xia Yuwen, Wu Qi, Liu Hong, and Hu Wensheng would all be there. Su Yu couldn't help but admit that Great Xia truly had a lot of geniuses.

Meanwhile, Great Ming had its Eight Eminents. Su Yu had met a few of them, including Bai Junsheng. And that was someone Su Yu could kill with one slap. People like Xia Yuwen could probably do the same as well. How was Great Ming supposed to compete?

No wonder Great Ming didn't seem very enthusiastic about the Luminous Domain Mansion. Very few people in the academy would mention the opening. Meanwhile, the competition for the slots had started long ago in Great Xia.

Great Ming would probably suffer massively if they go. After all, the geniuses of the myriad races would all be present for the occasion.

Wu Lan said in excitement, "I will be the next saint!"


Wow. She sure was confident.

Suddenly, Su Yu recalled that his character technique required ninety-nine characters for completion. With so many characters, would it have willpower extraction as one of its abilities?

At the moment, he did not lack source qi. Rather, he greatly lacked willpower. Unfortunately, willpower was too hard to obtain. He lacked willpower. The little furball lacked willpower. In short, everyone lacked willpower. Thus, the advancement of cultural researchers was actually quite difficult. It might sound easy as one only needed seventy-two apertures and some characters. But the basic cultivation resource of cultural researchers was extremely hard to obtain.

This request of Wu Lan reminded Su Yu that he could try to discover that ability himself as well. He still had ten Invincible notes waiting for him. He should find some time to read them. Perhaps he could find some useful characters with them. And the characters obtained from Invincible notes could probably grow quickly.

He only had seventeen characters thus far. If he wished to fight above his level with his willpower cultivation, he could only rely on his character technique. If he could really form ninety-nine characters, he would be able to beat up all cultural researchers at the same level as easily as beating up a baby.

Just look at Bai Feng. With only about a dozen characters, he had defeated Hu Wensheng with one hit.

While Su Yu was blanking out, Wu Lan continued speaking in excitement, "Remember to help me out when you're done with your task. I believe I can do it! In the future, you will have to beg me for willpower as well. Let's see if you can be cocky in front of me anymore."

Just how was he cocky? Su Yu felt rather gloomy. He hadn't been cocky at all! She was impervious to reason.

Su Yu decided to ignore Wu Lan and enter his cultivation room. Inside, he took out a bottle. An ethereal aura mixed with an aura of grievance shrouded the bottle. This time, Great Qin had delivered him some blood essence instead of corpses. After all, they had to eliminate all evidence when attacking immortals. If they were caught attacking immortals, things could get very troublesome.

There were ten drops of blood essence in the bottle. All of them were at the Skysoar Realm. They probably came from a single immortal.

"Is this an immortal fairy?"

Su Yu remembered that Prefect Qin Zhen seemed to love killing immortal fairies. He couldn't help but wonder if this was an immortal fairy as well. The people of Great QIn sure were ruthless.

He couldn't help but imagine a big drama involving Great Qin and some immortal fairies that had caused their hatred for immortal fairies. Soon, he tossed all those random thoughts out of his mind. He would have no issue with Skysoar blood essence.

He took a drop out of the bottle and consumed it. The book in his head flickered. The pages of the book started flipping.

Sure enough, he had been killed by immortal fairies before as well. There was no need to pity the dead immortal fairy anymore.

A short while later, the flipping stopped. The immortal language was one of the compulsory languages at school, so the language on this page was one that Su Yu knew.

Immortal (Ninth-stage Skysoar Realm)

Racial ability: Immortal Possession (activation with blood essence), Life Trigger (activation with blood essence), Flesh Regrow (activation with blood essence)

Foundation source art: Immortal Source Art (activation with blood essence)

Foundation body forging art: Heavenly Immortal Thirty-Six Forge (activation with blood essence)

Su Yu sank into thought, contemplating something he had never thought of before. Since there were foundation arts, were there non-foundation arts as well? Also, the racial abilities of the immortals seemed quite unique. The Immortal Possession ability was probably an offensive ability, right? As for the other two, they felt like they were meant for survival. Were the immortals exceptionally good at surviving?

"Life Trigger and Flesh Regrow...are these useful in extending lifespan?"

Su Yu decided to stop thinking. He would know once giving it a try. The Flesh Regrow ability sounded like it was meant for healing. What about the Life Trigger? Could it extend one's lifespan? How should it be used?

Su Yu had one other question. Would the Immortal Source Art require the Heaven Connecting Acupoint? If it did, tsk tsk. Just imagine how it would look when immortal fairies fought, with source qi coming out of their buttocks. That couldn't be the case, right?

He had never heard of that happening. Was that acupoint perhaps not for combat? This was a line of thought he couldn't pursue. Otherwise, the sense of mystery he had toward the immortals would vanish completely.

While entertaining himself with those random thoughts, Su Yu started testing the racial abilities, body forging art, and the foundation source art. He was also thinking about one thing. Apart from the five elemental race, no other races had given him a foundation cultural art.

"Were the imprints in the blood essence different due to the different paths they pursued? Do I need to kill some cultural researchers to get their cultural arts?"

He suspected that all the blood essence he had used thus far had been obtained from warriors. The cultural researchers of the myriad races were generally kept behind the frontlines. Thus, it was very hard to encounter one of them.

Would anything change if he consumed the blood essence of cultural researchers instead? There were too many new thoughts in Su Yu's mind. He was forced to toss these thoughts to the back of his mind for now. He had to focus on activating the Life Trigger ability.

Several acupoints in his body started linking up. Immediately after, these acupoints emanated a large amount of life force. Su Yu could only use the word refreshing to describe his current sensation. For a moment, he felt like he had transformed into an ethereal immortal who was floating above the clouds.

"The immortals...are truly worthy of their reputation."

At that moment, he had the urge to take to the skies and pursue the path of immortality. He wanted to fly. This felt great. He started absorbing the heavenly source qi in the room to provide himself with more life force as he immersed himself in that comfortable sensation.

Abruptly, he blanked out. Was this ability something that could only be activated with heavenly source qi? Would regular source qi do? If it required heavenly source qi, then it wouldn't be possible to widely disseminate this ability.

"No, that isn't it. Since I am capable of extracting heavenly source qi, I will have even more control over this new ability if it requires heavenly source qi as well..."

Su Yu's eyes flickered as numerous new ideas appeared in his mind. If that was the case, those wishing to cultivate this ability would have to either cultivate in a place rich with heavenly source qi or rely on heavenly source fruits. And Su Yu would be their third alternative.

That would make those people rely on him more.

"This is most certainly not deliberate on my part. What can I do if even the heavens want them to rely on heavenly source qi."

He told himself that he was not the only source of heavenly source qi. The others could always get their heavenly source qi from other sources, right?

At that, Su Yu resumed his test. Was this the sole effect of this ability? Was there nothing else? In that case, wouldn't this be useless for him? At his age, life force was something he didn't lack.

Slowly, he sensed something different. With the increase of life force, his entire body felt more energetic than before. His instincts told him to start forging his body, so he did so. And the moment he did that, he noticed something else.

The body forging speed had increased. Thanks to the life force, his body seemed to have reverted to a pure state similar to how he was when he was in his mother's womb. And such a pure body was able to absorb heavenly source qi much easier than before.

The look in Su Yu's eyes changed. This ability wasn't only for the sake of generating life force. This was an amazing ability that could purify one's body and increase one's affinity with heavenly source qi.

"I see. In that case, with this ability, the immortals might be able to complete at least thirty-six forgings at a young age. Does this mean that the immortals have even more geniuses than the divines and devils?

"No...this means that some of the old geezers of the immortal race could use heavenly source qi and this ability to maintain their youth and combat prowess. Their strength will not decline with age."

This was a shocking realization. He realized that the immortals could very well be hiding a bunch of old geezers. They could keep these old geezers alive as long as they had enough heavenly source qi in the Immortal Realm.

This guess of Su Yu was very likely to be true. Were the experts of humanity aware of this? Were the divines and devils aware of this? Perhaps they knew.

Great Qin King and the others had entered the Immortal Realm hundreds of years ago. Perhaps they had discovered something, resulting in the eventual ceasefire. The humans, divines, and devils had simply stopped warring to stay on guard against the immortals.

"Immortals, divines, devils, and humans..."

Each of these races occupied one of the four sectors of the Allheaven Battlefield. The human race might be the weakest, the divine and devil races might be equal in strength, while the immortal race might be the strongest.

But the immortals were probably not strong enough to contend against both the divines and devils at the same time. Thus, they were forced to join hands with the humans.

Su Yu licked his lips. At times, a single cultivation method or ability was enough to see through a lot of things. Great Qin King and the others might know something the other humans were unaware of. Thus, they had been on guard against the immortals.

"Great Qin King and company snatched some heavenly source trees from the Immortal Realm back then. And these trees only grow at places with an abundance of heavenly source qi. The Life Trigger ability also requires heavenly source qi, so some of these ancient experts must have been present at the place where these trees were growing...

"Snatching those trees was probably a side mission. More importantly, they were there to gauge the hidden strength of the immortals!"

Previously, Su Yu had thought that it was too excessive for several Invincibles to work together just to snatch some trees. But now, he finally understood the reason behind that action. That was an information-gathering mission.

"Sure enough, they are aware of this."

Su Yu was relieved to reach that conclusion. Those Invincibles were no fools. There was no need for him to inform them of this.

The more Su Yu learned, the more accurately he could view the big picture. He also discovered something awkward.

He finally knew the purpose of the Heaven Connecting Acupoint. That acupoint existed for the purpose of removing impurities, unwanted elements, unwanted gas, and unwanted blood from one's body...

"So that's the actual function of that acupoint. It is meant to be used with that ability, removing the unnecessary things from one's body and increasing one's lifespan. No wonder the immortals don't use it during combat. This acupoint is meant to be used during cultivation sessions."

Su Yu had unveiled the secret behind the long lifespan of the immortals. He could imagine the sight of numerous ancient immortals cultivating in their holy land, constantly releasing unwanted elements and impurities through their lower bodies while they were cultivating.

Su Yu's face grimaced. He told himself to never consume the heavenly source fruits from the Immortal Realm. In fact, even as he was entertaining all those thoughts, he was constantly releasing impurities through his lower body.

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