The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 159: This Bookworm

Chapter 159: This Bookworm

Translator: 549690339

A group of people arrived at the inquiry room on the second floor, only to see a rather disheveled fat man and a tall man, along with two uniformed men, just coming out.

The moment they saw He Jianmiao, Li Qingyang, the Ouyang sisters, and Luo Ziling, the fat man who was on the phone hurriedly hung up.

“Director He, Director Li,” the fat man straightened up and greeted He Jianmiao and Li Qingyang.

After the greeting, his eyes fell on the Ouyang sisters and Luo Ziling, who were following close by, and his expression immediately changed.

The tall man also had a very ugly expression, and the two uniformed men behind them were even scared out of their wits.

With guilty consciences, they knew they had gotten into big trouble today.

The person who had hired them had connections far weaker than those coming to rescue Luo Ziling and the others today. They had met their match.

“President Ouyang, let’s discuss matters in the conference room,” Li Qingyang said to Ouyang Feifei with utmost caution, “We will clarify everything about today’s incident.”

“Okay,” after Ouyang Feifei agreed, she followed Li Qingyang to the meeting room on the third floor.

Ouyang Huihui, who had been quiet all along, followed Ouyang Feifei. As they were going up the stairs, she whispered a question to Luo Ziling: “What’s going on? Did they give you a hard time?”

“I was almost blown away by their gun,” Luo Ziling replied unhappily.

His voice wasn’t very loud, but those nearby heard him clearly.

The faces of He Jianmiao and Li Qingyang changed instantly. Although Ouyang Feifei did not show any particular reaction, her pace slowed slightly. Even though the group was walking, everyone could feel the temperature around them drop significantly.

The main reason for the chill was the aura emanating from Ouyang Feifei.

After entering the conference room, He Jianmiao invited Ouyang Feifei to take the seat of honor, and he sat next to her.

Ouyang Huihui sat down next to Ouyang Feifei without any hesitation, with Wang Qing standing behind the two sisters.

Luo Ziling sat next to Ouyang Huihui, finding the proceedings of the day quite interesting.

The same people who had just tried to treat him roughly as if he was a criminal were now like criminals themselves, looking downcast and lacking any presence, standing on the side without daring to sit.

“Mr. Luo, could you tell us again what happened tonight?” Li Qingyang, pointing to the dossier in front of him, asked Luo Ziling, “I don’t know if what’s written here is what you just mentioned. It’s better to hear it from you directly!”

“Sure,” Luo Ziling readily agreed and immediately recounted the events of the night.

He did not fabricate any details, recounting almost the exact sequence of what happened, including that he had acted first when he saw signs of trouble. This left everyone in the room exchanging looks.

Ouyang Feifei and Ouyang Huihui, who already knew about Luo Ziling’s formidable skills and how he single-handedly defeated nearly a dozen skilled bodyguards and threw the entire Martial Arts Team into the pool, were not surprised by his feat of subduing twenty to thirty people today. They were astonished, however, that Luo Ziling would reveal details that were not in his favor and didn’t push all the blame onto others.

For instance, when he had clashed with the security team, he struck first before they could engage him; also, during the inquiry, when the fat man and the tall man tried to frame him, he was the first to throw punches.

If he had presented it as self-defense, forced to respond to their aggression, he would have been completely blameless.

“This bookworm,” Ouyang Huihui inwardly scorned Luo Ziling after hearing him, “actually doesn’t know how to conceal his wrongdoings!”

Ouyang Feifei similarly thought Luo Ziling was somewhat foolish.

He Jianmiao and Li Qingyang also found Luo Ziling rather naive.

But they did not doubt the sequence of events of the night. The only thing they found hard to believe was how Luo Ziling had managed, on his own, to defeat over a dozen thugs and security guards. What kind of abnormal strength would that take?

However, the two uniformed men who had been attacked by Luo Ziling, along with the fat man and the tall man, believed it.

They had just experienced Luo Ziling’s monstrous combat power firsthand and were in no position to voice their distress.

After Luo Ziling finished recounting the events, seeing no response from the others, he immediately added, “You can call my classmates here to ask them about the situation.”

After He Jianmiao and Li Qingyang exchanged glances, they agreed to Luo Ziling’s suggestion.

Soon, Cao Jianhui and the ten other students were brought up.

Seeing that Luo Ziling was safe and in the company of Ouyang Huihui and two other beautiful women, Cao Jianhui breathed a sigh of relief.

His brother, Cao Jianguang, had been of no help; it was only with Ouyang Huihui’s assistance that they had been freed.

When asked to recount the events, they detailed their experiences of the night.

Cao Jianhui was the first to speak. After narrating the events, he asserted emphatically, “Tonight’s incident was definitely a targeted attack; otherwise, there wouldn’t have been so many people trying to beat us up. The KTV’s security didn’t intervene immediately when the trouble started but instead tried to apprehend us after we had fended off the troublemakers. If it wasn’t a setup or a deliberate act of revenge, things wouldn’t have escalated like this!”

Cao Jianhui was slicker than Luo Ziling, hiding the aspects of the story that were disadvantageous to them and shifting all the blame onto the opponents.

The other students’ accounts were similar, describing how Lin Lin had been harassed when she went to the restroom and how they were nearly beaten up when they intervened, and if not for Luo Ziling, they would have been overwhelmed. They painted Luo Ziling as a hero who had acted in the defense of justice.

The testimony of the thugs were also reviewed, and although their accounts differed from what Luo Ziling and his peers described, after reviewing the security footage, He Jianmiao and Li Qingyang still endorsed what Luo Ziling and his classmates said.

However, they didn’t find any video evidence of the security team leader brandishing a gun at them, as mentioned by Luo Ziling and Cao Jianhui. But the security team leader, who had been injured by Luo Ziling, eventually admitted to drawing his weapon, though he claimed it was only to intimidate Luo Ziling and that he never intended to shoot.

The events of the evening were now clear; the instigators had been the thugs.

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