The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 303

Chapter 303: Courtney

Workers paced from nose to tail. Kept inside a tall and large hangar with reinforced walls and roof, TU-03 stood menacingly. Opened with a clang, the metallic gates to the Airfield parted slowly. Staxius and his supposed twin fought all the way from the mansion.

“Good afternoon, boss,” said a guard on the left side of the car. Opened, white hair swayed out of the window, “-greetings,” turned with a smile, she laid on the door seductively. Winks and a few lick of the lips – the guard could but cough and stare. The main attraction was her breast which seemed to want to escape the jacket.

“Stop teasing them,” said Staxius as the car parked shy of the entrance.

“Not my fault that this body is made for sin,” she laughed, “-how you’d look better if you were a girl,” out of the car, the wind blew. Knee long hair flowed, for female version, her body held no particular uniqueness. Not muscles nothing, slender and thin. Going by looks alone, she seemed weak and unable to fight. The same frame of Staxius when he first took the exam for Claireville Academy, inconspicuous yet deadly. Slammed shut, the car locked with a flash of the light.

“Come on,” she moved closer, Adete slept peacefully on her head, “-no need to be so angered, aren’t you the emotionless killer?” a smug remark paired with a shrug.

“I sure don’t understand where you’ve gotten such a personality,” placing his palm on her shoulders, “-what is done is done, I won’t argue about why you’re here any longer. Waste of breath, instead tell me this, are you here as a friend or foe?”

“Friend or foe...” she paused with a side-glance, “-that’s quite the question,” the wind blew harder, it made her hair flow as if waves, “-why not let me think about it for a bit?”


“Don’t get so carried away,” he took a strong step, “-Daemonum Gladio, you said you hated clichés. Won’t you turning against me to take over my body as a guise of friend be the worst plot?” arms crossed, both stood in the middle of the road. Guards who made rounds stopped and stared, the distinctive white and red hair made them on edge. Called onto Cake for the unusual stop, the secretary made strides towards the duo.

“I’m only teasing,” she patted his shoulder, “-you’re me and I’m you – there’s no need to ask. Read my mind if thou art doubtful. I’ll say it again, I came as the other you, we’re more than family and friend, understand? I’m here to fight – have you not sensed it when we went against Intherna, the joy, and pleasures of being pushed back. That fight had me weirdly aroused, I can’t contain the pleasure I got. The harder you fought back, the more pain she sustained, the more I felt my libido.”

“Boss,” waved Cake in the distance, her posture and walk hampered by the blowing wind. An invisible barrier of power that was mother nature. The power to force all being into submission.

“She’ll be here soon,” commented Staxius, “-I presume you’re here to fight. Therefore, let’s do it as one, Creation has more than we aren’t aware of. We’ve become Gods, and we’ve taken over the responsibility of carrying souls to the afterlife. Kniq was good as an adventuring party to help in opening a guild in Arda. Now that’s complete, I’ve no further use – the next order of business is the creation of an army. Phantom is where I’ll settle.”

“Sounds promising, the blood trade, I’ll fight as long as I have pleasure in doing so. Now then, what about a name, Daemonum Gladio doesn’t abide by the norm. It’s as if yelling a spell or summoning a demon; not ladylike if you ask me.”

“A name, let’s just say you’re my twin sister. Separated by birth, what you say?” he asked.

“Cortney Haggard,” she offered.

“Courtney?” paused to think, “-I like it,” he smiled, “-welcome to the family, dearest sister,” patting her head, he smiled.

“Boss,” Cake managed to walk against the wind, “-why are you standing in the open?” she asked. “Hold on a moment,” staring her, two Staxius’. “Did you clone yourself?” she asked.

“No, of course not,” glimpsing at his twin, “-this is my long-lost twin. Long lost as if I found out yesterday, becoming the first platinum adventurer made finding me easier.”

“Well Boss,” stopped, Cake shook her head in disbelief. “I won’t question anything,” she walked closer, “-definitely better as a woman,” she commented, “-I’m Cake.”

“Please to make your acquaintance, Cake, I’m Courtney Haggard,” gentle and courteous, the mannerism matched Staxius.

“Twin, you both speak similarly,” on which she turned and led the way to the plane. “The guests are sure to arrive soon,” pointing to the hangar, “-we’ve made preparations.”

“Good job,” nodded Staxius, “-Courtney, I’ll go check on the plane, what will you do?”

“I’m going to follow you,” she glared that went unnoticed by Cake.

“Catch me if you can then,” toggling Shadow-Step, he dashed across the airfield.

“Don’t get so smug, brother,” glued to his back, they ran at the same speed.

On that, a few hours went by, guests were asked to make it before 17:30. Punctual as they were nobles, luxurious cars drove in and went around the runway. Gallienne, Piers, Sely, were the first to arrive. Next came Undrar and Auic. Josiah, Sophie from Claireville Academy. Cake stood at the ready for she would represent Phantom. Surprisingly, Prince Ernis, Aceline, Scott, and Lucy made the trip.

“Glad you all could make it,” said Staxius waiting next to the staircase into the plane. A carpet was deployed for the nobles to walk onto. No exchange of words, the guests were shocked out of speaking for the place held more authority. Expansive with cold-blooded guards standing with guns at the ready. No other guests – despite the list being long, arrived. At 17:45 sharp, even if more were to show up; none would be allowed inside. Taxied onto the runway, Staxius sat next to Courtney. Behind, the guest sat with eyes wandering around the place as if it were out of the ordinary. Such a display of power, fame, money, and strength. The stairs retracted; a rumbling signaled the massive engines coming to life. Turn upwards, it would take off vertically as opposed to a normal plane. Three crewmen with two controlling the guns. Gesturing a thumb’s up, the engines gradually increased in power, the force had many in fear. A resemblance to the echoes of wars not so long ago.

‘I better engage with the guests,’ stood, “-tis a pleasure to see thee have made it for a joyful occasion.” Royalty sat opposite one another, they cheered with wine glasses in hand.

“Refusing would be an insult,” added Ernis, “-I’ve longed to see the province from where my dear friend hails.”

“We had to come,” added Gallienne with a flustered face, “-we’re allies.” The exchange of pleasantries continued till Piers spoke out, “-Majesty,” he interjected in a polite tone, “-is the lady who sits at the front a relative of yours?”

“I heard my name,” she stood with grace.

‘Damn it,’ thought Staxius, ‘-Courtney’s going to use Dark-arts.’

“It’s a pleasure to make the acquaintance of my brother’s comrades,” giving a curtsy, “-I’m Courtney Haggard – his long lost twin sister.”

“Twin sister you say,” paused Ernis, “-you do look alike,” stating the obvious, Gallienne took a sip out of her glass.

“I do sense the same amount of mana emanating from you both,” her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

‘Do something,’ an elbow to the rib forced her to cough.

“I do apologize,” smiled Staxius, “-must be air-turbulence,” he added without sounding disingenuous.

“Tis a simple explanation,” the now angered Courtney turned to the Queen, “-twins are often one of the same. One could say we’re fragments of the same soul – separate yet united. Twins are rare, and the connection we share is often misinterpreted as lies or want for attention. I’ll say but one thing, Staxius and I are related by more than blood.”

“Do work on thy phrasing,” voiced Staxius, “-you make it sound so scandalous,” to which all who partook in the conversation laughed. “Why don’t you speak for longer,” offered Staxius who left to check on the others.

“Director Josiah and Sophie,” two seats after, “-it’s good to see that thee have accepted my invitation.”

“Oh, it’s no trouble,” flushed, Josiah said with an oblivious smile, “-I only wish that we could have done a little more.”

“It did come as a surprise to see you have a twin,” added Sophie with a not so joyful mood.

“Not that I wanted to hide the truth, it sort of happened – thus the result.”

“No matter,” she ate snacks one after the other, “-I’m only waiting to see your adorable babe. Do you think she’ll call me Auntie Sophie?”

“Auntie Sophie,” he laughed, “-I had no idea you wished to grow old so quick.”

“Listen here,” she nearly stood, -I’m not old, not yet anyway,” sitting down with a pout, “-you’ve outlasted your welcome, do jump off as punishment.” Nodding as if to say it was a good joke, he moved to Auic and Undrar.

“Hello Guild master,” smiled Auic.

“Hello brother,” added Undrar.

“Is something the matter?” he asked sensing doubt from the ladies.

“Yes actually,” added Undrar, “-I’m quite baffled by her sight,” she pointed at the twin. “She acts and speaks exactly like you,” her eyes narrowed, “-even her aura is powerful.”

“Don’t mind Viola,” interjected Auic, “-she’s a little upset by an argument she had with Julius before coming here. Apparently, Fenrir wanted to come sadly, Julius forced her to stay. Ayleth’s marriage isn’t far off – preparation has them in utter chaos.”

“It’s no issue,” he smiled, “-I’m glad you could make it.” Paused a little, “-I’m sorry,” he bowed.

“Sorry for what?” asked Auic whilst Undrar reached out to stop the gesture.

“I’m sorry for leaving Kniq behind. You all separated because of my selfish agenda.”

“What is this?” Undrar gave a small slap, “-you did nothing wrong,” she smiled, “-we heard it from the news. You rescued the apostle from Kreston – eight months fighting; First platinum Adventurer, you’ve made our guild proud.”

“Besides,” interjected Auic, “-you did tell us about the goal of opening a guild in Arda. We know from the start that tis was the goal – eventually, we’d have to part ways. Viola recounted us the tale of how you left the Silver Guardians as well. People move on, we’ve outstayed our use – tis understandable,” her fox ears sulked.

“What’s this talk all about,” he patted her head, “-I’ve not abandoned you. There’s more to do down the line – I’ll be seeking the help of my Guild-mates soon enough. Don’t get rusty, for now, do enjoy the coming feast.” Heart at ease, a master of words, many of the people on board were distant. Still, engaged in conversation, their worries turned to naught.

“How’s it going?” asked Staxius after hugging Scott.

“Good actually,” he gave a firm embrace, “-the plane is amazing, I had no idea you were this rich,” his eyes continued to wander around, “-out of curiosity,’ he leaned, “-how much is it worth?”

“250,000 Gold,” replied Staxius.

“Holy,” nearly choking on a biscuit, he sat back down and had water.

“Hello, Staxius,” voiced Lucy, “-long time no see.”

“Long time no see,” they shook hands, “-what happened to Aceline?” the idol slept peacefully.

“Oh,” abled to speak, “-she’s a little fatigued from the auditions.” On that, their conversation continued, outside, the scenery changed as they flew over Dorchester and reached Arda – a massive tree, bigger than a mountain came in view.

“Alright everyone,” upfront, Staxius spoke loudly, “-we’re going to land shortly. The province of Arda isn’t that much different from what you know. Given the disparities, there’s no need for concern – you’re here today as guests and comrades of the King. I’ll say but one thing, enjoy the feast. I shall see you all once we’ve landed,” nodding his head, “-I’ll be back.” *Ancient Magic: Teleportation.*

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