Transformation or Death

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Severed Traces(9)

Han Jae-jung couldn’t hide his bewilderment.  

‘This damn…’

It was too soon for him to reappear after saying he would go into seclusion for a while. He hadn’t even fully completed the Big Dipper yet.

There was another problem. None other than Yoon Seol-hwa being next to him.

‘Right now in his disguised state, without celestial light, ordinary people’s eyes cannot properly perceive his form. Even if he had a cactus on his head, he would just look like a blurry man.’

Han Jae-jung’s reaction just now was suspicious to anyone watching. He sucked in a breath as if he had seen something he shouldn’t have. It could even be suspected as the reaction of someone who noticed his disguise.

He glanced over and checked Yoon Seol-hwa’s expression.

Fortunately, there was no sign of suspicion or bewilderment. However….

“…What is this?”

She had an incredibly ferocious look in her eyes. The target was that detestable cactus man. She was glaring at the man in front of her with eyes overflowing with murderous intent, as if he were the sworn enemy of her parents. From her reaction, it was clear she didn’t even notice what kind of expression Han Jae-jung was making.

“Do you even know where you are right now…”

“It’s a restaurant.”

Paradox answered calmly. Then he raised his index finger and brought it to the corner of where his mouth would be, though it was unclear since he had no distinct facial features. But it was around the area most people’s mouths would be.

“A restaurant that’s quite crowded with customers.”

His voice was slow. He smiled faintly and looked around. Indeed, there were plenty of other customers besides just them. There were a decent number of people gathered.

“It certainly brings back memories. When I used to come here, it was just a small failing restaurant… I wonder when it grew this big.”

“Ah, Suniya, you’re here? Long time no see! What brings you here?”

“Yes, it has been a while. I’ve been traveling for a bit.”   

“The usual for you?”

“Yes, thank you, I’d appreciate that.”

After exchanging friendly greetings with the restaurant owner, he naturally pulled over a chair and sat in the middle. Seeming to notice their stares, Paradox explained with an embarrassed look, “It wouldn’t be balanced if only successful restaurants had customers, would it? There need to be customers at failing restaurants too for money to circulate properly. That’s why I frequently visit humble establishments. This place used to be one of them…”

Paradox looked around again with a small smile.

“But I suppose it’s time for me to stop coming here. This can no longer be called a humble establishment.”

“What the hell are you trying to say?!”

Bang. Yoon Seol-hwa slammed the table and raised her voice. For a moment, people’s eyes were drawn to this spot before returning to their own conversations.   

Han Jae-jung and Yoon Seol-hwa both flinched at the convergence of stares. They both disliked having people’s attention on them.

Especially for Yoon Seol-hwa, she didn’t want Han Jae-jung to be affected by her fame. Was it because of the hat making his features blurry, or Paradox’s doing? Fortunately, this time people didn’t flock over.

Normally they would take pictures without permission. She shook her head in vexation, seemingly annoyed.

That so many things were interrupting her precious time with Han Jae-jung.

“My, it seems you’re quite upset at having your date disrupted. My apologies. But please refrain from such behavior. It goes against public decorum.”

Paradox continued speaking, not caring at all.

“You must restrain yourself since there are other customers here.”

To someone unaware of his true identity as a villain, it would just sound like a simple warning. But once his villainous identity is known, that statement takes on a completely different meaning.

A threat.

Saying she can’t act recklessly with other customers around. A simple threat using the lives of others as bargaining chips.

Yoon Seol-hwa gritted her teeth. The person closest to Paradox right now was Han Jae-jung. The man she loved.

‘I can’t let Jae-jung be put in danger again.’

She wanted to transform right then and shove an icicle down Paradox’s throat, but her love-born patience made her hold back.

Unlike Yoon Seol-hwa’s worries, Han Jae-jung was concerned about a different danger.

‘Paradox is an extremely powerful villain… Seol-hwa has to consider the penalty of civilian evacuation on top of that immense burden. I can’t guarantee we’d be unharmed if we fought. Moreover…’

Han Jae-jung clenched his fist under the table.

‘This bastard could say anything outrageous.’

His identity could be revealed.

He had to act first. As soon as Han Jae-jung made up his mind, he curled the corner of his lips and opened his mouth.

“Well, long time no see. Didn’t you say you were going on a trip? You’ve come back pretty quickly.”

The implication being ‘Why the hell are you already back causing trouble, you bastard?’

“Ah, this is… Yoon Seol-hwa… My…. My…”  

“…Nice to meet you. I’m Yoon Seol-hwa, Jae-jung’s girl…friend. Have you two met before?”

Yoon Seol-hwa quickly followed up Han Jae-jung’s words with a greeting.

‘I can’t fight that villain bastard here. How did he approach Jae-jung? What’s their relationship? Jae-jung, give me a hint. Is that villain the one from the Constellation of Shields who kidnapped you before?’

She felt so frustrated she thought she might explode.

“We’re not on such friendly terms to be exchanging greetings… I’m sorry, but would you mind leaving?”

A polite way of saying ‘Shut your damn mouth and get lost.’

“Haha, it seems I’m quite disliked. Yes, understandable. Don’t worry too much. I was just caught up in the nostalgia and greeted you casually. I’ll deliver my simple message and be on my way.”

Paradox nodded with a wry smile.

“I can assure you that the situation you’re worried about won’t occur. I’ve just returned to Korea briefly on some business today. After that, I’ll be heading overseas again right away.”

“Your wine is here. Ah, and the pasta you ordered will be out shortly.”

Then the boss came out to serve directly. Han Jae-jung and Yoon Seol-hwa forced a smile with tight lips. Paradox grabbed the wine bottle while observing the two of them. 

“Thank you. Ah, I’ve heard the pasta here is quite delicious, so you can look forward to it.”

“You haven’t even tried it though.” 

“Haha, it’s because I don’t eat wheat noodles.”

“Then why did you come to a pasta restaurant?”

“To drink wine.”

He naturally uncorked the wine bottle, then poured it equally into three glasses.

“Let’s have a glass each.”

“I’m abstaining from alcohol these days. With that thick head…no, you can just drink it all yourself.”

“I don’t really feel like drinking in the afternoon either.”

Paradox shrugged as if disappointed.    

‘Come to think of it, how is that guy going to drink it without a mouth?’

Han Jae-jung’s question was soon answered.

Paradox poured the wine into the cactus pot on his head like watering a plant.


Watching this sight, Han Jae-jung could only open his mouth blankly. Should he call it bizarre or ridiculous? It also gave off a vibe reminiscent of modern art.  

“Well, it seems you’re still using cheap wine. Even though the price is high. I should really stop coming here.”

After pouring all the contents onto his head, Paradox put down the empty glass and began staring intently at Han Jae-jung.

Feeling vigilant, Yoon Seol-hwa quickly moved her chair next to Han Jae-jung and crossed her arms.

“…What’s your goal?”

This time, Paradox turned to look at Yoon Seol-hwa. The gaze without eyes felt chilling and inorganic, enough to trigger an instinctive sense of aversion.

After silently observing them, Paradox picked up the wine glass Han Jae-jung had rejected. Once again, he raised it above his head and poured the contents into the pot. 

Satisfied, Paradox nodded and placed the empty glass back on the table.

“…You all seem to have become admirably strong. That’s fortunate.”  

Han Jae-jung frowned deeply. Paradox had started making unnecessarily meaningful remarks.

‘Don’t sow unnecessary doubts in Seol-hwa.’

‘Don’t look at Jae-jung with that filthy head of yours.’

Fortunately, Yoon Seol-hwa didn’t doubt her beloved as she listened to his words. What dominated her mind now was a desire to attack and protect.

She sharpened her senses, ready to respond to his attacks at any moment.  

“It is fortunate. Didn’t I just mention that I was abroad? I went to America. New York, to be precise. It was quite terrible. There were more villains running rampant than here in Korea, and on top of that, the magical girls were understaffed, overworking every day… The balance was off.”

As he spoke, Paradox poured the last remaining glass, the one he had handed to Yoon Seol-hwa, onto his head.

“So I lent a hand. I dealt with the small fries appropriately, and invited a few individuals to join the Dilemma. They seemed interested when I told them there might be an entity in the East that could grant their wishes.”

His conversation topic didn’t seem to hide his identity at all. Paradox put down the empty glass.


Yoon Seol-hwa, tightly holding Han Jae-jung’s hand, muttered softly, “As soon as I give the signal, we have to run away immediately. Got it?”

Tension resonated in her voice. A beautiful bead of sweat trickled down her nape like a thin stream of water. Her hands were damp with sweat, one sign of her tension.

Embarrassed by this, she tried to pull her hand away. Han Jae-jung held her hand firmly, not letting go.

“Got it.”  

He briefly met her eyes and smiled faintly. Yoon Seol-hwa’s cheeks and ears flushed red as she quickly averted her gaze. 

Although disgusted with herself for feeling excited in such a situation, she couldn’t help but be moved by his beauty.

Paradox was still saying what he had to say.

“What I mean is, the Eagle and Scrap seats have taken an interest in this land. Ah, right. The Dragon Bone and Sail seats too. Haha, I almost forgot. It’s rude to forget the names of one’s conversational partners.”

His point was simple. 

More S-grade villains were scheduled to enter the country. 

‘It’s already hard enough dealing with the ones here, and now there are more coming?’

His heart was troubled. Problems kept piling up, like interest compounding on a debt.  

Paradox calmly poured wine into the empty glass.

“That’s why I came today.”

Unlike his composed demeanor, Han Jae-jung and Yoon Seol-hwa grew increasingly anxious. The weight of the content behind those light words was far too heavy.

“I guided them. They’ve already arrived.”  

A number of S-grade villains had already come over from America. Right now, already.

“They’ll likely show themselves soon. Perhaps even today, or… Haha, who knows? They’re quite the unrestrained bunch.”

“Why are you telling me this?”  

“Ah, you’ve dropped the honorifics now. It’s fine. To be honest, that’s more familiar anyway.”

Paradox laughed and poured more wine.

“Why would I be telling you this? Of course there’s only one reason. Don’t you already know my intention?”

His wish is for them to become stronger. To become the shield that can block the mightiest spear. This time is no different. 

Paradox does not wish for the villains who came from America to succeed in their goals. Rather, he hopes they are obstructed. He hopes they are consumed as sacrifices for someone else’s growth.

The sinister intentions hidden behind his courteous speech.

Han Jae-jung glanced at Yoon Seol-hwa. 

‘Seol-hwa doesn’t know I’m here to fight…why is he saying such things!’

While his words were ambiguous, there were enough clues to arouse suspicion. The very fact that he has some connection to villains is exceedingly suspicious from the start. If she presses him, how should he answer?

With that unease in his mind, he turned his gaze, and their eyes met directly.

‘Damn it.’

It felt like his breath was caught in his throat. His palms were damp. Han Jae-jung’s tension contributed to that moisture. In their tightly clasped hands, it was impossible to tell whose sweat it was anymore. Their bodily fluids were stickily intertwined.    

He tightened his grip on her hand slightly. He couldn’t control his trembling pupils.

Yoon Seol-hwa smiled faintly, then muttered, “It’s okay. I’ll definitely protect you.”

At that moment, the tension dissipated. Not a shadow of doubt or suspicion could be found in Yoon Seol-hwa’s eyes.  

Only the pure intention to protect Han Jae-jung, and her upright faith and love existed.

“Here are the cream pasta and bolognese pasta you ordered.”

The part-timer brought their ordered dishes. It was only then that Paradox rose from his seat.

“Well then, I’ll take my leave now.”

Thankfully, the possibility of a conflict arising in this restaurant began to diminish. Of course, future conflicts remained, but they could prepare for those.

‘…My date with Jae-jung.’

Though Paradox peacefully withdrew, Yoon Seol-hwa was quite displeased. It was obvious they would have to go to the magical girl headquarters after this lunch to share the information she had heard from him and devise countermeasures. She had planned to spend the evening and night together, but everything was ruined.

‘I absolutely have to get revenge on that guy…’

It was then, as she inwardly plotted revenge, that –

“Hello! Do you have any seats available?” 

“Don’t just barge in slamming the door!”

“I’m getting so embarrassed hanging out with you.”

Some girls barged in noisily through the slammed door. One familiar face, and two vaguely familiar ones.

White Davi, Red Vega, and Orange Altair.

“Well, well.”


White Davi immediately noticed Paradox, who was standing to leave.

“…What’s that piece of shit doing interrupting people’s meals? Looks like he’s eaten his fill of eyesore food! Everyone, get ready immediately~”

“Huh? Wait a second.”  

“That sounds good!”

“Dress up!”

“I said wait a sec! Evacuate first….”

“Dress up.”

[Dress up your star!]


[Reveal the truth.]

It was the moment the peace that could have existed was shattered.

T/N: Consider supporting this novel, there is literally no support currently as I had issues with buymeacoffee and have moved to patreon. You can unlock the current chapters and then unlock the monthly membership via PATREON.

For Every 3$,Ill upload a Bonus chapter within the week.

Anyways… Happy Reading!!!


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