The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 26: The Godslayer

A few minutes earlier:

"Lady Ikaris, please show some courtesy," Sara stood patiently at the side of the table while Ikaris laughed vigorously after singing Sol's praises.

"Lady?" Ikaris continued to laugh. "What lady do you think I would be, haha, I am no lady, I am a cosmic goddess of unfathomable power, I am the first deity to be tamed by a human, Sol is the greatest!" Ikaris continued to laugh while skillfully avoiding Sara's hands as she tried grabbing her.

But then all of a sudden, Ikaris felt her link with Sol disappear and she stopped moving. "Milady?" Sara flinched when the expression on Ikaris's face became terrifying, and her acquired Arkadian magic started burning the air around her body.

"Sol," She murmured, trying to find his location and failing. "If they have harmed you, I will destroy this entire world." She declared, it was low, but everyone heard it because of how silent the room was, and Sara was the first to take several steps backwards as Ikaris stepped off the table and took a seat.


[The tarnished warrior is in an isolated dimension, only the gods can view his current state-]


The system made a buzzing sound when Ikaris's eyes glowed white and she grabbed onto it, using her divine magic to easily tear it open and modify the rules.

[A new god has forcefully registered their presence]

[The pantheon is outraged]

"What the hell just happened?" Eris rushed over to Ikaris after seeing her body suddenly go limp in her seat.

"She, lost consciousness?" Sara stared at Ikaris when the slave crest on her neck began to slowly blink. "Did something happen to Master Sol?"


In the isolated dungeon, Psiko punched, fully intent on killing him in one blow.

[The pantheon is shocked]

[True Goddess Ikaris is laughing at the pantheon]

[The goddess of war nods in expectation]

"I thought you said you wanted to devour me," Sol stared at the shocked stony face of Psiko after blocking the punch with one hand by turning and using his other hand to reach the ground.

"You..." Psiko retreated several paces away and stared at Sol, while Sol regained his footing and brushed the dust off his shoulder. "You are stronger than expected," The golem admitted.

"I have nothing against you, but you want me dead, I can't say I don't get it, I do, I challenged the gods first," Sol admitted. "However, if you guys think you're gonna just challenge me whenever you want you have another thing coming, if you think I'm just gonna lay over and die, then you should be prepared to go to hell with me, I'll never bend a knee to any god!"

[Warning, the tarnished has accepted your challenge of a duel to the dea-]

The system window popped up for Psiko, but before he could properly read the warning his body was sent flying when Sol masterfully slid up next to him and swung his hammer, the resulting shockwave created a crater while the god of golems flew across the vast cave and crashed into the wall breaking it all the way until he collided with a barrier several hundred metres deep in the rock.

Another explosion came from the deep hole in the cave and Psiko rushed back out roaring at Sol, but he was put down again when Sol easily avoided his first few attempts at punching him and spun, knocking him across the chin with the hammer and then punching him with the next glove sending him flying upward.

[Psiko has never fought a day in his existence, I expected this much]. Dr'ul stared at the one-sided fight as Sol continued to stack punch after punch and hit after hit on the much less experienced opponent. [However, regardless of his experience, he is still a god] She clarified herself.

[The goddess of war warns you to take this seriously]

Sol saw the message and managed to parry the blow of Psiko just fast enough to read it properly before backing off again.

"I'll kill you," Psiko crashed his fists together causing white light to escape his rock body before the entire surface broke apart, revealing a small male figure made of a slightly glowing surface. "I'll kill you dead!"

Before, Psiko looked like the average red-eyed human-shaped rock golem with the singular eye in the head and rough textures, but now, he seemed to be made of white marble, his hands had finely crafted fingers, his single eye was now golden with a red pupil, and his surface was smooth and showed definition, and he even seemed to have grown a foot taller.

[Your opponent is stronger]

[Psiko is gaining strength]

[Divine magic detected]

[Psiko is getting stronger]

"Don't get any ideas!" Sol rushed ahead to prevent whatever Psiko was doing, but a second later his entire left arm was missing and the god was nowhere to be seen.

Sol crashlanded and then jumped to his feet in shock grabbing his shoulder and looking around as the ground around him started heating up.

[The pantheon is in an uproar]

[The god of goats berates you]

Sol closed one eye and cast [heal] on his wound, closing it off in an instant while his severed limb caught aflame in front of him.

His eyes darkened.

[True Goddess Ikaris stares passively with a frown]

Psiko appeared again intent on taking Sol's head this time, but was shocked when Sol dodged the attack and grabbed him by the leg, swinging him with a roar and smashing him into the ground, creating a massive explosion that covered a third of the entire cave in dust and falling debris while lava started rising from the crater.

[The tarnished warrior is gaining strength]

[The tarnished warrior is gaining strength]

"What?" Psiko seemed shocked at what he was seeing as Sol walked through the lava toward him.

[The tarnished warrior is regaining mana]

"You've managed to do the one thing I hate the most, Psiko," Sol cancelled his hammer and the gloves and crackled his knuckles.

"What the-" The god of golems reeled in shock and pain when Sol grabbed his leg and broke it in the other direction and then threw him out of the lava pit and jumped out after him. "This changes nothing!" Psiko fixed his leg and punched at Sol but suffered a massive hole in his side when Sol swung his palm.

[He is gaining strength at an unprecedented pace,] Dr'ul sat forward on her throne and watched intently.

"Gah!!" Psiko folded himself in a ball and started using [harden] to protect himself.

[You are stronger than Psiko]

[Damned has been activated, your debuffs are in effect, your opponent has been strengthened]

"There was once a demon god," Sol punched at the ball and raised his hand staring at his broken fingers.

[Heal, Regenerate]

"He thought he would win, he killed everything and everyone in his path!" Sol roared angrily, punching the ball again and raising his bloody knuckle.

[The tarnished warrior is gaining strength at a faster rate than the curse can debuff]

"There was a woman I loved, and a king I respected as my best friend!" Sol punched the ball again, and a crack opened up across it exposing Psiko's frightened eye. "A boy I called my brother, and they all died to that demon god!" Sol punched the ball again, shattering another part and leaving multitudes of cracks across it.

[I-Insolence!] Psiko rushed out of his crumbling shield and attacked Sol, but Sol tanked the stab through his belly and grabbed Psiko's head instead.


"The demon god had a nasty habit of cutting off the arms of his victims and burning them to a crisp," Sol raised his foot and stepped in the knee of the god cracking it open and forcing the shell to shatter. "I just so happen to be the one who killed that motherfucker, and as a result, I gained all his powers."

"You're so proud of your damn self for taking my arm, aren't you."

[L-let go!]

[The dungeon is being cancelled by the god of golems]

[Rejected!] Sol raised his voice, and the pantheon went silent. [You're not going anywhere!] Sol sank his fingers into the head of Psiko, breaking his armour and touching his divine energy directly. [I'm too pissed to let this go!] He seethed as his memory was invaded constantly with the sights of his allies and family burning at the hand of the demon god.

[The god of death is staring intently]

[Request for dungeon release has been overridden by a more powerful opponent]

[Opponent is utilizing a newly acquired skill: divinity]

[Name: Sol Vestic

Race: Demon god (temporary)

Level: Error

Title: Godslayer

Skills: Error

Class: Error

Buffs: Error

Blessing: Goddess's Love

Curse: Damned (nullified)

Special: Divinity lv 1 - Subject is able to consciously activate the powers of a transcendent being, (a god), all afflictions and curses are nullified, divine magic is multiplied thousandfold.

Penalties; All magical skills and statuses are halved for 3h after use, all damage taken before activation will be multiplied tenfold, there is an imminent risk of death, cooldown is 24h]

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