Tribulation of Myriad Races

Chapter 711: Punching Bag (2)

Chapter 711: Punching Bag (2)

According to Sun Fei, he was released after joining the Earthfire Devil Sect. But after returning to the army, he was reproached for the defeat. He had no choice but to withdraw from the army and return to Great Ming.

At that time, he was already a late-stage Skysoar. He was able to find an easy job in the cult in Great Ming. He only needed to monitor the changes in Great Ming.

Not long ago, he broke through into the Cloudbreach Realm. He had already caught the attention of some upper echelons in Tiandu's administration. He was supposed to be appointed to a relatively important position in the government.

Alas, he was exposed as a cult agent before he could do anything. How did they discover him? Well, they noticed him when he left the city in secret once. Thus, the Heavenly Dao Army arrested him and searched his house. There, they found evidence of his association with the cult. He was then sent straight to Su Yu's research center.

After listening to his story, Su Yu nodded and said, "According to you, you have not committed any murder or delivered any important information to the cult all these years. Thus, you should be considered innocent. Am I right?"

Sun Fei said nothing.

Su Yu said, "Your story is somewhat different from the information I received. According to the prefect, every single person sent here is a criminal whose crimes are punishable with death. Are you trying to fool me?"

After a short silence, Sun Fei said, "I am by no means innocent. I once leaked a rather important piece of information to the Earthfire Devil Sect. Because of that, the enemy found out about the weakness of an important weapon on the front lines. During the battle, the Heavenly Dao Army lost an entire 1000-man squad."

Su Yu coldly said, "That is a lot more serious than a couple of murders. No wonder you were sent here. Prefect Zhu is a rather soft-hearted person. In Great Xia, no cultist will be spared after being caught. Here, cultists can pay for their crimes through imprisonment or labor. As someone who was sent directly to me, you are someone the prefect believes to be deserving of death."

"I am aware of that. I only hope that Lord Su can only focus on me and not implicate my family." Sun Fei sighed, "There is no turning back for me. But my family members don't know anything. People like us know that a day will come when we pay for what we did. Generally, we will try to not implicate our family members in what we do. I promise I'm not lying about this. My family has no part in my crimes. Since your voice holds a lot of weight in Great Ming, I beg you to show mercy toward my family."

Su Yu said, "That is for the prefect to decide. Our prefect isn't that cruel. Does the Earthfire Devil Sect have a stronghold in Great Ming?"

"No. The sect master mostly operates in Great Song. We only have some spies on Great Ming. Among the dead Mountainseas, one of them is from the Earthfire Devil Sect. He was the deputy sect master. I once served under his leadership.

"With his death, all the spies under him have gone dormant. Thus, if I wasn't exposed, I would be reactivated right after his replacement arrives. Lord, I am willing to work my crimes off. I only hope that you would be lenient toward my family."

After thinking about it, Su Yu said, "As a Cloudbreach, your position in the Earthfire Devil Sect is probably not too low. Are you in contact with any Sunmoons?"

"No. I can only get in contact with Mountainseas." Sun Fei explained, "Hierarchy is very strict in the Myriad Race Cult. Generally, a cultist can only get in contact with those directly above them. Cloudbreaches will be under Mountainseas. Mountainseas will be under Sunmoons. And at times, they might not know the identities of each other even if they are in contact. The higher one's position, the more secretive they are. Some of them even have legal identities, such as a high-ranking official in the government or an influential power broker of an area."

"What can you offer, then? It sounds to me like you're pretty useless."

Sun Fei hurriedly said, "Lord, my capture is still a secret. The Earthfire Devil Sect will try to contact me sooner or later. At the very least, I can help you capture a Mountainsea."

Su Yu smiled, "Is that all?"

Sun Fei was terrified. He hurriedly added, "Yes. Lord...I...once lived in the earthfire devil race's territory on the Allheaven Battlefield for a period of time. I know a part of their defensive arrangements..."

Su Yu waved his hand, "That happened many years ago. Don't see the devils as fools. They won't let traitors like you see anything truly important. Don't try to fool me with something like this. It's pointless."

Sun Fei was getting more and more anxious. He said, "I also know a cult stronghold outside Tiandu. That is a stronghold of the cult, housing multiple sects instead of one sect. To be precise, that is a trade center and mission assignment center..."

"Is it still active?"

Su Yu asked, "With so many dead cultists in Great Ming, that trade center must have been dissolved, right?"

Sun Fei said, "Maybe. But it might persist as well. Or they might rebuild it. Lord, even the cultists require a place to trade. Otherwise, one won't be able to further progress in their cultivation, especially in the Skysoar and Cloudbreach Realms."

"I'll think about it." Su Yu said, "Honestly, you might not be valuable enough to even bait a Mountainsea out. And after a few days of disappearance, they might have found out about your arrest..."

"Not at all. Lord, I've always kept to myself. And since I'm a fresh Cloudbreach, it won't be surprising for me to be in seclusion for an extended period."

Su Yu said, "Ok. Got it."

He left the cell and looked at the water elemental and company as he said, "Gather the information about the others. As for those who are unwilling to speak, do whatever you want to them apart from eating them. I don't care if they die."

One-eye smiled happily while Great Mountain asked, "It's fine if I smash them into mincemeat, right?"


The prisoners were horrified to hear that. Three Mountainsea beasts were going to interrogate them. These beasts were merciless. Su Yu was a fellow human so they could still hope for leniancy from him. Sure, he was pretty bloodthirsty as well, but they would rather face him than these beasts.

That was how a lot of people were. They were only fierce among their own. These people were willing to step on their fellow humans regardless of how strong the human race was. Meanwhile, they would not dare to provoke those from the other races, including even the minor races.

Su Yu needed to kill two people to make these cultists fear him. Meanwhile, they were already fearful of the beasts before they had the chance to do anything. After saying that, Su Yu left the basement.

His mood was much better after venting the anger in his heart. That was also a good chance for him to test the strength of his physical cultivation. It was decent, but due to his low body forging, he would not be a match against a Cloudbreach with 108 acupoints and 18 body forgings if he relied only on physical cultivation. And such Cloudbreaches weren't even the best of the best.

A truly elite Cloudbreach would have 144 acupoints, 36 body forings, and a top-tier source qi nine transformations art. Such an opponent would be very hard to overcome even if this opponent was only a late-stage Skysoar.

"I have a lot of work ahead of me."

He still felt like he wasn't strong enough. He was already growing very fast, but he still wasn't satisfied with his current speed. Earthfire Devil Sect...would he be able to catch a big fish this time?

Shortly after, Su Yu received some good news. Zhu Tiandao's blood essence had arrived. This batch of blood essence included some Skysoar blood essence of the looping turtle race. It was unknown where the prefect had gotten this blood essence from.

As far as Su Yu knew, there was only one Mountainsea looping turtle in Great Ming. And this was an extremely rare race on the Allheaven Battlefield. Su Yu had been trying to purchase their blood essence for a long time to no avail. But surprisingly, he was able to get some in Great Ming.

He was very satisfied with Zhu Tiandao's efficiency. With blood essence from dozens of new races in hand, Su Yu could continue his tests.

Inside his room.

Once again, Su Yu started consuming blood essence and discovering new cultivation methods. He would take note of every single cultivation method he discovered.

He knew way too many cultivation methods, including some truly excellent ones. He even knew the powerful Divine Transformation and Devil's Descend of the first divine and original devil races. When he tried the two abilities, he felt like they were even stronger than the Sky Sundering Saber.

According to Bai Feng's theory, a 152-acupoint technique which included the 8 Source Opening acupoints could rank among the best techniques in existence. But standing at the very top should be 153-acupoint techniques.

Humanity had tried creating a technique with 153 acupoints many times, but all the attempts had failed. Each time they tried including the One Hundred Openings acupoint in a technique, one would end up bursting apart.

Su Yu would naturally not waste his time trying to create a new technique that could utilize all 360 of his opened acupoints. He only needed to familiarize himself with his 360 acupoints and he wouldn't need any techniques. The natural cultivation method of the 360 acupoints would be as good as a martial technique.

At present, he was still not familiar enough with his 360 acupoints.

"The Fiery Dragon Art is actually some sort of offensive cultivation method. It doesn't help in extending one's lifespan. In that case, this race must have a naturally long lifespan."

Su Yu was feeling rather helpless after testing numerous cultivation methods. He had only requested for the blood essence of long-lived races. But some of them were naturally long-lived. There was nothing he could do about it.

Before long, he reached the looping turtle blood essence.

"Looping turtle (Seventh-stage Skysoar Realm)

Racial ability: Turtle Breath (activation with blood essence), Dive (activation with blood essence) Turtleshell Forge (activation with blood essence)

Foundation source art: Turtle Source Art

Foundation body forging art: Turtleshell Heavenly Forging Art (activation with blood essence)

Su Yu frowned and took another drop of blood essence.

The Turtle Breath ability was pretty good at concealing one's presence, but it couldn't hide from high-level cultivators. Of course, if one used both the Dive and Turtle Breath abilities at the same time, one might be able to hide from even high-level cultivators.

"Well. This is pretty good. With my willpower strength, if I use both abilities underwater, I might be able to hide from even Mountainseas. The Turtle Source Art is able to strengthen one's vitality, but the effect is too minimal."

Su Yu shook his head. This wasn't feasible. He was quite disappointed, but the disappointment wasn't too big since he didn't have much hope anyway. The looping turtle race was quite a weak race. He could consider keeping the Turtle Breath ability. As for the rest, forget it.

He continued testing more cultivation methods. Some of them were indeed helpful for one's lifespan, but none was particularly feasible as the effect was too weak.

While deep in thought, Su Yu walked out of his room. Outside, Wen Zhong approached him. Guessing that Su Yu must be in the process of researching blood essence, Wen Zhong said, "Junior Brother Su, if you didn't manage to find anything, there is one race in particular that is quite likely to have a life extending art."


"The immortals." Wen Zhong said, "The immortals are known for being very long-lived. They also share a lot of similarities with the human race. Back when they first entered the Human Realm, they once claimed that the immortal race was basically an evolved form of the human race. This was an evolution that granted a boundless lifespan. They claimed that one would no longer need to worry about one's lifespan after joining the immortal race." "There is no immortal sect in the Human Realm, but we suspect that they actually have a secret sect in the Human Realm that has been kept concealed from us. After all, they are very long-lived. Not even the divines and devils can live that long."


Su Yu's eyes flickered. He knew what to do! He could contact Great Qin! Didn't Qin Zhen have the hobby of killing immortal fairies? Perhaps he could get some immortal blood essence from Great Qin.

At most, he would have to sell the Source Soul Acupoint Opening Art at a cheaper price to Great Qin. That didn't matter.


After listening to Wen Zhong, Su Yu couldn't help but agree that the immortals might really have a life extending art. Could Zhu Tiandao get him some immortal blood essence?

After all, there were major battles between the humans and the immortals. There were only some small skirmishes here and there that would be practically carried out in secret, with the winning party wiping all evidence of battle.

Su Yu started to grow slightly excited. He couldn't wait to get his hands on some immortal blood essence.

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