This Ascent to Divinity is Lewder Than Expected

6.65 – ❤ Extraction III

6.65 – ❤ Extraction III

"Describe counter- and inter-sympathy," Sabina said. "And some interesting examples."

As expected, difficulty was ramping up. This was still a common conceptual question, though moving beyond the basics, especially since she'd asked for interesting examples. Zoey mulled it over, finding it increasingly difficult to keep her thoughts in order with her teacher standing naked in front of her. And with how Zoey herself was currently wearing a tight-fitting black latex bodysuit that was surprisingly pleasant in its own right, conformed to fourteen inches of aching girlcock.

"Counter sympathy describes the unwanted, negative, or muting effects of certain reagents," Zoey said. "It's essentially the same as normal reagent sympathy toward a concept, though counter-sympathies are rarer and less potent, and thusly less studied. Still have to be aware of them, though, since they could affect a brew—especially if there's some counter sympathy harming the primary desired effect. Hm. Inter-sympathy is more interesting. Some reagents will affect potions in specific ways only when used together or in certain groupings or ratios."

She hummed.

"Interesting examples," she said. "For counter-sympathy, willow bark. It's associated with pain relief and fever reduction, a natural healing reagent, but it has a counter-sympathy to blood flow. So in a healing potions where that's important … well. You know. Careful using it. An example of inter-sympathy would be," she mulled it over for a second, "lavender, rosemary, and sage. Used together in equal parts, they produce clarity effects beneficial to mages beyond what would be expected from the sum of their parts." She hesitated. "There's probably more interesting examples, but those come to mind."

Thankfully, Sabina didn't seem disappointed in the standard examples she'd chosen. Zoey assumed that was because she was only a student of less than a month; she could hardly be expected to be an expert in alchemy. There were probably all sorts of counter- and inter-sympathies that were truly fascinating, and Zoey obviously wouldn't be able to name any that impressed her teacher, who was, Zoey figured, even more capable of an alchemist than her advancement would suggest.

"A satisfactory answer," Sabina said, and Zoey knew she meant it, even if she hadn't impressed her. There was nothing a student could say to impress the master. "Drink this."

A potion had appeared in Sabina's hand, a thin vial of glass which she held toward Zoey.

Zoey grabbed it while peering at it curiously. It looked familiar.

[Potion of Virile Output]: Greatly increases the virile output of the consumer.


Ah. Right. That was Sabina's ultimate goal, after all. After a lingering attention on the murky orange liquid, she uncapped the vial and downed it. It was thick and sweet—a more pleasant taste than most potions. She shivered as it went down, a reaction that accompanied basically any potion. It was, after all, magical fluid she'd ingested.

Her cock twitched heavily, which Zoey gave equal odds to simple excitement at what consuming the potion meant for Sabina's eventual goals, and an actual imbuement of virility. She already tended to spurt out some impressive finishing payloads, so what would a potion like this—hand-crafted by Sabina—make her upcoming climax like?

The demand for Zoey to put on her latex bodysuit made sudden sense. Assuming Sabina was going to get … more involved … than usual, the suit would mean valuable 'reagents' would be preserved. Trapped inside the suit like with a condom. It would even work if Zoey finished inside Sabina, rather than milked out into some device.

Was that Sabina's goal? For her to finish inside?

Even if it wasn't, Zoey's heart started slamming at just the possibility.

"Sixth question," Sabina said, and Zoey couldn't find it in herself to be disappointed the potion had been her only reward for the fifth. Not with the realizations that had come. "Hermetic sealing."

Zoey blinked. A part of her almost wryly pointed out that she hadn't actually asked a question, but that would be pedantic; it was implied.

Hermetic sealing. She dug through her memories, the hours spent poring over Sabina's suggested alchemy texts.

"Not just physically sealing a potion away in a container," Zoey said, "which is necessary for a potion to settle properly. But a total isolation enforced with magical wards—a supernatural level of isolation. It allows for higher potency as the potions sit and distill."

"Quite correct," Sabina said approvingly.

"Do the d'Celestins have a vault for that? Hermetic sealing?"

"They do," Sabina said. "There's little they don't have. Though frankly the benefits of the process are minimal."

"Small benefits add up," Zoey pointed out.

"Indeed. Yet it's nonetheless cost prohibitive for the average alchemist."

"But if cost isn't an issue …" Zoey led with a shrug. Which might become the case if their business really took off. And it surely would, seeing how they were offering a suite of products unique to this world.

Sabina inclined her head in agreement.

"My," she said in segue. "Such a lucky teacher I am, to have a student so brilliant."

Zoey flushed. There was a hint of genuine appreciation there, but honestly, Zoey wouldn't call herself brilliant. If she allowed herself some benefit of the doubt, her middling grades throughout high school had been thanks to disinterest, not a lack of intelligence … but she felt like that was making excuses.

Regardless, Sabina sounded like she meant the compliment, however much she'd delivered it halfway as a tease. Maybe there was something to say for the modern academic processes she'd grown up with. Zoey had been taught how to learn, something most medieval societies—though medieval surely wasn't the correct word, not really, to describe the Fractures—wouldn't give to the average citizen. By the standards of this world, Zoey was a scholar of sorts, if simply because of how much focus the modern world, comparative to previous time periods, gave to education.

To accompany her words, Sabina had once again stood from the corner of the bed she sat on. She walked over with a deliberate sway to her hips which Zoey appreciated, because any sort of deliberate sexuality sent a thrill through her when it came to Sabina.

She sat on the armrest of the plush chair and reached down to grab Zoey's cock. Even that had Zoey sucking a breath in, because Sabina generally left pleasure to toys. Even feeling her teacher's cool digits around her blazing-hot cock was enough to make her member twitch wildly in excitement. While Sabina's employment of toys or devices was plenty of fun in its own right, there was something to be said for a personal touch.

"This won't be a distraction for future questions, correct?" Sabina asked.

"Of course not," Zoey lied.

Sabina smirked. She squeezed tightly and pulled up along Zoey's length, sending a delightful shock of electricity across her body.

"I'm sure it won't," Sabina said. "Ready for the seventh question, pupil of mine?"

"The armrest has to be uncomfortable," Zoey said. "Sit on my lap, instead?"

Her continued pressing of her luck paid off: Sabina's lips twitched in amusement, and she shifted off the plush arm rest to instead settle her weight onto Zoey's thighs. Even better, one hand turned into two, her teacher grabbing two solid handfuls of girlcock. With an expression that would suggest they were doing nothing more than discussing the intriguing aspects of alchemy, Sabina provided her next question even as she ran delicate fingers up and down the twitching and pre-cum leaking rod of her student.

"Describe to me," she said, "the difference between the alchemical process of calcination and mundane burning."

"You're going easy on me," Zoey said.

All at once, Sabina's stroking grew in fervency. With a tight grip, she jerked Zoey off, making her toes curl and her hips arch and her muscles tense, as she began pumping with none of the languid reservation of before. Only when Zoey released a groaning exultation of her pleasure did Sabina reply.

"Am I?" she asked. "Going easy on you?"

"Maybe not," Zoey gasped.

"Then answer."

While this question was easier than the previous, Zoey struggled to bring her thoughts together. To recall the details she'd read in her textbooks.

"It's a controlled process, calcination," Zoey said, with a bit of a groan to her voice. "Takes special, magical fuel, burns at specific temperatures, for controlled times. Helps purify and transform reagents, and because of that, reveal hidden properties. Or otherwise prepares a reagent for further alchemical processes."

Sabina, in response to her answer, stopped stroking—which produced a brief bout of dismay, not just because of the cut-off of pleasure, but because she wondered whether she'd answered wrong.

Then Sabina shifted off her lap and got down on her knees. Her hand returned to gripping Zoey's cock and brought it closer to her face—not quite pressing against her features, but even seeing the intimidating sight of fourteen inches of latex-clad cock creating a shadow on her instructor's face was enough to seize Zoey's attention and make her go still.

"Excellent as always," Sabina murmured. "Such a lucky mentor, I am, to receive a student such as you."

She slapped Zoey's cock onto her face, a meaty clap filling the air, silently suggesting her luck wasn't just from Zoey's studiousness.

"Such an adroit mind," she said calmly, as if she didn't have Zoey's cock pulsing heavily against her cheek, the bridge of her nose, covering the entirety of one eye. "Eager and willing." She sighed, and like before, it sounded entirely genuine. "Truly lucky."

Slowly, she slid her face up and along Zoey's cock, bringing her lips to hover at the tip of her cock. They pressed in, soft plushness collecting a bead of pre-cum for their proximity. But while she teased that agonizing pleasure, of cracking her mouth a sliver open to take Zoey inside that heat that would surely erase all thoughts, she closed it just as quickly, then began—as a consolation prize—peppering kisses down the length of her shaft. Even that was enough to have Zoey shaking, regardless of what had been implied a second before.

"I do so enjoy customizing my lessons," Sabina murmured, running a lick up from the base of her cock all the way to the tip. "I hope I'm serving as a sufficiently engaging instructor?"

"The absolute best," Zoey said between deep heaves of her chest.

Sabina smiled.

"Eighth question," she announced.

And what would her reward be, Zoey wondered? The potential seized almost enough of her attention to overshadow the actual question that came shortly. Greater pleasures awaited, Zoey reminded herself; they weren't yet to the most difficult of Sabina's questions, a fact that served as its own sort of paralyzing intoxication, but also encouragement.

Hold out a bit longer, keep a clear mind, and she might yet be rewarded. So she stayed focused with all her might.

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