Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 28

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 28


The soldiers gathered at the southern gate once more after the night training.

Dawn broke shortly after.

The soldiers gazed at the rising sun, each lost in their own thoughts.

The 200 members selected for the special forces couldn’t contain their excitement and wanted to share the news with their families and acquaintances as soon as possible.

Even those who didn’t make the cut were proud.

They felt like they had been reborn as true soldiers after training outside the territory of Kaho for the first time.

Minhyuk, who had been in charge of the training, was also satisfied.

He was relieved that there had been no casualties during the training.

This was not because he was a great commander, but because he had provided them with plenty of potions.

And this would be the same during the actual expedition.

The 4,000 elite soldiers selected from the Asdel army would not die easily if they were provided with good equipment and potions.

<Remaining Return Time: 16 hours, 10 minutes, 20 seconds>

They could stay in the real world until Sunday noon, which was enough time to gather the supplies needed for the expedition.

They didn’t have to run around panting, trying to save 10 or 20 seconds while shopping like before.

“You’ve all worked hard, so take a good rest today.”

“Yes, sir!”

Minhyuk left the cleanup to General Drake and got into his carriage.

The coachman asked Minhyuk,

“Where to, sir?”

“Let’s go home.”

When the emperor appointed Minhyuk as the commander of the expedition, he granted him a few things to use during his term.

The carriage with a coachman that he was riding in now.

And a mansion near the imperial palace.

Rumble, rumble-

The carriage set off.

Then, 40 mounted soldiers escorted the carriage.

Rumble, rumble-

After traveling along the main road, they finally arrived at the mansion.

It was a magnificent mansion with a large garden in the center and several main and guest houses.

People were waiting in front of the main house.

One of them greeted Minhyuk as he got out of the carriage.

“It’s an honor to serve you, Commander!”

He was Alfredo, the chamberlain who had guided Minhyuk when he first visited the imperial palace.

The maids who had bathed Minhyuk were also there.

“We look forward to working with you, Commander!”

And so was the head chef who had prepared Minhyuk’s meals.

Along with his daughter, Verona.

That little girl who had asked Minhyuk to bring her the Heart of Teidon out of the blue.

The cook apologized to Min-hyuk with an embarrassed expression.

“I’m sorry for making you come all this way for nothing.”

He said that he was looking after Verona alone because his wife had passed away early.

When he heard that, Min-hyuk was reminded of his father who had raised him alone.

“The house is big, so it would be nice to have more people.”

“Thank you! Commander!”

Min-hyuk ordered the soldiers to move the boxes in the carriage into the annex.

The spacious annex, which was one large open space, was to be Min-hyuk’s workshop from now on.

He ordered the soldiers to guard the perimeter of the annex.

And Min-hyuk began to count the money in the boxes by himself.

‘How much is all this?’

He took out the balance scale he had used in Count Loren’s mansion.

And he weighed the gold coins and divided them into 600 each.

One bundle, two bundles, three bundles···.

There were so many gold coins that it took a long time.

After dividing them all, he counted the bundles and there were 50 in total.

30,000 gold coins.

If he changed them all into bundles of 50,000 won, it would be 150 billion won.

Compared to the total military funds used for this expedition, it was a very small amount.

This money was a lobbying fund that the nobles had set aside to make a good impression on Min-hyuk, who might become the future emperor.

Min-hyuk wrote a receipt for the donation he had received from the nobles.

They secretly hoped that Min-hyuk would not use this money to buy supplies for the soldiers, but would pocket it for himself.

Because they were the kind of people who believed that the more they shared something dirty, the closer they became.

But they would never be able to catch Min-hyuk.

Because he would supply the soldiers with equipment and potions worth the amount of the donation, without fail.

And anyway, it would all become Min-hyuk’s money.

‘Should I make a list of items?’

He would decide exactly how much of each item to buy and then go out to buy it.

‘Oh, I almost forgot that,’ and if he went shopping with a hit-or-miss approach, it would take two or three times as long.

Just because he had more time to return didn’t mean he should waste it.

Min-hyuk put the pink low-grade potion in the refrigerator.

He had saved one bottle of what the soldiers had used today.



With a flash of light, Min-hyuk moved to his studio room.

The room that had been filled with bundles of money was now empty.

He took out only the money he would need right away and put the rest back in the refrigerator and changed it back into gold coins.

He was going to be active in the real world, so he couldn’t keep 15 billion won in his studio room, where his privacy wasn’t very well protected.

Min-hyuk looked at the backpack under the desk.

It contained 300 million won in cash.

From now on, I will carry that backpack and buy things.


I opened the refrigerator.

The pink low-grade potion had turned into a sausage.

A finger-thick sausage with a red tape on its yellow skin.

The pink low-grade potion was a snack sausage.


The pink mid-grade potion was a luxury perfume, so it was difficult to obtain in large quantities.

So, I will supply the pink potion as the low-grade one.

The grades of the potions to be supplied to the soldiers have all been determined.

The red potion that heals trauma will be the high-grade one.

The green potion that neutralizes poison will be the mid-grade one.

The yellow potion that increases movement speed will be the low-grade one.

They were eggs, AA batteries, and yogurt, respectively.

In the case of green and pink potions, I had the stone tablets with the manufacturing method for the high-grade potions.

However, I cannot make them right away because I lack alchemy knowledge.

I can show the stone tablets to an alchemist and have them make them, but then I will have to give up the exclusive manufacturing rights.

In addition, there is no guarantee that the potions made in that way will be smaller and cheaper.

If I make them public and make them, if they turn into a luxury watch that makes a ticking sound, I will lose both the exclusive manufacturing rights and the mass supply.

I wasn’t going to close up shop after this expedition.

I could suffer a big loss in the future if I acted short-sightedly.

Anyway, the potions have been decided, so the next thing is to decide on the equipment.

Minhyuk rode a carriage to the forge.

Half of the soldiers guarded the annex, and the other half followed Minhyuk.

<David’s Forge>

The sign had changed since I last saw it.

Ballin and David ran up to Minhyuk as he got out of the carriage.

“I knew you were a returning customer, but I didn’t know you were such a distinguished guest.”

Rumors about Minhyuk had spread throughout the castle.

Ballin brought the armor that Minhyuk had left with him.

<Flame Barrier Armor of the Wanderer’s Star Metal>

As Minhyuk had requested, the physical defense had increased, and the magical effects remained the same.

He touched the armor and said in a small voice.



The armor was automatically equipped.

David said to Minhyuk.

“I’ve made everything else you asked for as well.”

The basic weapons to be supplied to the soldiers were the dwarven dagger or the dagger of the stars.

Weapons longer than those could not be put in the refrigerator.

A dwarven dagger is like a paint roller, and a star dagger is like an old cucumber, but it’s still unknown which is easier to obtain.

I need to look around the market to decide.

Anyway, long weapons like greatswords or spears can’t be obtained through the refrigerator, but things shorter than daggers are possible.

David handed Minhyuk two short arrows.

“As you instructed, I made crossbow bolts with star metal and dwarven ingots.”

Normal arrows are too long to fit in the refrigerator, but crossbow bolts are about 30cm long, so they can easily fit in the refrigerator.

Minhyuk put the two types of crossbow bolts in the refrigerator to see what they would turn into.

The crossbow bolt made of dwarven ingots was a candy bar.


And the crossbow bolt made of star metal was…

‘This is even better!’

It had turned into a cotton swab.

If you put 100 cotton swabs in the refrigerator, you can get 100 star metal crossbow bolts.

Not only could it greatly increase the combat effectiveness of the soldiers, but it was also a very good item for cashing out gold coins.

David handed Minhyuk another item.

It was a spearhead made of star metal.

You can’t put the whole spear in the refrigerator, but you can put the spearhead in separately.

Minhyuk put the spearhead in the refrigerator to see what it would turn into.


The star metal spearhead was that.

The thing that men use for contraceptive purposes.

The thing that you might bring one or two of just in case when you go out to meet a woman.

The thing that you don’t use when you prepare in advance, but suddenly need.

Anyway, the spearhead was also a small and inexpensive item.

If you secure a lot of spearheads, it won’t take long to mobilize all the blacksmiths in Asdel Fortress to connect them to the spear shafts.

Minhyuk continued to put the small weapons made by David in the refrigerator to check them.

And he made a list of the ones that were easy to buy in bulk.

After finishing his work at the forge, Minhyuk returned to the mansion.

Now that he had completed the list of items, all that remained was to buy them.

He had already thought of a way to buy a lot of items efficiently in the shortest amount of time.



Minhyuk moved to the Gosiwon.

And he unplugged the refrigerator.

The sound of the compressor running stopped.

When he opened the refrigerator door, the light didn’t turn on.

‘As expected.’

It was necessary to check if it could still perform the functions of dimensional movement and inventory while the power was off.

Minhyuk put his hand on the refrigerator and spoke in a small voice.



I was back in the mansion’s guest house, accompanied by a flash of light.

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A refrigerator appeared before my eyes.

Even without being plugged in, the refrigerator worked just as well as it always had.

Of course, I wouldn’t be able to use its original function as a cooling device.


Minhyuk moved back to his studio room.

It was currently Saturday evening, 8 PM.

He searched for a rental car location near his studio room on his phone.

And called the closest one.

-I love you, customer. This is Eokmanri Rental Car!

“I’d like to use a car right now.”

-If you’d like us to bring the car to your desired location, you’ll have to wait about an hour. You can use it right away if you visit the location in person!

“I’ll go to the location. But do you also have vans? I need one with a really big trunk.”

-If you could tell me exactly what you plan on carrying, I’ll select a car for you.

Minhyuk told the employee the size of the refrigerator.

-We have a suitable car at the location right now, customer!

Buying things and carrying them to his studio room wasn’t efficient.

But ordering a large quantity of items to his studio room address wasn’t a good idea either.

He’d have to buy hundreds of packs of eggs alone.

Plus, if there were any delays in delivery, it would be disastrous.

So, he’d carry the refrigerator around in the car and buy things to put in it right away.

‘Let’s go get the car!’

Minhyuk left his studio room, carrying a backpack with 300 million won in cash.

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