Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting

Chapter 11

Transcendent Warrior With A Dimensional Shifting Inventory 11


If you put many kinds of new objects in a refrigerator, it could be confusing to remember what they turned into.

So Minhyuk put each potion far apart from each other.

On the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, there was a AA battery.

That was what the green intermediate potion had turned into.

‘Green intermediate is AA battery.’

Minhyuk memorized it and also wrote it down in his phone’s notepad.

It didn’t matter now, but it would be hard to remember everything if there were too many items.

He would gradually put all the valuable items from that world, not just the potions, in the refrigerator and check them.

By the way, the green low-grade potion had turned into a tangerine.

So he had expected the green intermediate potion to turn into an orange, grapefruit, or hallabong.

But something completely different came out.

Just because they were both green potions, it didn’t mean they would turn into similar objects.

Furthermore, a battery?

Instead of food that he could eat like an egg or a tangerine, a manufactured product came out.

‘It can turn into anything.’

Minhyuk continued to check other items.

The top shelf of the lower compartment contained yogurt.

Orange yogurt in a small bottle.

It was a yellow low-grade potion.

A potion that increases movement speed.

‘Yellow low-grade is yogurt.’

AA batteries and yogurt were readily available anywhere.

And the prices were not that expensive.

It was well within Minhyuk’s means.

Now there was only one type of potion left.

A pink mid-grade potion that allows one to see in the dark.

It was a very useful consumable as it allowed one to hunt at night.

The pink potion was placed on the top shelf of the refrigerator.

‘What on earth has it turned into?’


Minhyuk opened the top shelf of the refrigerator and looked inside.

Something completely unexpected entered his eyes.

He knew what it was, but it wasn’t a familiar object.

‘Why of all things!’

It was a very famous luxury perfume.

‘This is it, Number Five!’

The pink potion had unfortunately turned into an expensive perfume.

Minhyuk quickly checked the price of the perfume on his smartphone.

From Noble mtl dot com

It was a 35ml size that fit in the palm of his hand, but the price was a whopping 100,000 won per bottle.

‘Oh man!’

It wasn’t that he couldn’t afford it if he swiped his card, but he couldn’t do that.

Paying off all his debt was Minhyuk’s goal for this year.

And there was another problem.

He wasn’t sure if the neighborhood hypermarket sold this.

There were bottles of liquor worth millions of won on display, so they might sell a perfume like this…

He wasn’t sure.

He had never bought anything like perfume in his life.

‘Let’s give up on buying perfume for now.’

The pink potion wasn’t an absolute necessity.

He could just avoid hunting at night and hunt during the day.

And trying to find a pink low-grade or high-grade instead of a mid-grade later was also an option.

Those might have turned into cheaper items.

If there was something like a potion shop in that world, he could also sell other potions to buy the pink potion.


He had to make a decision at this point.

Since I’ve given up on buying perfume, should I go out and buy batteries and yogurt right now, or should I do it later?

‘There’s no need to rush, right?’

Since I have plenty of green low-grade potions, I don’t need green intermediate potions right now.

I don’t immediately need yellow potions that increase movement speed either.

It would be better to gather other potions or items later and buy them all at once.

‘I should use my time efficiently.’

I’ll be going back to that world again.

Minhyuk reached out to the refrigerator.

And just as he was about to quietly recite the return spell,

Knock, knock-

Someone knocked on the door.

“Minhyuk, are you in there?”

It was the ajusshi next door.

He stopped himself from just ignoring him and going to that world.

Even if he postponed it now, he’d have to explain to the ajusshi eventually.

“Yes, I’m here!”

At Minhyuk’s reply, the ajusshi slightly opened the door.

“Are you okay?”

Minhyuk rolled up his sleeve and said,

“I’m fine, I’m perfectly okay.”

“Huh? Wasn’t there blood dripping on the floor just now?”

“That was… not blood, it was ink! A red ballpoint pen broke…”

Minhyuk gave a rough excuse.

Even if he told the truth, he wouldn’t believe him anyway.

“Really? I didn’t know that and I went to get a first-aid kit.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t explain it properly at the time.”

“Why apologize? I’m the one who made an assumption and rushed over on my own. You didn’t have time to say anything. Anyway, I’m glad you’re not hurt!”

The ajusshi smiled broadly.

He was such a good person.

Such a good person should live well, but unfortunately he was living the life of a gosiwon tenant.

“Then get some rest.”

“Yes, please go.”

As the ajusshi next door was about to close the door, he asked something else.

“I’m going to the convenience store to buy a lottery ticket, is there anything you need?”

The ajusshi next door always bought a lottery ticket just before closing time on Saturdays.

And he always asked Minhyuk before leaving for the convenience store.

Is there anything you need?

Minhyuk’s answer was always the same every time.

He said he didn’t need anything.

But today was different.

“Buy me some double A batteries and yogurt.”





A flash of light blinded him.


As the light subsided, the objects around him began to appear.

Flames from torches burning in the darkness and the objects placed around them came into view.

Minhyuk had returned to the swamp.

<Remaining Return Time: 31 minutes 30 seconds>

He had spent about a minute of time in the real world.

It wasn’t a waste.

He had checked to see what the potions had changed into.

Plus, the old man next door would buy him the batteries and yogurt.

Even though they were double A batteries, the manufacturers were different.

The same went for the yogurt.

However, when he asked the old man, he didn’t specify the manufacturer.

It wouldn’t matter.

The eggs and tangerines had all changed into the same potion regardless of their variety.

‘What should I do now?’

He wasn’t going to continue hunting at night, so there was no reason to stay in the dark swamp.

So he would enter the fortress.

He had gotten a quick look when he had escaped earlier. There was an inn and a tavern inside the fortress.

‘I have money too.’

Minhyuk tossed the pouch of money he had received from the general into the air and caught it, smiling contentedly.

He would spend the night in the fortress with this money.

And when dawn came, he would look for a weapon shop in the fortress.

If there was one, he would buy several daggers.

Then he would return to the swamp and continue hunting.

After finishing his morning hunt, he would have lunch in the fortress at noon.

And in the afternoon, he planned to visit the general’s house to take swordsmanship lessons.

‘I’m busy, busy!’

Minhyuk packed up the torch and his belongings and crossed the dry hill.

Then he arrived at the fortress gate.

The soldier standing guard recognized Minhyuk and exclaimed,

“Aren’t you the princess’s guest? Are you going to enter the fortress again?”

“Yes. Can’t I re-enter?”

“No! General Drake instructed us that the princess’s guest may pass through the gate freely at any time.”

Minhyuk passed through the gate.

Late at night, there were not many people passing by on the road in the castle, and most of the stores were closed.

There was a building with lights leaking out in the distance.

He went closer and checked the sign.

<Hummingbird Inn>

He had been looking for a bar or an inn, so this was perfect timing.


He opened the door and went inside.

Several tables were spread out in the spacious hall.

People drinking alcohol all looked at Minhyeok at once.

Minhyeok’s muscular physique drew people’s attention everywhere he went.

But they didn’t stare for long.

People turned their gazes back to their colleagues across from them.

And they started drinking and chatting.


Minhyeok crossed the hall and sat down at an empty table in the corner.

Then a woman with a tray approached Minhyeok.

Unlike the beautifully dressed court ladies, she was wearing a ragged one-piece dress with a dirty apron over it.


She put something down in front of Minhyeok.

It was a wooden cup filled with liquid.

“What is this?”

“What do you mean what is it? It’s alcohol. Asdel’s famous honey wine.”

This was also honey wine, but it was different from what he had drunk in the palace.

It was not fragrant at all and had a lot of foam floating on it.

Anyway, Minhyeok had not ordered yet.

“I haven’t ordered anything yet.”

“You’re not going to drink?”

“I’m going to drink.”

“That’s why I brought it to you. This is the only kind of alcohol we have in our store.”


There was no choice.

He had no choice but to drink what they gave him.

“But is it prepaid?”


“Do I have to pay in advance?”

“Normally, yes, but just finish drinking and pay for everything at once later. You don’t look like the kind of person who would drink for free and run away.”

She looked at Minhyeok’s luggage.

It would be difficult to dine and dash with that much luggage.

Furthermore, the clothes Minhyeok was wearing were very luxurious in the eyes of commoners.

After all, they were clothes he had received as a gift from the palace.

“Do you need food?”

“No, I’m fine. I had a big dinner.”

“Then have a good time.”

She turned away after saying that, her expression not at all curt.


Minhyuk took a sip of his drink.

The presentation wasn’t great, but the taste was fine.

Compared to what he had in the Imperial Palace, it was a bit weak, but it was definitely honey wine.

It seemed like they’d added quite a bit of water to the original liquor.

Since the alcohol content was low, it might be better to drink it for a long time.

‘Not bad.’

Minhyuk listened to the conversations of the people around him as he drank.

He paid special attention to those who were paying for their drinks.

Someone accepted a drink from a woman and handed her several copper coins.

He grumbled as he did so.

“Last week, it was 6 krones for a drink, and now it’s suddenly 7 krones!”

“Who do you think I am, a farmer? The brewery raised its prices, so I have no choice but to raise mine!”

One copper coin was worth 1 krone.

And a cup of honey wine cost 7 krones.

Minhyuk opened his money pouch slightly and checked the currency inside.

Upon closer inspection, he noticed small numbers printed on the edges of the coins.

The silver coins were worth 100 krones, and the gold coins were worth 10,000 krones.

With one gold coin, he could drink nearly 1,500 cups of honey wine.

‘Gold is the most expensive here too.’

Minhyuk counted the gold coins in his pouch.

He didn’t know if they were real gold, but he decided to just call them gold coins for the sake of simplicity.

There were many other coins, but he only had two gold coins.

‘How much is one gold coin worth?’

Since the only thing he knew the price of was honey wine, it was difficult to estimate the value of the currency.

If he assumed that a cup of honey wine was roughly equivalent to a 500ml can of Korean beer, then…

‘One gold coin is 5 million won!’

That meant that General Drake had given Minhyuk over 10 million won.

To think he’d given him such a large sum of money for food.

‘He must have been a very generous man!’

Well, he was a general of an empire who could meet with the emperor, so it made sense that he’d have that much money.

Suddenly, a strong curiosity arose in Minhyuk’s mind.

‘What would happen if I put a gold coin in the refrigerator?’

In any world, life would be much easier with a lot of money.

If the gold coins turned into something cheap like eggs or oranges, Minhyuk would be able to live like a millionaire in this world.

He could finally let go of the frustrations he’d experienced in Korea.



A refrigerator appeared before his eyes.

Minhyuk put the coins, one by each type, into the refrigerator.

He put the gold coin on the top shelf of the refrigerator and the silver and copper coins on the bottom shelf.



A flash of light, and he was back in his Gosiwon room.


He opened the top shelf of the refrigerator.

Naturally, he wanted to check the gold coin first.

‘What in the world is it?’


A crisp bundle of 10,000 won bills was sitting there.

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