The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 310

Chapter 310: Sparks

A combination of strength, wit, and ruthlessness. The start of Phantom; Shadow, Courtney as the secondary Shadow, Yves as the inconspicuous escape artist and negotiator. Led from oversees, Cake the overwatch, and lastly, Elliot.

The sea breeze blew loud and heavy, rotors turned to life – it rivaled the opposing gust. Cargo unloaded; the deal’s intricacies were finalized per Phantom’s term. A deal with the opposite party being held hostage.

“We’ve done it,” voiced Cake loudly through the earpieces. In midair, as the message delivered, the cargo hold boomed with cheers and applause. The guards were ecstatic about how the deal turned out. No bloodshed in comparison to what they were used too.

“Boss,” fully visible, Elliot walked from the doorway and sat close to Shadow, “-did I make the team?” he asked in the general channel. A pin-drop silence ensued after the cheers; many were on edge. Waiting for Shadow’s response felt as if knocking on death’s door. In their mind, the towering figure they worked under was a being untouched and undefeated. Hard was it to not ignore the rumors passing in the underground. The Alchemist working directly for Godfather Renaud who now was a prominent member and right-hand man of the Overlord. Said link made him as powerful as some low-ranked Godfather as he could speak to Renaud without trouble. Not to mention that Renaud personally financed many of Phantom’s risky endeavors courtesy of Cake. The weight he held couldn’t be quantified – a steadfast climb to the top. Under normal circumstances, not many bosses would be afraid of a lonesome alchemist who delivered high-grade drugs. However, Staxius’s feasts prior, mainly, the extermination of a powerful rogue faction, alone, without back-up – the carnage captured after inspection could but be depicted as the apocalypse.

“Your entry,” from staring outside, he glanced over to Elliot who stood with Knightfall strapped on his back, “-welcome to Phantom,” he gave a handshake. “This goes to all who voyage with us back to Halos, you’re now part of the family. I care about one thing, and one thing only, it’s not strength, tis efficiency, and the ability to adapt. Yves displayed his skill to the fullest today, rare have I seen a man change an outcome to his advantage under such pressure. I applaud thee all.”

A few short words, ones resounding deep inside their heart. Complimented by their boss, the feeling of loyalty grew. Watered, Elliot gave a bashful smile then ran off to the cargo-bay. Behind the man who ran, sat Courtney with a shrug. Her smile was one of mischief.

‘Good,’ he thought and stared out, ‘-Elliot’s our eyes. Phantom has begun its march to being an unrivaled force. We’re but pebbles renowned in only a few areas. This deal was a stroke of luck, I dare not think of the vast world waiting. All the money to be made, tis entertaining.’ Headed to Halos, the flight resumed without much interruption.


On that, a few days past, the day from when Class 2-A would set flight to Arda approached. “Eira,” called a voice as she exited the office, “-is it true that our study trip has been approved?” asked a girl who shielded herself from the gust carrying leaves as the weather grew worse.

“Ysmay,” voiced Eira who carried an umbrella, “-come here.” Droplets of water landed on the skin, a tingly feeling with an underlying sensation of cold.

“Thanks,” smiled Ysmay who wiped her forehead, “-lunch break is nearly over,” she paused to examine Eira’s face, “-I can tell that it has been approved.”

“Yes,” they walked down a stone path headed to the battle-arena. Cold and relentless, the once filled yard felt empty; the greyish sky cried. “I’ve gotten the news from Director, it’s settled. We’re taking off on the 6th of December,” spoken in a gloomy tone, Ysmay caught on.

“What’s the matter, did something happen?”

Exchanging glances, “-I’ve remembered something important. We’re not training as trainee adventurers for Kniq.”

“What do you mean?” asked in a high-pitched voice, Ysmay’s face turned for the worse. “We were all excited to learn under your father, what happened?”

“Apparently,” with a sigh, “-we’re going to study under the Ardanian Adventuring Guild,” her eyes lit with glee.

“Is that so,” taking a few steps back into the now pouring rain, “-WERE YOU JOKING THIS WHOLE TIME?”

“Come on,” Eira’ burst into laughter, “-get in here,” she held out the umbrella, “-you do get flustered a lot nowadays. Maybe it’s the fact that your fiancé has returned from Iqeavea?”

“Stop it,” bright red, Ysmay fought hard to avert Eira’s gaze.

“Anyway,” not wanting to harass any longer, “-we’re taking off for Arda. We’ll be studying under many, many representatives, strong adventurers, and scholars. You’ve heard of how Ardanian magic far-outclasses the rest of the world. A land that has been but the mystery, I’ve experienced it first hand, the kingdom is joyful.”

“Shut it,” the walk resumed, “-you just want to head back to see Princess Lizzie, don’t you?”

“H-how did you know?”

“You’ve spoken about her non-stop since you got back,” a bell rang to signal the end of break. Inside the academy, Josiah’s voice echoed down the hall, “-students of Class 2- A, make your way to the battle arena.”

Chatter filled halls turned silent, the students rose straight. “Did something happen?” asked Tony who had drooled over his mouth.

“No idea,” voiced Fletcher as he wiped his eyes.

“Did you do something?” asked Harold with a cough.

“Let me sleep,” sighed Simone.

“Do keep at least a form of decorum,” whispered Timothy. Sat close to one another, the boy’s uncharacterized behaviors made the nobles smile and laugh at times. Buffoons or jesters, the commoners were treated with the respect of a homeless man.

“Boys will be boys,” voiced Anastasia with a humph, “-doesn’t help that the boys of our class are commoners and probably bastards with no fathers.”

“Keep it down,” urged Mille, “-they’ll hear you.”

“I don’t care,” she turned defiantly, “-they can all sleep with the pigs for all that I care.” At that moment, four shadows cast onto her table. Anastasia who had voiced her feelings loudly opened her eyes to being surrounded.

“We’re bastards you say?” smiled Simone, “-care to repeat that to my face?”

“What will you do about it,” stood Anastasia, “-assaulting a lady would be a very commoner thing to do,” she laughed, “-peasants, all of you, if it wasn’t for this school allowing idiotic adventuring seekers to join, I’d have more time studying opposed to wasting breath on idiots.”

“Stop it,” whispered Kim.

“Don’t,” Fletcher held out an index finger, “-we’ve dealt with her shit for 2 years now.”

“I don’t care if you’re a noble or not,” Simone grabbed her collar, “-call the guards for all I care,” mana oozed from his right hand, “-we’re taught magic, not to study but to fight. Us commoners have to survive, we only put up with pompous bitches like you so that we’d not get in trouble. I care not if the hierarchy exists, there’s another rule that trumps your so call authority, and that is,” *snap,* flames burst out his shoulders, “-survival of the fittest, the grip tightened.

“As expected,” she spat, “-commoners resort to violence given any circumstances.”

“It’s been ten minutes,” an emotionless voice came from the hall, the floor turned from beige to white, the room froze in an instant. “Would you like to take this fight outside?” Ice shards summoned against all who stood, “-a single snap will suffice for eternal sleep. Now then,” smiled Eira, “-survival of the fittest was it?” she laughed.

“Here comes the princess,” said in a smug tone, Anastasia rolled her eyes, “-from dealing with the dramas of the low-born to a stuck-up princess, I’m stuck between shit and hell.”

“Anastasia,” sighed Ysmay, “-don’t start this again.”

“I’m a stuck-up princess,” stomped to where the girl stood, “-let’s make it official then, Noble lady from a Viscount’s family,” she threw her glove, “-a no holds barred match. ”

“I’d love the opportunity,” they accepted.

“Here they go again,” voiced Timothy, “-a never-ending feud between friends, a rivalry unlike any other.”

“SHUT IT,” said in tandem, *CLASS 2-A, GET TO THE ARENA THIS INSTANT,* screeched, the intercom blasted with Sophie’s angered voice. Typical arguments, a weekly occurrence, Anastasia held a bad attitude. Nevertheless, her hatred wasn’t that deep, misunderstood, the class accepted how she was.

Sat in a row, Class 2A waited as Sophie paced around in the middle. Murmurs and questions of what happened flew left and right. Anastasia’s demeanor remained unchanged to which she sat far from her classmates.

“Good afternoon students,” in came Josiah with a smile. “I’ve got an update on the exchange program concerning class 2A. Per request, we’ve tried to make arrangements to have Kniq be involved in the program. Sadly, they didn’t fit the criteria, strong as they are, handling a group of up and coming mages isn’t worth the risk. Instead,” he turned to Sophie.

“Instead,” she took over, “-we were offered another deal. Guild Master of Arda; Xenos, has accepted to take class 2A for the program. Arrangements have been made – it will be hosted on the 6th till whenever he decides to end the event. Take this opportunity to learn, Xenos is famed as the hero who saved Sharon. The first Platinum adventurer.” Excitement grew – the wish to study under the King was fulfilled. On that, preparation from their side resumed.

Monday the 2nd came, Arda had steadily grown. Town Eden became well-known, craftsmanship from Arda was sought after. “Boss,” the phone rang in the middle of changing Lizzie. “Hello?” he spoke as the smell emanated out the changing room.

“Our little show of power at the Western Kingdom has given us a little repute. The intel and weapon we provided have changed the course of the war. Exposed on the south, the Eastern Kingdom is losing ground fast.”

“What’s your point?” he asked as the task was fulfilled.

“Well,” she smiled, “-remember the company that went under? There’s a conference being hosted tomorrow at Dreqai, the continent to the West of the empire. The name is Dragoon. Scholars and researchers from all over the world come together and showcase new technology and weapons. Of course, it’s for sale for any party to take. I heard that the lead researchers of GateSix will be showcasing their last uncompleted project.”

“Weapons showcase, will that not be a secretive event, we’re but a nameless organization,” Rosetta carried Lizzie away for she was hungry.

“It is very secretive, only a few people are chosen to attend,” to which a chuckle was heard, “-still, we’re dealing with a new market; the people in attending are Generals of many kingdoms which I remind you, are somewhat poor and weak yet war-hungry. It’s the perfect opportunity to make an impression, we’ve about 4.5 million gold since the deal with the Western Kingdom. From prior events, the most spent was 100,000 gold on a craft from a rather powerful kingdom. Thus, it leads me to say that the most this year will be 500,000 gold.”

“I see,” he smiled and stood out in the garden, “-I presume preparations for my departure has been made?”

“You know me far too well,” she chuckled.

“Alright, I’ll attend Dragoon – my target is GateSix. Thanks for the help, Cake; I might go overboard with the spending.”

“No problem,” she laughed, “-with the cash coming from the drugs trade, we’re only going to get richer.”

Quicker than expected; the Western Kingdom attacked the East. The blame, as opposed to falling on Phantom, was hailed as a strategic masterpiece from General Millar. To be able to predict such a move; it enchanted many chroniclers. A turning point in the war, of which, stood an unnamed entity, Phantom. As far as the outside world was concerned, the arms company only gave weapons, tis was the soldiers who fought long and hard. The real truth and the real scheme; would forever remain a mystery.

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