Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 52

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 52


Minhyuk was curious about the situation outside.

He wanted to see for himself how the Sanctuary was expanding.

Had it expanded all at once, or was it gradually expanding?

-Wow! Oh my! This is incredible!

Professor Lehman’s exclamations poured forth from the Gemini Ring.

He was so excited that he had forgotten that he was currently reporting to Minhyuk.

‘That makes me even more curious.’

He wanted to get out of the underground space quickly.

However, the three of them had come down together, so he couldn’t just get on the elevator and go up by himself.

“I wonder what the situation is like outside!”

The princess said what Minhyuk was about to say first.


The emperor cleared his throat.

In fact, the emperor wanted to talk to Minhyuk about marriage in a place where only the three of them were present.

If he showed any sign of displeasure, he wanted to threaten him, saying, ‘Do you think you can get away with not marrying my daughter?’

Now that the ministers were gone, it was the perfect time to say such things.

If he said such things in a place where there were many people, it would cause a great deal of trouble.

In this place, the emperor could pour out his heart to Minhyuk as a father with a daughter, not as an emperor.

The emperor really liked Minhyuk.

He valued his character as much as his accomplishments.

He had heard from many people that he always prioritized the safety of his soldiers, no matter how difficult the operation was.

‘But it would be foolish of an old man to bring up the subject of marriage to someone who has just returned from an expedition.’

The emperor decided to postpone talking about marriage for a few days.

“I, too, am very curious about the situation outside. Let’s go out.”




The emperor and the princess left for the city gate in a carriage.


Minhyuk rode out alone on horseback.

There was a carriage with a coachman, but he needed to know how to ride a horse by himself.

That’s why he learned how to ride a horse.

Horseback riding was not easy, but he learned it easily with his superhuman athleticism.

Riding a horse, Gubo could jump over obstacles, of course.


Minhyuk chose a quiet path and galloped his horse quickly.

Maybe if I remember this feeling well, I might be able to ride a horse in the real world.


Arriving at the swamp, Minhyuk looked around.

There wasn’t a single water snake.

Kaho’s domain had expanded so much that they had all been pushed out.

The water level of the swamp had gone down, and the grass was withering.

That was because the magic of the flood had disappeared.

Raymond spoke up.

“The flooding of the forest is a disaster for humans, but it must be a blessing for grass and trees.”

Minhyuk rode his horse across the swamp.

He could see Lynn riding her Wyvern in the distance.


The Wyvern couldn’t enter Kaho’s domain either.

That’s why she kept backing away.

Lynn patted the Wyvern’s mane to comfort it.

“Don’t worry, Thor. It won’t keep expanding.”

The boundary of the domain is invisible to the human eye.

You can’t feel it either.

However, by observing the Wyvern, he could roughly tell how fast Kaho’s domain was expanding.

It was about the same speed as a person running.


Minhyuk urged his horse to follow the boundary of the expanding domain.

After traveling like that for a long time, the expansion finally stopped.

Minhyuk had come near Gaon Canyon.

He would have to measure it accurately to know for sure, but Kaho’s domain had expanded to an area about five or six times the size of the castle.

Minhyuk turned and headed back to the castle.


The children were running around the forest and meadow, laughing.




That night, a grand banquet was held at the Imperial Palace.

Not only the nobles but also the commoners who had made great contributions to the expedition were invited to the banquet.

Of course, the main character of the day was Minhyuk.

The members of the Blue Rose gathering, including the Blue Rose, surrounded Minhyuk in layers.

It was as if the planets were lined up around the sun.

The higher the status, the closer they stood to Minhyuk.

“Commander, you are truly Asdel’s savior!”

While the nobles praised Minhyuk with their mouths, in their heads they were busy calculating how much territory they could be granted.

After all, they had sponsored the expedition for this very day.

They were also very curious about when Minhyuk would marry the princess and ascend to the throne.

They predicted that the granting of territory would take place after he inherited the throne.

Whether it was marriage or succession to the throne, it would take several months, even if they hurried as much as possible, maybe even years.

From Noble mtl dot com

So, their goal was to get into Minhyuk’s good graces as much as possible by then to receive a larger territory.

“All the bards in the streets of the citadel sing of the commander’s heroic deeds!”

“If the commander permits, I would like to create a sculpture of you thrusting your sword into the dragon’s eye. I know a skilled sculptor, so if you could just spare some time…”

Listening to the nobles’ flattery was starting to give him a headache.

“I need some fresh air.”

“Shall we move to the garden, then?”

“Don’t follow me!”

Minhyuk left the banquet hall, avoiding the nobles.

He stood alone in the imperial garden, looking up at the night sky.

The stars were out in full force.

Just then, someone approached Minhyuk.

“Commander? What are you doing out here by yourself?”

“I was just getting some fresh air.”

“How strange. I was just thinking about you, looking at the stars in the night sky, and then you suddenly appeared before my very eyes.”

“You were thinking about me?”


It was the blacksmith, Vallin.

He had also been invited to the banquet today because he had made great contributions.

“I was thinking about your talent for designing machinery, Commander. Where do you come up with such innovative ideas?”

“I was just about to come looking for you at the forge, so this is perfect.”

Minhyuk took the opportunity of meeting Vallin to discuss weapons that could be used to hunt dragons.


The emperor retired to his bedchamber before the banquet was over.

His health was not good, and he could not stay in such a place for long.

The emperor, lying in bed, said to Mina,

“The territory of Gaho has been expanded. I never thought I would see a day like this while I was still alive. Now I can die without any regrets. No, I must live to see the princess marry Michael.”

“Don’t say that, Your Majesty. You will live a long and healthy life.”

Mina burned incense at the emperor’s bedside.

“The incense smells a little different today.”

“I have prepared a special incense to help you sleep well.”

In fact, the incense was blended to increase s*xual desire.

Mina, who had been looking for a way to survive in the princess’s clutches, had come up with a strange plan.

‘I will conceive the emperor’s child!’

She believed that the child would protect her once the old emperor died.

The princess thought her younger sister, who had inherited their father’s blood, would never kill her own stepmother.

She had become desperate and her judgment was clouded.

“I will check your pulse.”

As usual, Mina placed her fingers on the emperor’s wrist and felt his pulse.

His pulse was faster than usual.

The incense was taking effect.

In fact, she could tell without even checking the emperor’s pulse.


Mina’s own heart began to race as well.

The incense was affecting her body too.


Mina took off her dress.

She took off all her underwear too.

Then she climbed onto the emperor’s bed.

No one was there to disturb them at this moment.

The servants guarding the emperor’s bedchamber had already drunk the tea she had given them and were fast asleep.

“Your Majesty…”

“Mina… Hurry…”

The emperor was already addicted to the incense and had lost all sense of reason.

He was possessed by lust like a beast in heat.

He began to grope Mina’s naked body with his wrinkled hands.

Mina was also intoxicated by the incense and felt pleasure.


The emperor, who had difficulty getting out of bed on his own, pulled Mina into his arms roughly.

Mina gave herself to the emperor.

“Your Majesty, please grant me your favor!”

But then,


Suddenly, the emperor coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Then he fell limply onto Mina’s stomach.

“Your Majesty?”

Mina shook the emperor in surprise.

But he didn’t move.

She checked his pulse and found that his heart had stopped.


She laid the emperor down and began performing CPR.

But it was no use.

The emperor’s body grew cold.

‘I killed the emperor!’

Her clouded judgment had ultimately led to murder.

‘We have to get out of here!’

Mina got out of bed and put on her clothes.

Then she brought over a rolling chair and sat the emperor’s body in it.

The emaciated old man’s body wasn’t very heavy.

She covered the body with a coat.

And she pushed the chair out of the bedroom.

The servants were still asleep, huddled together in the hallway.

Mina moved slowly, cautiously looking around her.

That’s how she managed to avoid the others’ eyes and get out of the palace.

At the end of the outer palace hallway was an empty room that no one used.

Mina pushed the chair inside and closed the door. She turned the picture hanging on the wall to the side.


A stone in the floor sank, revealing a secret passage.

Mina disappeared into the secret passage with the emperor’s body.


Minhyuk sat down on a flowerbed and talked to Ballin for a long time.

Unlike when he talked to the nobles, he wasn’t bored at all; he was fascinated.

“No matter what weapon you use, you have to be able to kill the dragon in one shot! If you put a big hole in the dragon’s skull, it won’t have time to use recovery magic.”

Minhyuk nodded at Ballin’s words.

“For that, I’ll need that.”

“Yes, you’ll need that.”

It was the dragon’s bone.

To pierce the dragon’s skull like a diamond cuts a diamond, you needed a weapon made of dragon bone.

“But to get the dragon’s bone, I have to kill a dragon, right?”

You needed dragon bone to kill a dragon, but to get dragon bone, you had to kill a dragon. It was a dilemma.

“No, there is a way to get dragon bone without killing a dragon!”

Minhyuk listened intently to Ballin’s words.

“There is a legend passed down among blacksmiths. Deep in the Helkan Mountains, there is a dragon graveyard.”

“A dragon graveyard?”

“Yes, if you can find it, you can get dragon bone.”

“Where are the Helkan Mountains?”

“If you keep going east, you’ll reach the ocean. The Helkan Mountains stretch along the coast there.”

It was much farther than Melbeck.

The question was whether he could get there while evading the angry dragon.

In any case, finding the dragon graveyard and getting dragon bone was the first step to hunting the dragon.

‘But before that.’

<Remaining Return Time: 14 days, 03 hours, 45 minutes>

‘Let’s rest for a bit.’

He just kept running forward.

I’ve accrued more than 2 weeks of return time, so I’ll take a few days off to recharge.



With a flash of light, Minhyeok returned to the back of the truck.

Minhyeok got out of the cargo hold.

It was 9 AM on Monday, and he was home.

The morning sun was warm.


A truck was honking outside the fence.

Minhyeok checked the writing on the truck.

<Fluffy Wire Mesh>

<Fencing/Gates/Automatic Gates for Countryside Housing>

It was a construction truck that had come to install an automatic gate for the fence.

They said they’d come on Monday, but they came early in the morning.

A man got out of the driver’s seat and asked Minhyeok.

“Are you the one who called?”

“Yes, I am.”

“We’ll start right away.”


4 construction workers started on the gas cutter and arc welder.


Another truck arrived.

This time, it was a delivery truck.

“Are you Choi Minhyeok?”

The delivery man left after dropping off several boxes.

Minhyeok checked the boxes one by one.

The first box he opened contained a robotic window cleaner.

‘This is the magic storage disk.’

The other boxes contained security devices.

They were things he had bought to install on the truck.

‘I was just going to take a break.’

Minhyeok started attaching cameras and alarms to the wing body cargo hold.

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