The Youngest Daughter, Chang Le

Chapter 33: Are You Coming to Kill Me

Chapter 33

Zhu Changle nodded thoughtfully, "Did you discuss the daytime ambush with her?"

"No, I didn't."

"Then what if someone falsely relayed your words?"

Que Long stared intently at Zhu Changle, his hand gripping the long spear. Though it appeared effortless, the spear was slowly penetrating the ground of the training field, inch by inch.

Zhu Changle shrugged, "Sowing discord and using others as a weapon - it's a simple strategy, but effective."

The relationship between the Dragon-Breaking Sect and Falling Flower Valley had grown increasingly tense over the past two years. If someone were to manipulate the situation, making Immortal Lady Wen believe that Ban Lian had betrayed Falling Flower Valley because of him, given Immortal Lady Wen's temperament... Ban Lian wouldn't survive!

Que Long's eye twitched. He strode towards the exit, calling out, "Horse."

"Sect Leader..."

Without looking back, Que Long said, "Do as you wish."

"I was going to say that your horse isn't as fast as my Little Tail," Zhu Changle stood up, dusting off her backside. She approached the man who had stopped in his tracks, smiling. She loved this Martial Arts World, loved the passionate nature of its inhabitants, and their clear-cut emotions.

"Shall we make a deal afterwards?"

"Agreed." Que Long accepted without hesitation. It was this kind of relentless determination that had propelled him from a nobody to his current position. In this Martial Arts World, those who hesitated were devoured, leaving not even bones behind.

Zhu Changle adored such straightforward people. She whistled, summoning Little Tail. "I'll go ahead then. Don't worry, if I can still make it in time, I'll try to stop it."

"..." Hadn't she called him back to lend him her horse? Que Long mounted his own steed, and the group of five galloped off towards Falling Flower Valley, their whips cracking in the air.

By now, dawn was approaching.

Zhuo Jin, who hadn't slept all night, tidied her hair in front of the mirror. After staring at her reflection for a long moment, she finally stood up and walked out.

"Ban Lian, are you up?"

"Mmm, just woke up." Ban Lian opened the door, her hair loose and a comb in her hand. "Sister, you're early today."

Zhuo Jin entered the room, closing the door behind her. She led Ban Lian to the dressing table and sat her down, taking the comb from her hand. "It's been a long time since I last did your hair."

"It has been a long time. Remember when we were young? We often helped each other with our hair, secretly adding little embellishments," Ban Lian said, seemingly nostalgic and wistful. "It's been so many years, sister. I noticed while combing my hair earlier that I even have some gray hairs now."

Zhuo Jin looked down at the few white strands on Ban Lian's head, managing to squeeze out a response from her throat. Her hand holding the comb was trembling.


"It's nothing, just thinking about when we were young." Zhuo Jin looked up at Ban Lian's reflection in the mirror. "You've always been the prettiest among the four of us."

"We're all old now." Ban Lian touched her face, her smile tinged with bitterness. Having been by the Immortal Lady's side since childhood, her life had been like a rootless duckweed. She could only go where Immortal Lady Wen directed her. Sometimes, she couldn't help but secretly wonder: why didn't the Immortal Lady marry, and why didn't she arrange marriages for them? Even if she married, she would still be willing to serve the Immortal Lady, to be her steward! Did the Immortal Lady not trust their loyalty?

"Have you ever pleaded with Immortal Lady?" Seeing Ban Lian's confused look, Zhuo Jin continued, "Immortal Lady might not be unaware of your relationship with Sect Leader Que."

Ban Lian blinked and smiled, "I've thought about it. Que Long and I even planned for him to come to Falling Flower Valley so we could plead with Immortal Lady together."

"How come I didn't know..."

"It never happened, so of course you wouldn't know." Ban Lian played with a strand of her hair. "The night before Que Long was supposed to come, Immortal Lady rewarded me with a set of martial arts techniques. She said she couldn't do without me, that I would have to endure hardship for this lifetime."

Zhuo Jin opened and closed her mouth, unable to utter a word.

"I told Que Long not to wait for me anymore. He's foolish, saying that I'm the only woman in his eyes." Ban Lian smiled. "Sister, don't you think he's silly?"

He was silly, and suffering. But having someone waiting must also be sweet, Zhuo Jin thought. She had never even experienced that kind of feeling.

After a moment of silence, Zhuo Jin continued combing her hair. "The Dragon-Breaking Sect has expanded too quickly in recent years. If he cares for you, why would he do this?"

"Perhaps... he's trying to force Immortal Lady's hand."

"You knew all along..."

"I knew, and I didn't try to dissuade him. Why? Because I also hoped he would succeed! I want to marry Que Long, sister. I want to marry him. He's the man I've dreamed of for half my life." Ban Lian suddenly burst into tears. Half a lifetime was so, so long. She had waited and waited, almost to the point of death, but her wish remained unfulfilled.

"Ban Lian..."

"Sister, have you come to send me on my final journey?"

Zhuo Jin remained silent. She felt that any words would be too pale, too powerless.

Ban Lian turned and hugged Zhuo Jin's waist, resting her face on her chest. "It's not dawn yet, sister. Let me hug you a little longer."

"Ban Lian, Ban Lian..." Zhuo Jin held her tight, her voice hoarse and unfamiliar, each call seeming to come from the depths of her heart.

"I didn't want to live anymore, I couldn't bear it. It's just... I can't bear to leave Que Long." Ban Lian closed her eyes, but tears still flowed. "Having someone in your heart, and knowing they have you in theirs, but you can't be together. Not even a glimmer of hope. It's too desperate, too desperate..."

"Let's plead with Immortal Lady again. I'll go with you." Zhuo Jin loosened her embrace, trying to pull Ban Lian up, but Ban Lian held on tighter, nuzzling against her. "It's useless. If there was even the slightest possibility, why would I have endured for so many years?"

Zhuo Jin broke down in tears. "Ban Lian, Ban Lian, you won't survive this!"

"Then I won't live. It's not a big deal." Ban Lian looked up at Zhuo Jin, smiling through her tears. "Sister, I won't let you do it. It would torment you. You still have decades of life ahead!"

Zhuo Jin looked at her sister, who had always been timid since childhood, and clenched her jaw. They didn't know who their parents were, but after decades together, they were as close as real sisters. She couldn't watch her die, she couldn't do it...

Biting her lip, she turned Ban Lian around and quickly did her hair. Leaning close to her ear, she whispered, "Knock me unconscious and hide in the guest quarters."

"The guest quarters? Where the Zhu family is staying? Sister, why would they interfere in Falling Flower Valley's affairs?"

"You can't escape, so you might as well risk hiding in the guest quarters. It's almost dawn, Zhu Changle and her group should be back soon." Zhuo Jin lowered her voice even more. "The grudge between Zhu Changle's master and Immortal Lady is unresolvable. She'll surely be willing to do anything that upsets Immortal Lady. When the time comes, beg her. Cry to her about your relationship with Que Long. Tell her you want to see Que Long one last time before you die, and ask for her help. She's young and likely to be soft-hearted. This is your chance."

Zhuo Jin gripped Ban Lian's shoulders tightly. "Even if death is ultimately unavoidable, you must try. What if you could see Que Long one last time?"

The words 'see Que Long one last time' seemed to etch themselves into Ban Lian's mind. She... wanted to see Que Long!

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