The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 313

Chapter 313: XR-T

Sat in the fifth row of what seemed to be a theater; the light grew dim as dusk settled in. Many strangers o’ men sat with focused faces. Some perpetually tensed from barking orders – typical for a general or any supervisor in the military. Stood atop a stage with a hovering screen; a man dressed in formal black tuxedo waited patiently. Booklets on what the auction would host were distributed; from planes to weapons, it contained a multiple of items. Smaller in comparison to earlier, the number of people wishing to participate diminished.

“Anything strikes interest?” asked Diaz who carefully examined the booklet.

“Nothing yet,” said Staxius with the pages turning seamlessly.

“How about this,” pointed Yves, “-the XR-T0, first fighter plane equipped with the Cobalt Unit’s engine.”

“It looks amazing if that’s what you’re referring too,” interjected Courtney. Indeed, was she right, none had ever seen such a design before, sleek and sharp, the nose screamed of speed. The wings; triangles glued onto the body with it bearing weapons.

*Notice: The XR-T0 is the only prototype made by the Cobalt Unit. Despite its innovative look, the plane hasn’t the technology to fly.*

“Tis a piece of jewelry,” said Staxius in a monotonous tone. “We’ll stick around.” Promptly after saying so, the auctioneer took to the stage and began. The way it worked was that he’d shout prices. The buyers would hold a board, the further the price increased, the more hands dropped. This would continue until someone remained.


“Ladies and gentlemen,” a short break later, “-an innovative piece of technology combining our world’s cumulative knowledge in magic, science, mechanics, and engineering. I present the XR-T0,” half-hearted applauses echoed, the screen displayed the model of the plane. Not a welcomed reaction, on edge, the auctioneer began the bids.

“Starting at 98,000 Gold,” six hands raised, including Staxius’s.

“What are you doing?” asked Yves, “-I thought we blew our budget already.”

Ignoring the man, he continued to bid. “100,000 Gold,” none backed out.

“105,000 Gold,” no change, this continued till the price reached, “-130,000 Gold,” there, two hands dropped leaving three in the war. “150,000,” a jump in price on which another fell. What remained was Staxius and another old man. The latter was the leader of Elon’s Conglomerate. One of the world’s leading research groups and creators of the holographic display. “175,000 Gold,” an ungodly amount already, the crowd seemed amazed by how the two-man remained nonchalant. “225,000 Gold,” shaken, the Old man seemed to want to back out and did so after the price was settled at 250,000 Gold. For a mere showpiece without any real combat capabilities; the XR-T0 did its job of gathering funds. “Sold for 250,000 Gold to Staxius Haggard of Phantom.” Content, he smirked at the old man who seemed distraught. In said manner the night continued; questions were asked of why he chose to buy such a useless piece of equipment. What many didn’t realize was that the XR-T0 was a prototype fitted with all the research and advancement the Cobalt Unit had made over the last few years; including the engine.

Stuck at 22,00, the auction ended with many fatigued. Throughout the whole event, the leader of Elon’s kept on eyeing Staxius with a look of anger. ‘Time to head home,’ stood Staxius as the hall emptied.

“Excuse us, sir,” in came four men dressed in grey suits, “-our leader would like to speak to you,” they voiced formally with hands behind their back.

“What is the matter?” asked Courtney who reached for the sword, Yves had planned an escape as he held onto a smoke grenade.

“It’s as we said,” spoken yet again, “-Lord Elon wishes to meet with Phantom’s leader.”

“Then it shall be done,” stepped forward, he smiled. *Stay on guard and have Yves ready for an escape – let me entertain that old man,* spoken through telepathy, Courtney nodded. “Care to lead the way?”

“Please,” they walked straight to the front row where sat the man with a walking stick.

“Staxius Haggard from Phantom was it,” he stood without using the stick. A dotted bald head, white mustache, a formal robe hailing from the East. Given his age, an aura of control emanated, one that was based on years of being hailed as one of the richest men on the planet.

“You asked for me?” spoken in a less than interested tone, Staxius held his own and didn’t break eye contact.

“Yes, I wished to see the face of the man who outbid me without flinching.”

“Flinching wasn’t required, I had the means to go for double the price,” he smiled, “-and I presume you did too, Lord Elon. Though I can see that you didn’t wish to give the Cobalt Unit any more money.”

“Astute as well,” the gaze remained stern, “-quite a man of intellect, aren’t you, Mr. Haggard.”

“Coming from a man of more power, I’ll take it as a compliment.”

“I’ve come to know that GateSix has been bought and contracted under Phantom, I wonder why my research group changed side,” he glared at a blond lady in a short skirt, “-if money was the issue then why did they go bankrupt I wonder?” a suspicious gaze turned into a glare. Startled, the lady could but try and look for an answer on the tablet.

“Maybe it was a scheme of a rivaling company. Knowledge is power and I think that you understand said fact the best.”

“You’re right, Mr. Haggard,” an uninterested sigh followed.

“I do apologize,” giving a nod, “-my team and I have to return. Tis was a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Do give Renaud my regards.” Parting with those few inconsequential words, Phantom made its way out of the dome-shaped hall.

“Alison,” turned old man Elon, “-I want you to have a background check on who that boy was. He might be the wind that grows into a typhoon.” Amazed, he walked aided by the stick, ‘-give my Regards to Renaud. So, it is true, that boy is the man they refer to as Shadow. He knew who I was; and he knew why I backed out of the auction. Very, very interesting,’ laughter echoed down the hall.

“Who was that?” asked Yves as they entered Void.

“Neither a friend nor a foe, let’s just say that he has helped us many times before. A mystery of a man, the richest and most powerful man on the planet. I’ve got a feeling that this isn’t the last we’ll hear of him.”

Now night, the drive back to the airport was calm and peaceful. The streets were less crowded for all were inside their houses. The starry sky was clearer than out in Hidros. It explained why the telescope was built.

“Boss, I’m intrigued as to why you spend so much on that prototype fighter?” asked Yves as the drive neared its end after an hour.

“For research, I’ve gathered a team of talented scholars. Phantom is on its way to making weapons; we could kick start the Antis-2 project again. All the guns which GateSix had manufactured are legally ours. We own them, from their body to mind, they’re mine to rule over.”

“I see,” he smiled, gates opened allowing Void and Cake to enter the airport. A few twists and turns they arrived at the hangar where a truck parked. It had been used to carry items; on it sat four men, five ladies, and children. The most prominent one being Rhee.

“Punctual,” smiled Rhee as the car pulled into the hangar. They who sat half-asleep were awoken by the engine, Void drove slowly till it lined with the plane’s back.

“You made it,” got off Staxius, “-this is GateSix I presume?” walked over, Courtney and Yves stood behind.

“Come on everyone,” she called forth her companions, from right to left, she introduced the members, “-first is Jake, Jason, Hannah, Laurin, Delisa, and me. We make up GateSix.”

Examined the crew, Jake gave a handshake, a slender figure, long hair, a big nose, and light-brown complexion, he seemed to be in the late thirties. Jason was plump, not overweight, just well-fed, curly hair, small eyes, and a tiny nose with a round face, he seemed to be in his late twenties. Hannah bore black hair, pale white skin, and sharp facial features, the youngest in the group aged twenty-two. Laurin had red hair, her face seemed to be tired, a mother of two. Delisa held light brown hair with a perky nose, she resembled an elf in some weird way, a mother of one.

“Good, and the people behind?” asked Staxius.

“I’m June; Jake’s girlfriend,” introduced the remaining lady.

“I’m Denver Styles; Laurin’s husband, a doctor,” murky brown colored hair with glasses and a fatigued face. Beside him stood two children, a boy, and a girl who shyly hid.

“I’m Jonas Ren; Delisa’s Husband, an engineer,” freckled nose and black hair, he had facial features that would mistake him for a lady. Held in a cradle, a two-month-old babe.

“What about you two?” pointed at twins who stood atop the truck, “-Carle and Claire,” they said without much thought.

“Teenagers I presume?” turned Staxius to Rhee.

“Yes, going through the rebellious phase,” she laughed of which the kids heard and clicked their tongue.

“Well,” stood strongly, “-as you know, I now own GateSix. The money has been transferred over to Rhee’s balance, around 600,000 Gold.” Hearing that amount, the teenagers screamed what, with the others stared one another blankly.

“Silence please,” shouted Courtney with a scary stare.

“You heard it right, I’ve paid a fortune to acquire not only GateSix but you as well. Let’s say that I own every single member of GateSix. Slavery might be shunned upon, however, tis not illegal. Therefore, I’ll do what I please. There’s no need for concern, you’ll get 200 Gold each month. Also, for every innovation or good work that is done, there will be a raise. Slavery is a crude term, still, it’s fitting, GateSix will be working tirelessly. I expect results – you’re all smart individuals, think long and hard, the contract has been signed. A new life is about to start, you’ll be living in Hidros, at the capital of Rosespire. More details will be given after we land. Make yourself at home on the plane. I presume your baggage has been loaded?”

“Yes,” they said in tandem.

“Head on inside,” offered, the people walked slowly at a steady pace. What was said created doubt and fear, a tactic to scare the people into cooperating. With such a heavy price tag on their head, subconsciously, the drive and determination to prove their worth left its mark. Last to enter, Rhee smiled at the prospect of starting a new life.

“Carle and Claire,” teleported on the truck, “-your mother has been calling out for the last few seconds,” menacingly, “-I hate disobedient brats more than anything. I’m sure you heard what I said, I own you all. Therefore, if you don’t start behaving, I’ll throw thee all to the military camp, they should straighten you out.”

“Get off your high horse, mister, I don’t care what you do,” shrugged the sister who kept staring her phone.

‘Courtney, take Rhee inside the plane and make sure she doesn’t see what is about to happen,’ spoken through telepathy, the mother entered with a smile as Yves distracted her.

“So, what if you’re rich and powerful, we do what we want,” added the brother who did the same.

“How nice has it been to live in a place without conflict,” smiled Staxius, *Blood-Arts: Crimson Threads,* two droplets of blood pierced straight into the devices.

“WHAT THE HELL,” they stared with anger.

“Don’t forget your place, little brats, I don’t care if your Rhee’s kids. You mean nothing to me, and useless trash will be burnt,” to which, fire burst forth, “-It’s not that I don’t understand how you feel. Hidros is a place where you could die at any minute. If you don’t start to obey from this moment forth, the cold spike against thine neck might be the last of what you see of this world.”

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