TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 105: Being robbed

Chapter 105: Being robbed

"We are almost there !!" Neal shouted with joy. He could already see the shadow of a city on the horizon.

This was cause for joy, as the group traveled for almost a month to reach the city. The trip was extended for several more than a month because of the training of Liu Yang's group.

"Neal, you need to be calm. We haven't come home yet, other dangers still await us" Rosella tried to calm down her brother. She saw that he was homesick.

"Yes sister, I know that" Neal calmed down a little.

"Soon, we will be arriving in Silkhall City, do you have any method for sending a message to your family? It will be easier for you to get there safely." Liu Yang asked. He imagined that Rosella or Neal had some method of sending messages to distant locations.

"Yes, we have a device that does this, but it will not be necessary. Some guards from our family are in town waiting for us" Rosella pulled out a message device and saw her parents' messages. They sent soldiers to several cities in search of Rosella and Neal.


The group was already less than a kilometer away from Silkhall City.

"Young master, is that an average city?" Callie spoke in surprise.

The city was much bigger than she imagined.

Like Wildwick City, Silkhall City had great stone walls protecting the city from nocturnal creatures. At the top of the walls, guards were patrolling the city.

At the entrance gate of the city, there were a large number of carriages waiting to enter. Some guards were inspecting the carriages before allowing entry into the city.



It wasn't long before Liu Yang's turn came.

"A carriage and six people. Are you a resident of the city or a traveler? " The guard looked at Liu Yang's poor appearance before looking inside the carriage and asked. He was surprised to see a beauty like Rosella and Alwine inside. A little bit of jealousy and envy appeared in his heart.

"I'm just a traveler." Liu Yang replied.

The guard's eyes lit up when he heard that.

(A traveler? He doesn't seem to be rich or anything, but how come he has two beautiful women by his side? This is jealousy ... This is a good chance to get some extra money) The guard thought. He found a good prey to extort.

"The entrance fee for travelers is five gold coins" The guard spoke casually. He was happy to ask for that amount of money.

The other carriages at the back felt a little sorry for Liu Yang, as they realized that the guard was trying to steal him.

The fee that is normally paid by travelers was not even ten silver coins. The guard clearly increased that figure several dozen times.

(Five gold coins ... He is clearly stealing from me ... Let's see who will laugh in the end) Liu Yang thought. He didn't care about giving five gold coins, but being stolen that way made him angry.

Liu Yang will take revenge on that guard later.

"No problem" Liu Yang took out five gold coins and gave it to the guard without thinking twice.

This scene scared everyone because nobody imagined that Liu Yang would give the money without question. That was something that no one could think of.

(Was that so easy? Did he really give me five gold coins? Is it possible that he is rich?) The guard started to wonder about it. But he failed to see anything to prove that Liu Yang was someone rich.

"You can pass" After receiving the money, the guard could not stop Liu Yang and his group from passing. Otherwise, little confusion can begin.

"I thank you for that." Liu Yang pulled the reins and the horses started to walk.

When the carriage passed through the city gates.

Rosella curiously asked Liu Yang.

"Why did you give him the five gold coins? It was obvious that he was stealing." She didn't know why Liu Yang did it.

"It is not so easy to steal from me. He will suffer a little when the time comes "Liu Yang spoke mysteriously.

"Do you want my help?" Rosella understood what Liu Yang meant. Only she was influential enough to cause trouble in the city.

"That would be great." Liu Yang casually commented.

"Ok. I'm also curious to see that guard's face when he finds out about it "

"Hehe ... He will regret trying to rob me"

"Do you drive the carriage towards the governor's mansion? The people who are looking for me are there." Rosella commented.

"No problem" Liu Yang drove the carriage through the busy streets and full of people.

Callie was in the driver's seat next to Liu Yang, she was impressed by the city's festivities. The place was full of life and joy, it was very different from her monotonous life in the village.

Alwine and Nancy have seen this kind of scenario before, so they were not surprised to see it.

The five beasts were bored inside the cage for the beasts. Liu Yang couldn't leave them outside.

The carriage traveled for almost an hour, Liu Yang had to get information from pedestrians passing by. This shows how big the city was.

The governor's mansion was located in the residential area north of the city. The place only had large houses and mansions for the nobles to live.

Seeing a carriage approaching, the guards raised their weapons and asked to stop.

"Stop. Identify yourself "The guard spoke solemnly.

Shuooooo !!!! Shuooooo !!

Before Liu Yang could say anything. Two shadows came out of the mansion and suddenly appeared in front of the carriage.

When the pair saw Rosella and Neal inside the carriage, they sighed in relief. Both were the people who were looking for them in the city.

They were two middle-aged men, they seemed to be soldiers because of the aura they emit.

"Young master, young miss, are you two all right?" One of them commented.

"How dare you let the young master and the young miss travel in that dirty carriage??!!" The other shouted when he saw that the carriage was ordinary.

"You two can stop !!! He is our savior. You need to have more respect for him" Rosella got out of the carriage and commented angrily. She did not like the way the two middle-aged men spoke to Liu Yang.

"Mr. Clark, Mr. Burton, is she the person you are looking for?" A middle-aged man came running up suddenly. He was startled by the pair's sudden disappearance.

"Yes. She is the young miss of the Thorps family, Rosella Thorps. And he is the young master, Neal Thorps."

"I'm glad you two found them. They are "The middle-aged man didn't know who Liu Yang was or the other women.

"He is my savior. My brother and I wouldn't have been able to get here without their help "

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