The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 293

Chapter 293: Cobweb

“Will that suffice?”

“Yes, Boss,” replied a lady dressed in black. Flashing light went up and down the runway, on one end, a plane – gigantic and impressive. The nose seemed as if one of a bear – docile yet intimidating. Four rotary engines each being twice if not thrice as big as Void. Painted in a greenish-brown – the back opened with multiples of cargo getting ready to fly out. In the bunch, arms, God’s Ale, and Angel’s dust. Opposite the office, in a corner, a white tower stretched high towards the sky, the command center.

“We should really step away,” voiced a man in a black lavish suit with white and red hair.

“I agree,” besides, a lady with a tattoo on her neck followed suit. Stood in line, guards dressed in tuxedos and armed with guns. The deafening sound of the engine starting, the rumble made was proof enough of how powerful the craft was.

‘It’s been a little over a month since the day I met up with the Lymsey sisters. It was a lovely time, a proper send off to the students. Between making god’s ale, angel’s dust, and investing my time into Phantom – I’ve sort of neglected the guild. Kniq that is, checking on Auic, she said, “-the guild is fine. Apart from the Lymsey sisters, the adventurers are questing, killing monsters – mainly the tower at Plaustan. There’s money to be made, you shouldn’t worry.”

‘A good enough response; her attitude seemed a little jaded. Not that it matters, Undrar is the one in charge as we decided months ago.’ The lift opened with a ting.

“Boss,” pushing aside a sliding door, “-the Godfather is pleased,” files were placed onto the table. A dark with heavy colored office, with a deep crimson carpet, a globe of the planet sitting next to a wall. Couches closest to the door, Cake paced around the room with skips here and there.


“Renaud is pleased,” checking the report, “-that’s a lot of money.” [400,000 Gold in Arms]

“I told you,” she turned and winked, “-the arm’s trade is a market filled with money. With the export of drugs, the money made there was 200,000 Gold. All of it is going into Phantom’s net worth. You’re free to take as much as you want, boss, after all, the gold we’re bringing in daily is jaw-dropping.”

“That excludes the assets we have,” the chair turned and faced out the window, “-the land, buildings, vehicles, Phantom is surely spreading its wing around the world, all that is thanks to you,” he stared at Cake who gazed upon the runway.

“Don’t give me all the credit,” she turned, closed her eyes, and smiled, “-after returning, taking the mantle of Boss – Phantom grew to be more vicious. Our leader is the famed killer Shadow, our rivals were scared upon hearing the name. Not to mention – choosing to invest in textile companies own partly by Blade’s End, buying the formula and right to manufacture of Mana and Health Potions from the Alchemist Guild. Phantom has a monopoly on essential businesses that will remain relevant. I do think the investment in Mana potions was well worth the money,” facing a chair, she took a seat.

“Over here,” she waved, Staxius joined her and had a late-night snack. “I do wonder how you managed to procure such favor from that guild, did you threaten them?” she asked whilst sipping tea.

“Not really,” thinking back, he paused.

“Master Alchemist Flein,” sat in an office with Clarise standing to the side, “-I’ve come as a potential business partner,” spoken with a formal tone, Staxius held a smile.

“What is it that you wish to discuss, Alchemist?” suspicious, the old man stroked his whitened beard.

“I’ve examined the mana potions and healing potions,” opening a briefcase, “-and I’ll say that both are below average,” checking on Clarise who seemed on edge, the attention focused on handling the negotiations. “Funds are running low for the guild,” voiced without waiting, Flein was taken aback from the statement.

“Are you mocking us?” he asked and peered over his reading glasses.

“No, that isn’t my intent,” leaning to the table, “-as I see it, If Arda were to start producing Healing potions and Mana potions, you heard me right, Mana potions, I’m sure it would not be that hard to run the Alchemist sect into the ground. I know from Raulf that the funds were given as compensation for potions by the Queen,” giving a lecherous smirk, “-having contacts goes a long way in the world. In no way do I wish to harm the sect, however...” tapping the chair’s handle, Flein’s anxiety rose.

“Are you that desperate to threaten a sect that stands on the verge of collapse. Our funding was cut a few weeks ago, on the day the first Platinum adventurer was announced. We’ve been losing members ever since, and now you come as if a savior; rather, I’d say an opportunist,” stomping towards the table, she glared.

“What’s wrong with taking opportunities?” he asked, “-I’ll make thee this deal,” facing Flein, “-come under my wing. Become researchers for Phantom, as far as I know, the Alchemist Sect is private. Though funded by the Queen, it’s nothing more than a side-project – a training ground for potential researchers to enter the Cobalt unit,” spoken in an intriguing tone, Flein’s curiosity piqued fully.

“Do tell,” the old man reached closer. “Grandfather!” spoke out Clarise.

“Listen, if the offer assures the safeguard of this sect, the place we hold so many memories, then I care not,” resolute, the Master Alchemist’s authority forced the girl into stepping back. As a way of showing her discontent, she clicked her tongue defiantly.

“What I want is for the Alchemists, as a whole, to come work for Phantom. You won’t be forced to do anything, all will remain the same except all the research, potions, and anything that has been produced before will be ours to own. Scholar thirst for knowledge,” reaching down, another briefcase, “-I present you,” opened with a blinding glow, “-the first-ever Relic-Class scroll to ever be found,” visibly shaken, Flein tried to reach and grab to the item, even Clarise could but stare as if a starved cat. *Click,* closed, “-I not only promise to share what I have found, but I’ll also give the right to study the scroll. It’s been graded and authenticated by Isorin, we even took it to the Order for further testing, the certificates are in the case.”

“What’s your real objective?” asked Clarise, an item that could become a National Treasure, given away to the scholar on a whim. ‘How strange?’ she thought.

“Simple,” he turned, “-I want the alchemist guild and all their scholars. To have a monopoly over the Potions and Scroll’s trade – I’ll share the methodology of how I brew my potions. As for the mana potions, we’ll have to stop production. It’s far too simple for people to reverse engineer the process,” relaxing in the chair, “-the real objective is to gather great minds around the world. The Cobalt Unit under the Emperor’s rule is currently the leaders in research – I want to break that hierarchy. Knowledge is power, and power is what I wish, the power to save those who are under my wing,” breathing out, “-those are dreams for now. Here’s my offer, 325,000 Gold to buy the whole Sect, and additional 100,000 Gold for research with the addition of my papers, and Relic scroll.”

“I-isn’t that a bit too low?” voiced Flein, “-325,000 to own all the alchemist around the continent, I think that’s unfair.”

“You think it’s unfair,” sharply, “-300,000 and 75,000 Gold, and you won’t have access to the scroll. I can close this sect with a single phone call, don’t forget who I am. Greed, lust for money, I gave a fair and honest estimate on how much all of this was worth,” reaching for the phone, “-what will it be?”

“F-fine,” forced, “-I agree.”

“Good,” pulling out a contract, “-sign here, here, and here.” Checking on Clarise, she stood in a corner with a smile, become better than the Cobalt Unit. Made up, her revenge against the scholars who rejected and shunned her for so long could be dished out.

“Here,” tired, Flein leaned back, the chair cracked with the weight.

“Welcome to Phantom, Alchemist Sect,” reaching inside the suit jacket, “-here are two cards, 325,000 Gold and 100,000 Gold in the other. This file contains all relevant information we discussed, and here,” placing atop, the Relic scroll. “I’ll leave this in thy care -for now, I want one thing; find a way to extract the mana that is in the air. There are notes readied to give a head start, don’t disappoint,” he stood, “-don’t disappoint me Clarise. I know how much you hate losing,” whispered, “-I promise to slowly bring in more talented people. Together, you are to become the leaders,” patting her back, “-see you later, Flein.”

Ended, “-wow,” voiced Cake, “-very cunning. Forcing their hand,” the cup emptied, “-how did their Sect suddenly stop getting funded?”

“Oh,” with a smile, “-that was my doing. What I said about the sect being a phone call away from shutting down stands true. It might not look it, but I have my way around the upper echelon – give a dog a treat and it can be trained to even kill a man for a piece of biscuit.”

“My oh my,” *Knock, knock,* “-I expected nothing less,” she stood.

“Sorry to interrupt,” in came a boy, “- Boss Karlson is outside waiting to negotiate.”

“Boss,” turned Cake, “-take a break, I’ll handle the negotiation. It’s probably the arrangements for the World Arms display event.”

“Alright,” the door shut, ‘-another day gone,’ loosening the tie, ‘-better go back home,’ into the portal and he appeared into another province. ‘The only reason I bought the Alchemist sect was for the manufacture of weapons. I need to pull some strings in Arda as well, combining both provinces for that sole purpose; that’s the truth. Better be prepared in case of a war – not only must Arda be saved, but Hidros also. Rosespire to be precise. Everything else can be thrown into chaos as long as the people I’ve sworn to protect are safe.’ Returned, Shadow took on the responsibility of Phantom. Backed by Gallienne, the organization was allowed to do as it pleased. No law nor rules imposed – no tax either, the immense favor Oxshield was indebted had to be paid somehow. Feeding into their ear’s sweet visions and dreams, Shadow made moves around the kingdom. Having a foot in essential businesses. As for the Queen, she didn’t care, her focus and hatred were directed to the expulsion of Kreston from the province. Knowing full well what Staxius said, she moved her pieces, the most prominent one being – Duke Hawkins. An ally recruited by Staxius. Slowly, Phantom was recognized as a successful business – on the surface, the leader of Kniq, Staxius – led the trade of arms. Doors were opened to anyone who wished to purchase weapons. Under, they were part of the Dark-guild, a giant cobweb stretched itself around the continent. Phantom wasn’t the only business to be known to the public, in Iqeavea as well as other continents, major businesses that held a copious amount of fortune reigned supreme.

The Dark guild, a mere myth for the people and a real ghost for those concerned. Their true terror was yet to be known; if challenged, ruin would be brought down onto their foe. Lizzie’s death by the hands of Snow kept hidden, for the most part, was known to the major players. The Death of Shadow’s daughter, a man who sworn and had brought in more than they had dreamed, was killed. Ever since then, assassinations, murders of anyone related to Snow, the forceful takeover of their money-making business. Led by Godfather Renaud and Stanley with rumored involvement of the Overlord – retribution would be served.

Entering the palace with a fatigued face, the maids ran around in panic. Butlers sprinted back and forth; Ruslan stroked his mustache harshly to the point the hairs would fall.

“What’s the matter?” under a chandelier, from right to left, maids bolted across.

“It’s Queen Shanna,” looking up in disbelief, “-she has entered labor.”

The words entered labor made the chest heavy, no care for decorum, “...fuck.”

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