TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 79: It is only considered a crime if someone finds out

Chapter 79: It is only considered a crime if someone finds out

Hearing the curious tone of Liu Yang, the leader of the soldiers spoke slowly.

"A noble title. Is that enough for you? " The leader of the soldiers spoke calmly.

"A noble title? Does she have the power and influence to do that? " Liu Yang was very shocked to hear that. If he can receive a noble title or a territory. That would be very good for him.

"The young miss does not have the authority to do this, but her parents had"

"I see That would be the final reward, right? What would be the first reward? " Liu Yang heard that there were two things he could receive.

"Young man, you are really greedy. You can take the things that are in the bodies of these assassins and the things that are with me. I think that is enough to be the initial payment for this job "The leader of the soldiers had precious things with him. Adding to the other killers, this will be a nice reward for Liu Yang.

"I see What do I need to do? Do I just need to take her home? " Liu Yang planned to accept this job, but he will take precautions first.

(Is it possible that the thing that attracted June is with some of these people? She would only do that if something caught her eye.) Liu Yang remembered that June had suddenly howled towards this place. 

"Yes. The city where the young miss needs to go is a high-level city called Gold-Minner City, a mining city in the Temore Kingdom"

"I see"

(A rich city? Cities with gold mines are very rich, this city must have many powerful beings.)

"What is your level? I felt that you are much stronger than people at level 50" Liu Yang heard stories from Alwine and Nancy, the two said that the Xinia Continent had a suppressor that prevents the most powerful from traveling to the weakest areas. 

They can only go to these areas if they agree to suppress their levels and powers. Otherwise, they will be blocked by an extremely powerful barrier.

Liu Yang deduced that they had levels above 50 because of the high-level city.

"I'm at level 85 and my subordinates at level 62, but because of an accident. We were sent to this low-level location" The leader of the soldiers commented.

"I see" Liu Yang showed no shock abroad, but he was surprised at home.

(Level 85? That's a high level. But how did they get here?) Liu Yang was curious. He understood that something happened, but he doesn't know what it was.

"Young master, the bodies have already been looted. Only the body of that zombie is missing "Alwine appeared behind Liu Yang. She finished killing all the assassins and the ants.

"Thank you" Liu Yang went to the zombie and took the precious things from him. Armor, weapons, and bags with the items.

"Young man, will you accept my proposal? COff ... Cofff ... "The leader of the soldiers did not have much time to live. The poison is almost killing him.

"Is this young woman's family influential?" Liu Yang knows that if someone has the power to give noble titles to others, that person must have a lot of power and influence in the kingdom.

"Yes. The young miss's family is very powerful and influential"

"I see I accept the job. But I will only take her safely to the city and I hope to receive the noble title."

"Young man, take this. Inside is an empty document, this document I received from the father of the young miss. If you give it to him to be stamped, you will be a nobleman officially. Young miss... I think this is goodbye ... "The soldiers' leader's eyes slowly faded and his body fell to the floor.

"Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!" The young woman cried out in despair. She saw one of the people she most trusted to die before her.

"Young master, what are we going to do now?" Alwine asked.

"Callie, can you burn these corpses?" Liu Yang pointed to the assassins and ants.

"Yes, young master" Callie got out of the carriage. The scene before her caused nausea and vomiting. She needed some time to get back to normal.

"Fireball. Fireball. Fireball." Callie used several fireballs and burned all the corpses.

"What are you going to do??" The young woman was startled when she saw Liu Yang drag the body of the leader of the soldiers.

"He died in combat. I'm giving him a decent burial." Liu Yang didn't have to dig a hole. He straightened the body of the leader of the soldiers and placed the sword in his hands like a knight.

"Callie, you know what to do"

"Yes, young master. Fireball "The corpse of the leader of the soldiers was burnt to ashes before being scattered by the freezing wind.

"..." The young woman kept her eyes closed and prayed for the leader of the soldiers. He and his subordinates died protecting her and the boy.

"Let's go? Or will you stay here? " Liu Yang returned to the carriage. The young woman carried the boy in her arms and followed Liu Yang.

"Good bat" Liu Yang petted Lilaris. She was responsible for causing the headache in the assassin.

"Roar !!" The other beasts did not like that, they protested to receive affection too. Liu Yang also caressed them.

"You guys did a good job" Liu Yang also stroked the heads of the three women.

"Thank you, young master" They took advantage of Liu Yang's affection.

The young woman saw that Liu Yang had a group of slaves with him, three women, and five female beasts.

"Do you want to get some rest?" As the other nobleman was asleep, Liu Yang asked the young woman.

"Yes ..." The young woman was suddenly sleepy before passing out.

"Young master, what are you going to do with her?" The women were curious about this. They were shocked to discover that he had an ability that turns someone into a zombie. This is insane.

"I have no choice but to enslave her, I don't trust her. But I will not keep her with me, she will live her life normally "Liu Yang commented. He didn't like the idea that someone else knew that he could turn others into zombies, even if it is the effect of the item.

"Ohh ... But young master, won't that be a problem if someone in her family finds out?" Callie asked worriedly.

Turning a nobleman into a slave was insane and can be considered a crime unless that person is a more influential and powerful nobleman than the other side. That way there would be no problems.

"This will only become a problem if someone finds out. As long as it doesn't, there will be no problem. Callie, you need to know that a crime is only considered a crime if you are discovered, as long as you are not discovered, you are not guilty of any crime" Liu Yang spoke casually. He learned those words by reading some novels.

"Ohh ..." The three women do not believe that Liu Yang said anything like that. It didn't seem like something he would say. But they did not question him and only accepted his words, as they seem reasonable.

"Have you cleaned the carriage yet?" Liu Yang felt that Callie vomited a few times after seeing so many people being killed. Nancy already had a little experience with this, so she managed to hold on.

"Can you make these two have a good dream?" Liu Yang asked Heidi. This is to prevent the young woman from feeling pain when being enslaved.

"Aasklkalsf ... akklaskfak ..." She made some sounds and colored light covered the bodies of the two noble people.

Their sleep has become deeper and smoother than before. They seem to be having sweet dreams.

"Young master, the carriage is already clean. Can we go? Or are we going to rest a little earlier? " Callie and Nancy cleaned up the vomit on the carriage.

"Let's go. The rest will be for later, I think someone should show up to investigate this place to find out what happened "

"Yes, young master" The group entered the carriage and the journey continued.

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