The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 296

Chapter 296: Selfishness

‘Ikahmite, Ruby, Emeralds, and Gold.’ Shone up high, the sun smiled relentlessly. No clouds, only a clear blue sky complimenting the greenery from the forest. ‘I’ve struck the motherload,’ he thought and stood, hand covering the eyes as the sun kept spreading light and heat. ‘I knew it,’ sprouting wings once again, ‘-Arda is amazing.’ Dashed into the clear sky, he headed for the Capital.

Another two days went by, from paying heed to the state’s trouble, a new goal presented itself. 24th of November, two days away from the feast, Staxius called a meeting with the university and the Smiting guild. Sat in a conference room at the university, a place for the scholars, the display of data that referred to the site of a new potential mine. Started at 10:00, it ended at 15:00 with the number of details given. Alchemy was used heavily to prove the trace of ore in that area, many tests, and a primitive underground map of the site.

“Any who have questions, do speak out,” he voiced at the center. Five groups of five or more were seated around the room. The dwarves were at the center and closest to Staxius. For the remaining four, split into teams, each sat on the right and left side respective of their class and subject.

“Majesty,” the left side spoke out, “-how do you wish to begin on building the mine. Surely, is it not the job of the dwarves to handle the activity?”

“Wrong,” he voiced, “-does one as smart as thy think that being smart means thou art not going to get thine hands dirtied. I do apologize, student, the quest for knowledge involves more than reading in a cozy room. You must know this,” he faced the other, “-there’s a new idea I have in mind.”

“Majesty,” another called from the right side, the side in which were seated the older generation of scholars. Mostly people who had assisted in his many projects, “-does it involve magic?”

“Very perceptive,” he turned to the interface, “-if we were to use the traditional method, I’m afraid that the current technology is lacking. Opposed to using science which is our less than amicable ally, why not use magic,” a slideshow of what the procedure would be, displayed across. ”


“Marvelous,” applauded the right side, “-you’ve our backing and support, majesty,” they smiled.

“Count us in,” smirked Skokdrag.

“What about you?” turning to the left side, “-do you wish to partake in the project?”

“We’d like to turn it down,” voiced the leader of the younger scholars, “-I do realize it’s for the economic gain of Arda,” the face seemed reluctant, “-it’s better for us to assist on the theoretical side. Our Professors,” facing the old wizards, “-are more qualified for such an endeavor.”

“Good,” the white and beige room of which had a slope with rows of the chair every few centimeters, went round in a curve. Windows painted dark-blue as to not let the sun interfere, the meet ended.

“Details of what is to be done will arrive tomorrow,” he yelled as the young scholars left. A nod of acknowledgment told what needed to be known.

“The site,” came the Elder Wizard, “-when is it that we take to the scene?” he asked.

“Well, elder,” reaching in a bag, “-here are some schematics for Earth spells. They’re experimental and are purposefully written to not cause disturbance whilst underground. Each tunnel and path dug will be reinforced by the ground itself – Wooden support might be lethal considering the ores.”

“New magic,” said one of the apprentices. “-will you be requiring other machines?” asked one from the Engineering faction.

“Not today,” returning a smile, “-I’ll head onto the site right away. The first order of business is to pave the way to the area – it’s very, very, far from the capital. I’ll be leaving the responsibility on Elder Kruse,” giving a handshake, “-it’s a stepping stone for the university, work together with Skokdrag, they’re already the masters at mining. I’ll finish out the map and level the land for easy construction,” turning to Skokdrag, “-I heard of the Dwarven mine emptying due to demand. Take this opportunity and make it worth thy people’s time. Payment will be issued by the Guild. The more profits, the more the wages – make it work, people, the future is in thine hands.”

“As you wish,” bowed Skokdrag followed by the Wizards.

“I’ll be off – make sure to sent weekly reports of the progress,” *Snap.*

‘That handles the mine,’ teleported into the office chair, a puff of green smoke spewed. ‘I’m confident on the profits we’re about to make, the coffer is well on its way to being full.’

*BANG,* “-STAXIUS,” stood in the doorway, a menacing figure of which oozed a reddish aura.

“Who is it?” glimpsing, “-is there something the matter?”

“Is there something the matter?” it laughed, *WOOSH,* “-MOST DEFINITELY,” the aura moved from the door to behind in an instant, *Death Element: Magical Barrier,* summoned, *CRASH,* it broke, *Splash,* the deep sound of sword coming in contact with flesh.

“Satisfied?” he asked, the left arm, now a lump of flesh, fell to the ground. Blood gushed and formed a puddle that echoed with a disturbing noise each time it hit the floor.

“STAXIUS!” came to senses, “-why did you not block the attack?” asked Xula with a worried face – Prophecy stood by with a confused look.

“Why did I not block the attack?” fatigued, “-I’m weak,” he picked up the lump and met her eyes, “-can’t you sense it?” it reattached following a blackened glow. “What was that outburst about, have you a grudge against me?” asked with a stern tone, Xula stepped back.

“N-no,” stood formally, “-I just wanted to cause a little trouble,” innocently, her foot twirled nervously, “-I heard from my informants that many pressing issues were handled with haste. The project of the mine was approved. Many are happy that progress is happening, good job opportunities for those who aren’t able to become adventurers. Maybe I’m jealous,” her voice trailed in the end.

“Jealous of what,” he stood and embraced her tightly, “-I’m doing this for your sake. You’re always doting on people, not that it’s an issue. It’s just that I had to teach them a lesson of not toying with my wife’s generosity. Is it that bad a thing, opening the mine will be a staple of so many changes. We’ve rich lands, fertile soil, Arda’s capability are endless,” he smiled, “-I do realize that we pride ourselves in caring for mother nature, that is why I don’t want to overly develop the province. Limited to the mine only – next project is the betterment of paths, it???s hard enough on the farmers to sell their wares out in the wild. Either they come to the capital after weeks and months of travel or get killed by monsters. Town Eden is there for the people to sell their wares, a trading town. Stone paths linking villages and towns will facilitate so much.”

“I see,” she pushed him away, “-you’ve seen that far in the future,” her face seemed disappointed, “-fine...” she breathed, “-do what you want, King,” rolling her eyes, she moved to the door and vanished.

“PROPHECY,” yelled Staxius, “-don’t you dare move away before I say so,” he urged.

“But M-Majesty,” she turned, “-the queen requires my presence...” distraught, she knew not what to do nor say.

“It’s not a request,” *Blood-Arts: Crimson Threads,* “-I’ve infused the blood with mana-cancellation. Come in contact with a single thread and you might affect Xula’s recovery.”

“You win,” knelt inside a prison of blood, her eyes seemed dulled.

“I don’t mean anything malicious by it,” walking closer, “-I only want the reason why Xula got agitated all of a sudden.”

“Majesty,” shaking her head, “-you sure are clueless to the ways of a lady’s heart.”

“Thanks for stating the obvious,” added in jest, they laughed.

“She’s not angry, tis but an act to have thine attention. You’re too busy, she misses you a lot. Gone for months at a time, now that you’re in Arda, she felt at ease, however, you’re still out of her reach. Planning for the future and the kingdom, caring too much for her, she’s overwhelmed. Even if she wanted, getting angry at someone who tries his best at making a better future for the people he cares about would be selfish. Queen Shanna is holding back, she wants to spend more time with you – now that Lizzie is born, the fear of you forgetting about her has caused all said confusion.”

“I see,” he stood, *Dispel,* “-you’re right,” he smiled, “-still, I’m not going to bow down, not just yet anyway. Let her suffer a little more,” laughter ensued, “-I made a vow, tis up to her to remember,” on that, he teleported out of the palace.

“Are you sure it wise to play like that?” asked Adete whilst mid-flight, “-I might have been asleep for days. What you’re doing here, from a girl’s perspective, is rather scummy,” the speed at which they flew had the first progenitor holding on tightly. The floor changed so fast her brain couldn’t process the information.

“Come on,” stopped at the will be mine-site, “-I’d rather speak through actions than words. If she’s confused, let her be confused.”

“Gosh, you’re such an idiot,” argued Adete, “-good night.”

‘Not that I’m purposefully trying to hurt her. Priority at hand is to make sure the feast is cared for without trouble. I’ve seen first hand what jealousy can make a person do. Trust is important, I trust Xula to make the right decision – it’s not tough to ask for the same feeling.’ Stood in the middle, the trees seemed saddened. ‘In no way can I do what I’m hoping for with D E A T H gate activated.’ Eyes closed; the fingers gracefully moved across; ancient tongue. *Power of mine which has been locked, I call on thy, unshackle the first seal: HELL’S GATE,* Lightning struck, a heavy mist enveloped the area, the ground shook, a surge of mana welled and unleashed from the inside out. The hair levitated, ‘-this is only the first level,’ amazed at how much power it held, “-Time to go to work.” Right to left, the uneven ground leveled. A small path built itself, a temporary barrier made of stone rose around the middle. Dead center, an entrance brought to existence – it led down into a mineshaft, reinforced by rocks and ending after few meters under. *SNAP,* burst opened, the recoil of the heavy usage of mana tore apart the arms and bones. With a few muscles visible, the emotionless eyes grew dim, *Poof,* ‘-I overdid it,’ he fell to the floor.

“MASTER,” yelled Adete, no response came, night time soon approached. ‘Damn it,’ bolting across as if a bullet, she made way to the castle. Dusk arrived, the first star shone onto the orangish sky. ‘If I don’t make it back, this can spell disaster.’

“Prophecy,” feeding Lizzie, “-do you think I went a little over the top earlier?” the room felt chilly, Prophecy materialized and watched fondly as the babe drank.

“Not really, you have a right to be selfish,” winked Prophecy, *CRACK,* as if a bullet, the window broke open. “GET BACK,” yelled the spirit, a star-shaped barrier with five golden swords blocked any potential threat.

“At ease,” voiced Xula, “-that’s the first progenitor.”

“Majesty,” head covered in blood, “-it’s Staxius, he’s injured and doesn’t want to wake up.”

Before what she said could be processed, “-shut it,” stumbled in a fatigued figure. Barely human, “-who says I’ve not woken up,” he laughed and held Adete’s mouth shut.

“Get some rest, Xula, I’ll go wash up,” clothes torn, half of the face missing, half of flesh and half of bones, regeneration didn’t kick in. ‘Guess my mana pool is close to being used up,’ sustaining such injuries, raising a finger let alone walking would have been impossible. Despite that, using Crimson Threads to turn into a puppet, Staxius walked towards the door.

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